National policy and guidance that underpin speech, language and communication

Polisïau a chanllawiau cenedlaethol sy'n ategu lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu

3 month old baby

Curriculum for Wales – Curriculum for Life, Welsh Government 2015

A scheme that describes the steps taken by the Welsh Government when designing the new national curriculum for Wales. The aim of the scheme is to create a new curriculum that will enable learners in Wales to enjoy learning and teaching that inspires them to succeed. As part of the scheme, the Welsh Government has committed to seeing the Welsh language thrive. The Welsh language will remain a compulsory element of the curriculum for all learners up to the age of 16. The new curriculum will ensure that all learners can develop their Welsh language skills and use them confidently in different contexts.

Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers by 2050

The Welsh Government's strategy for promoting and facilitating the use of Welsh. The Cymraeg 2050 strategy outlines the Welsh Government's long-term plan to reach the target of a million Welsh speakers by 2050. In order to reach the target, the Welsh Government wants to expand Welsh-medium provision in the early years to support progression to Welsh-medium education. The scheme also notes the objective to increase the proportion of each school year group that receives Welsh-medium education and to increase the number of primary school teachers who can teach through the medium of Welsh.

Welsh-medium Education Strategy

The Strategy was published in April 2010 to develop effective provision from nursery through to further and higher education. The Welsh Government's vision is for an education system that responds to the demand for Welsh-medium education. The aim is to increase the number of people who are fluent in the language and are able to use it with their families, in their communities and in the workplace. The Welsh Government wants to provide an education system that enables more learners of all ages to develop a wider range of Welsh language skills.

Welsh-medium Education Strategy: Next steps

A document setting out the next steps to be taken by the Welsh Government for the development of Welsh-medium education and the Welsh language from April 2016. The document outlines the Welsh Government's priorities as part of the development of the long-term Welsh language strategy.

Welsh Language Standards (No. 7) Regulations 2018

Regulations setting standards in relation to the conduct of Local Health Boards, National Health Service Trusts in Wales, Community Health Councils and the Board of Community Health Councils in Wales. The standards make it clear to organisations what the expectations are in terms of complying with the requirements. The regulations set standards for the provision and delivery of services. The intention is to promote or facilitate the use of Welsh, or to work towards ensuring that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably than English.

Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (local)

Each local authority is required to produce and submit its Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) to the Welsh Government to show how it intends to achieve the aims and targets set out in the Welsh-medium Education Strategy. The Welsh Government's vision is to enable all learners to develop their Welsh language skills and to use the language confidently in everyday life. To achieve this vision, local authorities need to plan to ensure that all learners benefit from a high quality curriculum and that they enjoy inspiring learning and teaching.

Flying Start

Flying Start is part of our Early Years Programme for families with children under 4 years old living in the most deprived areas of Wales. Every family in a Flying Start area should have continuous access to an appropriate language and play group. From here, support can be targeted and based on assessment and referral where there is evidence of additional need. In some local authorities, speech and language therapists are employed as part of the core Flying Start team.

Welsh in Education: Action Plan 2017-21 and Foundation Phase

All Welsh-medium childcare settings have a language policy. In committing to these policies, childcare workers ensure that Welsh is the language used in all aspects while children receive Welsh-medium education. The Foundation Phase Framework states that the Welsh Government is committed to developing and promoting the Welsh language.

The Welsh Government has prepared a 'Welsh in Education' Action Plan 2017-2021. The Welsh Government's vision is to enable all learners to develop Welsh language skills and, eventually, to use the language every day. In order to achieve this, a world-class curriculum is required to ensure success. One of the main actions is to remove the term 'Welsh second language', by developing a single continuum for learning Welsh, with the same expectations for Welsh and English medium schools. The plan states that equal access must be ensured for everyone in terms of Welsh-medium education.

Cwricwlwm i Gymru - Cwricwlwm am Oes, Llywodraeth Cymru 2015

Cynllun sy’n disgrifio’r camau a gymerwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru wrth adeiladu cwricwlwm cenedlaethol newydd i Gymru. Nod y cynllun yw creu cwricwlwm newydd a fydd yn galluogi dysgwyr yng Nghymru i fwynhau addysgu a dysgu sy’n eu hysbrydoli nhw i lwyddo. Fel rhan o’r cynllun, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i weld y Gymraeg yn ffynnu. Bydd y Gymraeg yn parhau’n elfen orfodol yn y cwricwlwm i bob dysgwr nes bydd yn 16 mlwydd oed. Bydd y cwricwlwm newydd yn sicrhau bod pob dysgwr yn gallu datblygu ei sgiliau iaith Gymraeg a’i defnyddio’n hyderus mewn gwahanol gyd-destunau.

Cymraeg 2050: Miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050

Strategaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer hybu a hwyluso defnyddio’r Gymraeg. Mae Strategaeth Cymraeg 2050 yn amlinellu cynllun hirdymor Llywodraeth Cymru o gyrraedd y targed o filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050. Er mwyn cyrraedd y targed, mae Llywodraeth Cymru am ehangu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg y blynyddoedd cynnar er mwyn cefnogi dilyniant i addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg. Mae’r cynllun hefyd yn nodi’r amcan o gynyddu cyfran pob grŵp blwyddyn ysgol sy'n derbyn addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg a chynyddu nifer yr athrawon cynradd sy'n gallu addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

Strategaeth Addysg Cyfrwng Cymraeg

Cyhoeddwyd y Strategaeth ym mis Ebrill 2010 i ddatblygu darpariaeth effeithiol o addysg feithrin hyd at addysg bellach ac uwch. Gweledigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru yw cael system addysg sy’n ymateb i’r galw am addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg. Y nod yw sicrhau cynnydd yn nifer y bobl sy’n rhugl yn yr iaith ac sy’n gallu ei defnyddio gyda’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr, yn eu cymunedau ac yn y gweithle. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisiau darparu system addysg sy’n ei gwneud yn bosibl i fwy o ddysgwyr o bob oedran ddatblygu amrywiaeth ehangach o sgiliau iaith yn y Gymraeg.

Strategaeth Addysg Cyfrwng Cymraeg: Y Camau Nesaf

Dogfen sy’n nodi’r camau nesaf i’w cymryd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer datblygu addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg ac iaith Gymraeg o Ebrill 2016. Mae’r ddogfen yn amlinellu blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru fel rhan o ddatblygiad y strategaeth iaith Gymraeg tymor hir.

Rheoliadau Safonau’r Gymraeg (Rhif 7) 2018

Rheoliadau sy’n gosod safonau mewn perthynas ag ymddygiad Byrddau Iechyd Lleol, Ymddiriedolaethau Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol yng Nghymru, Cynghorau Iechyd Cymuned a Bwrdd Cynghorau Iechyd Cymuned Cymru. Mae’r safonau yn ei gwneud yn glir i’r sefydliadau beth yw’r disgwyliadau o ran cydymffurfio â’r gofynion. Mae’r rheoliadau’n gosod safonau ar gyfer darparu a chyflenwi gwasanaethau. Y bwriad yw hybu neu hwyluso defnyddio’r Gymraeg, neu weithio tuag at sicrhau nad yw’r Gymraeg yn cael ei thrin yn llai ffafriol na’r Saesneg.

Cynllun Strategol y Gymraeg mewn Addysg (lleol)

Mae’n ofynnol i bob awdurdod lleol lunio a chyflwyno ei Gynllun Strategol Cymraeg mewn Addysg (CSCA) i Lywodraeth Cymru i ddangos sut mae'n bwriadu cyflawni nodau a thargedau a amlinellir yn y Strategaeth Addysg Cyfrwng Cymraeg. Gweledigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru yw galluogi pob dysgwr i ddatblygu ei sgiliau iaith Gymraeg ac i ddefnyddio'r iaith yn hyderus mewn bywyd bob dydd. Er mwyn cyflawni'r weledigaeth hon, mae angen i awdurdodau lleol gynllunio ar gyfer sicrhau bod pob dysgwr yn elwa o gwricwlwm o'r radd flaenaf a’u bod yn mwynhau dysgu ac addysgu sy'n eu hysbrydoli.

Dechrau'n Deg

Mae Dechrau’n Deg yn rhan o’n Rhaglen Blynyddoedd Cynnar i deuluoedd/gofalwyr â phlant dan 4 oed sy’n byw yn ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig Cymru. Dylai pob teulu/gofalwr mewn ardal Dechrau’n Deg gael mynediad parhaus i gylch iaith a chwarae priodol. O’r fan hon, gellir targedu cymorth a’i seilio ar asesiad ac atgyfeiriad lle mae tystiolaeth o angen ychwanegol. Mewn rhai awdurdodau lleol, cyflogir therapyddion iaith a lleferydd fel rhan o dîm craidd Dechrau’n Deg.

Y Gymraeg mewn Addysg: Cynllun Gweithredu 2017-21 a’r Cyfnod Sylfaen

Mae gan bob lleoliad gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg bolisi iaith. Wrth ymrwymo i’r polisïau hyn, mae gweithwyr gofal plant yn sicrhau mai Cymraeg yw’r iaith y caiff ei defnyddio ym mhob agwedd tra bod plant yn derbyn addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg. Mae Fframwaith y Cyfnod Sylfaen yn nodi bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu a hybu’r Gymraeg.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi paratoi Cynllun Gweithredu 2017-2021 ‘Y Gymraeg mewn Addysg’. Gweledigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru yw galluogi pob dysgwr i ddatblygu sgiliau iaith Gymraeg, ac, yn y pen draw, i ddefnyddio’r iaith pob dydd. Er mwyn cyflawni hyn, mae angen cwricwlwm o’r radd flaenaf er mwyn sicrhau llwyddiant. Un o’r prif gamau gweithredu yw cael gwared â’r term ‘Cymraeg ail-iaith’, drwy ddatblygu un continwwm ar gyfer dysgu Cymraeg, gyda’r un disgwyliadau ar gyfer ysgolion Cymraeg a Saesneg. Mae’r cynllun yn nodi bod rhaid sicrhau mynediad cyfartal i bawb o ran addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg.

Hint 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Theories and research evidence which have influenced policy and practice in promoting speech, language and communication skills

Damcaniaethau a thystiolaeth ymchwil sydd wedi dylanwadu ar bolisi ac ymarfer mewn perthynas â hybu sgiliau lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu

A child reading with his parent

Theories in relation to promoting speech, language and communication skills


Chomsky is a key theorist on language acquisition, and he suggested that a child does not learn the language, but creates it from scratch. He implies that language is innate and that we are born with a set of language rules in our heads. Chomsky refers to this as the 'universal grammar'. Indigenous grammar is the basis on which all human languages are built. Chomsky believes that everyone is born with the physical and intellectual ability to learn a language, and that some children can easily learn two or more languages early in life.


Vygotsky suggested that interactions with others strongly influence the child's understanding of the world and that the quality of parental communication strongly influences a child's language development. Adults play a key role in helping children develop. As well as looking at a child's current stage of development, he looked at what the child could do in the next phase. He called this the 'proximal development zone' or 'proximal developmental layer'. This is the difference between what the child can achieve independently and what the child can achieve with guidance and encouragement from a skilled teacher. A child develops cognitively through social interaction with another, more knowledgeable, person. Research on the brain shows that the minds of young children can readily accept a language and therefore the early years are an ideal time to introduce a new language. This supports the introduction of Welsh Language Development as one of the Foundation Phase Areas of Learning.


Bruner suggested that children need to be actively involved in their learning. He believed that the role of the adult was important and that interactions are the most important elements in learning a language. According to Bruner, parents needed to read to their children to help develop grammar, communication and literacy skills. Using formats such as adult language repetition in action songs and reading books helps children learn how to use it. They learn to understand that language has order and that it is about interactions.


Skinner suggested that behaviour can be reinforced and that children can learn through the consequences of their actions. He called this 'operant conditioning'. The reinforcement can be positive, i.e. a pleasing result, such as a compliment, or negatively, i.e. an unpleasant consequence, such as a punishment. When children pronounce sounds and words that are part of the language they speak, they receive a positive response. This is the reinforcement, and this encourages the child to repeat the sound or the word. A child can be rewarded or praised for saying his or her first word, so they are likely to repeat the feat. Children, as they get older, are punished for rage and are therefore unlikely to repeat the action.

Research evidence which influences policy and practice in promoting speech, language and communication skills

  • The Best Start at Home: What works to improve the quality of parent-child interactions from conception to age 5 years? A rapid review of the interventions (2015)

A report presenting the results of research into a range of early intervention programmes in the UK for 0 to 5 year olds and their families. The report shares key findings about the effectiveness of early intervention programmes. For example, the report notes that techniques which involve parents sharing books with their children, using a range of stimuli to encourage discussion, are an effective way of supporting the communication and language skills of 0 to 5 year olds. The report also notes that the use of sign language with young children does not have a negative impact on their language development.

  • A review of services for Children and Young People with Speech, Language and Communication needs (2008)

A report that makes recommendations to the Government on the steps to be taken to transform provision and experiences for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs and their families.

  • Talk to your Baby: Guidance for developing a strategic approach to speech, language and communication in the early years

Talk to your Baby is a National Literacy Trust campaign. The campaign aims to promote practice and inform policy relating to early years communication.

  • A review of practice in the implementation of the early language development support element within Flying Start

A review of current practice in relation to intervention to support early language development within Flying Start with the aim of producing guidance. The review makes recommendations to the Welsh Government for implementing support for early language development which is part of the Flying Start programme.

  • A review of research evidence on the effectiveness of different approaches to promoting early speech and language development

A review of national and international research literature on the impact of intervention in relation to early language development for children under 4 years of age. The aim of the review is to make recommendations to help produce guidance linked to the Flying Start programme.

Damcaniaethau mewn perthynas â hybu sgiliau lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu


Mae Chomsky yn ddamcaniaethwr allweddol ar gaffael iaith ac awgrymodd nad yw plentyn yn dysgu’r iaith, ond yn ei chreu o’r newydd. Mae’n awgrymu bod iaith yn gynhenid a’n bod yn cael ein geni gyda set o reolau ynghylch iaith yn ein pennau. Mae Chomsky yn cyfeirio at hyn fel y ‘gramadeg cynhenid’ (universal grammar). Y gramadeg cynhenid yw’r sail y mae’r holl ieithoedd dynol wedi’u hadeiladu arno. Mae Chomsky’n credu bod pawb yn cael eu geni gyda’r gallu corfforol a deallusol i ddysgu iaith, a bod rhai plant yn gallu dysgu dwy iaith neu fwy yn hawdd yn gynnar yn eu bywyd.


Awgrymodd Vygotsky bod rhyngweithiadau gydag eraill yn dylanwadu’n gryf ar ddealltwriaeth y plentyn o’r byd a bod ansawdd cyfathrebu rhieni/gofalwyr yn dylanwadu’n gryf ar ddatblygiad iaith plentyn. Mae oedolion yn chwarae rhan allweddol mewn helpu plant i ddatblygu. Ynghyd ag edrych ar gyfnod datblygiad cyfredol plentyn, edrychodd ar beth allai’r plentyn ei wneud yn y cyfnod nesaf. Galwodd hyn yn ‘parth datblygiad procsimol’ neu ‘haenen datblygu brocsimol’. Dyma’r gwahaniaeth rhwng yr hyn y gall y plentyn ei gyflawni’n annibynnol a’r hyn y gall y plentyn ei gyflawni gydag arweiniad ac anogaeth gan athro medrus. Mae plentyn yn datblygu’n wybyddol drwy ryngweithio cymdeithasol â pherson arall mwy gwybodus. Mae ymchwil ar yr ymennydd yn dangos bod meddyliau plant ifanc yn gallu derbyn iaith yn rhwydd ac felly bod y blynyddoedd cynnar yn amser delfrydol i gyflwyno iaith newydd. Mae hyn yn cefnogi cyflwyno Datblygu’r Gymraeg fel un o’r Meysydd Dysgu yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen.


Awgrymodd Bruner bod angen i blant ymwneud yn weithredol â’u dysgu. Credai fod rôl yr oedolyn yn bwysig ac mai rhyngweithiadau yw’r elfennau pwysicaf wrth ddysgu iaith. Yn ôl Bruner, roedd angen i rieni/gofalwyr ddarllen i’w plant er mwyn helpu datblygu gramadeg, cyfathrebu a sgiliau llythrennedd. Mae defnyddio fformatau fel ailadrodd iaith gan oedolion mewn caneuon actol a llyfrau darllen yn helpu plant i ddysgu sut mae ei defnyddio. Maen nhw’n dysgu deall bod gan iaith drefn a’i bod yn ymwneud â rhyngweithiadau.


Awgrymodd Skinner y gellir atgyfnerthu ymddygiad ac y gall plant ddysgu drwy ganlyniadau eu gweithredoedd. Galwodd hyn yn ‘gyflyru gweithredol’. Gall yr atgyfnerthu fod yn gadarnhaol, h.y. canlyniad pleserus, fel canmoliaeth, neu’n negyddol, h.y. canlyniad annifyr, fel cosb. Pan fydd plant yn ynganu seiniau a geiriau sy’n rhan o’r iaith maen nhw’n ei siarad, maent yn derbyn ymateb positif. Dyma yw’r atgyfnerthiad, ac mae’n annog y plentyn i ailadrodd y sŵn neu’r gair. Gall plentyn gael ei wobrwyo neu ei ganmol am ddweud ei air cyntaf, felly mae’n debygol o ailadrodd y gamp. Mae plant, wrth fynd yn hŷn yn cael eu cosbi am regi ac felly maen nhw’n annhebygol o ailadrodd y weithred.

Tystiolaeth ymchwil sy’n dylanwadu ar bolisi ac ymarfer mewn perthynas â hybu sgiliau lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu

  • The Best Start at Home: What works to improve the quality of parent-child interactions from conception to age 5 years? A rapid review of the interventions (2015)

Adroddiad sy'n cyflwyno canlyniadau ymchwil i ystod o raglenni ymyrraeth gynnar yn y DU ar gyfer plant 0 i 5 oed a'u teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Mae’r adroddiad yn rhannu darganfyddiadau allweddol ynghylch effeithiolrwydd rhaglenni ymyrraeth gynnar. Er enghraifft, mae’r adroddiad yn nodi bod technegau, sy'n cynnwys rhieni/gofalwyr yn rhannu llyfrau gyda'u plant, gan ddefnyddio ystod o ysgogiadau i annog trafodaeth yn ffordd effeithiol o gefnogi sgiliau cyfathrebu ac iaith plant 0 i 5 oed. Mae’r adroddiad hefyd yn nodi nad yw’r defnydd o iaith arwyddion gyda phlant ifanc yn cael effaith negyddol ar eu datblygiad iaith.

  • A review of services for Children and Young People with Speech, Language and Communication needs (2008)

Adroddiad sy'n gwneud argymhellion i'r Llywodraeth am y camau i’w cymryd er mwyn trawsnewid darpariaeth a phrofiadau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc ag anghenion lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr.

  • Talk to your Baby: Guidance for developing a strategic approach to speech, language and communication in the early years

Ymgyrch gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth Llythrennedd Genedlaethol yw ‘Talk to your Baby’. Nod yr ymgyrch yw hyrwyddo arfer a llywio polisi sy’n ymwneud â chyfathrebu yn y blynyddoedd cynnar.

  • A review of practice in the implementation of the early language development support element within Flying Start

Adolygiad o arferion cyfredol mewn perthynas ag ymyrraeth i gefnogi datblygiad iaith gynnar o fewn Dechrau'n Deg gyda'r nod o lunio arweiniad. Mae’r adolygiad yn cynnig argymhellion i Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer gweithredu cefnogaeth ar gyfer datblygiad iaith gynnar sy’n rhan o raglen Dechrau’n Deg.

  • A review of research evidence on the effectiveness of different approaches to promoting early speech and language development

Adolygiad o lenyddiaeth ymchwil cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol ar effaith ymyrraeth mewn perthynas â datblygiad iaith gynnar i blant dan 4 oed. Nod yr adolygiad yw cynnig argymhellion i helpu llunio canllawiau sy'n gysylltiedig â’r rhaglen Dechrau'n Deg.

Hint 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.