The variety of speech, language and communication needs and the differences between them

Yr amrywiaeth o anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu a'r gwahaniaethau rhyngddynt

Lost Child

Speech, language and communication needs are difficulties across one or more aspects of speech, language and communication.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

This is a state of development that affects the way a person can communicate and interact with people. Everyone with autism share some difficulties, but they will be affected in different ways. Autism affects people’s social communication skills, e.g. understanding spoken and non-verbal language, recognising and understanding the feelings of others and control their own feelings. It can also affect the ability to play imaginatively, especially with others, and to be aware of danger and anticipate what may happen.

Asperger's Syndrome

Autism and Asperger's syndrome are part of the same condition. People with Asperger's syndrome have fewer speech problems, but they also have difficulties with understanding and processing language.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

A syndrome that includes symptoms such as hyperactivity or challenging, disruptive and inappropriate behaviour, which can affect language and communication development.

Hearing impairment

Children's language and communication development can be slow due to hearing impairment as they do not hear noises around them or even their own voice.

Cleft lip and/or palate

A cleft lip and/or cleft palate is a gap or fissure that can affect the lip or palate (the roof of the mouth). The lip and palate develop separately during pregnancy, so it is possible to have one or both conditions together. This can lead to speech and language delays as children are unable to pronounce words until the gaps have been repaired.


A learning difficulty that can cause problems with reading, writing and spelling. Dyslexia affects the way information is processed and stored, as well as memory problems.


The child may repeat words or parts of words, pause for long periods of time, or have difficulty saying words.

Elective mutism

Some children are able to talk comfortably in some situations, usually with close family members at home, but do not speak to others. Children may be able to take part in activities where they do not need to talk. Some may be able to talk a little to their friends if they aren't heard by others. In other situations, the children will not talk at all.

Anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu yw anawsterau ar draws un neu fwy o agweddau o leferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu.

Anhwylderau Sbectrwm Awtistiaeth

Cyflwr datblygiad sy’n effeithio ar y ffordd y mae person yn gallu cyfathrebu ac ymwneud â phobl yw hwn. Mae pawb ag awtistiaeth yn rhannu rhai anawsterau, ond bydd awtistiaeth yn effeithio arnynt mewn ffyrdd gwahanol. Mae awtistiaeth yn effeithio ar sgiliau cyfathrebu cymdeithasol pobl, e.e. deall iaith lafar a di-eiriau, adnabod a deall teimladau pobl eraill a rheoli teimladau eu hunain. Mae hefyd yn gallu effeithio ar y gallu i chwarae’n ddychmygus, yn enwedig gydag eraill ac i fod yn ymwybodol o berygl a rhagweld beth all ddigwydd.

Syndrom Asperger

Mae awtistiaeth a syndrom Asperger yn rhan o’r un cyflwr. Mae gan bobl sydd â syndrom Asperger lai o broblemau gyda lleferydd, ond maen nhw hefyd ag anawsterau wrth ddeall a phrosesu iaith.

Anhwylder Diffyg Canolbwyntio a Gorfywiogrwydd (ADHD)

Syndrom sy’n cynnwys symptomau fel gorfywiogrwydd, ymddygiad heriol, aflonyddgar ac amhriodol, sy’n gallu effeithio ar ddatblygiad iaith a chyfathrebu.

Nam ar y clyw

Gall ddatblygiad iaith a chyfathrebu plant fod yn araf oherwydd nam ar y clyw gan nad ydynt yn clywed synau o’u cwmpas neu hyd yn oed eu llais eu hunain.

Gwefus a/neu daflod hollt

Gwefus a/neu daflod hollt yw bwlch neu agen sy’n gallu effeithio ar y wefus neu’r daflod (nenfwd y geg). Mae’r wefus a’r daflod yn datblygu ar wahân yn ystod beichiogrwydd, felly mae’n bosibl cael un neu’r ddau gyflwr gyda’i gilydd. Mae hyn yn gallu arwain at oedi lleferydd ac iaith gan nad yw plant yn gallu ynganu geiriau nes bod y bylchau wedi cael eu trin.


Anhawster dysgu a all achosi problemau gyda darllen, ysgrifennu a sillafu. Mae dyslecsia yn effeithio ar y ffordd y mae gwybodaeth yn cael ei brosesu a’i gadw a phroblemau gyda’r cof.

Atal dweud

Gall y plentyn ailadrodd geiriau neu rannau o eiriau, oedi am gyfnodau hir rhwng geiriau neu gael anawsterau dweud geiriau.

Mudandod dewisol

Mae rhai plant yn gallu siarad yn gyfforddus mewn rhai sefyllfaoedd, fel arfer gydag aelodau agos o'r teulu/gofalwyr gartref, ond nid ydynt yn siarad gyda phobl eraill. Efallai y bydd plant yn gallu cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau lle nad oes angen iddynt siarad. Efallai y bydd rhai yn gallu siarad ychydig â'u ffrindiau os nad ydynt yn cael eu clywed gan eraill. Mewn sefyllfaoedd eraill, ni fydd y plant yn siarad o gwbl.

Hint 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Speech, language and communication observation and assessment

Arsylwi ac asesu ym maes lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu

Additional learning needs

Each child develops at a different rate, and childcare workers need to meet the needs of each individual child. By observing children, childcare workers are able to assess their speech, language and communication needs in order to best facilitate their development.

Childcare workers need to observe children on a daily basis as they undertake activities to identify any speech, language and communication needs. Time is required to make observations, as it involves watching the child closely and recording what they do and say. There are different methods of observing and assessing children, and by conducting them, childcare workers will monitor and identify the speech, language and communication needs of each child. By observing and assessing children it is possible to identify signs of speech, language and communication needs including:

  • difficulties understanding speech
  • difficulties following instructions
  • communication difficulties
  • poor social skills or lack of social skills
  • difficulties making eye contact
  • difficulties following or understanding body language, e.g. gestures.

All settings will have policies and procedures relating to observing and recording children's speech, language and communication needs. It is important that childcare workers work in a way that follows these policies. There will also be policies and procedures for sharing information about children's needs with other staff, parents/carers and agencies or professionals. These policies and procedures are important factors in ensuring that speech, language and communication difficulties are identified. Referrals to support services must be made promptly, therefore it is essential that childcare workers follow these policies.

Different methods of observation and assessment

Free/Narrative Description

The childcare worker will focus on the child's activities and write down what they see over a period of time. This method is useful as it will give a detailed picture of what is happening. A loose description tends to be quite short and helps in detailing aspects where children have difficulty, e.g. if a child has difficulties interacting with other children. Using this method of observation, information about behaviour, facial expressions and verbal and non-verbal communication can be recorded.


This is an effective method of recording large amounts of information simply by using a tick chart. The childcare worker will need to draw up his or her own checklist focusing on a skill or area of development, e.g. whether a child knows certain letters. The observer will tick them off as they see them. The checklist can be used to observe several children of the same age to compare their developmental progress. It is useful to include a column where further comments can be made. The checklist can be reused with different children and the findings are easy to interpret.

Sample Time

The observer will determine the time period to observe, e.g. a 2-hour period or a morning session in a playgroup. The child's activity will need to be observed every 2, 10 or 15 minutes to track what the child is doing or saying. The childcare worker chooses the length of observation and the interval between each observation. A variety of activities can be observed and is therefore an effective way of observing a child's communication in different situations.

Sample Event

This approach can be used when the childcare worker needs to see how a child behaves when undertaking particular activities or to find out how often an aspect of behaviour or development occurs. For example, how a child communicates with others. A form will need to be created that identifies the behaviour that needs to be observed. Each time the child displays the behaviour or development, the time and circumstances will need to be recorded.

Actions following assessments

Following assessments of a child's speech, language and communication needs, it will be necessary to report back to other staff and parents/carers, so that everyone is aware of any potential needs identified. Occasionally, professionals will need to be contacted to ensure that the child receives the support or intervention needed to support their development.

With the right support at the right time, children with speech, language and communication difficulties can make progress and reduce their long-term effects. As the brains of young children continue to develop, identifying the problem and providing the help early on can have a big impact. In identifying the difficulties, childcare workers are able to support children to improve their communication, which will have a positive impact on their development.

It is essential that all childcare workers in child care and education settings are aware of child development norms. This enables them to identify any delays in the expected development of speech, language and communication skills. If the delay is an issue that can be resolved within the setting and home, then steps can be taken to do this. For example, if the child has difficulty recognizing letters, flashcards can be prepared, and letter/word and picture reading books can be offered. It is also important to interact the parents/carers. Whatever the delay, it is essential that the childcare worker takes an inclusive approach, enabling the child to participate in all the setting's activities. All children have the right to take part in activities and experiences. If this is not possible, consideration needs to be given to how the activities can be adapted to meet the needs of each child.

Most children and families who need extra help will be able to receive it from professionals working within the setting. Sometimes, it is necessary for multi-agency workers to join together to find an appropriate plan for the child. This avoids numerous appointments with different services. Before referring to e.g. the speech and language therapist, the childcare worker must have permission from the child's parents/carers, and all communication within discussions must be clear and understandable to all.

Some of the services that support children and their families are:

Health visitor - parents who are concerned about their child's language can contact the health visitor. The child may be referred for a hearing test or to a speech and language therapist.

Speech and language therapist - their job is to assess, handle and develop personal plans to support children. They also work closely with parents and childcare workers to support children by training those involved with the child.

Portage Worker - a home help service for pre-school children with additional needs and offers help and support to parents.

The setting's staff - the setting's staff need to work with parents/carers and other services to understand the specific needs of the children so that they receive individual support.

One-to-one support at the setting - a member of staff can be identified to support children with speech, language and communication needs at an individual level. Staff are able to receive additional training, e.g. with Makaton.

Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) - responsible for managing additional learning needs within the school, working closely with staff, parents and carers and other agencies.

Educational psychologist - a child with speech, language and communication difficulties can be assessed by an educational psychologist.

GP - parents who are concerned about their child's language can contact the GP. The child may be referred for a hearing test or to a speech and language therapist.

Mae pob plentyn yn datblygu ar raddfa wahanol ac mae angen i gweithwyr gofal plant gwrdd ag anghenion pob plentyn unigol. Wrth arsylwi plant, mae gweithwyr gofal plant yn medru asesu eu hanghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu er mwyn gallu hyrwyddo eu datblygiad yn y ffordd gorau posib.

Mae angen i gweithwyr gofal plant arsylwi plant yn ddyddiol wrth iddynt ymgymryd â gweithgareddau er mwyn nodi unrhyw anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu. Mae’n ofynnol neilltuo amser i wneud arsylwadau gan ei fod yn golygu gwylio’r plentyn yn fanwl a chofnodi beth mae’n ei wneud a’i ddweud. Mae gwahanol ddulliau o arsylwi ac asesu plant a thrwy eu cynnal, bydd gweithwyr gofal plant yn monitro a nodi anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu pob plentyn. Drwy arsylwi ac asesu plant mae’n bosib nodi arwyddion o anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu yn cynnwys:

  • anawsterau deall lleferydd
  • anawsterau dilyn cyfarwyddiadau
  • anawsterau cyfathrebu
  • sgiliau cymdeithasol gwael neu ddiffyg sgiliau cymdeithasol
  • anawsterau gwneud cyswllt llygaid
  • anawsterau dilyn neu ddeall iaith y corff, e.e. ystumiau.

Bydd gan bob lleoliad bolisïau a gweithdrefnau yn ymwneud ag arsylwi a chofnodi anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu plant. Mae’n bwysig bod gweithwyr gofal plant yn gweithio mewn ffordd sy’n dilyn y polisïau hyn. Bydd polisïau a gweithdrefnau hefyd ar gyfer rhannu gwybodaeth am anghenion plant gyda staff eraill, rhieni/gofalwyr ac asiantaethau neu bobl broffesiynol. Mae’r polisïau a’r gweithdrefnau hyn yn ffactorau pwysig wrth sicrhau bod anawsterau lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu yn cael eu hadnabod. Rhaid cynnal atgyfeiriadau i wasanaethau cefnogi yn fuan, felly, mae’n hanfodol bod gweithwyr gofal plant yn dilyn y polisïau hyn.

Gwahanol ddulliau arsylwi ac asesu

Disgrifiad Rhydd/Naratif

Bydd y gweithiwr gofal plant yn ffocysu ar weithgaredd y plentyn gan ysgrifennu popeth mae’n ei weld dros gyfnod o amser. Mae’r dull hwn yn ddefnyddiol gan y bydd yn rhoi darlun manwl o’r hyn sy’n cymryd lle. Mae disgrifiad rhydd yn dueddol o fod yn eithaf byr ac mae o gymorth wrth fanylu ar agweddau lle mae plant yn cael anhawster, e.e. os yw plentyn yn cael anawsterau rhyngweithio â phlant eraill. Drwy ddefnyddio’r dull hwn o arsylwi, gellir cofnodi gwybodaeth ynglŷn ag ymddygiad, mynegiant wyneb a chyfathrebu geiriol a di-eiriau.

Rhestr Wirio

Mae hon yn ddull effeithiol i gofnodi llawer o wybodaeth yn syml drwy ddefnyddio siart dicio. Bydd angen i’r gweithiwr gofal plant llunio rhestr wirio ei hun gan ganolbwyntio ar sgil neu faes datblygiad, e.e. os yw plentyn yn adnabod llythrennau penodol. Bydd yr arsylwr yn eu ticio wrth eu gweld. Gellir defnyddio’r rhestr wirio i arsylwi nifer o blant o’r un oedran er mwyn cymharu eu cynnydd datblygiadol. Mae’n ddefnyddiol i gynnwys colofn lle gellir cynnig sylwadau pellach. Gellir ailddefnyddio’r rhestr wirio gyda phlant gwahanol ac mae’r darganfyddiadau yn hawdd i’w dehongli.

Sampl Amser

Bydd yr arsylwr yn penderfynu ar gyfnod amser i arsylwi, e.e. cyfnod o 2 awr neu sesiwn bore mewn cylch meithrin. Bydd angen arsylwi gweithgaredd y plentyn bob 2, 10 neu 15 munud er mwyn olrhain yr hyn y mae’r plentyn yn ei wneud neu yn ei ddweud. Y gweithiwr gofal plant sy’n dewis am ba hyd i arsylwi a faint o egwyl sydd rhwng bob arsylwad. Gellir arsylwi amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ac felly mae’n ffordd effeithiol o arsylwi cyfathrebu plentyn mewn gwahanol sefyllfaoedd.

Sampl Digwyddiad

Gellir defnyddio’r dull hwn pan fydd y gweithiwr gofal plant angen gweld sut y mae plentyn yn ymddwyn wrth ymgymryd â gweithgareddau penodol neu i ddarganfod pa mor aml mae agwedd o ymddygiad neu ddatblygiad yn digwydd. Er enghraifft, sut mae plentyn yn cyfathrebu ag eraill. Bydd angen creu ffurflen sy’n dynodi’r ymddygiad y mae angen ei arsylwi. Bob tro mae’r plentyn yn arddangos yr ymddygiad neu’r datblygiad, bydd angen cofnodi’r amser a’r amgylchiadau.

Camau i’w cymryd yn dilyn asesiadau

Yn dilyn asesiadau o anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu plentyn, bydd angen adrodd yn ôl i staff eraill a rheini/gofalwyr, fel bod pawb yn ymwybodol o unrhyw anghenion posibl a nodwyd. Ar adegau, bydd angen cysylltu â phobl broffesiynol er mwyn sicrhau bod y plentyn yn cael y cymorth neu’r ymyrraeth sydd ei angen er mwyn cefnogi ei ddatblygiad.

Gyda’r gefnogaeth gywir ar yr adeg briodol mae plant sydd ag anawsterau iaith, lleferydd a chyfathrebu yn gallu gwneud cynnydd a lleihau eu heffeithiau hirdymor. Gan fod ymennydd plant ifanc yn parhau i ddatblygu, mae adnabod y broblem a rhoi’r cymorth yn gynnar yn gallu cael effaith mawr. Wrth adnabod yr anawsterau, mae gweithwyr gofal plant yn gallu cefnogi plant i wella eu cyfathrebu a fydd yn cael effaith positif ar eu datblygiad.

Mae’n hanfodol bod pob gweithiwr gofal plant mewn lleoliadau gofal ac addysg plant yn ymwybodol o normau datblygiad plant. Mae hyn yn eu galluogi i adnabod unrhyw oedi o ran datblygiad disgwyliedig sgiliau lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu. Os yw’r oedi yn fater y gellir ei datrys o fewn y lleoliad a’r cartref gellir cymryd camau i wneud hyn. Er enghraifft, os yw’r plentyn yn cael anhawster adnabod llythrennau, gellir paratoi cardiau fflach a chynnig llyfrau darllen llythyren/gair a llun. Mae hefyd yn bwysig rhyngweithio gyda’r rhieni/gofalwyr. Beth bynnag yw’r oedi, mae’n hanfodol bod y gweithiwr gofal plant yn gweithredu’r dull cynhwysol gan alluogi’r plentyn i gymryd rhan yn holl weithgareddau’r lleoliad. Mae gan bob plentyn yr hawl i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau a phrofiadau. Os nad yw hyn yn bosib, mae angen ystyried sut y gellir addasu’r gweithgareddau er mwyn diwallu anghenion pob plentyn.

Bydd y mwyafrif o blant a theuluoedd/gofalwyr sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol yn gallu ei dderbyn oddi wrth bobl broffesiynol sy’n gweithio o fewn y lleoliad. Weithiau, bydd angen i weithwyr amlasiantaethol ymuno â’i gilydd er mwyn darganfod cynllun priodol i’r plentyn. Mae hyn yn osgoi apwyntiadau niferus gyda gwahanol wasanaethau. Cyn cyfeirio at e.e. y therapydd iaith a lleferydd, mae’n rhaid i’r gweithiwr gofal plant dderbyn caniatâd gan rieni/gofalwyr y plentyn a bydd rhaid sicrhau bod pob cyfathrebu o fewn trafodaethau yn glir ac yn ddealladwy i bawb. Rhai o’r gwasanaethau sy’n cefnogi plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr yw:

Ymwelydd iechyd - gall euluoedd/gofalwyr sy’n pryderu am iaith eu plentyn gysylltu â’r ymwelydd iechyd. Gellir cyfeirio’r plentyn am brawf clyw neu at therapydd iaith a lleferydd.

Therapydd iaith a lleferydd - eu gwaith yw asesu, trin a datblygu cynlluniau personol i gefnogi plant. Maent hefyd yn cydweithio’n agos gyda euluoedd/gofalwyr ac gweithwyr gofal plant i gefnogi plant trwy hyfforddi'r rheini sy'n ymwneud â'r plentyn.

Gweithiwr Portage - gwasanaeth cymorth yn y cartref ar gyfer plant cyn-ysgol sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol ac yn cynnig cymorth a chefnogaeth i'r euluoedd/gofalwyr.

Staff y lleoliad - mae angen i staff y lleoliad gydweithio â rhieni/gofalwyr a gwasanaethau eraill er mwyn deall anghenion penodol y plant fel eu bod yn derbyn cefnogaeth unigol.

Cefnogaeth un i un yn y lleoliad - gellir dynodi aelod o staff i gefnogi plant sydd ag anghenion iaith, lleferydd a chyfathrebu ar lefel unigol. Mae’r staff yn gallu derbyn hyfforddiant ychwanegol, e.e. gyda Makaton.

Cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ALNCo) - sy’n gyfrifol am reoli anghenion dysgu ychwanegol o fewn yr ysgol, gan weithio’n agos gyda staff, rhieni a gofalwyr ac asiantaethau eraill.

Seicolegydd addysg - mae plentyn sydd ag anawsterau iaith, lleferydd a chyfathrebu yn gallu cael ei asesu gan seicolegydd addysg.

Meddyg teulu - gall euluoedd/gofalwyr sy'n pryderu am iaith eu plentyn gysylltu â’r meddyg teulu. Gellir cyfeirio’r plentyn i gael prawf clyw neu at therapydd iaith a lleferydd.

The different strategies and techniques available to support children with speech, language and communication needs

Y strategaethau a thechnegau gwahanol sydd ar gael i gefnogi plant ag anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu

Clapping to a song

When speech, language and communication needs are identified, it is important to use a variety of strategies and techniques to support their development. Experienced childcare workers can model these strategies and techniques to support less experienced staff. Adults need to engage children's attention to support their speech, language and communication development. Children's names should be used to grab their attention, and adults should bend down to talk to them rather than looking down on them.

A positive environment when communicating is an important factor when supporting children with speech, language and communication needs. The environment needs to be planned carefully, considering the space and equipment/resources available as well as each individual child’s needs. In areas where children are listening to stories, and need to listen and concentrate, try to minimize the impact of things that may catch their attention and organise the session so that background noise is reduced at group times. This will enable children with speech, language and communication needs to hear what’s being said which will help them concentrate.

Books are a way for children to develop their language, so they should be encouraged to look at books or to read books, depending on their age and stage of development. For children with speech, language and communication needs, it is important to choose a book that is suitable for the child. An overly complicated book will not motivate the child, and they will not focus on it for long. Through observation, the childcare worker should identify the interests of the child, and it is important to use this knowledge to choose a book that will appeal to them. Children enjoy listening to the same stories and repetition is useful to develop vocabulary and understanding of the stories. Puppets may be used to repeat stories and children will enjoy making their own puppets. Puppets are an effective way of supporting shy children to communicate.

Language is often repeated in songs and rhymes, so children learn language by listening and singing and reciting. Repeating words and rhymes can help children to learn new vocabulary. Some children may be shy in a group situation, so songs can often enable less confident children to join in. Singing slowly allows the children to listen and to follow the words. Singing and reciting rhymes using actions or small movements helps children to make connections between the words and the meaning of words. This can be very useful for children with communication difficulties.

Using simple language, speaking slowly and emphasising key words can help children to learn new words. This can be done through play, for example, playing with zoo animals, “you’ve got the elephant, I’ve got the tiger”, “the tiger runs fast”. The words should be reinforced with actions and facial expressions. When reinforcing and expanding language, childcare workers can introduce new words associated with size or colour, for example, the big red bus or the small blue bike.

The children need to be given enough time to respond when communicating. Adults can sometimes be too quick to fill in the gaps and speak on behalf of the children before they have had the opportunity to process, think, plan and respond. It is important to remember that children need time to respond before giving them help or repeating the question. Children can take up to 10 seconds to respond when communicating. If they don't respond, asking the question in another way can help them understand e.g. “Do you want the red car or the blue car?” By using this method, the child is able to demonstrate his understanding of the question by pointing to the car he wants, rather than responding verbally. An important factor with regard to motivating and extending children’s speech is to ask them questions. Open-ended questions encourage longer answers and can help the children to think, for example “where do you want to play?” However, the use of closed questions can encourage children with limited language skills to speak, for example “do you like playing with the sand?”

Children’s language, speech and communication development can be supported by providing play opportunities, such as role play. Role play is an excellent way of extending children’s linguistic skills and encouraging them to communicate. Children can explore role play areas and learn how to play with other children. As children role play, they will use new language, for example, when answering the phone at the surgery. Childcare workers need to model the language required first of all by playing with the children. Mud kitchens are another way of offering role play situations that enable the child to take control of their play. Some children may be reluctant to take part in role play; therefore, childcare workers need to support and encourage them by modelling play in the area.

Art and craft activities support the development of language, speech and communication as the children discuss what they are doing. Large scale painting allows more interaction with other children as they discuss their ideas and large rolls of wallpaper can be provided so that the children can paint with their friends.

Activities that are part of the daily routine are an effective way of supporting children’s language, speech and communication. Childcare workers can speak to the children or sing to them as part of their care, for example, when washing hands or brushing teeth.

Pan fydd anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu wedi cael ei nodi, mae’n hollbwysig defnyddio amrywiaeth o strategaethau a thechnegau er mwyn cefnogi eu datblygiad. Gall gweithwyr gofal plant profiadol fodelu’r strategaethau a thechnegau hyn er mwyn cefnogi staff llai profiadol.

Mae angen i oedolion sicrhau sylw plant er mwyn cefnogi eu datblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu. Dylid defnyddio enwau plant er mwyn mynnu eu sylw a dylid plygu wrth siarad â hwy yn hytrach nag edrych i lawr arnynt.

Mae amgylchedd cyfathrebu cadarnhaol yn ffactor bwysig wrth gefnogi plant ag anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu. Mae angen cynllunio’r amgylchedd yn ofalus, gan ystyried y gofod a’r offer/adnoddau sydd ar gael yn ogystal ag anghenion pob plentyn unigol. Mewn ardaloedd lle mae plant yn gwrando ar straeon, ac mae angen iddynt wrando a chanolbwyntio, dylid ceisio lleihau effaith y pethau a all gymryd eu sylw a threfnu'r sesiwn fel bod sŵn cefndirol yn cael ei leihau ar adegau grŵp. Bydd hyn yn galluogi plant ag anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu i glywed yr hyn sy’n cael ei ddweud a’u galluogi i ganolbwyntio’n well.

Mae llyfrau’n fodd i blant ddatblygu iaith, felly dylid annog plant i edrych ar neu ddarllen llyfrau, yn dibynnu ar eu hoed a'u cyfnod o ddatblygiad. O ran plant ag anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu, mae’n bwysig dewis llyfr sy’n addas ar gyfer y plentyn. Ni fydd llyfr sy’n rhy gymhleth yn symbylu’r plentyn, ac ni fydd yn canolbwyntio arno am gyfnod hir. Drwy arsylwi, dylai’r gweithiwr gofal plant adnabod diddordebau’r plentyn ac mae’n bwysig defnyddio’r wybodaeth hon er mwyn dewis llyfr a fydd yn apelio ato. Mae plant yn mwynhau gwrando ar straeon dro ar ôl tro ac mae'r ailadrodd yn ddefnyddiol wrth ddatblygu geirfa a dealltwriaeth o’r straeon. Gellir defnyddio pypedau er mwyn ailadrodd straeon a bydd plant yn mwynhau gwneud pypedau eu hunain. Mae pypedau yn ffordd effeithiol o gefnogi plant swil i gyfathrebu.

Mae iaith yn aml yn cael ei ailadrodd mewn caneuon a rhigymau ac mae plant yn dysgu iaith drwy wrando a chanu ac adrodd. Gall ailadrodd geiriau a phenillion helpu plant i gaffael geirfa newydd. Gall rhai plant fod yn swil mewn sefyllfa grŵp ac mae caneuon yn aml yn galluogi’r rhai llai hyderus i ymuno. Mae canu yn araf yn galluogi plant wrando a dilyn y geiriau. Mae canu ac adrodd rhigymau sy’n defnyddio ystumiau neu symudiadau bach yn helpu plant i wneud cysylltiad rhwng y geiriau a’u hystyr. Mae hyn yn gallu bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn i blant sydd ag anawsterau cyfathrebu.

Mae defnyddio iaith syml, siarad yn araf a phwysleisio geiriau allweddol yn helpu plant i ddysgu geiriau newydd. Gallai hyn ddigwydd wrth iddynt chwarae, e.e. chwarae gydag anifeiliaid sw, "mae gennyt ti’r eliffant, mae gen i'r teigr", "mae’r teigr yn rhedeg yn gyflym”. Dylid atgyfnerthu’r geiriau gydag ystumiau a mynegiant yr wyneb. Wrth atgyfnerthu ac ehangu iaith, gall gweithwyr gofal plant ychwanegu geiriau newydd sy'n gysylltiedig â maint neu liw, e.e. y bws mawr coch, neu’r beic bach glas.

Mae angen rhoi digon o amser i blant ymateb wrth gyfathrebu. Weithiau, gall oedolion fod yn rhy gyflym i lenwi'r bwlch a siarad dros y plant cyn iddynt gael cyfle i brosesu, meddwl, cynllunio ac ymateb. Mae'n bwysig cofio bod angen amser ar blant i ymateb cyn rhoi cymorth iddynt neu ofyn y cwestiwn eto. Mae plant yn gallu cymryd hyd at 10 eiliad i ymateb wrth gyfathrebu. Os na fyddant yn ymateb, mae gofyn y cwestiwn mewn ffordd arall yn gallu helpu nhw i ddeall, e.e. “wyt ti eisiau’r car coch neu’r car glas”. Drwy ddefnyddio’r dull hwn, mae’r plentyn yn gallu dangos ei ddealltwriaeth o’r cwestiwn drwy bwyntio at y car y mae e eisiau, yn hytrach nag ymateb ar lafar. Rhan bwysig o ysgogi ac ymestyn lleferydd plant yw gofyn cwestiynau iddynt. Mae cwestiynau penagored yn annog atebion hirach ac yn gallu helpu plant i feddwl, e.e. “Ble wyt ti eisiau chwarae?” Fodd bynnag, mae defnyddio cwestiynau caeedig yn annog plant sydd ag iaith gyfyngedig i siarad, e.e. “Wyt ti’n hoffi chwarae gyda’r tywod?”

Gellir cefnogi datblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu plant trwy ddarparu cyfleoedd chwarae megis chwarae rôl. Mae chwarae rôl yn ffordd wych i ymestyn sgiliau ieithyddol plant a’u hannog i gyfathrebu. Gall plant archwilio ardaloedd chwarae rôl a dysgu sut i chwarae â phlant eraill. Wrth i blant chwarae rôl maen nhw’n defnyddio iaith newydd, e.e. wrth ateb ffôn yn y feddygfa. Mae angen i gweithwyr gofal plant fodelu’r iaith sydd i’w defnyddio yn gyntaf drwy chwarae gyda’r plant. Mae ceginau mwd yn ffordd arall o gynnig sefyllfaoedd chwarae rôl sy'n galluogi'r plentyn i gael rheolaeth dros ei chwarae. Efallai bod rhai plant yn amharod i gymryd rhan yn y chwarae rôl, felly, mae angen i gweithwyr gofal plant eu hybu a’u hannog drwy fodelu chwarae yn yr ardal.

Mae gweithgareddau celf a chrefft yn cefnogi datblygiad iaith, lleferydd a chyfathrebu wrth i blant siarad am yr hyn maent yn ei wneud. Mae peintio ar raddfa fawr yn caniatáu mwy o ryngweithio â phlant eraill wrth iddynt drafod eu syniadau a gellid darparu rholiau mawr o bapur wal er mwyn i blant beintio gyda'u ffrindiau.

Mae gweithgareddau sy’n rhan o’r drefn ddyddiol yn ffordd effeithiol o gefnogi iaith, lleferydd a chyfathrebu. Mae gweithwyr gofal plant yn gallu siarad neu ganu gyda’r plant yn ystod trefniadau gofal, e.e. wrth olchi dwylo neu frwsio dannedd.

The importance of monitoring, record keeping and sharing of relevant information and promoting the use of observations to inform planning

Pwysigrwydd monitro, cadw cofnodion a rhannu gwybodaeth berthnasol a hybu'r defnydd o arsylwadau i lywio gwaith cynllunio


Speech, language and communication needs assessments should be used as the basis for planning for each individual child. It is essential that childcare workers are able to plan for children to ensure they are making progress. This requires careful preparation, interaction with others and evaluation of what is planned. In doing this, it can be seen whether the activity or experience was successful in supporting children's speech, language and communication. Through detailed planning, activities and experiences can be offered that interest the child as well as being challenging enough to extend their learning. Settings will hold planning meetings, and all childcare workers need to be involved. During these meetings, it is important for the team to share information about children's speech, language and communication development so that everyone can contribute to the planning process.

Planning, observation, monitoring and evaluation

  • Each child's interests and strengths need to be planned for individually. This is crucial in supporting speech, language and communication development.
  • When planning for a child’s individual needs, it may become apparent that a little more time or constant adult support is needed. The child may benefit from repeating the activity.
  • What is the developmental level of children's speech, language and communication as well as their development in other areas, e.g. creative development, physical development?
  • Staff levels and responsibilities need to be considered.
  • What resources are available?
  • How much time is available?
  • More experienced childcare workers should encourage other staff to observe the children and reflect on their behaviour to inform planning.

Observations of children's speech, language and communication needs should always be evaluated. As part of this process, childcare workers should reflect on what has been observed, considering the potential support that children can be offered. The feedback will be used as a link for the planning process. This process is known as the 'planning cycle'. It should be a continuous process, as the levels of speech, language and communication development do not stand still. By adapting practices, the childcare worker will be able to differentiate and offer children extended opportunities.

Monitoring is an effective way of ensuring that planned and implemented activities and experiences are relevant to the needs of the children. Monitoring enables childcare workers to see when children are making progress in their speech, language and communication development, and when they need help. Consideration should be given to:

  • Creating a starting point to plan for individual children's speech, language and communication needs.
  • Information on the success of the provision in promoting speech, language and communication.
  • Focus on the activity and its effectiveness in promoting speech, language and communication.
  • How effective was adult interaction?
  • Did the children perform as expected?
  • Reassess constantly as children grow and develop and their interests and needs change.

Dylid defnyddio asesiadau o anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu yn sail i gynllunio ar gyfer bob plentyn unigol. Mae’n hanfodol bod gweithwyr gofal plant yn medru cynllunio ar gyfer plant er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn gwneud cynnydd. Mae angen paratoi’n ofalus, rhyngweithio ag eraill a gwerthuso'r hyn sydd wedi’i gynllunio. Wrth wneud hyn, gellir gweld a oedd y gweithgaredd neu’r profiad yn llwyddiannus o ran cefnogi lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu plant. Trwy gynllunio manwl, gellir cynnig gweithgareddau a phrofiadau sy’n diddori’r plentyn yn ogystal â bod yn ddigon heriol i ymestyn ei ddysgu. Bydd lleoliadau yn cynnal cyfarfodydd cynllunio ac mae angen i bob gweithiwr gofal plant fod yn rhan ohonynt. Yn ystod y cyfarfodydd hyn, mae’n bwysig bod y tîm yn rhannu gwybodaeth am ddatblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu plant er mwyn i bawb gyfrannu at y broses cynllunio.

Cynllunio, arsylwi, monitro a gwerthuso

  • Mae angen cynllunio ar gyfer diddordebau a chryfderau pob plentyn yn unigol. Mae hyn yn hollbwysig wrth gefnogi datblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu.
  • Wrth gynllunio ar gyfer anghenion unigol plentyn efallai y daw’n amlwg bod angen ychydig mwy o amser neu gefnogaeth gyson gan oedolyn. Efallai bydd y plentyn yn elwa o ailadrodd y gweithgaredd.
  • Beth yw lefel datblygiadol lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu’r plant yn ogystal â’u datblygiad ym meysydd eraill, e.e. datblygiad creadigol, datblygiad corfforol?
  • Mae angen ystyried lefelau a chyfrifoldebau’r staff.
  • Pa adnoddau sydd ar gael?
  • Faint o amser sydd ar gael?
  • Dylai gweithwyr gofal plant mwy profiadol hybu staff eraill i arsylwi plant a myfyrio ar eu hymddygiad i lywio cynllunio.

Dylid gwerthuso arsylwadau o anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu plant bob amser. Fel rhan o’r broses hyn dylai gweithwyr gofal plant fyfyrio ar yr hyn a arsylwyd, gan ystyried y gefnogaeth posib y gellir cynnig i blant. Defnyddir yr adborth fel dolen gyswllt ar gyfer y broses gynllunio. Gelwir y broses yma yn ‘cylch cynllunio’. Dylai fod yn broses parhaol gan nad yw lefelau datblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu’n aros yn yr unfan. Trwy addasu arferion, bydd y gweithiwr gofal plant yn medru gwahaniaethu a chynnig cyfleoedd estynedig i blant.

Mae monitro yn ffordd effeithiol o sicrhau bod y gweithgareddau a’r profiadau sydd wedi’u cynllunio a’u gweithredu’n berthnasol i anghenion y plant. Mae monitro’n galluogi gweithwyr gofal plant i weld pan fydd plant yn gwneud cynnydd o ran eu datblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu, a phan fydd angen cymorth arnyn nhw. Dylid ystyried:

  • Creu man cychwyn i gynllunio ar gyfer anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu plant unigol.
  • Gwybodaeth am lwyddiant y ddarpariaeth o ran hybu lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu.
  • Ffocysu ar y gweithgaredd a’i effeithiolrwydd o ran hybu lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu.
  • Pa mor effeithiol oedd rhyngweithiad oedolyn?
  • A gyflawnodd y plant yn ôl y disgwyl?
  • Ailasesu’n gyson gan fod plant yn tyfu a datblygu a’u diddordebau a’u hanghenion yn newid.

Types of activities that could be used for the different age ranges to promote speech, language, communication and literacy development

Mathau o weithgareddau y gellid eu defnyddio ar gyfer yr ystodau oedran gwahanol er mwyn hybu datblygiad lleferydd, iaith, cyfathrebu a llythrennedd

A child in a classroom

Plan and use experiences and activities to support speech, language, communication and literacy.

It is essential that childcare workers work in a way that supports the development of children's speech, language, communication and literacy skills. This can be done by ensuring that the planning and experiences and activities - both indoors and outdoors - promote development.

Children are more likely to develop speech, language, communication and literacy skills if they are having fun. As the activities and experiences are fun, they engage the children in exploring the environment and learning through play. Children need to be offered practical opportunities for experiential learning with an emphasis on speaking, listening and interacting with others. The development of speech, language, communication and literacy skills can be supported by planning a range of accessible opportunities and experiences, including:

  • experimenting in a safe environment
  • having time to explore
  • having first hand experiences
  • meeting their needs
  • following their interests
  • revisiting their learning
  • fostering independent skills
  • developing new skills
  • developing ideas
  • making decisions
  • using imagination
  • individual and group play
  • expressing themselves
  • developing as independent learners
  • practising Welsh
  • discussing and questioning
  • spontaneous play
  • structured play
  • concentration
  • using tools for a purpose
  • helping others and asking for help
  • using the senses
  • following instructions
  • sharing and waiting for a turn
  • talking about their experiences
  • expressing an opinion.

Children's experiences in the early years affect how the brain works. In role play, children use spoken and non-verbal language when communicating, and extend their imagination. This strengthens their speech, language and communication skills. By planning different activities for children, they can be encouraged to try new things beyond their normal ability. This leads to developing their confidence so that they can try out various tasks. By introducing children to a variety of activities and experiences, it can be ensured that they are challenged to make progress in the development of their speech, language and communication. Providing living and exciting experiences enables all children to develop and practise their skills. Ongoing activities, enriched activities and learning experiences need to be provided, both in the classroom and outdoors. Children learn best through first-hand experiences. The aim is to plan appropriately to increase their learning by taking account of their interests and past experiences.

Often, planning takes place following meetings with outside agencies and other professionals. Planning will take place with the help of parents, as they are the ones who know their child best. Childcare workers will need to work in a way that nurtures good relationships with parents/carers so that the children receive the highest quality care and intervention.

Activities to promote speech, language, communication and literacy development

Children under 2 years

Talking and smiling with babies is important to promote speech, language and communication development. As babies make sounds, they need to imitate and encourage the baby to repeat. A response is needed when the baby is laughing or reacting with the face doing the same thing as the baby. Rhymes and lullabies need to be sung, e.g. ‘Gee Ceffyl Bach’. Although the child is very young, their speech, language, communication and literacy development can be enhanced by looking at picture books and encouraging them to point to objects. Animal noises can be imitated and the baby encouraged to do the same. It is important to continue talking and singing to babies as they grow up. You have to talk to the baby about everyday activities, allowing them time to respond. Babies between the ages of 18 months and 2 years old like role play, so ensure you have a supply of toys, such as puppets or dressing up clothes. By the time the child reaches 2 years of age, triangular crayons and pencils can be offered to help develop the fine motor skills needed to be able to write.

2-3 year olds

Between the ages of 2 and 3, children ask lots of questions, so it's important to respond to them and discuss them. The speech must be modelled by speaking clearly. Children need a variety of picture books, dough, crayons, paint brushes and paper to promote their speech, language, communication and literacy skills as well as role play resources. Pictures of familiar people and places should be shown and talked about. Children should be encouraged to play with other children in order to promote their communication skills. Children must be read to regularly.

3-4 year olds

It is essential to keep talking and singing with the children. They must be read to often to encourage speech, language and communication development, and encourage them to visit the library. Questions should be asked that give the child a choice, e.g. "Do you want an apple or an orange?", "Do you want to wear the red or blue shirt?". Arts and craft materials for drawing, painting, dough and cutting and pasting activities must be provided to promote the development of fine motor skills. Children of this age often like stories, so they should be repeated often, offering opportunities for children to get involved. Children can use simple programmes on the computer. Children should be allowed to practise speech, language and communication skills by designing their own games with friends.

5-7 year olds

When talking to children, use the past, present and future tenses of the verb and encourage their use in conversation or writing. A variety of non-fiction and fiction books should be provided. Children should be encouraged to sing, write stories and take part in activities such as poetry and drama. A supply of puppets could be ensured for children to design and participate in a puppet show of their own. There must be ample opportunities for children to answer more complex questions related to their own experiences, stories or events. Children can use computers to record written work. Children should be given two- and three-step instructions, e.g. “go wash your hands, go pick a book, and then sit on the mat”. Children must be given the opportunity to talk in detail about things they have planned or done and explain the process.

Cynllunio a defnyddio profiadau a gweithgareddau i gefnogi lleferydd, iaith, cyfathrebu a llythrennedd

Mae’n hanfodol bod gweithwyr gofal plant yn gweithio mewn ffordd sy’n cefnogi datblygiad sgiliau lleferydd, iaith, cyfathrebu a llythrennedd plant. Gellir gwneud hyn drwy sicrhau bod y cynllunio a’r profiadau a gweithgareddau dan do a thu allan yn hyrwyddo datblygiad.

Mae plant yn fwy tebygol o ddatblygu sgiliau lleferydd, iaith, cyfathrebu a llythrennedd os ydyn nhw’n cael hwyl. Wrth i’r gweithgareddau a’r profiadau fod yn rhai hwyliog, maen nhw’n denu’r plant i ymchwilio’r amgylchedd gan ddysgu trwy chwarae. Mae angen cynnig cyfleoedd ymarferol i blant ddysgu drwy brofiad a rhoi pwyslais ar siarad, gwrando a rhyngweithio ag eraill. Gellir cefnogi datblygiad sgiliau lleferydd, iaith, cyfathrebu a llythrennedd drwy gynllunio amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd a phrofiadau hwylus gan gynnwys:

  • arbrofi mewn amgylchedd diogel
  • cael amser i ymchwilio
  • derbyn profiadau uniongyrchol
  • cwrdd â’u hanghenion
  • dilyn eu diddordebau
  • ailymweld â’u dysgu
  • meithrin sgiliau annibyniaeth
  • datblygu sgiliau newydd
  • datblygu syniadau
  • gwneud penderfyniadau
  • defnyddio’r dychymyg
  • chwarae unigol ac mewn grwpiau
  • mynegi eu hunain
  • datblygu’n ddysgwr annibynnol
  • ymarfer y Gymraeg
  • trafod a chwestiynu
  • chwarae’n ddigymell
  • chwarae’n strwythuredig
  • canolbwyntio
  • defnyddio offer i bwrpas
  • helpu eraill a gofyn am gymorth
  • defnyddio’u synhwyrau
  • dilyn cyfarwyddiadau
  • rhannu ac aros tro
  • siarad am eu profiadau
  • mynegi barn.

Mae profiadau plant yn ystod y blynyddoedd cynnar yn effeithio ar sut mae’r ymennydd yn gweithio. Wrth chwarae rôl, mae plant yn defnyddio iaith lafar a di-eiriol wrth gyfathrebu gan ymestyn eu dychymyg. Mae hyn yn cryfhau eu sgiliau lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu. Trwy gynllunio gweithgareddau gwahanol i blant gellir eu hannog i dreialu pethau newydd sydd y tu hwnt i’w gallu arferol. Mae hyn yn arwain at ddatblygu eu hyder fel eu bod yn medru rhoi cynnig ar dasgau amrywiol.

Trwy gyflwyno gweithgareddau a phrofiadau amrywiol i blant, gellir sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu herio i wneud cynnydd yn natblygiad eu lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu. Mae darparu profiadau byw a chyffrous yn galluogi pob plentyn i ddatblygu ac ymarfer ei sgiliau. Mae angen darparu gweithgareddau parhaus, gweithgareddau sydd wedi’u cyfoethogi a phrofiadau dysgu o fewn yr ystafell ddosbarth ac yn yr awyr agored. Mae plant yn dysgu orau trwy dderbyn profiadau uniongyrchol. Y nod yw cynllunio’n briodol er mwyn cynyddu eu dysgu drwy ystyried eu diddordebau a’u profiadau blaenorol.

Yn aml iawn, bydd y cynllunio’n digwydd yn dilyn cyfarfodydd gydag asiantaethau allanol a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill. Bydd y cynllunio'n digwydd gyda chymorth y euluoedd/gofalwyr gan mai nhw yw'r rhai sy'n adnabod eu plentyn orau. Bydd angen i’r gweithwyr gofal plant weithio mewn ffordd sy’n meithrin perthynas dda gyda’r rhieni/gofalwyr fel bod y plant yn cael y gofal a’r ymyrraeth o'r ansawdd gorau.

Gweithgareddau i hybu datblygiad lleferydd, iaith, cyfathrebu a llythrennedd

Plant o dan 2 oed

Mae’n bwysig siarad a gwenu gyda babanod er mwyn hybu datblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu. Wrth i fabanod wneud synau mae angen eu dynwared ac annog y baban i’w hailadrodd. Mae angen ymateb pan fydd y baban yn chwerthin neu'n ymateb gyda’i wyneb gan wneud yr un peth â’r baban. Mae angen canu hwiangerddi a rhigymau, e.e. ‘Gee Ceffyl Bach’. Er bod y plentyn yn ifanc iawn, gellir hybu ei ddatblygiad lleferydd, iaith, cyfathrebu a llythrennedd drwy edrych ar lyfrau lluniau a’i annog i bwyntio at wrthrychau. Gellir dynwared synau anifeiliaid ac annog y baban i wneud yr un modd. Mae’n bwysig parhau i siarad a chanu â babanod wrth iddynt dyfu. Rhaid siarad â’r baban am weithgareddau bob dydd, gan adael amser iddo ymateb. Mae babanod rhwng tua 18 mis i 2 oed yn hoffi chwarae rôl, rhaid felly sicrhau cyflenwad o deganau megis pypedau neu ddillad gwisgo i fyny. Erbyn i’r plentyn gyrraedd 2 oed, gellir cynnig creonau a phensiliau trionglog i helpu datblygu’r sgiliau echddygol mân sydd eu hangen i fedru ysgrifennu.

Plant 2-3 oed

Rhwng tua 2-3 oed, mae plant yn gofyn llawer o gwestiynau felly mae’n bwysig ymateb iddyn nhw a’u trafod. Rhaid modelu’r llefaru gan siarad yn glir. Rhaid sicrhau amrywiaeth o lyfrau lluniau, toes, creonau, brwsys paent a phapur i blant er mwyn hybu eu sgiliau lleferydd, iaith, cyfathrebu a llythrennedd ynghyd ag adnoddau chwarae rôl. Dylid dangos lluniau o bobl a lleoedd cyfarwydd a siarad amdanyn nhw. Dylid annog y plant i chwarae â phlant eraill er mwyn hybu eu sgiliau cyfathrebu. Rhaid darllen i blant yn rheolaidd.

Plant 3-4 oed

Mae’n hanfodol i barhau i siarad a chanu gyda’r plant. Rhaid darllen iddynt yn aml i annog datblygiad lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu, a’u hannog i ymweld â’r llyfrgell. Dylid gofyn cwestiynau sy'n rhoi dewis i’r plentyn, e.e. "Wyt ti eisiau afal neu oren?", "Wyt ti eisiau gwisgo'r crys coch neu'r crys glas?”. Rhaid darparu deunyddiau celf a chrefft ar gyfer tynnu lluniau, paentio, toes a gweithgareddau torri a gludo er mwyn hybu datblygiad sgiliau echddygol mân. Yn aml, mae plant yr oedran hwn yn hoff o straeon, felly, dylid eu hailadrodd yn aml, gan gynnig cyfleoedd i blant gymryd rhan. Mae plant yn gallu defnyddio rhaglenni syml ar y cyfrifiadur. Dylid gadael i blant ymarfer sgiliau lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu drwy gynllunio gemau eu hunain gyda ffrindiau.

Plant 5-7 oed

Wrth siarad â phlant, dylid defnyddio amseroedd gorffennol, presennol a dyfodol y ferf ac annog eu defnydd wrth sgwrsio neu ysgrifennu. Dylid darparu amrywiaeth o lyfrau ffeithiol a ffuglen. Dylid annog y plant i ganu, ysgrifennu straeon a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau megis barddoniaeth a drama. Gellir sicrhau cyflenwad o bypedau er mwyn i blant gynllunio a chymryd rhan mewn sioe bypedau eu hunain. Rhaid sicrhau digon o gyfleoedd i blant ateb cwestiynau mwy cymhleth sy’n gysylltiedig â’u profiadau eu hunain, storïau neu ddigwyddiadau. Mae plant yn gallu defnyddio cyfrifiaduron i gofnodi gwaith ysgrifenedig. Dylid rhoi cyfarwyddiadau dau a thri cham i blant, e.e. “ewch i olchi eich dwylo, ewch i ddewis llyfr, ac yna eisteddwch ar y mat”. Rhaid rhoi cyfle i blant siarad yn fanwl am bethau y maent wedi’u llunio neu wedi’u gwneud ac egluro’r broses.

Hint 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.