Support services for 0-2 year olds

Gwasanaethau cefnogi plant 0-2 oed

6 month old baby with parents

There is a wide range of provision and services available to support 0-2 year olds; some at home and others in clinics and hospitals.

Home visiting:


A health professional trained to support women during pregnancy, childbirth and the early post-natal stage. They work closely with obstetric colleagues and social care partners in cases of physical, social or psychological complexities. Midwives are also responsible for delivering the information listed below to women and their families:

  • examination and monitoring
  • foetus well-being assessment
  • undertaking screening tests
  • keeping records
  • pre-natal care at home, in hospitals and in surgeries
  • providing practical and psychological support for women and their families during childbirth
  • supporting families during pregnancy to prepare for parenthood
  • providing support in cases of bereavement
  • training and mentoring student midwives and others.

Health Visitor

Qualified nurses who have studied further and have experience of midwifery. They mostly work in the community, with children up to 5 years old, and their families. Ensuring that children have the best possible start in life is an important part of the health visitor's work. In partnership with parents, health visitors will assess:

  • parenting skills
  • the family and home environment
  • the developmental needs of young children.

Health visitors work alongside school nurses, doctors, social workers and other health professionals. They work from homes, clinics or surgeries.

The health visitor's role is to:

  • provide support before and after the birth
  • offer support to the family as they raise their young children
  • provide advice on feeding babies and children
  • assess the growth and development needs of young children
  • support children with additional needs
  • give advice on behaviour management techniques
  • give advice on how to mitigate risks and prevent accidents
  • provide information on local services.

Health visitors have an essential role in working with other organisations to safeguard and protect babies and children. They are trained to identify risk factors, causes of concern, and any signs of abuse or neglect with regard to children. Health visitors usually recognise when a child is in danger of harm, understand what action to take and what needs to be done to safeguard that child. They also ensure that families receive the best possible support as part of formal safeguarding arrangements.

Family Support Worker

They provide support for families with babies and children who have complex needs. This support enhances parenting competence, adults' competence for work as well as children's educational attendance. The family support worker also works with parents or carers at home or in groups. They often work after ordinary working hours in order to increase the skills, confidence and ability of all family members to enable them to lead positive and safe lives.

Family Assessment

Family assessment provides an opportunity to get to know the whole family better. This assessment helps to decide the best type of support or service for the child and their family. A discussion will be held on how the family is coping with everyday life, what are their concerns and how is the child developing in general. In addition, there will be a discussion on the child's health and development and how they are coping at nursery or at school.

Team around the family (TAF)

This team works closely with families with young children and other agencies to identify problems at an early stage, make changes for the better, and try to prevent problems that could lead to something more serious. A co-ordinator will work with a family to:

  • look for support or services
  • create a team around the family
  • produce a 'family plan' for the family and team members
  • have regular meetings with the family
  • offer services such as parenting skills, mental health support and advice for young people, counselling and therapeutic programmes.

Community Dietician

They provide bespoke dietary advice to individuals, including babies, children and adults. When adapting and making dietary changes, dieticians seek to prevent and treat a range of medical conditions and support people to make appropriate choices in terms of their diet and lifestyle. Community Dieticians see patients in a range of settings including hospitals, care homes, clinics, groups and homes. They work with doctors, community nurses and other health professionals.

Babies enjoy naturally sweet foods, such as apples or bananas, or vegetables such as carrots and potatoes.

When the baby is 6 months old, they can start eating foods such as bread, rice, pasta, meat and fish. It is important to remember that the baby will not like all foods, so it is better to introduce one type of food at a time, and a small amount at a time. It is important not to add sugar or salt to baby food. Sugar damages their teeth and salt damages their kidneys.

The only drink that a baby needs during the first year is breast milk or formula milk and water.

The Health Minister has welcomed a new scheme called 'Healthy Start' which will support low-income families. The scheme provides milk and fresh fruit and vegetables, free of charge, for pregnant women and children. This scheme provides vouchers to eligible people to buy cow's milk and baby formula. The scheme offers greater flexibility and also allows parents to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. Free vitamin supplements will remain a crucial part of the scheme.

Healthy Pre-School Scheme

This Welsh Government scheme aims to encourage nurseries, childminders and family centres to promote and safeguard every aspect of the health of 0-2 year olds. The scheme focuses on:

  • nutrition and oral health
  • exercise/physical activities
  • safety
  • hygiene
  • mental health, emotional health, well-being and relationships
  • the environment.

Each setting that provides care for pre-school children can take part in the scheme. Settings must show that they promote health by following policies and planning carefully. At the end of each stage of the scheme, the setting is assessed once it has reached the minimum standards. They will receive a certificate from Public Health Wales at the end of the scheme.

Open Access Services in the Community

Baby Massage - baby massage groups are for babies between 8 and 24 weeks where parents massage their babies under the guidance of a qualified individual. Parents are given the opportunity to learn and sing nursery rhymes and simple vocabulary to correspond with the movements. Baby massage provides an opportunity to strengthen the bond between parent and child. It helps to soothe and comfort the baby, reduces their emotional distress and supports language and speech development, as well as brain development.

Ti a Fi - Ti a Fi groups are for parents/carers or childminders who care for children below school age. These groups provide an opportunity to meet weekly and offer activities which support children's development from birth to school age. It provides an excellent opportunity to share experiences and to socialise in a Welsh environment. Children who attend Ti a Fi groups are given the opportunity to enjoy and play, to make new friends, to learn simple songs and to listen to stories.

Amser Stori a Chân - a fun session for parents/carers or childminders to listen to stories, learn and sing songs and rhymes. These sessions are an effective way of learning Welsh and provide an opportunity to socialise with other adults.

Further reading:

Mae darpariaeth a gwasanaethau eang ar gyfer cefnogi plant 0-2 oed; rhai yn y cartref ac eraill mewn clinigau ac ysbytai.

Ymweld â’r cartref:


Gweithiwr proffesiynol iechyd wedi’i hyfforddi i gynorthwyo merched drwy feichiogrwydd, genedigaeth a chyfnod ôl-enedigol cynnar. Maent yn gweithio’n agos gyda chydweithwyr obstetreg a phartneriaid gofal cymdeithasol lle mae cymhlethdodau corfforol, cymdeithasol neu seicolegol. Mae bydwragedd hefyd yn gyfrifol am gyflwyno’r wybodaeth a restrir isod i ferched a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr:

  • archwilio a monitro
  • asesu lles y ffoetws
  • cynnal profion sgrinio
  • cadw cofnodion
  • gofal cyn-enedigol yn y cartref, ysbytai a meddygfeydd
  • darparu cefnogaeth ymarferol a seicolegol i ferched a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr yn ystod y broses geni
  • cefnogi teuluoedd/gofalwyr yn ystod y cyfnod beichiogrwydd o ran paratoi i fod yn rhiant
  • rhoi cefnogaeth mewn achosion o brofedigaeth
  • hyfforddi a mentora bydwragedd dan hyfforddiant ac eraill.

Ymwelydd Iechyd

Nyrsys cymwysedig wedi astudio ymhellach ac sydd â phrofiad o waith bydwraig. Maent yn gweithio yn y gymuned gan amlaf, gyda phlant hyd at 5 oed, a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Rhan bwysig o waith ymwelydd iechyd yw sicrhau bod plant yn cael y dechrau gorau mewn bywyd. Mewn partneriaeth â rhieni/gofalwyr, bydd ymwelydd iechyd yn asesu:

  • sgiliau rhianta
  • y teulu/gofalwyr a’r sefyllfa gartref
  • anghenion datblygu plant ifanc.

Mae ymwelwyr iechyd yn gweithio ar y cyd gyda nyrs ysgol, doctoriaid, gweithwyr cymdeithasol a gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol eraill. Maen nhw’n gweithio mewn cartrefi, clinigau neu feddygfa.

Rôl ymwelydd iechyd yw:

  • darparu cefnogaeth cyn ac ar ôl y geni
  • cynnig cefnogaeth i deulu/gofalwyr wrth iddynt fagu eu plant ifanc
  • darparu cyngor ar fwydo babanod a phlant
  • asesu anghenion twf a datblygiad plant ifanc
  • cefnogi plant ag anghenion ychwanegol
  • cynghori ar dechnegau rheoli ymddygiad
  • cynghori ar sut i leihau risgiau ac atal damweiniau
  • darparu gwybodaeth am wasanaethau lleol.

Mae gan ymwelydd iechyd rôl hanfodol wrth weithio gyda sefydliadau eraill i ddiogelu ac amddiffyn babanod a phlant. Maent yn cael eu hyfforddi i adnabod y ffactorau risg, achosion o bryder, ac unrhyw arwyddion o gam-drin neu esgeulustod mewn plant. Mae ymwelydd iechyd, fel arfer, yn cydnabod os yw plentyn mewn perygl o gael ei niweidio, yn deall y camau gweithredu a beth sydd angen ei wneud i’w ddiogelu. Maent hefyd yn sicrhau bod teuluoedd/gofalwyr yn cael y gefnogaeth orau posib yn ystod y trefniadau diogelu ffurfiol.

Gweithiwr Cymorth Teulu

Yn darparu cefnogaeth i deuluoedd/gofalwyr gyda babanod a phlant sydd ag anghenion cymhleth. Mae’r cymorth yma’n gwella cymhwysedd rhianta, cymhwysedd oedolyn ar gyfer cyflogaeth a phresenoldeb addysgol plant. Mae gweithiwr cymorth teulu hefyd yn gweithio gyda rhieni neu ofalwyr yn eu cartrefi neu mewn grwpiau. Yn aml, maen nhw’n gweithio ar ôl oriau gwaith arferol er mwyn cynyddu sgiliau, hyder a gallu holl aelodau’r teulu/gofalwyr fel eu bod yn gallu byw bywyd pob dydd mewn modd positif a diogel.

Asesu Teulu

Wrth asesu teulu/gofalwyr, mae cyfle i ddod i adnabod y teulu cyfan/gofalwyr yn well. Mae’r asesiad hwn yn helpu i benderfynu pa fath o gymorth neu wasanaeth sydd orau i’r plentyn a’r teulu/gofalwyr. Bydd sgwrs yn cael ei chynnal ynglŷn â sut y mae’r teulu/gofalwyr yn ymdopi gyda bywyd o ddydd i ddydd, beth sy’n poeni’r teulu/gofalwyr a sut mae’r plentyn yn datblygu’n gyffredinol. Hefyd, maen nhw’n trafod iechyd a datblygiad y plentyn a sut mae’n ymdopi yn y cylch meithrin neu’r ysgol.

Tîm o amgylch y teulu/gofalwyr

Mae’r tîm yma’n gweithio’n agos gyda theuluoedd/gofalwyr sydd â phlant ifanc ac asiantaethau eraill er mwyn cydnabod problem yn gynnar, gwneud newidiadau er gwell, a cheisio atal problemau y gall arwain at rywbeth mwy difrifol. Bydd cydlynydd yn gweithio gyda theulu/gofalwyr, er mwyn:

  • chwilio am gymorth neu wasanaeth
  • creu tîm o amgylch y teulu/gofalwyr
  • llunio ‘cynllun teulu’ ar gyfer y teulu/gofalwyr ac aelodau o’r tîm
  • cynnal cyfarfodydd rheolaidd gyda’r teulu/gofalwyr
  • cynnig gwasanaeth megis sgiliau rhianta, cefnogaeth a chyngor i bobl ifanc o ran iechyd meddwl, cwnsela a rhaglenni therapiwtig.

Deietegydd Cymunedol

Bydd deietegydd cymunedol yn cynnig cyngor deietegol wedi’i deilwra’n benodol i unigolyn. Wrth addasu a gwneud newidiadau deietegol, mae’r deietegydd yn ceisio atal a thrin amrywiaeth o gyflyrau meddygol a chefnogi pobl i wneud dewisiadau priodol o ran deiet a ffordd o fyw. Mae deietegydd cymunedol yn gweld cleifion mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau sy’n cynnwys ysbytai, cartrefi gofal, clinigau, grwpiau, a chartrefi. Maent yn cyd-weithio gyda meddygon, nyrsys cymunedol a gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol eraill.

Mae babanod yn mwynhau bwydydd sy’n naturiol felys, fel afalau neu fanana, neu lysiau fel moron a thatws. Pan mae’r baban yn 6 mis oed, gall ddechrau bwyta bwydydd megis bara, reis, pasta, cig a physgod. Mae’n bwysig cofio na fydd y baban yn hoffi’r bwydydd i gyd, felly mae’n well cyflwyno un math o fwyd ar y tro, ac ychydig ohono. Mae’n bwysig i beidio ychwanegu siwgr a halen i fwyd baban. Mae siwgr yn gwneud niwed i’w dannedd, a halen yn gwneud niwed i arennau babanod. Yr unig ddiod sydd ei angen ar fabi yn ystod y flwyddyn gyntaf yw llaeth y fron neu fformiwla a dŵr.

Mae'r Gweinidog Iechyd wedi croesawu cynllun o’r enw ‘Cychwyn Iach’ a fydd o gymorth i deuluoedd/gofalwyr incwm isel. Mae’r cynllun yn darparu llaeth, ffrwythau a llysiau ffres am ddim i famau beichiog a phlant. Mae’r cynllun hwn yn rhoi talebau i bobl sy'n gymwys, i brynu llaeth buwch a fformiwla babanod. Mae’r cynllun yn cynnig mwy o hyblygrwydd, a hefyd yn golygu y gall rhieni/gofalwyr brynu ffrwythau a llysiau ffres. Bydd ychwanegion fitamin am ddim yn parhau i fod yn rhan bwysig o'r cynllun.

Cynllun Cyn-ysgol Iach

Cynllun gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy’n anelu at gael meithrinfeydd, gwarchodwyr plant a chanolfannau teulu i hyrwyddo a diogelu pob agwedd ar iechyd plant 0-2 oed. Mae’r cynllun yn canolbwyntio ar:

  • faeth ac iechyd y geg
  • ymarfer corff/gweithgareddau corfforol
  • diogelwch
  • hylendid
  • iechyd meddwl, emosiynol, lles a pherthnasoedd
  • yr amgylchedd.

Gall pob lleoliad sy'n darparu gofal ar gyfer plant oedran cyn ysgol gymryd rhan yn y cynllun. Mae’n rhaid i leoliadau ddangos eu bod yn hyrwyddo iechyd drwy ddilyn polisïau a chynllunio yn ofalus. Ar ddiwedd pob cam o’r cynllun, mae’r lleoliad yn cael ei asesu unwaith y byddant yn cyrraedd y safonau gofynnol. Cânt dystysgrif Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ar ddiwedd y cynllun.

Gwasanaethau Mynediad Agored yn y Gymuned

Tylino Baban - mae grwpiau tylino baban ar gyfer babanod rhwng 8 a 24 wythnos oed lle mae rhieni/gofalwyr yn tylino’u babanod dan arweiniad person cymwys. Caiff y rhieni/gofalwyr gyfle i ddysgu a chanu hwiangerddi a geirfa syml i gyd-fynd â’r symudiadau. Mae tylino baban yn rhoi cyfle i gryfhau’r ymlyniad rhwng rhiant/gofalwr a baban. Mae'n help wrth swyno a chysuro’r baban, lleihau ei ofid emosiynol ac yn help i ddatblygiad iaith a lleferydd, yn ogystal â datblygiad ymennydd y baban.

Ti a Fi - mae cylch Ti a Fi ar gyfer rhieni/gofalwyr neu warchodwyr â phlant dan oed ysgol. Mae’r cylch yn rhoi cyfle i gyfarfod yn wythnosol ac mae’n cynnig gweithgareddau sy’n helpu datblygiad plant o enedigaeth hyd at oed ysgol. Mae’n gyfle gwych i rannu profiadau a chymdeithasu mewn awyrgylch Gymreig. Wrth fynychu cylch Ti a Fi, mae plant yn cael cyfle i fwynhau a chwarae, gwneud ffrindiau newydd, dysgu caneuon syml a chael gwrando ar storïau.

Amser Stori a Chân - sesiwn hwyliog i rieni/gofalwyr neu warchodwyr i gael cyfle i wrando ar storïau a dysgu a chanu caneuon a rhigymau. Mae’r sesiynau hyn yn ffordd effeithiol o ddysgu Cymraeg ac yn gyfle i gymdeithasu gydag oedolion eraill.

Darllen pellach:

Hint 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

How to make referrals into support services for 0-2 year olds and how to refer others for information, support and advice

Sut i wneud atgyfeiriadau at wasanaethau cefnogi i blant 0-2 oed a sut i gyfeirio eraill at wybodaeth, cefnogaeth a chyngor


Making referrals

Midwives: ante-natal care should be requested as soon as possible after discovering a pregnancy by contacting the local doctor in order to be referred to a midwife. Community midwives are linked to surgeries and will provide support to women throughout their pregnancy, during birth and following the birth.

Health visitor: part of the National Health Service (NHS) Community Service, referrals are made either by the local doctor, nurses or social workers.

Family Support workers: families with multiple problems are referred by social workers to the Family Support team.

Team Around the Family: led by a coordinator. Families are referred following a needs assessment.

Community Dietician: children may be referred to a community dietician either by the local doctor, community nurse or school nurse, social worker or teachers.

Information, Support and Advice

Flying Start is part of the Early Years programme for 0-3 year olds and their families in the most disadvantaged communities in Wales. Flying Start is one of the main priorities of the Tackling Poverty agenda, and the programme provides quality childcare. Flying Starts brings a number of agencies together, such as midwives, health visitors, childcare providers, social care workers and language and play coordinators. These agencies are mainly concerned with ensuring that all children who are involved in Flying Start are given a fair start in life by developing their emotional, social and physical skills to ensure a positive start at school.

Home Start is a voluntary organisation that works with families in the community to offer support and assistance. Volunteers work side by side with parents in their homes to help them to cope with every day stresses. The volunteers ensure that the parents are equipped with the essential skills needed to raise children.

Families First is provided by local authorities and works closely with families by making decisions regarding what support and assistance they need for the family to flourish. This programme supports families who need additional assistance, including parenting assistance with babies aged 0-2 years.

Children First is a programme that aims to ensure that children in need are given the best opportunities with regard to healthcare, education and social care. Children in need include children in care and children with disabilities. The Welsh Government and the Health Department are working together to develop a support framework for social services. The aim is to promote cooperation with other agencies in order to improve the outcomes for Children in Need and their families.

Family Information Services provide a point of contact for advice and information on local services for families and carers. They offer free and impartial advice and support on a wide variety of matters in relation to children and young people such as childcare, health, additional needs, parenting and much more. They also offer structured parenting programmes, based on evidence, aimed at raising 0-2 year olds. The programme includes formal and informal group support, one-to-one support and support to maintain healthy relationships.

Family Point Cymru puts parents and anybody who is responsible for a child or young person in contact with key services in Wales, via a website and helpline.

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) works to strengthen the way in which children's rights are ensured, by working with other partners to ensure that all children in Wales enjoy a safer childhood. The NSPCC has a programme called ‘Minding the Baby’ that provides support to new parents in order to ensure the best start for the child. Health childcare worker visit the home on a regular basis and offer support on aspects such as feeding, and how to respond to the mental and physical requirements of the baby. This service is available for 0-2 year olds and their families.

Barnardo’s provides services across Wales, working with vulnerable babies from 0-2 years old, children and young people, families and communities, helping them to build a better future. Barnardo’s aim is to reach out to babies, children and young people in Wales' most disadvantaged communities to ensure that every child has the best possible start in life. It supports families struggling to overcome difficulties caused by poverty, abuse and discrimination. Barnardo's also works to ensure that all young people aim towards realising their full potential, regardless of their life circumstances.

Action for Children has been working in Wales since 1911 and supports vulnerable children, young people and families. It operates over 100 projects and services in partnership with local authorities, health boards and third sector organisations. Action for Children aims to give babies, children, young people and families opportunities to achieve their potential and to make the most of their lives.

Action for Children's campaigns in Wales focus on the following:

  • reducing inequality during children's early years
  • supporting children in need
  • empowering young people to flourish as adults.

Sally Holland has been the Children's Commissioner for Wales since 2015. The Commissioner is responsible for promoting children's rights and looking at the way decisions by public bodies in Wales, including the Welsh Government, affect their rights, including 0-2 year olds.

Further reading:

Gwneud atgyfeiriadau

Bydwragedd: mae angen cymryd gofal cynenedigol mor fuan â phosib ar ôl darganfod beichiogrwydd drwy gysylltu â’r meddyg lleol er mwyn cael atgyfeiriad i fydwraig. Mae bydwragedd cymunedol yn gysylltiedig â’r feddygfa ac yn rhoi cymorth i fenywod drwy gydol eu beichiogrwydd, yr enedigaeth ac yn dilyn genedigaeth.

Ymwelydd iechyd: yn rhan o Wasanaeth Cymunedol y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (GIG), mae atgyfeiriadau yn cael eu gwneud drwy unai’r meddyg lleol, nyrsys neu weithiwr cymdeithasol.

Gweithwyr Cymorth Teulu: mae teuluoedd/gofalwyr sy’n dioddef amrywiaeth o broblemau’n cael eu atgyfeirio gan weithwyr cymdeithasol at y tîm cymorth teulu/gofalwyr.

Tîm o Amgylch y Teulu/gofalwyr: yn cael ei arwain gan gydlynydd. Mae teuluoedd/gofalwyr yn cael eu hatgyfeirio yn dilyn asesiad o anghenion.

Deietegydd Cymunedol: gall plant gael eu hatgyfeirio at ddietegydd cymunedol gan unai’r meddyg lleol, nyrs gymunedol neu nyrs ysgol, gweithiwr cymdeithasol neu athrawon.

Gwybodaeth, Cefnogaeth a Chyngor

Mae Dechrau’n Deg yn rhan o raglen Blynyddoedd Cynnar ar gyfer plant 0-3 oed a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr yn y cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig yng Nghymru. Mae Dechrau’n Deg yn un o brif flaenoriaethau agenda Trechu Tlodi, ac mae’r rhaglen yn darparu gofal plant o ansawdd. Mae Dechrau’n Deg yn dod â sawl asiantaeth at ei gilydd, megis bydwragedd, ymwelwyr iechyd, darparwyr gofal plant, gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol a chydlynwyr iaith a chwarae. Prif dasg yr asiantaethau hyn yw sicrhau bod holl blant Dechrau’n Deg yn cael dechrau teg mewn bywyd drwy ddatblygu sgiliau emosiynol, cymdeithasol a chorfforol ar gyfer dechrau cadarnhaol yn yr ysgol.

Mae Home Start yn fudiad gwirfoddol sy’n cyd-weithio â theuluoedd/gofalwyr o fewn y gymuned i gynnig cefnogaeth a chymorth. Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â rhieni/gofalwyr yn eu cartrefi ac yn eu helpu i ymdopi â straen bywyd dyddiol. Mae’r gwirfoddolwyr yn sicrhau bod rhieni/gofalwyr yn dysgu'r sgiliau hanfodol sydd eu hangen arnynt i fagu plant.

Mae Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf yn cael ei weithredu gan awdurdodau lleol ac yn gweithio’n agos gyda theuluoedd/gofalwyr drwy wneud penderfyniadau ynghylch pa gymorth a chefnogaeth sydd ei angen arnynt er mwyn i’r teulu/gofalwyr ffynnu. Mae’r rhaglen yma yn cefnogi teuluoedd/gofalwyr sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol, yn cynnwys cymorth rhianta gyda babanod 0-2 oed.

Mae rhaglen Plant yn Gyntaf yn ceisio sicrhau bod plant anghenus yn cael y manteision gorau trwy ofal iechyd, addysg a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae plant anghenus yn cynnwys plant mewn gofal a phlant ag anableddau. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru a’r Adran Iechyd yn gweithio ar y cyd i ddatblygu fframwaith cynorthwyo’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Y bwriad yw hyrwyddo cydweithio ag asiantaethau eraill i wella’r deilliannau ar gyfer Plant mewn Angen a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr.

Mae Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd yn bwynt cyswllt am gyngor a gwybodaeth am wasanaethau lleol i deuluoedd a gofalwyr. Maent yn cynnig cymorth a chyngor diduedd yn rhad ac am ddim am amrywiaeth eang o faterion ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc megis gofal plant, iechyd, anghenion ychwanegol, rhianta a llawer mwy. Maent hefyd yn cynnig rhaglen rhianta strwythuredig, yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, wrth fagu plant 0-2 oed. Mae’r rhaglen yn cynnwys cymorth grŵp ffurfiol ac anffurfiol, cymorth un i un a chymorth i gynnal perthynas dda.

Mae Pwynt Teulu Cymru yn cysylltu rhieni/gofalwyr ac unrhyw un sy’n gyfrifol am blentyn neu berson ifanc i wasanaethau allweddol yng Nghymru, drwy wefan a llinell gymorth.

Mae’r National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) yn gweithio i gryfhau’r ffordd y caiff hawliau plant eu sicrhau, drwy gyd-weithio â phartneriaid eraill er mwyn sicrhau bod pob plentyn yng Nghymru yn cael plentyndod mwy diogel. Mae gan y NSPCC raglen o’r enw ‘Minding the Baby’ sy’n rhoi cefnogaeth i rieni/gofalwyr newydd er mwyn rhoi’r cychwyn gorau i’r plentyn. Mae’r gweithiwr gofal plant iechyd yn ymweld â’r cartref yn rheolaidd ac yn cynnig cymorth ar agweddau fel bwydo, a sut i ymateb i ofynion meddyliol a chorfforol y baban. Mae’r gwasanaeth yma ar gyfer babanod rhwng 0-2 oed a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr.

Mae Barnardo’s yn darparu gwasanaethau ar hyd ac ar led Cymru, yn gweithio gyda babanod 0-2 oed, plant a phobl ifanc, teuluoedd/gofalwyr a chymunedau sydd mewn perygl o niwed, ac yn eu cefnogi i adeiladu dyfodol gwell. Nod Barnardo’s yw estyn llaw i fabanod, plant a phobl ifanc yng nghymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig Cymru er mwyn sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael y cychwyn gorau mewn bywyd. Maent yn cefnogi teuluoedd/gofalwyr sy’n brwydro i oresgyn anawsterau a achosir gan dlodi, cam-drin a gwahaniaethu. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae Barnardo’s yn sicrhau bod pob person ifanc yn gweithio at wireddu eu potensial llawn, beth bynnag yw eu hamgylchiadau bywyd.

Mae Gweithredu dros Blant wedi bod yn gweithio yng Nghymru ers 1911 ac yn cefnogi plant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd/gofalwyr sydd mewn perygl o niwed. Mae’n cynnal dros 100 o brosiectau a gwasanaethau mewn partneriaeth ag awdurdodau lleol, byrddau iechyd a sefydliadau trydydd sector. Nod gweithredu dros blant yw rhoi cyfle i fabanod, plant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd/gofalwyr gyflawni eu potensial a chael y mwyaf o’u bywydau.

Mae ymgyrchoedd gweithredu dros blant yng Nghymru’n canolbwyntio ar y canlynol:

  • lleihau anghydraddoldeb ym mlynyddoedd cynnar bywyd plentyn
  • cefnogi plant mewn angen
  • grymuso pobl ifanc i ffynnu pan fyddant yn oedolion.

Comisiynydd Plant Cymru ers 2015 yw Sally Holland. Pwrpas swydd y Comisiynydd yw hyrwyddo hawliau plant ac edrych ar sut mae penderfyniadau cyrff cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, yn cynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru, yn effeithio ar eu hawliau, yn cynnwys babanod 0-2 oed.

Darllen Pellach:

Hint 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

How childcare, support services and public health priorities aim to address childhood disadvantage

Sut mae gofal plant, gwasanaethau cefnogi a blaenoriaethau iechyd y cyhoedd yn ceisio mynd i’r afael ag anfantais yn ystod plentyndod

12 month old baby

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was formally adopted by the Welsh Government in 2004 and used as a basis for policies made for children and young people. The convention includes seven core aims, namely that children should:

  • have a good start in life
  • have access to a comprehensive range of education, training and learning opportunities, including opportunities to develop essential personal and social skills
  • enjoy the best possible physical, mental, social and emotional health, including freedom from abuse, victimisation and exploitation
  • have access to play, leisure, sporting and cultural activities
  • be listened to, treated with respect, and have their race and cultural identity recognised
  • live in a safe home and community that supports physical and emotional well-being
  • not be disadvantaged by any type of poverty.

The Welsh Government has published a consultation document on the 'National Service Framework' for children, young people and maternity services in Wales. The aim of the document is to improve the quality and fairness of the services being delivered. The NSF was developed by 7 external working groups including key stakeholders from all the relevant children's services:

  • improving health and well-being for children and young people
  • maternity
  • mental health and psychological well-being of children and young people
  • disabled children and young people
  • children and young people in special circumstances
  • children and young people suffering from acute and chronic illness or injury
  • medicines.


Flying Start is a project funded by the Welsh Government and works with children under 4 years old and their families. It aims to improve children's skills, preparing them for school and for life in general. The Flying Start health visitor's main aim is to support the family at home, assessing the child and the family in order to make appropriate referrals if required. Families who have a child involved in Flying Start must be offered parenting support on an annual basis, either in groups or one-to-one at home with a combination of formal and informal support, as required.

Childminders are childcare providers who work in their own homes, either on a part-time basis or on a full-time basis. They offer care before and after school, wraparound care and care during the school holidays.

Day care providers may offer either full-time care or part-time care, wraparound care, care outside school hours and provision during the school holidays. These include:

  • nursery settings
  • playgroups
  • childcare clubs such as breakfast clubs, after school clubs, holiday clubs and wraparound care
  • nursery groups.

Family and child support services:

The first 1000 days of a baby's life, from conception to 2 years, has a significant impact on the outcomes of children, their parents and families, throughout their lives, and from generation to generation.

These are NHS Wales' key indicators for measuring progress:

Action Impact
Improve preconception advice
  • fewer baby deaths
  • fewer babies with low birth weight
  • fewer congenital anomalies.
Increase the numbers accessing pre-natal services
  • fewer baby deaths
  • improved safeguarding
  • fewer babies with low birth weight.
Increase breastfeeding levels
  • fewer baby deaths
  • less childhood obesity
  • improved oral health
  • fewer hospital admissions due to infection
  • fewer cases of cancer in women.
Better access to dentistry
  • improved oral health
  • fewer hospital admissions.
Reduce alcohol/drug misuse
  • improved safeguarding
  • fewer baby deaths
  • fewer childhood injuries
  • fewer teenage pregnancies
  • fewer hospital admissions.
More parenting support
  • improved mental health and well-being
  • more prepared to start school.
Reduce the number of teenage pregnancies
  • fewer baby deaths
  • fewer babies with low birth weight
  • fewer childhood injuries.
Improve immunisation rates
  • fewer hospital admissions
  • decreased risk of epidemics.
Reduce the number of smokers
  • fewer baby deaths
  • increased life expectancy
  • fewer hospital admissions
  • improved fire safety.

Smoking and reducing exposure to secondary smoke

The Chief Medical Officer for Wales launched a consultation on a scheme to reduce the number of smokers and the number of people being exposed to second-hand smoke. The main aim is to ensure a 16% reduction in smoking by 2020 and realise the vision of a smoke-free society in Wales where tobacco causes no harm to anyone. The actions include:

  • deliver the ASSIST (A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial) smoking prevention programmes in schools
  • encourage local authorities to introduce smoke-free playgrounds
  • ban smoking in areas around hospital buildings where smoke levels may be high and where patients, visitors and staff congregate.

Nutrition and hydration

When a baby is around 6 months old, they will be ready for solids, as well as milk. These are some points to consider when introducing solids:

  • for the first 6 months, a baby only has breast milk or formula milk
  • introducing solids allows the baby to explore a range of different tastes and food textures
  • the baby should be allowed to enjoy touching and holding food
  • to start, small pieces of food or one heaped teaspoon should be offered once a day
  • if the baby likes the food, the baby will open its mouth and this is a good time for the baby to start using a spoon
  • the baby may spit food out; this may indicate that the baby is not yet ready for solids.

Types of food and drink

Babies enjoy naturally sweet foods, such as apples or bananas, or vegetables such as carrots and potatoes.

When the baby is 6 months old, they can start eating foods such as bread, rice, pasta, meat and fish. It is important to remember that the baby will not like all foods, so it is better to introduce one type of food at a time, and a small amount at a time. It is important not to add sugar or salt to baby food. Sugar damages their teeth and salt damages their kidneys.

The only drink that a baby needs during the first year is breast milk or formula milk and water.

Oral Health Care

Tooth decay is the most common oral disease affecting children in the UK. Good oral care can prevent tooth decay. Decay occurs when babies and children consume too much sugary food and drinks and fail to brush their teeth regularly. Teeth should be brushed as soon as the first tooth appears, and this should continue throughout life using fluoride toothpaste.

It is essential that children visit the dentist regularly. A dental check-up enables the dentist to examine oral health by looking at the teeth and gums for signs of disease. Tooth decay and gum disease can be prevented so it is better to seek early treatment.

Flying Start health visitors work with the Designed to Smile programme to improve oral health for pre-school age children. This programme is funded by the Welsh Government.


Newborn babies do not see as well as older children. Their eyes and visual system are not fully developed although a dramatic improvement occurs during the first months.

5-8 months
  • During these months, control of eye movement and eye-body coordination skills continue to improve.
  • Although babies' colour vision is less sensitive than adults, it is generally believed that babies have good colour vision by the time they reach 5 months.
  • During the first months of life, the eyes begin to work together and the visual system improves rapidly. Hand-eye coordination begins to develop as the baby starts to track moving objects with the eyes.
  • Babies should start to follow moving objects by the time they are 3 months old.
9-12 months
  • By 12 months, most babies will be crawling and trying to walk. Parents should encourage babies to crawl rather than walk early in order to help them develop better hand-eye coordination.
  • Babies can now measure distances quite well.
1-2 years
  • By 2 years, a child's hand-eye coordination should be well-developed.
  • Children at this age have a great interest in exploring their environment by looking and listening. They recognise familiar objects.

Community safety and accident prevention

Accidents are one of the most common causes of death amongst 1 to 5 year olds. Every year, around 500,000 children under 5 have to go to hospital due to accidents at home. Children need to explore and learn about their surroundings. Parents or carers can help them by making their home as safe as possible to avoid injury.

Baby safety

At this stage of their development, babies are completely dependent on adults for their safety. This is what parents can do to keep them safe:

  • Change nappies on the floor.
  • Never leave a baby unattended on a bed, sofa or changing table as they could roll off.
  • Never put a baby in a rocker or a car seat on the kitchen worktop.
  • Use the handrail when carrying a baby up and down the stairs in case the person carrying the baby trips.
  • Use a 5 point harness to keep the baby secure in a high chair.
  • When the baby is crawling, safety gates need to be installed to prevent them from climbing the stairs and falling. These need to be shut properly.
  • Try not to use a baby walker, as more accidents and injuries occur in these than in any other piece of equipment.
  • The car seat should be backward-facing as this is safer in an accident.
  • Use a 5 point harness to keep the baby secure in a buggy.
  • Use a harness and reins when walking or hold the child's hand tightly.
  • It is wise to keep toddlers out of the kitchen, well away from kettles, saucepans and hot oven doors. A safety gate can be installed on the door.
  • Keep all medication and cleaning products under lock or out of sight of the baby.

Preparing for school

Sessional day care, such as a cylch meithrin, provides a service for children between 2 ½ years and 3 ½ years primarily, but some settings provide services for 2 year olds. The aim of the cylch meithrin is to promote the education and development of children from 2 years to school age.

Further reading:

Cafodd Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn (CCUHP) ei fabwysiadu’n ffurfiol gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn 2004 a’i ddefnyddio’n sail i bolisïau a wnaed ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc. Mae gan y confensiwn 7 nod craidd, sef bod plant:

  • yn cael dechrau da mewn bywyd
  • yn cael ystod gynhwysfawr o gyfleoedd addysg, hyfforddiant a dysgu gan gynnwys cyfleoedd i feithrin sgiliau personol a chymdeithasol hanfodol
  • yn mwynhau’r iechyd corfforol, meddyliol, cymdeithasol ac emosiynol gorau posib gan gynnwys rhyddid o gamdriniaeth, erledigaeth ac ecsbloetiaeth
  • yn gallu cael mynediad at weithgareddau chwarae, hamdden, chwaraeon a diwylliannol
  • yn cael rhywun i wrando arnynt, yn cael eu trin â pharch a bod eu hil a’u hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol yn cael eu cydnabod
  • yn byw mewn cartref a chymuned ddiogel sy’n cefnogi lles corfforol ac emosiynol
  • ddim dan anfantais oherwydd unrhyw fath o dlodi.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno dogfen ymgynghori ‘Fframwaith Gwasanaeth Cenedlaethol’ ar gyfer plant, pobl ifanc a gwasanaethau mamolaeth yng Nghymru er mwyn gwella ansawdd a thegwch gwasanaethau sy’n cael eu darparu. Cafodd y FfGC ei ddatblygu gan 7 o weithgorau allanol a oedd yn cynnwys rhanddeiliaid allweddol o’r holl wasanaethau perthnasol i blant:

  • gwella iechyd a lles plant a phobl ifanc
  • mamolaeth
  • iechyd meddwl a lles seicolegol plant a phobl ifanc
  • plant a phobl ifanc anabl
  • plant a phobl ifanc mewn amgylchiadau arbennig
  • plant a phobl ifanc sy’n dioddef anaf neu salwch difrifol a chronig
  • meddyginiaethau.

Gofal Plant

Mae Dechrau’n Deg yn brosiect sy’n cael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac yn gweithio gyda phlant o dan 4 oed a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Y bwriad yw gwella sgiliau plant, eu paratoi ar gyfer ysgol yn ogystal â’u paratoi ar gyfer bywyd yn gyffredinol. Prif swyddogaeth ymwelydd iechyd Dechrau’n Deg yw rhoi cefnogaeth i’r teulu/gofalwyr yn y cartref, gan asesu’r plentyn a’r teulu/gofalwyr er mwyn gwneud atgyfeiriadau priodol os oes angen. Mae’n rhaid i deuluoedd/gofalwyr sydd â phlentyn Dechrau’n Deg gael cynnig cymorth rhianta’n flynyddol, unai mewn grwpiau neu un i un yn y cartref gyda chymysgedd o gymorth ffurfiol ac anffurfiol, yn ôl yr angen.

Mae Gwarchodwyr Plant yn ddarparwyr gofal plant sy’n gweithio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain yn rhan amser neu’n llawn amser. Maen nhw’n cynnig gofal cyn ac ar ôl ysgol, gofal cofleidiol a gofal yn ystod gwyliau.

Gall ddarparwyr gofal dydd gynnig unai gofal llawn amser neu ran amser, gofal cofleidiol, gofal tu allan i’r ysgol a darpariaeth yn ystod gwyliau. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys:

  • lleoliadau meithrinfa
  • cylchoedd chwarae
  • clybiau gofal plant megis clwb brecwast, clwb ar ôl ysgol, clwb gwyliau a gofal cofleidiol
  • cylchoedd meithrin.

Gwasanaethau Cefnogi Plant a Theuluoedd/gofalwyr:

Mae’r 1000 diwrnod cyntaf o fywyd baban, o gyfnod y cenhedlu hyd at 2 oed yn dylanwadu’n sylweddol ar ganlyniadau i blant, eu rhieni a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr, drwy gydol eu bywyd ac o genhedlaeth i genhedlaeth.

Dyma ddangosyddion allweddol GIG Cymru ar gyfer mesur cynnydd:

Cam Gweithredu Effaith
Gwella cyngor cyn cenhedlu
  • llai o farwolaethau ymysg babanod
  • llai o fabanod â phwysau geni isel
  • llai o anomaleddau cynhenid.
Cynyddu'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar wasanaethau cyn geni
  • llai o farwolaethau ymysg babanod
  • gwella diogelu
  • llai o fabanod â phwysau geni isel.
Cynyddu'r nifer sy'n bwydo ar y fron
  • llai o farwolaethau ymysg babanod
  • llai o ordewdra ymysg plant
  • gwell iechyd y geg
  • llai o bobl yn cael eu derbyn i'r ysbyty oherwyff heintiau
  • llai o ganser ymysg menywod.
Gwella mynediad i ddeintyddiaeth
  • gwella iechyd y geg
  • llai o dderbyniadau i'r ysbyty.
Lleihau'r nifer sy'n camddefnyddio alcohol/cyffuriau
  • gwella diogelu
  • llai o farwolaethau ymysg babanod
  • llai o anafiadau ymysg plant
  • lleihau beichiogrwydd ymysg merched yn eu harddegau
  • llai o dderbyniadau i'r ysbyty.
Mwy o gymorth rhianta
  • gwella iechyd a llesiant meddwl
  • gwella parodrwydd ar gyfer yr ysgol.
Lleihau beichiogrwydd ymysg merched yn eu harddegau
  • llai o farwolaethau ymysg babanod
  • llai o fabanod â phwysau geni isel
  • llai o anafiadau ymysg plant.
Gwella cyfraddau imiwneiddio
  • llai o dderbyniadau i'r ysbyty
  • llai o risg o epidemig.
Lleihau nifer y bobl sy'n ysmygu
  • llai o farwolaethau ymysg babanod
  • cynnydd mewn disgwyliad oes
  • llai o dderbyniadau i'r ysbyty
  • gwella diogelwch tân.

Ysmygu a lleihau cysylltiad â mwg eilaidd

Cychwynnodd Prif Swyddog Meddygol Cymru ymgynghoriad ynglŷn â chynllun i leihau’r nifer o bobl sy’n ysmygu a phobl sy’n dod i gysylltiad â mwg ail-law. Y prif nod yw lleihau’r lefelau ysmygu i 16% erbyn 2020 a cheisio gwireddu gweledigaeth o gymdeithas ddi-fwg yng Nghymru lle nad yw tybaco yn niweidio unrhyw un. Mae’r camau gweithredu’n cynnwys:

  • cyflwyno rhaglenni atal ysmygu ASSIST mewn ysgolion (arbrawf rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu mewn ysgolion)
  • annog awdurdodau lleol i gyflwyno meysydd chwarae di-fwg
  • gwahardd ysmygu mewn ardaloedd o amgylch adeiladau ysbytai lle y gallai lefelau mwg fod yn uchel a lle mae cleifion, ymwelwyr a staff yn ymgynnull.

Maeth a Hydradiad

Pan mae’r baban oddeutu chwe mis oed, bydd yn barod i gael bwyd solid, yn ogystal â llaeth. Dyma rhai pwyntiau i’w hystyried wrth gyflwyno bwyd solid:

  • am y 6 mis cyntaf, dim ond llaeth y fron neu laeth fformiwla mae’r baban yn ei gael
  • mae dechrau bwydydd solid yn galluogi’r baban i archwilio amrywiaeth o flasau a gwead bwydydd gwahanol
  • mae angen gadael i’r baban fwynhau cyffwrdd a dal y bwyd
  • dechrau drwy gynnig darnau bach o fwyd neu lond llwy de unwaith y dydd
  • os yw’r baban yn hoffi’r bwyd, bydd yn agor ei geg ac mae hyn yn amser da i’r baban gychwyn defnyddio llwy
  • efallai bydd y baban yn poeri bwyd; gall hyn fod yn arwydd nad ydy’r baban yn barod am fwyd solid eto.

Mathau o fwydydd a diodydd

Mae babanod yn mwynhau bwydydd sy’n naturiol yn felys, fel afalau neu fanana, neu lysiau fel moron a thatws.

Pan mae’r baban yn 6 mis oed, gall ddechrau bwyta bwydydd megis bara, reis, pasta, cig a physgod. Mae’n bwysig cofio na fydd y baban yn hoffi’r bwydydd i gyd felly mae’n well cyflwyno un math o fwyd ar y tro, ac ychydig ohono. Mae’n bwysig i beidio ychwanegu siwgr a halen at fwyd baban. Mae siwgr yn gwneud niwed i’w dannedd a halen yn gwneud niwed i arennau babanod. Yr unig ddiod sydd ei angen ar fabi yn ystod y flwyddyn gyntaf yw llaeth y fron neu fformiwla a dŵr.

Gofal Iechyd y Geg

Pydredd dannedd yw afiechyd y geg fwyaf cyffredin ymhlith plant yn y DU. Drwy sicrhau gofal da o’r geg, mae modd atal pydredd dannedd. Mae pydredd yn digwydd wrth i fabanod a phlant fwyta gormod o fwydydd a diodydd sy’n llawn siwgr, a ddim yn brwsio’u dannedd yn rheolaidd. Dylid brwsio dannedd cyn gynted ag y mae’r dant cyntaf yn ymddangos, a pharhau i wneud hyn gan ddefnyddio past dannedd â fflworid drwy gydol bywyd.

Mae’n hanfodol bod plant yn ymweld â’r deintydd yn rheolaidd. Mae archwiliad deintyddol yn galluogi’r deintydd i archwilio iechyd y geg gan edrych ar y dannedd a’r deintgig am arwyddion o glefyd. Mae pydredd dannedd a chlefyd y deintgig yn gallu cael eu hatal felly mae’n well cael eu trin yn gynnar.

Mae ymwelydd iechyd Dechrau’n Deg yn cydweithio â rhaglen Cynllun Gwên er mwyn gwella iechyd y geg, ar gyfer plant cyn oedran ysgol. Cynllun yw hwn sydd wedi’i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru.


Nid yw babanod newydd-anedig yn gweld cystal â phlant hŷn. Nid yw eu llygaid a’u system weledol wedi datblygu’n llawn, er bod gwelliant aruthrol yn digwydd yn ystod y misoedd cyntaf.

5-8 mis oed
  • Yn ystod y misoedd hyn, mae rheolaeth symudiadau llygaid a sgiliau cydlynu’r corff a’r llygaid yn parhau i wella.
  • Er nad yw golwg lliw babanod mor sensitif ag oedolyn, credir, yn gyffredinol, bod gan fabanod olwg lliw da erbyn 5 mis oed.
  • Yn ystod misoedd cyntaf bywyd, mae'r llygaid yn dechrau gweithio gyda'i gilydd a’r system weledol yn gwella'n gyflym. Mae cydsymud llaw a llygad yn dechrau datblygu wrth i'r baban ddechrau olrhain gwrthrychau symudol gyda'r llygaid.
  • Dylai babanod ddechrau dilyn gwrthrychau sy’n symud erbyn eu bod yn 3 mis oed.
9-12 mis oed
  • Erbyn 12 mis, bydd y rhan fwyaf o fabanod yn cropian ac yn ceisio cerdded. Dylai rhieni/gofalwyr annog cropian yn hytrach na cherdded yn gynnar er mwyn helpu'r plentyn i ddatblygu gwell cydsymud llaw a llygad.
  • Gall babanod bellach farnu pellteroedd yn eithaf da.
1-2 oed
  • Erbyn 2 flwydd oed, dylai cydsymud llaw a llygad plentyn fod wedi'i ddatblygu'n dda.
  • Mae gan blant yr oedran yma ddiddordeb mawr mewn archwilio eu hamgylchedd wrth edrych a gwrando. Maent yn adnabod gwrthrychau cyfarwydd.

Diogelwch yn y gymuned ac atal damweiniau

Damweiniau yw un o’r achosion mwyaf cyffredin o farwolaethau ymhlith plant rhwng 1 a 5 oed. Yn flynyddol, rhaid i tua 500,000 o blant o dan 5 oed fynd i’r ysbyty oherwydd damwain yn y cartref. Mae angen i blant chwilio a dysgu am y pethau o’u cwmpas. Gall rhieni neu ofalwyr eu helpu i wneud hyn drwy wneud eu cartref mor ddiogel â phosibl fel nad ydynt yn anafu eu hunain.

Diogelu babanod

Ar y cam yma o’u datblygiad, mae babanod yn gwbl ddibynnol ar oedolyn am eu diogelwch. Dyma beth mae rhieni/gofalwyr yn gallu ei wneud i’w cadw’n ddiogel:

  • Newid cewyn y baban ar y llawr.
  • Peidio â gadael y baban ar ei ben ei hun ar wely, soffa na bwrdd newid o gwbl oherwydd gallai rolio oddi arnyn nhw.
  • Peidio â rhoi baban mewn crud sy’n siglo neu sedd car baban ar fwrdd gwaith y gegin.
  • Defnyddio’r rheilin llaw wrth gario baban i fyny ac i lawr y grisiau rhag ofn i’r person sy’n ei gario faglu.
  • Defnyddio harnais pum pwynt i osod baban yn ddiogel mewn cadair uchel.
  • Pan mae’r baban yn cropian, mae angen gosod gatiau diogelwch i’w atal rhag dringo grisiau a disgyn. Mae angen eu cau’n gywir.
  • Ceisio peidio â defnyddio cerddwr baban, gan fod mwy o ddamweiniau ac anafiadau yn digwydd ynddynt nag unrhyw offer arall.
  • Dylai sedd car wynebu’r cefn gan ei bod yn fwy diogel mewn damwain.
  • Defnyddio harnais pum pwynt i osod plentyn mewn cadair wthio’n ddiogel.
  • Defnyddio harnais a ffrwynau wrth gerdded neu afael yn dynn yn llaw’r plentyn.
  • Mae’n ddoeth cadw plentyn bach allan o’r gegin, i ffwrdd o degellau, sosbenni a drysau poptai poeth. Gellir rhoi gât ddiogelwch ar draws y drws.
  • Cadw bob meddyginiaeth a chynhyrchion glanhau yn rhywle dan glo neu allan o gyrraedd / golwg baban.

Paratoi ar gyfer yr ysgol

Mae gofal dydd sesiynol megis cylch meithrin yn cynnig gwasanaeth i blant rhwng 2 ½ a 3 ½ oed yn bennaf, ond mae rhai lleoliadau’n cynnig gwasanaeth i blant 2 oed. Nod y cylch meithrin yw hyrwyddo addysg a datblygiad plant o 2 flwydd oed hyd at oedran ysgol.

Darllen pellach:

Hint 3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Healthy Child Wales Programme

Rhaglen Plant Iach Cymru


The Healthy Child Wales Programme has been offered by health boards in Wales since 2016. The programme is available to all families with children between 0 and 7 years old. It includes preventative measures and early intervention, based on evidence, as well as advice and guidance to support parents, and to help them make decisions to live a healthy life. The connection between children, their families and the health boards is based on three forms of intervention, namely screening, immunisation and monitoring and supporting child development.

By 13 months, it is recommended that babies should have had the following vaccinations:

  • DTaP/IPV/Hib
  • PCV
  • MenC
  • MMR.

2 months old: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), pneumacoccal infection – DTaP/IPV/Hib and PCV.

3 months: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), meningitis C (meningococcal group C) – DTaP/IPV/Hib and MenC.

4 months: Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), meningitis C, pneumacoccal infection – DTaP/IPV/Hib, MenC and PCV.

12 months: Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), meningitis C – Hib/MenC.

13 months: Measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), pneumacoccal infection - MMR and PCV.

Babies between 0 and 2 years old, and their parents, can expect to be offered the following options with regard to screening, immunisation, monitoring and promoting child development:

  • a physical examination within 72 hours of the birth
  • blood spot screening when the baby is 5 days old
  • hearing screening for newborn babies within 4 weeks
  • contact with a health visitor before the baby is 14 days old
  • a mental health assessment for the mother before the baby is 14 days old
  • a physical examination when the baby is 6 weeks old
  • contact with a health visitor when the baby is 8, 12 and 16 weeks old
  • a growth assessment of the baby at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks
  • contact with a health visitor when the baby is 6 months old
  • an assessment of the family's resilience when the baby is 6 months, 15 months and 27 months old
  • family resilience assessment tool (FRAIT) when the baby is 14 months old
  • contact again with a health visitor when the baby is 27 months old
  • the usual vaccinations when the baby is 8, 12 and 16 weeks old
  • the usual vaccinations when the baby is 12 months old
  • the flu – an injection through the nose on an annual basis when the child reaches 2 years old.

Immunisation can save children's lives. The World Health Organisation estimates that 3 million lives are saved worldwide every year due to immunisations. It is essential that children are fully immunised in order to protect them from serious diseases. Cases of diphtheria and tetanus are now rare in the UK due to immunisations.

Although cases of polio have been eradicated in Europe, diseases such as measles and meningitis still exist in the UK today. If parents or carers have concerns with regard to immunising their children, these concerns should be discussed with their doctor, health visitor or practice nurse.

Screening and Assessment Tools

Newborn babies are offered screening tests during the first 6-8 weeks following their birth. Most babies are born healthy, but for those with health problems, screening is extremely beneficial. Early treatment can improve their health and avoid serious disabilities or death.

Screening tests are simple and quick and do not harm the baby in any way. It is recommended that babies should have these tests, but parents have the right to refuse.

Newborn physical examination

The tests include screening to discover any problems with the baby's eyes, heart, hips, and in boys, their testicles. These tests are done 72 hours after the birth, and again within 6 to 8 weeks.

Newborn hearing screening test

This screening test is done when the baby is 4 weeks old, and discovers as early as possible whether the baby has permanent hearing loss. This is done in order to offer advice and support as required from the outset. Early discovery increases the likelihood that the child's language, speech and communication will develop, and helps to maintain a good relationship with the parents and carers.

Newborn blood spot screening

This screening test identifies babies with rare but serious conditions. Each newborn baby is offered this screening test using the heel prick method between 5 and 8 days old. The heel prick tests for one of nine rare but serious health conditions. Early treatment can improve their health and prevent serious disabilities or even death.

Further reading:

Mae Rhaglen Plant Iach Cymru ar waith gan fyrddau iechyd Cymru ers 2016. Rhaglen ar gyfer pob teulu/gofalwr sydd â phlant rhwng 0 a 7 oed yw hwn. Mae’n cynnwys mesurau ataliol ac ymyrraeth gynnar, yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth yn ogystal â chyngor a chanllawiau i gefnogi rhieni/gofalwyr, a’u helpu i wneud dewisiadau i fyw bywyd iach. Mae’r cysylltiad rhwng plant, eu teuluoedd/gofalwyr a’r byrddau iechyd yn ymwneud â thri maes o ymyrraeth sef sgrinio, imiwneiddio a monitro a chefnogi datblygiad plentyn.

Erbyn 13 mis oed, argymhellir bod babanod wedi cael y brechiadau canlynol:

  • DTaP/IPV/Hib
  • PCV
  • MenC
  • MMR.

2 fis oed: Difftheria, tetanws, pertwsis (y pas), polio, Haemophilus influenzae math b (Hib), haint niwmococaidd – DTaP/IPV/Hib a PCV.

3 mis: Difftheria, tetanws, pertwsis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae math b (Hib), llid yr ymennydd C (grŵp meningococaidd C) - DTaP/IPV/Hib a MenC.

4 mis: Difftheria, tetanws, pertwsis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae math b (Hib), llid yr ymennydd C, haint niwmococaidd – DTaP/IPV/Hib, MenC a PCV.

12 mis: Haemophilus influenzae math b (Hib), llid yr ymennydd C – Hib/MenC.

13 mis: Y frech goch, clwy’r pennau, rwbela (y frech Almaeneg), haint niwmococaidd - MMR a PCV.

Y cysylltiadau sgrinio, imiwneiddio, monitro a hybu datblygiad plant canlynol yw’r rhai y gall babanod rhwng 0-2 oed, a’r rhiant/gofalwr ddisgwyl eu cael:

  • archwiliad corfforol cyn pen 72 awr ar ôl genedigaeth
  • sgrinio smotyn gwaed pan fydd y baban yn 5 diwrnod oed
  • sgrinio clyw’r baban newydd-anedig cyn pen 4 wythnos
  • cysylltiad ag ymwelydd iechyd cyn i’r baban fod yn 14 diwrnod oed
  • asesiad iechyd meddwl y fam cyn i’r baban fod yn 14 diwrnod oed
  • archwiliad corfforol pan fydd y baban yn 6 wythnos oed
  • cyswllt gan ymwelydd iechyd pan fydd y baban yn 8, 12 a 16 wythnos oed
  • asesiad o dwf y baban ymhen 8 wythnos, 12 wythnos a 16 wythnos
  • cyswllt gan ymwelydd iechyd pan fydd y baban yn 6 mis oed
  • asesiad o wydnwch y teulu/gofalwyr pan mae’r baban yn 6 mis, 15 mis a 27 mis oed
  • adnodd asesu gwydnwch teuluol (FRAIT) pan mae’r baban yn 14 mis oed
  • cyswllt eto gan ymwelydd iechyd pan fydd y baban yn 27 mis oed
  • brechiadau arferol pan fydd y baban yn 8, 12 ac 16 wythnos oed
  • brechiadau arferol pan fydd y baban yn 12 mis oed
  • y ffliw – chwistrelliad drwy’r trwyn yn flynyddol pan fydd y plentyn yn 2 oed.

Gall imiwneiddio achub bywydau plant. Mae Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd yn amcangyfrif y caiff 3 miliwn o fywydau eu hachub bob blwyddyn ar draws y byd drwy imiwneiddio. Mae’n hanfodol bod plant yn cael eu himiwneiddio yn llawn er mwyn eu diogelu rhag clefydau difrifol. Mae difftheria a thetanws bellach yn brin yn y DU oherwydd imiwneiddio.

Er bod polio wedi cael ei ddileu yn Ewrop, mae clefydau megis y frech goch a llid yr ymennydd yn parhau yn y DU hyd heddiw. Os oes gan rieni neu ofalwyr bryderon ynglŷn ag imiwneiddio eu plant, maent angen ei drafod gyda’u meddyg, ymwelydd iechyd neu nyrs y feddygfa.

Adnoddau Sgrinio ac Asesu

Mae babanod newydd-anedig yn cael cynnig profion sgrinio yn y 6 i 8 wythnos cyntaf o’u genedigaeth. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o fabanod yn cael eu geni’n iach, ond i’r rhai sydd â phroblem iechyd, mae sgrinio o fudd mawr. Gall triniaeth gynnar wella eu hiechyd ac arbed anabledd difrifol neu farwolaeth.

Mae profion sgrinio yn syml a sydyn ac nid ydynt yn niweidio’r baban mewn unrhyw ffordd. Argymhellir fod babanod yn cael y profion hyn, ond mae gan rieni/gofalwyr y hawl i wrthod.

Archwiliad corfforol newydd-anedig

Mae’r profion yn cynnwys sgrinio i ddarganfod os oes gan y baban unrhyw broblemau gyda’i lygaid, y galon, y cluniau, ac mewn bechgyn, y ceilliau. Mae’r profion hyn yn cael eu cynnal 72 awr yn dilyn yr enedigaeth, ac eto ymhen 6 i 8 wythnos.

Prawf Sgrinio Clyw baban newydd-anedig

Mae’r prawf sgrinio yma yn cael ei wneud cyn bod y baban yn 4 wythnos oed, ac yn canfod mor fuan â phosib os yw’r baban wedi colli ei glyw yn barhaol. Gwneir hyn er mwyn cynnig cyngor a chymorth sydd ei angen o’r dechrau. Mae darganfyddiad cynnar yn rhoi gwell cyfle o ddatblygu iaith, lleferydd a chyfathrebu’r plentyn, yn ogystal â chynnal perthynas dda gyda rhieni a gofalwyr.

Sgrinio Smotyn Gwaed newydd-anedig

Mae’r prawf sgrinio yma’n cydnabod y babanod sydd â chyflyrau sy’n brin ond yn ddifrifol. Mae pob baban newydd-anedig yn cael cynnig y prawf sgrinio yma drwy bigiad sawdl pan maent rhwng 5 a 8 diwrnod oed. Mae’r pigiad yn chwilio am un o naw cyflwr iechyd prin ond difrifol. Gall triniaeth gynnar wella eu hiechyd, ac atal anabledd difrifol neu hyd yn oed farwolaeth.

Darllen Pellach:

Hint 4: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 4: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.