Behaviour improvement plans and key partners

Cynlluniau i wella ymddygiad a’r partneriaid allweddol

Child eating

Supporting children's behaviour will require adopting an approach that requires working with families/carers, colleagues and other professionals. To ensure that behaviour is supported effectively, everyone will need to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Collaboration promotes an understanding of expectations about behaviour and encourages positive behaviour. If there are rules within the setting, parents and carers need to know about these to ensure consistency and avoid conflict. This will make the process of following rules easier for the child. Every setting has a policy on behaviour and this policy should be shared with staff, children and parents/carers so that everyone understands the policy and the steps to take when responding to unacceptable behaviour.

Both the setting and the home need to work in partnership to promote positive behaviour, taking steps to prevent negative behaviour and to reinforce the setting's rules. Due to this, children will receive consistent messages about how to behave positively in the setting and at home. Parents should be encouraged to work in partnership with settings in supporting their children's behaviour, and to participate fully in discussions and decision making. Practitioners and other professionals should respect the knowledge and understanding that parents/carers have of their children.

When discussing children's behaviour, a multi-agency approach is required. Practitioners need to seek help or support if there are concerns about a child's behaviour. Services and professionals need to share information and plan jointly to identify and meet children's needs and support positive behaviour.

The following people can provide help or support when supporting children's behaviour:

  • parent/carer
  • class teacher
  • additional learning needs co-ordinator (ALNCo)
  • speech and language therapist
  • family assessment and support team
  • parent support worker
  • education psychologist
  • health visitor
  • social worker
  • learning mentor
  • key worker.

Practitioners need to develop a range of plans and approaches for supporting children's behaviour. To ensure that plans and approaches are effective, they should be developed in partnership with the child. Involving the child in discussing, planning and reviewing their behaviour targets is essential. Taking the children into consideration when planning and allowing them to be involved in the planning, they will respond better as they are involved in the process of setting rules and boundaries.

There are a number of other key people who should be involved in developing plans and approaches for supporting children's behaviour. Parents/carers know their children better than anyone else, and practitioners should therefore involve them in establishing ways of monitoring, reinforcing and rewarding the desired behaviour. It is essential that all staff are aware of any plans and approaches for supporting children's behaviour. All members of staff at the setting should familiarize themselves with the plans and procedures in order to maintain consistency. The development of plans and approaches for supporting children's behaviour may include assessing risks associated with individual children. Some children may behave aggressively towards other children and adults, or some may be at risk of self-harm, so it is essential to assess these risks.

Plans and procedures need to be regularly reviewed, and the results of reviews and assessments must be shared with others. By reviewing plans and approaches, it is possible to identify if they are effective in supporting the behaviour of individual children, and identify any changes that need to be made. Everyone, including the child and their parents/carers, needs to know about any progress the child has made in terms of positive behaviour, or if new targets need to be set for the child. The risk assessment should also be reviewed. The risks associated with unacceptable behaviour can be reduced if the child displays more positive behaviour.

Wrth gefnogi ymddygiad plant bydd angen mabwysiadu dull o weithio lle mae’n ofynnol i gydweithio â theuluoedd/gofalwyr, cydweithwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill. Er mwyn sicrhau bod ymddygiad yn cael ei gefnogi yn effeithiol, bydd angen i bawb ddeall eu rolau a'u cyfrifoldebau.

Mae cydweithio yn hybu dealltwriaeth o’r disgwyliadau ynglŷn ag ymddygiad gan annog ymddygiad cadarnhaol. Os oes rheolau o fewn y lleoliad mae angen sicrhau fod rhieni a gofalwyr yn gwybod am y rhain er mwyn sicrhau cysondeb ac osgoi gwrthdaro. Bydd hyn yn gwneud y broses o ddilyn rheolau yn haws i’r plentyn. Mae gan bob lleoliad bolisi ar ymddygiad a dylai’r polisi hwn gael ei rannu ymysg staff, plant a rhieni/gofalwyr er mwyn i bawb ddeall y polisi a’r camau i’w cymryd wrth ymateb i ymddygiad annerbyniol.

Mae angen i’r lleoliad a’r cartref weithio mewn partneriaeth er mwyn hyrwyddo ymddygiad positif, gan gymryd camau i atal ymddygiad negyddol ac i atgyfnerthu rheolau’r lleoliad. Oherwydd hyn bydd plant yn derbyn negeseuon cyson am sut i ymddwyn yn gadarnhaol yn y lleoliad ac yn y cartref. Dylid annog rhieni i weithio mewn partneriaeth â lleoliadau wrth gefnogi ymddygiad eu plant, a chymryd rhan lawn mewn trafodaethau ac wrth wneud penderfyniadau. Dylai ymarferwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill barchu’r wybodaeth a’r ddealltwriaeth sydd gan rieni/gofalwy1r am eu plant.

Wrth drafod ymddygiad plant mae angen gweithio mewn ffordd amlasiantaethol. Mae angen i ymarferwyr ofyn am gymorth neu gefnogaeth os bydd pryderon ynglŷn ag ymddygiad plentyn. Mae angen i wasanaethau a phobl broffesiynol rannu gwybodaeth a chynllunio ar y cyd er mwyn adnabod a chwrdd ag anghenion plant a chefnogi ymddygiad cadarnhaol.

Gall y bobl ganlynol ddarparu cymorth neu gefnogaeth wrth gefnogi ymddygiad plant:

  • rhiant/gofalwr
  • athro dosbarth
  • cydlynydd anghenion dysgu ychwanegol (ALNCo)
  • therapydd iaith a lleferydd
  • tîm asesu a chefnogi teulu
  • gweithiwr cefnogi rhiant
  • seicolegydd addysg
  • ymwelydd iechyd
  • gweithiwr cymdeithasol
  • mentor dysgu
  • gweithiwr allweddol.

Mae angen i ymarferwyr ddatblygu amrywiaeth o gynlluniau a dulliau gweithredu ar gyfer cefnogi ymddygiad plant. Er mwyn i’r cynlluniau a’r dulliau gweithredu bod yn effeithiol dylent gael eu datblygu mewn partneriaeth â'r plentyn. Mae'n hanfodol cynnwys y plentyn wrth drafod, cynllunio ac adolygu eu targedau ar gyfer ymddygiad. Drwy ystyried y plant wrth gynllunio a gadael iddynt fod yn rhan o’r cynllunio byddant yn ymateb yn well gan eu bod yn rhan o’r broses o osod rheolau a ffiniau.

Mae nifer o bobl allweddol eraill a ddylai fod yn rhan o’r broses o ddatblygu cynlluniau a dulliau gweithredu ar gyfer cefnogi ymddygiad plant. Mae rhieni/gofalwyr yn adnabod eu plant yn well na neb arall, felly dylai ymarferwyr eu cynnwys wrth sefydlu ffyrdd o fonitro, atgyfnerthu a gwobrwyo'r ymddygiad a ddymunir. Mae’n hanfodol bod pob aelod o staff yn ymwybodol o unrhyw gynlluniau a dulliau gweithredu ar gyfer cefnogi ymddygiad plant. Dylai pob aelod o staff yn y lleoliad gyfarwyddo â’r cynlluniau a’r dulliau gweithredu er mwyn cynnal cysondeb. Gall y broses o ddatblygu cynlluniau a dulliau gweithredu ar gyfer cefnogi ymddygiad plant gynnwys asesu risgiau sy’n gysylltiedig â phlant unigol. Gall ymddygiad rhai plant fod yn ymosodol tuag at blant eraill ag oedolion, neu gall rhai bod mewn perygl o niweidio eu hunain, felly mae’n hanfodol asesu’r risgiau hyn.

Mae angen adolygu’r cynlluniau a dulliau gweithredu yn rheolaidd, a rhannu canlyniadau’r adolygiadau a’r asesiadau ag eraill. Wrth adolygu’r cynlluniau a dulliau gweithredu mae’n bosib adnabod os ydynt yn effeithiol o ran cefnogi ymddygiad plant unigol, ac adnabod unrhyw newidiadau sydd angen ei wneud. Mae angen i bawb, gan gynnwys y plentyn a’i rieni/gofalwyr wybod am unrhyw gynnydd mae’r plentyn wedi’i wneud o ran ymddygiad cadarnhaol, neu os oes angen gosod targedau newydd i’r plentyn. Dylai’r asesiad risg cael ei adolygu hefyd. Gall y risgiau sy’n gysylltiedig ag ymddygiad annerbyniol leihau os ydy’r plentyn yn arddangos mwy o ymddygiad cadarnhaol.

Hint 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.