Lifestyle advice and information

Cyngor a gwybodaeth am ffordd o fyw

Lifestyle advice and information

The health of the nation is not just the responsibility of the Government and the NHS. Everyone has a part to play in improving and maintaining his or her health in Wales.

In order to support this, the health and social care sector have an important part to play.

  • Role: to raise awareness of health and well-being issues.
  • Purpose: to improve an individual’s behaviour and lifestyle choices which, if sustained, will have a long-term impact on their health, well-being and resilience.
  • Benefits: to reduce risks to health and well-being, improve social mobility and employment opportunities and reduce health and social care costs.

The Government, the NHS and public health and local health authorities in Wales provide individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed, healthy lifestyle choices by publishing lifestyle advice and information.

These include:

  • Help me quit – provides advice and support to individuals who wish to stop smoking.
  • Beat Flu – provides information on flu, who is at risk of contracting it and what can be done to prevent it.
  • Think about your drinking – provides information on the health risks of alcohol and suggests ways to reduce that risk.
  • Breastfeeding – provides information on the benefits of breastfeeding and advice for first time mothers.
  • Get up and go – a campaign to get the over 50s moving more, to reduce the risk of falls in older age.
  • 10 steps to a healthy weight – designed to help families tackle childhood obesity.
  • Immunisation – advice leaflets and posters on the different vaccines available, who they are for and the risks associated with the conditions they protect against.

Nid cyfrifoldeb y Llywodraeth a’r GIG yn unig yw iechyd y genedl. Mae gan bawb ran i’w chwarae i wella a chynnal ei iechyd yng Nghymru.

Er mwyn cefnogi hyn, mae gan y sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol rhan bwysig i’w chwarae.

  • Rôl: codi ymwybyddiaeth o faterion yn ymwneud ag iechyd a llesiant.
  • Pwrpas: gwella’r dewisiadau mae unigolyn yn eu gwneud am ei ymddygiad a’i ffordd o fyw a fydd, os bydd yn parhau, yn cael effaith tymor hir ar ei iechyd, ei lesiant a’i wydnwch.
  • Manteision: lleihau’r risgiau i iechyd a llesiant, gwella symudedd cymdeithasol a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth a lleihau costau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.

Mae’r Llywodraeth, y GIG ac awdurdodau iechyd y cyhoedd ac iechyd lleol yng Nghymru yn darparu’r wybodaeth sydd ei hangen ar unigolion er mwyn iddyn nhw wneud dewisiadau gwybodus o ran ffordd o fyw iach drwy gyhoeddi cyngor a gwybodaeth.

Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys:

  • Helpa fi i Stopio – yn darparu cyngor a chymorth i unigolion sydd eisiau rhoi’r gorau i ysmygu.
  • Curwch Ffliw – yn darparu cyngor a chymorth i unigolion sydd eisiau rhoi’r gorau i ysmygu.
  • Ystyriwch eich Yfed – yn darparu gwybodaeth am beryglon iechyd alcohol ac yn awgrymu ffyrdd o leihau’r perygl hwnnw.
  • Bwydo ar y fron – yn darparu gwybodaeth ar fanteision bwydo ar y fron a chyngor i famau newydd.
  • Codi a mynd – ymgyrch i gael unigolion dros 50 oed i symud mwy, i leihau’r perygl o gwympo wrth fynd yn hŷn.
  • 10 cam i bwysau iach – wedi’i gynllunio i helpu teuluoedd i fynd i’r afael â gordewdra ymhlith plant.
  • Imiwneiddio – taflenni a phosteri yn rhoi cyngor ar y brechlynnau gwahanol sydd ar gael, ar gyfer pwy mae’r rhain, a'r risgiau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r cyflyrau maen nhw’n amddiffyn yn eu herbyn.

Lifestyle advice and information

Drag the examples of the lifestyle advice and support offered to the correct campaign.

Cyngor a gwybodaeth am ffordd o fyw

Llusgwch yr enghreifftiau o’r cyngor a’r cymorth ar ffordd o fyw sy’n cael eu cynnig i’r ymgyrch cywir.





Correct answers

Atebion cywir

        Follow on activity: Research each of the campaigns and make a bulleted list of the support they offer. What similarities are there?

        Gweithgaredd dilynol: Ymchwiliwch i bob un o’r ymgyrchoedd a lluniwch restr o bwyntiau bwled yn nodi’r cymorth maen nhw’n ei gynnig. Beth yw’r nodweddion tebyg?

        Personal responsibility

        Individuals should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own health. Using the image clues below, what lifestyle and healthcare choices should they be encouraged to make?

        Cyfrifoldeb personol

        Dylai unigolion gael eu hannog i fod yn gyfrifol am eu hiechyd eu hunain. Gan ddefnyddio’r lluniau isod fel cliwiau, pa ddewisiadau o ran ffordd o fyw a gofal iechyd y dylent gael eu hannog i’w gwneud?

        Don't Smoke
        Don’t smokeDim ysmygu
        Don't Take Drugs
        Don’t take drugsDim cyffuriau
        Don't Drink
        Reduce alcohol intake/Don’t drinkYfed llai o alcohol/Dim yfed
        Eat Healthily
        Eat healthilyBwyta'n iach
        Take regular exercise
        Take regular exerciseGwneud ymarfer corff yn rheolaidd
        Watch your weight
        Watch your weightCadw golwg ar eu pwysau
        Visit your dentist
        Have regular check-ups at the dentistMynd at y deintydd yn rheolaidd
        Have regular eye tests
        Have regular eye testsCael profion llygaid rheolaidd
        >Visit your GP when unwell
        Visit your GP when unwellMynd i weld y meddyg teulu pan fyddant yn sâl
        Screening sessions
        Attend all screening sessions you are invited toMynd i bob sesiwn sgrinio y cânt wahoddiad iddi
        Update Immunisation.png
        Keep up to date with immunisationsSicrhau eu bod yn cael pob imiwneiddiad

        Personal responsibility

        Cyfrifoldeb personol

        Healthy lifestyle

        Personal responsibility is key to good health and well-being. Individuals need to take responsibility for their own health and should be helped to gain the knowledge and skills in order to make necessary changes to improve their own health.

        They should be aware of and be encouraged to make positive lifestyle choices, such as not smoking, maintaining the correct weight, drinking alcohol within recommended limits, eating a balanced diet and taking regular exercise.

        Individuals also need to be responsible for going to their GPs for check-ups and when they’re unwell, for following health advice, attending screening sessions and having immunisations.

        By effectively taking responsibility for their own health, individuals are less likely to suffer with ill health.

        Mae cyfrifoldeb personol yn allweddol i iechyd a llesiant da. Mae angen i unigolion fod yn gyfrifol am eu hiechyd eu hunain a dylent gael help i feithrin y wybodaeth a’r sgiliau er mwyn gwneud y newidiadau angenrheidiol i wella eu hiechyd eu hunain.

        Dylent fod yn ymwybodol o ddewisiadau ffordd o fyw a chael eu hannog i wneud rhai cadarnhaol, fel peidio â smygu, cynnal y pwysau cywir, yfed alcohol o fewn y terfynau a argymhellir, bwyta deiet cytbwys a gwneud ymarfer corff yn rheolaidd.

        Mae angen i unigolion hefyd fod yn gyfrifol am fynd i weld eu meddyg teulu i gael archwiliadau pan fyddant yn teimlo’n sâl, dilyn cyngor iechyd, mynd i sesiynau sgrinio a chael yr imiwneiddiadau angenrheidiol.

        Drwy gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu hiechyd eu hunain, mae unigolion yn llai tebygol o fod yn sâl.