Supervision and appraisal

Goruchwylio ac arfarnu

A doctor listening to a patient

Every childcare worker needs supervision and appraisal, whether they are full-time, part-time, volunteers, apprentices or on a work placement. The following guidance provides information and support on the process for everyone who is responsible for undertaking supervision and appraisal with childcare workers.

Supervision is an accountable and planned two-way process. It should aid, motivate and ensure that every childcare worker develops good practice. This may seem obvious but, in any setting, if there is a high standard of supervision, people will have greater job satisfaction, will be more dedicated to their work and more likely to stay in their role for longer.

Appraisal is a more formal process which involves determining and reviewing the performance of childcare workers over a period of time, usually a year. It involves:

  • re-evaluating any objectives that have been set
  • re-evaluating the job description
  • recognising strengths
  • identifying areas for improvement
  • identifying how training needs will be met.

What is the difference between supervision and appraisal?

Supervision is the regular monthly disciplined contact between the supervisor and the individual being supervised in order to look at progress and prioritise individual tasks. It involves:

  • providing and asking for advice and support
  • identifying areas for improvement
  • determining and reviewing training needs (Continuing Professional Development [CPD]).

Appraisal is the framework to which supervision belongs. Individual and job development plans and objectives are agreed and reviewed continuously through supervision using progress milestones.

It is good practice for every early years and childcare organisation and setting to have a clear supervision and appraisal policy which offers a clear definition of supervision which is linked to the values of the organisation/setting. The importance of supervision and appraisal needs to be emphasised setting clear expectations and boundaries. It is essential to provide clarity on confidentiality and access to supervision and appraisal notes and to clarify the role, tasks, rights and responsibilities of the supervisor and the individual being supervised. It should be emphasised that every member of staff, not only childcare workers, has the right to supervision and appraisal and it is essential to show how quality supervision and appraisal are linked to performance management.

Employers have roles and responsibilities for supervision and appraisal, including:

  • to ensure that the childcare worker is clear about their role, responsibilities and accountability and qualified for them
  • to reflect on, analyse and evaluate their practice
  • to set, agree on and review SMART aims and objectives (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely)
  • to provide constructive feedback
  • to ensure consistent practice
  • to evaluate and appraise the childcare worker's work
  • to promote the childcare worker's health and well-being
  • to understand their role in the workforce
  • to set clear boundaries
  • to build self-confidence
  • to identify and review training needs - Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • to improve team-working skills
  • to be transparent and open
  • to help the individual being supervised to understand the values and direction of the organisation/setting, and their contribution to them
  • to ensure that children and their carers receive a good quality service
  • to ensure that policies and procedures are implemented.

Further reading:

A guide to supervising and appraising well:

Mae angen goruchwyliaeth ac arfarniad ar bob gweithiwr gofal plant , boed yn llawn, yn rhan-amser, yn wirfoddolwyr, prentisiaid neu ar leoliad gwaith. Mae'r arweiniad isod yn rhoi gwybodaeth a chefnogaeth ar y broses i bawb sy'n gyfrifol am gynnal goruchwyliaeth ac arfarnu gyda gweithwyr gofal plant blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant.

Mae goruchwylio yn broses ddwy ffordd sy’n atebol ac wedi’i chynllunio. Dylai gynorthwyo, ysgogi a sicrhau bod pob gweithiwr gofal plant yn datblygu arferion da. Mae’n bosib bod hyn yn beth amlwg i’w ddweud ond, mewn unrhyw leoliad, os yw’r goruchwylio o safon uchel, yna mae pobl yn cael mwy o foddhad yn eu gwaith ac yn fwy ymroddgar i’w swydd, ac yn dueddol o aros ynddi am gyfnod hirach.

Mae arfarnu’n broses fwy ffurfiol sy’n ymwneud â gosod ac adolygu perfformiad gweithwyr gofal plant dros gyfnod o amser, yn flynyddol fel arfer. Mae’n cynnwys:

  • ail-werthuso amcanion a osodwyd
  • ail-werthuso’r disgrifiad swydd
  • cydnabod cryfderau
  • nodi meysydd sydd angen eu gwella
  • nodi sut y bydd anghenion hyfforddi’n cael eu diwallu.

Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth rhwng goruchwylio ac arfarnu?

Goruchwylio yw’r cyswllt disgybledig misol rheolaidd rhwng goruchwyliwr a’r sawl a oruchwylir er mwyn edrych ar gynnydd a blaenoriaethu tasgau unigol. Mae’n cynnwys:

  • darparu a gofyn am gyngor a chefnogaeth
  • nodi meysydd gwaith sydd angen eu gwella
  • gosod ac adolygu anghenion hyfforddi (Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus [DPP]).

Arfarnu yw’r fframwaith y mae goruchwylio’n rhan ohono. Caiff amcanion a chynlluniau datblygu swydd ac unigol, eu cytuno a’u hadolygu’n barhaus trwy oruchwylio gan ddefnyddio cerrig milltir cynnydd.

Mae’n arfer da i bob sefydliad a lleoliad blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant gael polisi goruchwylio ac arfarnu clir sy’n cynnig diffiniad clir o oruchwylio sy’n gysylltiedig ag amcanion a gwerthoedd y sefydliad/lleoliad. Mae angen pwysleisio pwysigrwydd goruchwylio ac arfarnu gan osod disgwyliadau a ffiniau clir. Mae’n hanfodol egluro cyfrinachedd a mynediad i nodiadau goruchwylio ac arfarnu ac esbonio rôl, tasgau, hawliau a chyfrifoldebau’r goruchwyliwr a’r sawl sy’n cael ei oruchwylio. Mae angen pwysleisio bod gan bob aelod o staff, nid gweithwyr gofal plant yn unig, yr hawl i gael ei oruchwylio a’i arfarnu ac mae’n hanfodol i ddangos sut mae goruchwylio ac arfarnu o safon yn gysylltiedig â rheoli perfformiad.

Mae gan y cyflogwr rôl a chyfrifoldebau am oruchwylio ac arfarnu sy’n cynnwys:

  • sicrhau bod y gweithiwr gofal plant yn glir am ei rôl, ei gyfrifoldebau a’i atebolrwydd ac yn gymwys ar eu cyfer
  • myfyrio ar ei arfer, ei ddadansoddi a’i werthuso
  • gosod, cytuno ac adolygu nodau ac amcanion CAMPUS (cyraeddadwy, amserol, mesuradwy, penodol, uchelgeisiol, synhwyrol)
  • darparu adborth adeiladol
  • sicrhau cysondeb mewn arfer
  • gwerthuso ac arfarnu gwaith y gweithiwr gofal plant
  • hybu iechyd a lles yr gweithiwr gofal plant
  • deall ei rôl yn y gweithlu
  • gosod ffiniau clir
  • adeiladu hunanhyder
  • nodi ac adolygu anghenion dysgu - Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus (DPP)
  • gwella sgiliau gweithio mewn tîm
  • bod yn dryloyw ac agored
  • cynorthwyo’r sawl a oruchwylir i ddeall gwerthoedd a chyfeiriad y sefydliad/lleoliad, a sut y mae’n cyfrannu at y rhain
  • sicrhau bod plant a’u gofalwyr yn derbyn gwasanaeth o ansawdd da
  • sicrhau gweithrediad polisïau a gweithdrefnau.

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Supervision and appraisal

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Goruchwylio ac arfarnu

Llusgwch y datganiadau a’u gosod yn y golofn gywir