GCE Business assessment objectives

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

AO1 - Demonstrate knowledge of terms, concepts, theories, methods and models to show an understanding of how individuals and organisations are affected by and respond to business issues.

AO2 - Apply knowledge and understanding to various business contexts to show how individuals and organisations are affected by and respond to issues.

AO3 - Analyse issues within business, showing an understanding of the impact on individuals and organisations of external and internal influences.

AO4 - Evaluate quantitative and qualitative information to make informed judgements and propose evidence-based solutions to business issues.

AA1 Dangos gwybodaeth o dermau, cysyniadau, damcaniaethau, dulliau a modelau er mwyn dangos eu bod yn deall sut mae unigolion a busnesau'n cael eu heffeithio gan faterion busnes ac yn ymateb iddyn nhw.

AA2 Cymhwyso gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth at amrywiol gyd-destunau busnes i ddangos sut mae unigolion a busnesau'n cael eu heffeithio gan faterion ac yn ymateb iddyn nhw.

AA3 Dadansoddi materion mewn busnes, gan ddangos dealltwriaeth o effaith dylanwadau mewnol ac allanol ar unigolion ac ar fusnesau.

AA4 Gwerthuso gwybodaeth feintiol ac ansoddol er mwyn llunio barn hysbys a chynnig atebion seiliedig ar dystiolaeth i faterion busnes.

GCE Business assessment objectives

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

It is important to understand that all assessment objectives assess knowledge and understanding. However, AO2, AO3 and AO4 also assess additional skills:

AO1 – just knowledge and understanding

AO2 – applying knowledge and understanding to a specific business or scenario

AO3 – using knowledge and understanding to analyse business information

AO4 – using knowledge and understanding to evaluate business information

So although every question will require learners to use business knowledge and understanding, not all questions will award marks for demonstrating AO1.

Mae'n bwysig deall bod yr holl amcanion asesu yn asesu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth. Fodd bynnag mae AA2, AA3 ac AA4 hefyd yn asesu sgiliau ychwanegol:

AA1 – dangos gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth fanwl yn unig

AA2 – cymhwyso gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth i fusnes neu senario penodol

AA3 – defnyddio gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth i ddadansoddi gwybodaeth busnes

AA4 – defnyddio gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth i werthuso gwybodaeth busnes

Felly, er y bydd pob cwestiwn yn gofyn i ddysgwyr ddefnyddio gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth busnes, ni fydd pob cwestiwn yn rhoi marciau am ddangos AA1.

GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

Jemma Cooper is an award winning business woman and founder and Managing Director of Hi Therapies beauty salon and JemmaCo Beautycare. Her awards include National Young Entrepreneur for Venus Women's Awards 2013, where she is now its national ambassador. In her role as ambassador, the key piece of advice she offers to young people wishing to set up as entrepreneurs is: 'Put together a good business plan which helps you get your ideas out of your head and onto paper in a structured form'.

Adapted: Startup Britain 3 October 2016

Identify and describe two key components of a business plan to someone wishing to start up a new business. [4]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application

AO3: Analysis

AO4: Evaluation

Mae Jemma Cooper yn fenyw fusnes gwobrwyedig ac yn sylfaenydd a Rheolwraig Gyfarwyddwraig salon harddwch Hi Therapies a JemmaCo Beautycare. Roedd ei gwobrau’n cynnwys Entrepreneur Ifanc Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gwobrau Venus Women 2013, lle mae hi bellach yn llysgennad cenedlaethol iddo. Yn ei rôl fel llysgennad, y darn allweddol o gyngor mae hi'n ei gynnig i bobl ifanc sy'n dymuno ymsefydlu fel entrepreneuriaid yw: 'Lluniwch gynllun busnes da sy’n eich helpu i gael eich syniadau allan o’ch pen ac ar bapur ar ffurf strwythuredig'.

Adapted: Startup Britain 3 October 2016

Nodwch a disgrifiwch ddwy gydran allweddol cynllun busnes i rywun sydd eisiau cychwyn busnes newydd.[4]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso

AA3: Dadansoddi

AA4: Gwerthuso

GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

Nigel, a successful sole trader in the retail trade, is seeking to expand his business by forming a partnership with Samaira, a golfing professional and friend. Nigel already owns and runs a shop selling men's clothing and wants to diversify by opening a second shop selling golf equipment which, because of Samaira's golfing expertise, he hopes Samaira will run and manage.

The new golf shop will be situated at a different location from his current shop and Samaira has suggested that they carry out some market research to assess the level of demand for golf equipment in the area.

Suggest and explain two advantages and two disadvantages to Nigel and Samaira of setting up as a partnership. [6]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application


AO3: Analysis


AO4: Evaluation

Mae Nigel, unig fasnachwr llwyddiannus yn y fasnach adwerthu, yn ceisio ehangu ei fusnes trwy ffurfio partneriaethâ Samaira, sy'n gweithiwr golff proffesiynol ac yn ffrind. Mae Nigel eisoes yn berchen ar ac yn rhedeg siop sy'n gwerthu dillad dynion ac mae am arallgyfeirio trwy agor ail siop a fydd yn gwerthu offer golff mae'n gobeithio y bydd Samaira yn ei rhedeg ac yn ei rheoli oherwydd ei arbenigedd golff.

Bydd y siop golff newydd mewn lleoliad gwahanol i'w siop bresennol ac mae Samaira wedi awgrymu y dylent gynnal rhywfaint o ymchwil marchnata i asesu lefel y galw am gyfarpar golff yn yr ardal.

Awgrymwch ac eglurwch ddwy fantais a dwy anfantais i Nigel a Samaira o ymsefydlu fel partneriaeth. [6]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso


AA3: Dadansoddi


AA4: Gwerthuso

GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

The diagram below shows the product life cycle for the Xerxes Smart Phone.

product life cycle for the Xerxes Smart Phone

Evaluate the usefulness of product life cycles to a business. [8]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application

AO3: Analysis


AO4: Evaluation


Mae’r diagram isod yn dangos cylchred oes cynnyrch ffôn clyfar Xerxes.

product life cycle for the Xerxes Smart Phone

Gwerthuswch pa mor ddefnyddiol yw cylchredau oes cynnyrch i fusnes. [8]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso

AA3: Dadansoddi


AA4: Gwerthuso


GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

R&D and production in the car industry

Tesla Motors specialises in producing electric cars and in 2016 planned to produce between 80,000 and 90,000 electric cars. In 2016 Tesla Motors also announced that it is on track to produce 500,000 electric cars per year from 2018, as it boosts investment in flow (mass) production. Tesla's share price increased at the announcement of this news, even though the company losses have deepened due to its expansion costs.

The Morgan Motor Company Ltd, on the other hand, has been hand-making their specialist classic cars and sports cars since 1910 by very highly-skilled workers, using job and batch production techniques. The company makes just over 1300 cars per year and its Plus 8 model takes 30 days to build with average customer waiting times of 6 months for delivery.

Although both companies produce cars differently, both value the importance of research and development in enhancing their product ranges.

Discuss the appropriateness of the production methods used by Tesla Motors and the Morgan Motor Company Ltd. [8]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application


AO3: Analysis


AO4: Evaluation


R&D and production in the car industry

Mae Tesla Motors yn arbenigo ym maes cynhyrchu ceir trydan ac yn 2016 roedd yn bwriadu cynhyrchu rhwng 80,000 a 90,000 o geir trydan. Yn 2016, cyhoeddodd Tesla Motors hefyd ei fod ar y trywydd iawn i gynhyrchu 500,000 o geir trydan y flwyddyn o 2018 ymlaen, wrth iddo roi hwb i fuddsoddiad mewn llif-gynhyrchu (masgynhyrchu). Cynyddodd pris cyfranddaliadau Tesla wrth gyhoeddi’r newyddion hyn, er bod colledion y cwmni wedi dyfnhau oherwydd ei gostau ehangu.

Ar y llaw arall, mae Morgan Motor Company Ltd wedi bod yn gwneud eu ceir clasurol arbenigol a'u sbortsceir â llaw ers 1910 gan weithwyr medrus iawn, gan ddefnyddio technegau cynhyrchu yn ôl y gwaith a swp-gynhyrchu. Mae'r cwmni'n gwneud ychydig dros 1300 o geir y flwyddyn ac mae ei fodel Plus 8 yn cymryd 30 diwrnod i'w adeiladu, gydag amseroedd aros cyfartalog i gwsmeriaid o 6 mis ar gyfer danfon.

Er bod y ddau gwmni yn cynhyrchu ceir yn wahanol, mae'r ddau yn gwerthfawrogi pwysigrwydd ymchwil a datblygu wrth wella eu hystod cynnyrch.

Trafodwch pa mor briodol yw dulliau cynhyrchuTesla Motors a'r Morgan Motor Company Ltd. [8]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso


AA3: Dadansoddi


AA4: Gwerthuso


GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

Greggs plc is the largest UK bakery chain with 1743 outlets, including 143 franchised outlets.

Greggs has a vertically integrated supply network which currently comprises twelve bakeries, one distribution centre and one manufacturing centre of excellence for savoury products including pies and pasties.

Evaluate franchising as a method of growth for a business such as Greggs. [6]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application

AO3: Analysis


AO4: Evaluation


Greggs ccc yw'r gadwyn fecysiau fwyaf yn y DU â 1743 o allfeydd gan gynnwys 143 o allfeydd wedi'u masnachfreinio.

Mae gan Greggs rwydwaith cyflenwi wedi'i integreiddio'n fertigol sydd ar hyn o bryd yn cynnwys deuddeg becws, un ganolfan ddosbarthu ac un ganolfan ragoriaeth weithgynhyrchu ar gyfer cynhyrchion sawrus gan gynnwys peis a phasteiod.

Gwerthuswch fasnachfreinio fel dull o dyfu i fusnes fel Greggs. [6]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso

AA3: Dadansoddi


AA4: Gwerthuso


GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

Explain how demographic change might affect a holiday company such as First Choice or Thomson (TUI). [10]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application


AO3: Analysis


AO4: Evaluation

Eglurwch sut y gallai newid demograffaidd effeithio ar gwmni gwyliau fel Thomas Cook neu Thomson (TUI). [10]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


A2: Cymhwyso


AA3: Dadansoddi


AA4: Gwerthuso

GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

“Few large companies truly value ethical matters since they are mainly interested in making as large a profit as possible.” Discuss. [20]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application

AO3: Analysis


AO4: Evaluation


“Ychydig iawn o gwmnïau mawr sy'n poeni am faterion moesegol am eu bod yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar wneud cymaint o elw â phosibl.” Trafodwch. [20]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso

AA3: Dadansoddi


AA4: Gwerthuso


GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

Calculate the contribution per Suntrap which would be made if Summer Sun Ltd’s order was to be accepted. [2]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application


AO3: Analysis

AO4: Evaluation

Cyfrifwch y cyfraniad fyddai’n cael ei wneud am bob Suntrap pe bai archeb Summer Sun Cyf yn cael ei derbyn. [2]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso


AA3: Dadansoddi

AA4: Gwerthuso

GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

Suggest two appropriate sources of finance and outline why they might be suitable for Andrew's business. [4]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application


AO3: Analysis

AO4: Evaluation

Awgrymwch ddwy ffynhonnell briodol o gyllid ac amlinellu pam eu bod yn addas, o bosibl, ar gyfer busnes Andrew. [4]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso


AA3: Dadansoddi

AA4: Gwerthuso

GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

Evaluate the strategy of expanding in overseas markets for a business such as JD Sports Fashion Plc. [10]

AO1: Knowledge

AO2: Application

AO3: Analysis


AO4: Evaluation


Gwerthuswch y strategaeth o ehangu mewn marchnadoedd tramor ar gyfer busnes fel JD Sports Fashion ccc. [10]

AA1: Gwybodaeth

AA2: Cymhwyso

AA3: Dadansoddi


AA4: Gwerthuso


GCE Business assessment objectives

Select which assessment objectives the question is assessing by clicking in the adjacent box.

Amcanion asesu TAG Busnes

Dewiswch pa amcanion asesu mae’r cwestiwn yn ei asesu wrth glicio ar y blwch sydd gyferbyn.

Explain the ways in which Officequip plc could have benefitted from internal economies of scale as a result of increasing its output. [6]

AO1: Knowledge


AO2: Application


AO3: Analysis


AO4: Evaluation

Esboniwch y ffyrdd y gallai Officequip ccc fod wedi elwa ar ddarbodion maint mewnol o ganlyniad i gynyddu ei allbwn. [6]

AA1: Gwybodaeth


AA2: Cymhwyso


AA3: Dadansoddi


AA4: Gwerthuso