Safeguarding children with additional needs

Diogelu plant ag anghenion ychwanegol

A child with Cerebral Palsy

Abuse and neglect occur for many different reasons. However there are some common factors with all forms of abuse and neglect, but their existence also does not mean that abuse is guaranteed.

Children with additional needs may be at greater risk of abuse and exploitation for a number of reasons. Some people may be reluctant to believe that children with additional needs are being abused, especially by the people who care for them. Some signs of abuse may look similar to the outcome of the child's additional needs. A child with a physical disability may often fall which will lead to bruises on his body. It could be assumed that this is the reason for the bruises rather than the child being abused.

Parents with learning disabilities may be more likely to have children with learning disabilities. Caring for a disabled child causes stress on parents/carers which can lead to neglect of the child's needs. It is sometimes difficult for children who have additional needs and who are abused to talk and report the treatment they are receiving. Children with additional needs may therefore be at greater risk of abuse as they are less likely to disclose it. Language and communication difficulties can mean that some children will not be able to tell what is happening to them, or ask for help. Learning disabilities may mean that some children do not understand that what is happening to them is abusive because they do not understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching.

Children with additional needs may be at risk due to stigma, negative opinions and ignorance of their condition. The lack of appreciation of children with additional needs increases the risk of abuse. Children with additional needs also sometimes have low self-esteem and self-value which can lead to vulnerability.

Childcare workers must focus on the child and understand their needs and respond appropriately to them. Childcare workers need to consider the vulnerability of children with additional needs and work together to ensure they are protected. Childcare workers should promote and foster positive relationships with children with additional needs and their families in order to gain a good understanding of their needs and experiences. More experienced staff should model positive relationships so that everyone understands the needs of all children and works towards their safeguarding.

Effective communication is essential between all agencies involved with the child. Children with additional needs are likely to be in contact with many different agencies and professionals. Particular attention needs to be given to sharing information about children's needs, including their vulnerability and any concerns about their safety and welfare.

Further reading:

Mae camdriniaeth ac esgeulustod yn digwydd am lawer o resymau gwahanol. Fodd bynnag mae rhai ffactorau cyffredin gyda phob math o gamdriniaeth ac esgeulustod, ond nid yw eu bodolaeth ychwaith yn golygu y bydd cam-drin yn sicr o ddigwydd.

Gall plant sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol fod mewn mwy o berygl o gael eu cam-drin a chymryd mantais ohonynt am nifer o resymau. Gall rhai pobl fod yn amharod i gredu bod plant ag anghenion ychwanegol yn cael eu cam-drin, yn enwedig gan y bobl sydd yn gofalu amdanynt. Gall rhai arwyddion o gamdriniaeth edrych yn debyg i ganlyniad anghenion ychwanegol y plentyn. Efallai bydd plentyn ag anabledd corfforol yn disgyn yn aml a fydd yn arwain at gleisiau ar ei gorff. Gellid cymryd yn ganiataol mai dyna’r rheswm am y cleisiau yn hytrach na bod y plentyn yn cael ei gam-drin.

Gall rhieni ag anableddau dysgu fod yn fwy tebygol o gael plant sydd ag anableddau dysgu. Mae gofalu am blentyn anabl yn achosi straen ar rieni/gofalwyr a all arwain at esgeuluso anghenion y plentyn. Mae’n anodd weithiau i blant sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol ac sy’n cael eu cam-drin i siarad a rhoi gwybod am y driniaeth maent yn ei dderbyn. Gall plant ag anghenion ychwanegol felly wynebu mwy o risg o gamdriniaeth gan eu bod yn llai tebygol o’i ddatgelu. Gall anawsterau iaith a chyfathrebu olygu na fydd rhai plant yn gallu dweud beth sy’n digwydd iddyn nhw, neu ofyn am gymorth. Gall anableddau dysgu olygu na fydd rhai plant yn deall bod yr hyn sy’n digwydd iddyn nhw’n gamdriniaeth gan nad ydynt yn deall y gwahaniaeth rhwng cyffwrdd sy’n briodol ac amhriodol.

Gall blant ag anghenion ychwanegol fod mewn perygl oherwydd stigma, credoau negyddol ac anwybodaeth am eu cyflwr. Mae’r diffyg gwerthfawrogiad o blant ag anghenion ychwanegol yn cynyddu'r risg o gamdriniaeth. Weithiau hefyd bydd gan blant ag anghenion ychwanegol hunan-barch a hunanwerth isel sydd yn gallu arwain at fod yn agored i niwed.

Rhaid i weithwyr gofal plant ganolbwyntio ar y plentyn a deall eu hanghenion ac ymateb yn briodol iddynt. Mae angen i weithwyr gofal plant ystyried pa mor fregus yw’r plant sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol gan gydweithio i sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu hamddiffyn. Dylai gweithwyr gofal plant hyrwyddo a meithrin perthnasoedd cadarnhaol â phlant ag anghenion ychwanegol a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr er mwyn cael dealltwriaeth dda o’u hanghenion a'u profiadau. Dylai staff mwy profiadol fodelu perthnasoedd cadarnhaol er mwyn i bawb ddeall anghenion pob plentyn a gweithio tuag at eu diogelu.

Mae cyfathrebu effeithiol yn hanfodol rhwng yr holl asiantaethau sy'n ymwneud â'r plentyn. Mae plant ag anghenion ychwanegol yn debygol o fod mewn cysylltiad â nifer o wahanol asiantaethau a phobl broffesiynol. Mae angen rhoi sylw arbennig i rannu gwybodaeth am anghenion plant, gan gynnwys eu bregusrwydd ac unrhyw bryderon am eu diogelwch a'u lles.

Darllen pellach:

Safety when working with children with additional needs

Diogelwch wrth weithio gyda phlant ag anghenion ychwanegol

A nursery nurse being hugged by young children

All adults working at the setting must be suitable to work with young children, and must be DBS checked. Childcare workers need to work in a way that protects children who may be at risk of harm. This is especially important when working with children with additional needs.

To ensure that children and young people are safeguarded inside and outside the setting all settings need to have clear policies and procedures. Staff should ensure that they understand the policies and how they should be used, both at the setting and for off-site visits, to protect themselves and the children in their care.

There will be general policies and procedures for all children at the setting and settings will have specific policies and procedures for children with additional needs.

In order to keep themselves and others safe when working with children with additional needs, childcare workers should understand the policies in relation to carrying out personal tasks for children, for example nappy changing. Childcare workers should not be in a room with the door closed with a child at any time. Childcare workers should ensure that they are appropriately dressed, safe and prepared for the tasks they undertake. Childcare workers who dress or appear in a way that might be considered unsuitable or inappropriate may be open to criticism or allegations. Childcare workers have a responsibility to safeguard children with additional needs and to do so must gain the trust of the children and their parents / carers. Personal behaviour of the highest standards needs to be demonstrated to ensure that the children and their parents/carers and colleagues have confidence in them.

All settings should have arrangements in relation to the taking and use of pictures or images, linked to their child protection and protection policy. This should include the different devices that can be used to take pictures such as cameras, mobile phones, tablets, webcams etc. The written consent of parents/carers should be obtained before taking photographs of children with additional needs for any use and in any medium.

To protect children, adults need not be afraid to talk about abuse. In gaining a better understanding of abuse, families/carers can take steps to keep their children as safe as possible. Children are safer when parents/carers take time to learn about abuse and its signs.

It is important that childcare workers and parents/carers talk to children about ways to keep themselves safe, answering any questions they may have. To keep themselves safe, children need to know that their body belongs to them, that they have the right to say no, and that they should tell a safe adult if they are worried. Children need to learn the names of body parts and what to do if someone tries to touch them in a sexual way. It is important for children to understand that no one is allowed to touch their private space unless for medical reasons and they should not touch anyone else's private space.

Mae’n rhaid i bob oedolyn sy’n gweithio yn y lleoliad fod yn addas i weithio gyda phlant ifanc, a rhaid iddynt gael eu gwirio gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd. Mae angen i weithwyr gofal plant weithio mewn ffordd sy’n amddiffyn plant a allai fod mewn perygl o niwed. Mae hyn yn arbennig o bwysig wrth weithio gyda phlant ag anghenion ychwanegol.

Er mwyn sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn cael eu diogelu y tu mewn a’r tu allan i’r lleoliad mae angen i bob lleoliad gael polisïau a gweithdrefnau clir. Dylai staff sicrhau eu bod yn deall y polisïau a sut y dylid eu defnyddio, yn y lleoliad ac ar gyfer ymweliadau oddi ar y safle, er mwyn diogelu eu hunain a’r plant yn eu gofal.

Bydd polisïau a gweithdrefnau cyffredinol ar gyfer yr holl blant yn y lleoliad a bydd gan leoliadau bolisïau a gweithdrefnau penodol ar gyfer plant ag anghenion ychwanegol.

Er mwyn cadw eu hunain ac eraill yn ddiogel wrth weithio gyda phlant ag anghenion ychwanegol, dylai gweithwyr gofal plant ddeall y polisïau mewn perthynas â chyflawni tasgau personol i blant, er enghraifft newid clytiau. Ni ddylai gweithwyr gofal plant fod mewn ystafell gyda’r drws ar gau gyda phlentyn ar unrhyw adeg. Dylai gweithwyr gofal plant sicrhau eu bod wedi'u gwisgo'n weddus, yn ddiogel ac yn briodol ar gyfer y tasgau y maent yn ymgymryd â hwy. Gallai gweithwyr gofal plant sy'n gwisgo neu'n ymddangos mewn modd y gellid eu hystyried yn anaddas neu'n amhriodol od yn agored i feirniadaeth neu honiadau. Mae gan weithwyr gofal plant gyfrifoldeb i ddiogelu plant ag anghenion ychwanegol ac er mwyn gwneud hynny rhaid ennill ymddiriedaeth y plant a'u rhieni/gofalwyr. Mae angen dangos ymddygiad personol o’r safonau uchaf er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr bod gan y plant a’u rhieni/gofalwyr a’u cydweithwyr hyder ynddyn nhw.

Dylai fod gan bob lleoliad drefniadau mewn perthynas â chymryd a defnyddio lluniau neu ddelweddau, sy'n gysylltiedig â'u polisi diogelu ac amddiffyn plant. Dylai hyn gynnwys y gwahanol ddyfeisiadau y gellir eu defnyddio i gymryd lluniau megis camerâu, ffonau symudol, tabledi, gwe-gamerâu ac ati. Dylid sicrhau caniatâd ysgrifenedig y rhieni/gofalwyr cyn tynnu lluniau plant ag anghenion ychwanegol at unrhyw ddefnydd ac mewn unrhyw gyfrwng.

Er mwyn diogelu plant mae angen i oedolion beidio bod ofn siarad am gamdriniaeth. Wrth ddeall camdriniaeth yn well gall teuluoedd/gofalwyr gymryd camau i gadw eu plant mor ddiogel â phosib. Mae plant yn fwy diogel pan mae rhieni/gofalwyr yn gwneud amser i ddysgu am gamdriniaeth a’i arwyddion.

Mae’n bwysig fod gweithwyr gofal plant a rhieni/gofalwyr yn siarad â phlant am ffyrdd i gadw eu hunain yn ddiogel, gan ateb unrhyw gwestiynau sydd ganddynt. Er mwyn cadw eu hunain yn ddiogel mae angen i blant wybod bod eu corff yn perthyn iddyn nhw, bod ganddyn nhw hawl i ddweud na, ac y dylen nhw ddweud wrth oedolyn diogel os ydyn nhw’n poeni. Mae angen i blant ddysgu enwau rhannau’r corff a beth i’w wneud os bydd rhywun yn ceisio eu cyffwrdd mewn ffordd rywiol. Mae’n bwysig i blant deall nad oes gan unrhyw un hawl i gyffwrdd â’u mannau preifat oni bai am resymau meddygol ac na ddylen nhw gyffwrdd â mannau preifat unrhyw un arall.