English Cymraeg

Introducing AO1 and AO2 at A-level

AO is short for ‘assessment objective’.

The essays you answer in your exams have marks allocated for AO1 and AO2; make sure you know what the balance is for each exam paper and section.

Click each box in turn to find out more about the difference between AO1 and AO2 in A-level Geography.

Cyflwyno AA1 ac AA2 ar Safon Uwch

Mae AA yn golygu 'amcan asesu'.

Yn y traethodau rydych chi'n eu hateb yn eich arholiadau, mae marciau'n cael eu rhoi am AA1 ac AA2; gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn gwybod beth yw'r cydbwysedd ar gyfer pob papur ac adran arholiad.

Cliciwch bob blwch yn ei dro i wybod mwy am y gwahaniaeth rhwng AA1 ac AA2 mewn Daearyddiaeth Safon Uwch.

Demonstrate KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING of places, environments, concepts, processes, interactions and change, at a variety of scales. (These are the facts you’ve learnt about – case studies, examples, ideas, theories and processes, ‘how stuff works’.)

Dangos GWYBODAETH a DEALLTWRIAETH ynghylch lleoedd, amgylcheddau, cysyniadau, prosesau, rhyngweithiadau a newid ar amrywiaeth o raddfeydd. (Y rhain yw'r ffeithiau rydych chi wedi dysgu amdanyn nhw – astudiaethau achos, enghreifftiau, syniadau, damcaniaethau a phrosesau, 'sut mae pethau'n gweithio'.)

APPLY knowledge and understanding in different contexts to interpret, analyse and evaluate geographical information and issues. (This involves adding value and insight and making a case or argument. In other words, it’s all about taking your knowledge and doing something ‘powerful’ with it – show the examiner what your ‘geo-capabilities’ are.)

CYMHWYSO gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth mewn cyd-destunau gwahanol i ddehongli, dadansoddi a gwerthuso gwybodaeth a materion daearyddol. (Mae hyn yn cynnwys ychwanegu gwerth a mewnwelediad a rhoi dadl. Mewn geiriau eraill, mae'n ymwneud â chymryd eich gwybodaeth a gwneud rhywbeth 'pwerus' â hi – dangoswch eich 'gallu daearyddol' i'r arholwr.)


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Consectetur adipisicing elit.
  • Explicabo tempore quia enim quod.
  • Perferendis illum, quae id natus dolores.
  • in qui? Quos tempore illo, dolor illum est.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Consectetur adipisicing elit.
  • Explicabo tempore quia enim quod.
  • Perferendis illum, quae id natus dolores.
  • in qui? Quos tempore illo, dolor illum est.

Study the statements. Geographers do more than recite facts. They use the information to gain insights, make connections and argue a viewpoint.

Drag the AO1 factual statement to match the correct AO2 argument.

Astudiwch y gosodiadau. Mae daearyddwyr yn gwneud mwy nag adrodd ffeithiau. Maen nhw’n defnyddio’r wybodaeth er mwyn ennill mewnwelediad, gwneud cysylltiadau a dadlau safbwyntiau.

Llusgwch y gosodiad ffeithiol AA1 i gyd-fynd â'r ddadl AA2 gywir.

‘Say it, then weigh it’ – complete the sentence

‘Dweud rhywbeth, yna'i bwyso a'i fesur’ – Cwblhewch y frawddeg

Match each AO1 factual statement...

Cysylltwch bob datganiad ffeithiol AA1...

...with an AO2 argument

...gyda dadl AA2

Correct answers

Atebion cywir


        AO2 Commands

        Here are the main AO2 command words and phrases which you will encounter in different exam papers.

        • Assess – Consider (or weigh up) the role / relative significance / importance / cause of something.
        • Evaluate – Judge the value or success of something, e.g. costs and benefits.
        • To what extent… (do you agree)? – Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument, viewpoint, concept or strategy.
        • Discuss – Offer a considered and balanced review of a statement or viewpoint, supported by appropriate evidence.
        • Examine – Think critically about the topic the question is focused on.

        Gorchmynion AA2

        Dyma'r prif eiriau ac ymadroddion gorchymyn AA2 y byddwch chi'n dod ar eu traws mewn papurau arholiad gwahanol.

        • Aseswch – Ystyried rôl/arwyddocâd cymharol/pwysigrwydd/achos rhywbeth.
        • Gwerthuswch – Barnu gwerth neu lwyddiant rhywbeth, e.e. costau a manteision.
        • I ba raddau... (rydych chi’n cytuno)? – Ystyried rhinweddau, neu fel arall, dadl, safbwynt, cysyniad neu strategaeth.
        • Trafodwch – Cynnig adolygiad ystyriol a chytbwys o osodiad neu safbwynt, gyda thystiolaeth briodol yn ei gefnogi.
        • Archwiliwch – Meddwl yn greadigol am y testun mae'r cwestiwn yn canolbwyntio arno.

        The table below shows essay questions with a high AO2 tariff which have been written in different ways. Can you re-word them in a different style, using an alternate command word or phrase?

        Alternative phrasings for question 1 are shown in the first row of the table.

        Next, write in your own suggested alternative phrasings for questions 2 and 3.

        Click on the eye icon to reveal the hidden text.

        Mae’r tabl isod yn dangos cwestiynau traethawd gyda thariff AA2 uchel sydd wedi’u hysgrifennu mewn ffyrdd gwahanol. Ydych chi’n gallu eu hail-eirio nhw mewn arddull gwahanol gan ddefnyddio gair gorchymyn neu ymadrodd arall?

        Mae ymadroddion amgen (alternative) ar gyfer cwestiwn 1 wedi'u dangos yn rhes gyntaf y tabl.

        Nesaf, ysgrifennwch eich ymadroddion amgen awgrymedig eich hun ar gyfer cwestiynau 2 a 3.

        Cliciwch ar eicon y llygad er mwyn datguddio'r testun cudd.

        AO2 Commands

        Gorchmynion AA2

        Question Alternative phrasing 1 Alternative phrasing 2

        1. Evaluate the success of strategies to reduce earthquake risks in cities.

        To what extent have strategies to reduce earthquake risks in cities been successful?

        ‘Strategies to reduce earthquake risks in cities are never successful.’ Discuss this statement.

        2. Evaluate the view that globalisation is still continuing to accelerate.

        'Globalisation is still accelerating.' Discuss this statement.

        To what extent is globalisation still accelerating?

        3. ‘Mismanaged water or carbon stores cannot be restored to their original state.’ Discuss this statement.

        To what extent can mismanaged water or carbon stores be restored to their natural state?

        Evaluate strategies to restore mismanaged water or carbon stores to their original state.

        Cwestiwn Ymadrodd amgen 1 Ymadrodd amgen 2

        1. Gwerthuswch lwyddiant strategaethau i leihau'r perygl o ddaeargrynfeydd mewn dinasoedd.

        I ba raddau y mae strategaethau i leihau'r perygl o ddaeargrynfeydd mewn dinasoedd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus?

        ‘Nid yw strategaethau i leihau'r perygl o ddaeargrynfeydd mewn dinasoedd byth yn llwyddiannus’. Trafodwch y gosodiad hwn.

        2. Gwerthuswch y safbwynt bod globaleiddio yn dal i barhau i gyflymu.

        'Mae globaleiddio yn dal i gyflymu.' Trafodwch y gosodiad hwn.

        I ba raddau y mae globaleiddio yn dal i gyflymu?

        3. 'Ni ellir adfer storfeydd dŵr neu garbon sy'n cael eu camreoli i'w cyflwr gwreiddiol.' Trafodwch y gosodiad hwn.

        I ba raddau y gellir adfer storfeydd dŵr neu garbon sy'n cael eu camreoli i'w cyflwr naturiol?

        Gwerthuswch strategaethau i adfer storfeydd dŵr neu garbon sy'n cael eu camreoli i'w cyflwr gwreiddiol.


        The three main AO2 ingredients

        In some essays, around half of all available marks are allocated for AO2.

        In order to access as many as possible, try to make a CASE.

        This mnemonic is based on the three main elements that usually feature in essay mark bands for AO2.

        Below are three different ways of building a convincing argument by ‘thinking like a geographer’.

        C – Make connections and links between different ideas

        ASApply the specialised concepts such as scale, feedback and threshold

        EEvaluate like a geographer (essay mark scheme may also require evaluative conclusion)

        Tri phrif gynhwysyn AA2

        Mewn rhai traethodau, mae tua hanner yr holl farciau sydd ar gael yn cael eu rhoi am AA2.

        Er mwyn ennill cymaint ohonyn nhw â phosibl, ceisiwch roi dadl (CASE).

        Mae'r cofair yn seiliedig ar y tair prif elfen sydd fel arfer yn cael eu cynnwys mewn bandiau marciau traethodau ar gyfer AA2.

        Isod mae tair ffordd wahanol o lunio dadl argyhoeddiadol drwy 'feddwl fel daearyddwr'.

        C – Gwneud cysylltiadau rhwng syniadau gwahanol

        ASCymhwyso (apply) y cysyniadau arbenigol (specialised concepts) megis graddfa, adborth a throthwy

        EGwerthuso (evaluate) fel daearyddwr (efallai y bydd cynllun marcio'r traethawd yn gofyn am gasgliad gwerthusol hefyd)

        Here are some connective phrases which can be used as part of your answer, helping you to ‘scaffold’ the AO2 arguments you need to make.

        Now see how many AO2 phrases of your own you can add in the right-hand column. Then click on the "show suggested response" button. Do any of these phrases match your own? Are any different? Add the extra ones in before printing.

        Dyma rai ymadroddion cysylltiol y gellir eu defnyddio fel rhan o'ch ateb, gan eich helpu i 'sgaffaldio'r' dadleuon AA2 y mae angen i chi eu cyflwyno.

        Nawr, edrychwch i weld sawl ymadrodd AA2 y gallwch chi eu hychwanegu at y golofn dde. Yna, cliciwch ar y botwm "dangos ymateb awgrymedig". A oes unrhyw rai o'r ymadroddion hyn yn cyd-fynd â'ch rhai chi? A oes rhai yn wahanol? Ychwanegwch y rhai ychwanegol cyn argraffu.

        AO2 Phrase bank

        Suggested key AO2 ‘scaffolding’ phrases Can you add any more?

        However, there is also an opposing viewpoint to consider...

        Moreover, the problem is made even worse by another linked issue...

        At a more local scale, the costs may be even more serious...

        In the long-term, these changes could start to be seen as positive...

        Other social groups might experience these changes differently, though...

        Banc ymadroddion AA2

        Ymadroddion 'sgaffaldio' AA2 allweddol awgrymedig Allwch chi ychwanegu mwy?

        Fodd bynnag, mae safbwynt gwrthwynebol i'w ystyried hefyd...

        At hynny, mae'r broblem yn cael ei gwaethygu gan fater cysylltiedig arall...

        Ar raddfa fwy lleol, gall y costau fod yn fwy difrifol...

        Yn y tymor hir, gellid dechrau gweld y newidiadau hyn fel rhai cadarnhaol...

        Er, gallai grwpiau cymdeithasol eraill brofi'r newidiadau hyn yn wahanol...

        Suggested answers below:

        • Furthermore, there are connected knock-on effects…
        • Therefore, the issue becomes even more complex…
        • In the short-term, there could be benefits….
        • At the national scale…
        • At the global scale…
        • Overall, the costs outweigh the benefits…
        • On balance, the challenges outweigh the opportunities…
        • Yet other people may have a different perspective…

        Atebion awgrymedig isod:

        • Ar ben hynny, mae effeithiau cynyddol cysylltiedig...
        • Felly, mae'r mater yn dod hyd yn oed yn fwy cymhleth...
        • Yn y tymor byr, gallai fod manteision...
        • Ar raddfa genedlaethol...
        • Ar raddfa fyd-eang...
        • Yn gyffredinol, mae'r costau yn gorbwyso'r manteision...
        • Ar y cyfan, mae'r sialensau yn gorbwyso'r cyfleoedd...
        • Eto i gyd, efallai fod gan bobl eraill safbwynt gwahanol...