Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

Nurse with a patient
Individual choice
  • Services provided are now outcome-focused, and no longer service led.
  • By focussing on an individual’s strengths, abilities and personal outcomes the role of the individual receiving care is maximised.
  • Outcome-focussed care involves service users and their families in making decisions about their care.
Initial assessment
  • Initial assessments are carried out to determine the needs of the individual.
  • This is the first step in assessing an individual’s need for social care and are based on The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
  • Each assessment focuses on the individual’s needs and how they affect their well-being, and the outcomes they want to achieve.
  • The assessment looks at the individual’s strengths and abilities as well as any support which may be available from their family and friends and in their community.
  • The assessment undertaken must be holistic and person-centred and focus on the individual, their family and their support network.
Agreeing ways with the individual to support the achievement of key outcomes
  • Following an assessment, a health or social care professional will discuss with the individual (and their family) a plan of care to ensure that key outcomes are achieved.
  • A care and support plan is something that describes the services and support that is to be provided.
  • By agreeing on a care and support plan with their health or social care professional, it means that the individual and their family can talk about their care needs, how it affects their life, what they want to do, and what they can do for themselves with the right support. It's about being given all the information they need, being listened to, being able to ask questions, and feeling able to say what's important to them.
  • A care and support plan also ensures that individuals are in control of their lives and can return to a meaningful life despite physical or mental health concerns.
Multi-agency working may be appropriate to achieve personal outcomes
  • Multi-agency working means a range of services from health and/or social care that work together to provide an “all-in-one” package of care to individuals who may have many complex needs.
  • The services offered are organised around the needs of the individual, their family and their informal support network to provide person-centred care for the individual.
  • For example: a young person with special educational needs and disabilities who is leaving school may need care and support from a multi-agency team jointly working together that consists of jobcentre plus, health, education and social care, transport and leisure services.
Dewis unigol
  • Mae'r gwasanaethau a ddarperir nawr yn canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau, yn hytrach na bod wedi'u harwain gan y gwasanaeth.
  • Bydd gwasanaethau'n canolbwyntio ar gryfderau, galluoedd a chanlyniadau personol yr unigolyn er mwyn cynyddu cyfraniad yr unigolyn sy'n derbyn gofal.
  • Mae gofal sy'n canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau'n cynnwys defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a'u teuluoedd wrth wneud penderfyniadau am eu gofal.
Asesiad cychwynnol
  • Caiff asesiadau cychwynnol eu cynnal i ganfod beth yw anghenion yr unigolyn.
  • Dyma'r cam cyntaf i asesu angen yr unigolyn i dderbyn gofal cymdeithasol, ac mae'n seiliedig ar Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014.
  • Mae pob asesiad yn canolbwyntio ar anghenion yr unigolyn a sut mae'r rhain yn effeithio ar ei lesiant, a'r canlyniadau yr hoffai eu cyflawni.
  • Mae'r asesiad yn edrych ar gryfderau a galluoedd yr unigolyn yn ogystal ag unrhyw gymorth allai fod ar gael gan ei deulu a'i ffrindiau ac yn ei gymuned.
  • Mae'n rhaid i'r asesiad fod yn gyfannol ac yn berson-ganolog gan ganolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, ei deulu a'i rwydwaith cymorth.
Cytuno â'r unigolyn ar ffyrdd o gynorthwyo i gyflawni canlyniadau allweddol
  • Ar ôl asesiad, bydd gweithiwr proffesiynol iechyd neu ofal cymdeithasol yn trafod cynllun gofal â'r unigolyn (a'i deulu) i sicrhau bod canlyniadau allweddol yn cael eu cyflawni.
  • Mae'r cynllun gofal a chymorth yn rhywbeth sy'n disgrifio'r gwasanaethau a'r cymorth a ddarperir.
  • Mae cytuno ar gynllun gofal a chymorth â'u gweithiwr proffesiynol iechyd neu ofal cymdeithasol yn golygu y gall yr unigolyn a'i deulu siarad am ei anghenion gofal, sut mae'n effeithio ar ei fywyd, beth hoffai ei wneud, a beth gall ei wneud drosto ei hun gyda'r cymorth cywir. Mae'n fater o gael yr holl wybodaeth sydd ei hangen, cael rhywun i wrando ar yr unigolyn, gallu gofyn cwestiynau, a theimlo y gall siarad am beth sy'n bwysig.
  • Mae cynllun gofal a chymorth hefyd yn sicrhau bod gan unigolion reolaeth dros eu bywydau a'u bod nhw'n gallu parhau â bywyd ystyrlon er gwaethaf unrhyw bryderon am iechyd corfforol neu feddyliol.
Gall gwaith amlasiantaethol fod yn briodol i gyflawni canlyniadau personol
  • Mae gwaith amlasiantaethol yn golygu amrywiaeth o wasanaethau iechyd a/neu ofal cymdeithasol sy'n gweithio gyda'i gilydd i ddarparu pecyn gofal "cyflawn" i unigolion all fod â llawer o anghenion cymhleth.
  • Mae'r gwasanaethau sydd ar gynnig yn cael eu trefnu o gwmpas anghenion yr unigolyn, ei deulu a'i rwydwaith cymorth anffurfiol i ddarparu gofal person-ganolog i'r unigolyn.
  • Er enghraifft: efallai y bydd ar berson ifanc ag anghenion addysgol arbennig sy'n gadael yr ysgol angen gofal a chymorth gan dîm amlasiantaethol sy'n cydweithio â'i gilydd gan gynnwys gwasanaethau canolfan byd gwaith, iechyd, addysg a gofal cymdeithasol, trafnidiaeth a hamdden.

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

Elen is a young adult who has severe learning disabilities and lives with her ageing parents. She also has similar needs and expectations to any other young person.

Mae Elen yn oedolyn ifanc ag anableddau dysgu difrifol. Mae hi'n byw gyda'i rhieni sy'n heneiddio. Mae ganddi hi hefyd anghenion a disgwyliadau tebyg i unrhyw berson ifanc arall.

QuestionCwestiwn Your ResponseEich Ymateb Suggested ResponseYmateb Awgrymedig

Suggested Response:

Ymateb Awgrymedig:

Accessing opportunities - Infancy

Achub ar gyfleoedd - Babandod

Dafydd is 14 months old and his mobility is behind for his age. His weight growth is also very slow.
List the different ways that care and support could be provided for Dafydd in Wales.
Mae Dafydd yn 14 mis oed ac mae ei symudedd ar ei hôl hi am ei oed. Mae ei dwf o ran pwysau hefyd yn araf iawn.
Rhestrwch y gwahanol ffyrdd posibl o ddarparu gofal a chymorth i Dafydd yng Nghymru.

Suggested answer:

Potential personal outcomes for Dafydd could be to improve his mobility and put on weight.

Dafydd and his family could be supported through a dietician, physiotherapist and occupational therapy. A dietician may look at his growth, e.g. through a centile chart and give him specialist milk to develop his growth. A physiotherapist may give Dafydd and his family activities to practice with him and occupational therapy may provide aids to support his mobility.

Ateb awgrymedig:

Gallai'r canlyniadau personol posibl i Dafydd gynnwys gwella ei symudedd a rhoi pwysau ymlaen.

Gallai Dafydd a'i deulu gael cymorth gan ddeietegydd, ffisiotherapydd a therapi galwedigaethol. Gallai deietegydd edrych ar ei dwf, e.e. gan ddefnyddio siart canraddol a rhoi llaeth arbenigol iddo i ddatblygu ei dwf. Gallai ffisiotherapydd roi gweithgareddau i Dafydd a'i deulu eu hymarfer gydag ef a gallai therapi galwedigaethol ddarparu cymhorthion i'w gynorthwyo i symud.

Accessing opportunities - Adolescence

Achub ar gyfleoedd - Glasoed

Suzi is 17 years old and is a youth offender. She is currently sofa surfing as has nowhere settled to stay and requires support.
List the different ways that care and support could be provided for Suzi in Wales.
Mae Suzi yn 17 oed ac yn droseddwr ifanc. Mae hi'n byw o soffa i soffa ar hyn o bryd gan nad oes ganddi unrhyw le penodol i’w aros ac mae angen cymorth arni hi.
Rhestrwch y gwahanol ffyrdd posibl o ddarparu gofal a chymorth i Suzi yng Nghymru.

Suggested answer:

Suzi could be offered support through a social worker, and through supported living accommodation such as Llamau.

“Llamau is the leading homelessness charity in Wales, supporting the most vulnerable young people and women, therefore Suzi could be supported through Llamau. Llamau are particularly well-known for working with those most at risk - care leavers, people who have been involved with the criminal justice system, people who have experienced domestic abuse and people who have had chaotic and disadvantaged lifestyles, therefore Suzi could be offered support through Llamau. Individuals like Suzi need high levels of individual support to help them gain the skills necessary for them to live independent and purposeful lives in their communities” -


Ateb awgrymedig:

Gellid cynnig cymorth i Suzi drwy weithiwr cymdeithasol, a drwy lety byw â chymorth fel Llamau.

“Llamau yw'r brif elusen digartrefedd yng Nghymru, ac mae'n cynorthwyo'r bobl ifanc a'r menywod mwyaf agored i niwed, felly gallai Llamau roi cymorth i Suzi. Mae Llamau yn arbennig o adnabyddus am weithio gyda'r bobl sy'n wynebu'r risg mwyaf - pobl sy'n gadael gofal, pobl sydd wedi ymwneud â'r system cyfiawnder troseddol, pobl sydd wedi profi camdriniaeth domestig a phobl sydd wedi byw mewn ffordd anhrefnus a dan anfantais, felly gallai Llamau gynnig cymorth i Suzi. Mae angen llawer o gymorth unigol ar unigolion fel Suzi i'w helpu nhw i ennill y sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt i fyw bywydau annibynnol â phwrpas yn eu cymunedau” -


Accessing opportunities - Adulthood

Achub ar gyfleoedd - Oedolaeth

Aftab is 33 years old and is homeless.
List the different ways that care and support could be provided for Aftab in Wales.
Mae Aftab yn 33 oed ac yn ddigartref.
Rhestrwch y gwahanol ffyrdd posibl o ddarparu gofal a chymorth i Aftab yng Nghymru.

Suggested answer:

Aftab could be supported through Crisis who offer support throughout Wales for individuals who find themselves homeless.

Crisis could help Aftab find and keep a rented home.

Ateb awgrymedig:

Gallai Aftab gael cymorth drwy Crisis sy'n cynnig cymorth ledled Cymru i unigolion sy'n ddigartref.

Gallai Crisis helpu Aftab i ddod o hyd i gartref rhent a'i gadw.

Accessing opportunities - Adulthood

Achub ar gyfleoedd - Oedolaeth

Ruth who is 47, is pregnant and has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
List the different ways that care and support could be provided for Ruth in Wales.
Mae Ruth yn 47 oed, yn feichiog ac wedi cael diagnosis o ddiabetes beichiogrwydd.
Rhestrwch y gwahanol ffyrdd posibl o ddarparu gofal a chymorth i Ruth yng Nghymru.

Suggested answer:

Ruth can be offered support through maternity care. At her anti-natal appointments, she could be given a blood sugar testing kit to monitor her blood sugar levels, this can be written down into a diary.

Ruth will be monitored much more closely during her pregnancy; it is recommended that individuals such as Ruth give birth before 41 weeks of pregnancy. Once Ruth has given birth, she needs to be monitored in the future more closely, as individuals such as Ruth who are diagnosed with gestational diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes or often have gestational diabetes when becoming pregnant in the future.

Ateb awgrymedig:

Gellir cynnig cymorth i Ruth o fewn gofal mamolaeth. Yn ei hapwyntiadau cyn-geni, gellid rhoi pecyn profi lefel siwgr y gwaed iddi hi i fonitro lefel y siwgr yn ei gwaed, ac ysgrifennu hyn mewn dyddiadur.

Caiff Ruth ei monitro'n llawer agosach yn ystod ei beichiogrwydd; yr argymhelliad yw bod unigolion fel Ruth yn rhoi genedigaeth cyn 41 wythnos o'r beichiogrwydd. Ar ôl i Ruth roi genedigaeth, bydd angen ei monitro hi'n agosach yn y dyfodol, gan fod unigolion fel Ruth sydd wedi cael diagnosis o ddiabetes beichiogrwydd yn fwy tebygol o ddatblygu diabetes math 2 neu'n aml yn dioddef diabetes beichiogrwydd os byddan nhw'n feichiog eto yn y dyfodol.

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

If Ruth’s first language was not English and she was also deaf, she could face challenges accessing these vital services. Particular attention must also be given to individuals who wish to use services in Welsh, as since 2013 Welsh Strategic Framework for the Welsh Language in Health/Social Care (2013) it is important that services are provided in welsh such as ‘More than Just Words’.

A further report identified that often men are ignored during maternity appointments, e.g. if Ruth did have a partner who was a man, he could also be offered support to change his diet, since collectively changing their diets would contribute to meeting Ruth’s personal outcome of a healthy pregnancy.

Pe na bai Ruth yn siarad Saesneg fel iaith gyntaf a'i bod hi hefyd yn fyddar, gallai hi wynebu heriau i gael mynediad i'r gwasanaethau hanfodol hyn. Mae'n rhaid talu sylw penodol hefyd i unigolion sy'n dymuno defnyddio gwasanaethau Cymraeg, oherwydd ers Fframwaith Strategol Cymru 2013 ar gyfer y Gymraeg mewn Iechyd/Gofal Cymdeithasol (2013) mae'n bwysig darparu gwasanaethau yn y Gymraeg fel 'Mwy na Geiriau'.

Fe wnaeth adroddiad pellach ganfod bod dynion yn aml yn cael eu hanwybyddu yn ystod apwyntiadau mamolaeth, e.e. pe bai gan Ruth bartner oedd yn ddyn, gellid cynnig cymorth iddo yntau i newid ei ddeiet, oherwydd byddai newid deiet y ddau ohonynt yn cyflawni canlyniad personol Ruth o feichiogrwydd iach.

Find out about more about individuals who are accessing maternity services in Wales and identify what maternity support is provided, and what challenges individuals face – such as:

  • Provision of maternity services in some parts of Wales
  • Access problems in some rural parts of Wales.

Dysgu mwy am unigolion sy'n cael mynediad i wasanaethau mamolaeth yng Nghymru a chanfod pa gymorth mamolaeth sy'n cael ei ddarparu, a pha heriau sy'n wynebu unigolion – fel:

  • Darpariaeth gwasanaethau mamolaeth mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru
  • Problemau â mynediad mewn rhai rhannau gwledig o Gymru.

Accessing opportunities - Later adulthood

Achub ar gyfleoedd - Oedolaeth hwyrach

Hilda is 77 and lives on her own. She is in need of extra support but does not want to go into a residential care setting.

List the different ways that care and support could be provided for Hilda in Wales.

Mae Hilda yn 77 ac yn byw ar ei phen ei hun. Mae angen cymorth ychwanegol arni hi, ond dydy hi ddim eisiau mynd i leoliad gofal preswyl.

Rhestrwch y gwahanol ffyrdd posibl o ddarparu gofal a chymorth i Hilda yng Nghymru.

Suggested answer:

Firstly, Hilda should speak with her General Practitioner and they could undertake a health assessment.

A social worker could support Hilda by completing an initial assessment and agreeing a support plan and focusing on individual choice, e.g. such as not wanting to go into a residential care setting.

A social worker could discuss what matters to Hilda and together they could discuss her personal outcomes.

A social worker could also refer Hilda to be supported by an occupational therapist, who could complete a risk assessment to see if they can support Hilda in remaining within her own home, e.g. by offering her some adaptations to her own home.

There could be some community resources available for Hilda such as:

Ateb awgrymedig:

Yn gyntaf, dylai Hilda siarad â'i Meddyg Teulu a gallent gynnal asesiad iechyd.

Gallai gweithiwr cymdeithasol gynorthwyo Hilda drwy gwblhau asesiad cychwynnol a chytuno ar gynllun cymorth a chanolbwyntio ar ddewis unigol, e.e. dydy hi ddim eisiau mynd i leoliad gofal preswyl.

Gallai gweithiwr cymdeithasol drafod beth sy'n bwysig i Hilda a gyda'i gilydd gallent drafod ei chanlyniadau personol.

Hefyd, gallai gweithiwr cymdeithasol atgyfeirio Hilda i gael cymorth gan therapydd galwedigaethol, fyddai'n gallu cwblhau asesiad risg i weld oes modd cynorthwyo Hilda i aros yn ei chartref ei hun, e.e. drwy gynnig rhai addasiadau i'w chartref hi.

Gallai fod adnoddau cymunedol ar gael i Hilda fel:

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

Your Answers

If Hilda is showing signs of confusion, she should firstly seek her GP. Her GP would undertake a health check.

A social worker would complete an initial assessment with Hilda, discussing what mattered to her. A social worker would complete a care and support plan – which could involve multi-agency working and multi-disciplinary teams.

A social worker could refer Hilda to domiciliary care services/ occupational therapy/physiotherapy as Hilda identified she would like to strengthen her muscles and improve her balance.

An occupational therapist would visit Hilda’s home to see if Hilda’s house is safe and recommend some adaptations.

A physiotherapist could undertake a home visit to help Hilda strengthen her muscles and improve her balance.

A domiciliary care services from reablement team could help Hilda with her personal care.

The Social worker would finally review plans to see if what mattered to Hilda has been achieved, e.g.

Is she safe to stay within her home?
Has she strengthened her muscles and improved her balance?
Is she getting the domiciliary care to help her stay within her home?

Correct answers

If Hilda is showing signs of confusion, she should firstly seek her GP. Her GP would undertake a health check.

A social worker would complete an initial assessment with Hilda, discussing what mattered to her. A social worker would complete a care and support plan – which could involve multi-agency working and multi-disciplinary teams.

A social worker could refer Hilda to domiciliary care services/ occupational therapy/physiotherapy as Hilda identified she would like to strengthen her muscles and improve her balance.

An occupational therapist would visit Hilda’s home to see if Hilda’s house is safe and recommend some adaptations.

A physiotherapist could undertake a home visit to help Hilda strengthen her muscles and improve her balance.

A domiciliary care services from reablement team could help Hilda with her personal care.

The Social worker would finally review plans to see if what mattered to Hilda has been achieved, e.g.

Is she safe to stay within her home?
Has she strengthened her muscles and improved her balance?
Is she getting the domiciliary care to help her stay within her home?

Eich ateb

Os yw Hilda yn dangos arwyddion o ddryswch, dylai hi siarad â'i meddyg teulu yn gyntaf. Byddai'r meddyg yn cynnal archwiliad iechyd.

Byddai gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn cwblhau asesiad cychwynnol gyda Hilda, gan drafod beth sy'n bwysig iddi hi. Byddai gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn cwblhau cynllun gofal a cymorth – gallai hwn gynnwys gwaith amlasiantaethol a thimau amlddisgyblaethol.

Gallai gweithiwr cymdeithasol gyfeirio Hilda at wasanaethau gofal yn y cartref/therapi galwedigaethol/ffisiotherapi gan fod Hilda wedi dweud yr hoffai hi gryfhau ei chyhyrau a gwella ei chydbwysedd.

Byddai therapydd galwedigaethol yn ymweld â chartref Hilda i weld ydy'r tŷ yn ddiogel ac argymell rhai addasiadau.

Gallai ffisiotherapydd gynnal ymweliad â'r cartref i helpu Hilda i gryfhau ei chyhyrau a gwella ei chydbwysedd.

Gallai gwasanaethau gofal yn y cartref gan dîm ailalluogi helpu Hilda â'i gofal personol.

Yn olaf, byddai'r gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn adolygu cynlluniau i weld ydyn nhw wedi cyflawni'r hyn sy'n bwysig i Hilda, e.e.

Ydy hi'n ddiogel i aros yn ei chartref?
Ydy hi wedi cryfhau ei chyhyrau a gwella ei chydbwysedd?
Ydy hi'n cael y gofal yn y cartref i'w helpu hi i aros yn ei chartref?

Atebion cywir

Os yw Hilda yn dangos arwyddion o ddryswch, dylai hi siarad â'i meddyg teulu yn gyntaf. Byddai'r meddyg yn cynnal archwiliad iechyd.

Byddai gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn cwblhau asesiad cychwynnol gyda Hilda, gan drafod beth sy'n bwysig iddi hi. Byddai gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn cwblhau cynllun gofal a cymorth – gallai hwn gynnwys gwaith amlasiantaethol a thimau amlddisgyblaethol.

Gallai gweithiwr cymdeithasol gyfeirio Hilda at wasanaethau gofal yn y cartref/therapi galwedigaethol/ffisiotherapi gan fod Hilda wedi dweud yr hoffai hi gryfhau ei chyhyrau a gwella ei chydbwysedd.

Byddai therapydd galwedigaethol yn ymweld â chartref Hilda i weld ydy'r tŷ yn ddiogel ac argymell rhai addasiadau.

Gallai ffisiotherapydd gynnal ymweliad â'r cartref i helpu Hilda i gryfhau ei chyhyrau a gwella ei chydbwysedd.

Gallai gwasanaethau gofal yn y cartref gan dîm ailalluogi helpu Hilda â'i gofal personol.

Yn olaf, byddai'r gweithiwr cymdeithasol yn adolygu cynlluniau i weld ydyn nhw wedi cyflawni'r hyn sy'n bwysig i Hilda, e.e.

Ydy hi'n ddiogel i aros yn ei chartref?
Ydy hi wedi cryfhau ei chyhyrau a gwella ei chydbwysedd?
Ydy hi'n cael y gofal yn y cartref i'w helpu hi i aros yn ei chartref?

Hint 9: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 9: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

Seniors Painting
Other support available for Hilda

If Hilda is feeling that she is socially isolated and wants support to access the Community, then she could be referred to the Community Connectors who can support her to build confidence to access preferred groups and activities to meet with other individuals to reduce isolation.

Some community connectors could include:

Chatty Café’s, Men’s Sheds, Coffee Mornings, Art Groups, Dance Groups.

Cymorth arall sydd ar gael i Hilda

Os yw Hilda yn teimlo'n gymdeithasol unig a bod arni hi eisiau cymorth i gael mynediad i'r Gymuned, gellid ei hatgyfeirio hi at y Cysylltwyr Cymunedol sy'n gallu ei chynorthwyo hi i fagu hyder i fynd i'w hoff grwpiau a gweithgareddau i gyfarfod ag unigolion eraill i'w gwneud hi'n llai unig.

Gallai rhai cysylltwyr cymunedol gynnwys:

Caffis Sgwrsio, Siediau Dynion, Boreau Coffi, Grwpiau Celf, Grwpiau Dawns.

Hint 10: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 10: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

Using the following link, , identify a challenge that faces social care in Wales in the next few years and briefly explain how this has an impact on individuals like Hilda, accessing services.

Gan ddefnyddio'r cyswllt canlynol, , dewch o hyd i her sy'n wynebu gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yn y blynyddoedd nesaf ac esboniwch yn gryno sut mae hyn yn effeithio ar unigolion fel Hilda, o ran mynediad i wasanaethau.

Suggested responses:

A local Welsh council identified that an ageing population means that demands for social care services increases, for example, their ability to keep individuals such as Hilda in her own home has a significant impact upon the council staying within their allocated budget.

  • Complexity of cases – many individuals like Hilda during later adulthood want to stay within their own home which means larger packages of care may be needed. These can be so much more expensive.
  • Cost of services – changes in employment laws within Wales means that the cost of many services has increased. As a result, this has put a strain on the fundi
  • ng.
  • Understaffedrecruitment/retention of staff locally and across Wales, e.g. Domiciliary care workers. Therefore, this may impact upon Hilda’s care.

Atebion awgrymedig:

Mae cyngor lleol yng Nghymru wedi canfod bod poblogaeth sy'n heneiddio'n golygu bod y galw am wasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol yn cynyddu, er enghraifft, mae eu gallu i gadw unigolion fel Hilda yn ei chartref ei hun yn cael effaith sylweddol ar allu'r cyngor i gadw o fewn eu cyllideb.

  • Cymhlethdod achosion – mae llawer o unigolion fel Hilda yn ystod oedolaeth hwyrach yn dymuno aros yn eu cartref eu hunain sy'n golygu y gallai fod angen pecynnau gofal mwy. Mae'r rhain yn gallu bod yn ddrutach.
  • Cost gwasanaethau – mae newidiadau i gyfraith cyflogaeth yng Nghymru yn golygu bod cost llawer o wasanaethau wedi cynyddu. O ganlyniad, mae hyn wedi rhoi straen ar gyllid.
  • Prinder staffrecriwtio/cadw staff yn lleol a ledled Cymru, e.e. Gweithwyr gofal yn y cartref. Felly, gallai hyn effeithio ar ofal Hilda.

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

Group therapy
What is partnership working?

Partnership is when individuals work with other individuals to achieve a desired outcome. These can include:

  1. Care forums
  2. Self-help groups
  3. Community led activities
  4. Commissioned services
  5. Unpaid carers
  6. Mixed economy of care, e.g. statutory independent and third sector
  7. Multi-agency working, e.g. through a multi-disciplinary team
Beth yw gweithio mewn partneriaeth?

Mae partneriaeth yn golygu bod unigolion yn gweithio gydag unigolion eraill i gyflawni canlyniad dymunol. Gall y rhain gynnwys y canlynol:

  1. Fforymau gofal
  2. Grwpiau hunangymorth
  3. Gweithgareddau wedi'u harwain gan y gymuned
  4. Gwasanaethau wedi'u comisiynu
  5. Gofalwyr di-dâl
  6. Economi gofal cymysg, e.e. statudol, annibynnol a thrydydd sector
  7. Gwaith amlasiantaethol, e.e. drwy dîm amlddisgyblaethol

Hint 12: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 12: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

What is meant by a multi-disciplinary working?

There are many different members of multi-disciplinary teams and they can all help individuals achieve their personal well-being outcomes.

For example:

  • Domiciliary care services to help with personal care, e.g. washing, dressing and preparing meals, this could help Hilda achieve her personal outcome of remaining within her own home.
  • Social workers to review care and support for individuals.
  • Support from occupational therapists with re-learning daily activities such as dressing and getting around, also can provide some advice on aids to daily living. Occupational therapists could help Dafydd with his mobility by providing assistance on mobility, e.g. they could provide advice on aids to daily living.
Beth yw ystyr gweithio amlddisgyblaethol?

Mae llawer o wahanol aelodau mewn timau amlddisgyblaethol ac maen nhw i gyd yn gallu helpu unigolion i gyflawni eu canlyniadau llesiant personol.

Er enghraifft:

  • Gwasanaethau gofal cartref i helpu â gofal personol, e.e. ymolchi, gwisgo a pharatoi bwyd, gallai hyn helpu Hilda i gyflawni ei chanlyniad personol o aros yn ei chartref ei hun.
  • Gweithwyr cymdeithasol i adolygu gofal a chymorth i unigolion.
  • Cymorth gan therapyddion galwedigaethol i ailddysgu gweithgareddau dyddiol fel gwisgo a symud o gwmpas, yn ogystal â chyngor am gymhorthion bywyd bob dydd. Gallai therapyddion galwedigaethol helpu Dafydd â'i symudedd drwy ddarparu cymorth symudedd, e.e. darparu cyngor am gymhorthion bywyd bob dydd.

Hint 13: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 13: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

Hospital staff meeting
What is meant by health and social care sectors working in partnership?

All health and social care services in health and social care functions in partnership. This involves multidisciplinary working in order to ensure that care and support is offered, and their outcomes are achieved.

For example, in Dafydd’s case, he would be receiving support from a physiotherapist to help him with his mobility, but also he should be receiving care from a dietician with his growth and weight. However, both the physiotherapist and dietician would need to work together in terms of multidisciplinary working as if Dafydd is not receiving the adequate nutrition for his weight he would not have enough energy for his physio, so a consequence would be Dafydd’s mobility is unlikely to improve and the desired outcomes of Dafydd would not be achieved.

Beth yw ystyr y sectorau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth?

Mae pob gwasanaeth iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn gweithredu mewn partneriaeth. Mae hyn yn golygu gwaith amlddisgyblaethol i sicrhau bod gofal a chymorth ar gynnig, a bod eu canlyniadau'n cael eu cyflawni.

Er enghraifft, yn achos Dafydd, byddai'n cael cymorth gan ffisiotherapydd i'w helpu â'i symudedd, ond dylai hefyd fod yn cael gofal gan ddeietegydd ar gyfer ei dwf a'i bwysau. Fodd bynnag, byddai angen i'r ffisiotherapydd a'r deietegydd weithio gyda'i gilydd mewn modd amlddisgyblaethol oherwydd os nad yw Dafydd yn cael digon o faeth i'w bwysau fyddai ganddo ddim digon o egni i'w ffisiotherapi, felly o ganlyniad bydd symudedd Dafydd yn annhebygol o wella a fyddai canlyniadau dymunol Dafydd ddim yn cael eu cyflawni.

Hint 14: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 14: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Accessing opportunities

Achub ar gyfleoedd

Challenges facing individuals accessing services in Wales.

Individuals as discussed, all face challenges accessing care and support both locally and across Wales, the main key challenges individuals may face:

  • Austerity - NHS and services in Wales have been cut in the last few years causing inadequate funding, delays in services and in some areas services being withdrawn.

To remember the challenges individuals may face, remember the word GATEAU.

  • G – Lack of Guidance/Information
  • A - Austerity
  • T - Insufficient Training
  • E - Eligibility criteria
  • A - Access problems
  • U - Under-staffed workforce.
Heriau sy'n wynebu unigolion sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau yng Nghymru.

Fel y trafodwyd, mae pob unigolyn yn wynebu heriau i gael mynediad i ofal a chymorth yn lleol a ledled Cymru. Dyma'r prif heriau allweddol sy'n gallu wynebu unigolion:

  • Llymder - mae'r GIG a gwasanaethau yng Nghymru wedi dioddef toriadau yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf gan achosi cyllid annigonol, oediadau i wasanaethau a cholli gwasanaethau mewn rhai ardaloedd.

Dyma'r chwe her sy'n wynebu unigolion:

  • Diffyg arweiniad/gwybodaeth
  • Llymder
  • Hyfforddiant annigonol
  • Meini prawf cymhwyster
  • Problemau â mynediad.
  • Prinder staff yn y gweithlu.

Could you find any articles or information regarding these challenges that individuals face within Wales?

Allwch chi ddod o hyd i unrhyw erthyglau neu wybodaeth am yr heriau hyn sy'n wynebu unigolion yng Nghymru?