Learning opportunities and using information to support and apply best practice in new situations

Cyfleoedd dysgu a defnyddio gwybodaeth i gefnogi ymarfer gorau a’i gymhwyso mewn sefyllfaoedd newydd


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) involves different types of learning experiences, e.g. on-the-job development, training and formal qualifications, as well as informal learning and experiential learning. It is important to use a range of different methods to develop as a childcare worker. CPD may involve a degree of shadowing, reading information in a book or online, or talking with colleagues about how they dealt with a difficult situation. The important thing is that childcare workers reflect on their learning and think about how it will affect their work or role in the future. Childcare workers can learn through practical experiences, e.g. learning through doing the work and getting experience. During practical experiences, childcare workers can also learn through observing and listening to others, e.g. children, other staff or professionals. This gives childcare workers the opportunity to analyse and appraise their own practice or the practice of others in order to analyse and appraise how they could improve or do things differently and why.

Childcare workers need to be able to apply their learning and transfer knowledge and skills to new situations. In order to do this, it is important that childcare workers consider the relevance of what they are learning or developing and how it could be relevant to their practice. Taking time to reflect will lead to a deeper understanding of learning and help childcare workers to apply the information to practical situations. Therefore, it is important that they identify opportunities to apply their learning and development to everyday practice.

Learning opportunities may include the following:

  • attending a training course/programme or completing a qualification, e.g. training focusing on one area of the curriculum or safeguarding children training, or full-time and part-time courses leading to a qualification
  • e-learning - online learning is cost-effective and can be accessed anywhere at any time of the day or night
  • guided reading, e.g. articles, textbooks, research papers, professional magazines etc. Articles and books can provide new information and ideas. Reading professional magazines can make childcare workers aware of new developments within the sector. The internet can also be used, but it is important to ensure that sources are reliable, up-to-date and accurate
  • shadowing - spending time with a colleague observing how they complete a specific task, e.g. risk assessment in relation to manual handling
  • professional discussion - these can help to explore different ideas and reflect on practice. Sometimes, others will say how they have introduced a new system or piece of equipment and their experiences can help others
  • visits - it is useful to watch others in similar roles working in different settings
  • training materials - specially prepared training materials can be used for learning, e.g. information packs
  • attending workshops or conferences
  • watching a demonstration
  • attending professional forums or networking groups
  • mentoring and supervision
  • group interaction and team meetings.

Childcare workers can develop their practice and improve the knowledge needed for their role by reading the setting's policies and researching current legislation. A wealth of information is available to support knowledge and best practice. Examples include:

  • Foundation Phase Excellence Network - a specific area on Hwb designed to support childcare workers with meaningful material and evidence-based research.
  • National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years - these regulations outline what a care provider must do by law to provide a service in Wales.
  • Care Inspectorate Wales - up-to-date information about changes to legislation and policy in Wales.
  • Estyn - case studies of interesting and innovative practice identified during inspections.
  • Social Care Wales - gathers evidence of what works well and shares good practice with the workforce

Further reading:



Mae Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus (DPP) yn cynnwys gwahanol fathau o brofiadau dysgu, e.e. datblygiad mewn swydd, hyfforddiant a chymwysterau ffurfiol, yn ogystal â dysgu anffurfiol a dysgu trwy brofiad. Mae’n bwysig defnyddio amrywiaeth o ddulliau gwahanol er mwyn datblygu fel gweithiwr gofal plant . Gall DPP olygu gwneud rhywfaint o waith cysgodi, darllen gwybodaeth mewn llyfr neu ar wefan, neu siarad â chydweithwyr am y ffordd y gwnaethant ymdrin â sefyllfa anodd. Y peth allweddol yw bod gweithwyr gofal plant yn myfyrio ar eu dysgu a meddwl am sut y bydd yn effeithio ar eu swydd neu rôl yn y dyfodol. Gall gweithwyr gofal plant y blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant ddysgu drwy brofiadau ymarferol, e.e. dysgu trwy wneud y swydd a chael profiad. Yn ystod profiadau ymarferol, gall ymarferwr hefyd ddysgu trwy arsylwi a gwrando ar bobl eraill, e.e. plant, staff eraill neu bobl broffesiynol. Mae hyn yn rhoi cyfleoedd i gweithwyr gofal plant ddadansoddi ac arfarnu eu harfer eu hunain neu arfer pobl eraill er mwyn dadansoddi ac arfarnu sut y gellir ei wella neu ei wneud yn wahanol a pham.

Mae angen i gweithwyr gofal plant allu cymhwyso eu dysgu a throsglwyddo gwybodaeth a sgiliau i sefyllfaoedd newydd. Er mwyn gwneud hyn, mae’n bwysig fod gweithwyr gofal plant yn ystyried perthnasedd yr hyn sy’n cael ei ddysgu neu ei ddatblygu a sut y gallai fod yn berthnasol i’w arfer nhw. Bydd cymryd amser i fyfyrio yn arwain at ddealltwriaeth ddyfnach o'r dysgu ac yn helpu’r gweithiwr gofal plant i drosglwyddo’r wybodaeth i sefyllfaoedd ymarferol. Felly, mae'n bwysig eu bod yn adnabod cyfleoedd i gymhwyso eu dysgu a’u datblygiad i arfer bob dydd.

Gall cyfleoedd dysgu gynnwys y canlynol:

  • mynychu cwrs/rhaglen hyfforddi neu gwblhau cymhwyster, e.e. hyfforddiant sy’n canolbwyntio ar un maes o gwricwlwm neu hyfforddiant diogelu plant, neu gyrsiau llawn-amser a rhan-amser sy’n arwain at gymhwyster
  • E-ddysgu - mae dysgu ar-lein yn gost-effeithiol a gellir cael mynediad ato yn unrhyw le bob awr o’r dydd a’r nos
  • darllen dan arweiniad, e.e. erthyglau, gwerslyfrau, papurau ymchwil, cylchgronau proffesiynol ac ati. Gall erthyglau a llyfrau ddarparu gwybodaeth a syniadau newydd. Gall darllen cylchgrawn proffesiynol wneud gweithwyr gofal plant yn ymwybodol o ddatblygiadau newydd o fewn y sector. Gellir hefyd defnyddio’r we, ond mae’n bwysig sicrhau fod y ffynhonnell yn ddibynadwy, wedi ei diweddaru ac yn gywir
  • cysgodi - trwy dreulio amser gyda chydweithiwr yn arsylwi sut y mae’n cyflawni tasg benodol, e.e. asesu risg mewn perthynas â symud a chario
  • trafodaeth broffesiynol - gall y rhain helpu i archwilio syniadau gwahanol ac i fyfyrio ar arfer. Weithiau, bydd pobl eraill yn dweud sut y maen nhw wedi dod â system neu ddarn newydd o offer i mewn a gall eu profiadau helpu eraill
  • ymweliadau - mae’n ddefnyddiol gwylio eraill mewn swyddi tebyg sy’n gweithio mewn lleoliad gwahanol
  • deunyddiau hyfforddi - gellir dysgu drwy ddefnyddio deunyddiau hyfforddi wedi’u paratoi’n arbennig, e.e. pecynnau gwybodaeth
  • mynychu gweithdai neu gynadleddau
  • gwylio arddangosfa
  • mynychu fforymau proffesiynol neu grwpiau rhwydweithio
  • mentora a goruchwyliaeth
  • rhyngweithio mewn grŵp a chyfarfodydd tîm.

Gall gweithwyr gofal plant ddatblygu eu hymarfer a gwella’r wybodaeth sydd ei angen ar gyfer eu rôl drwy ddarllen polisïau'r lleoliad, ac ymchwilio i ddeddfwriaeth gyfredol. Mae llawer o wybodaeth ar gael er mwyn cefnogi gwybodaeth ac arfer orau. Dyma enghreifftiau:

  • Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed - mae’r rheoliadau yn amlinellu'r hyn y mae’n rhaid i ddarparwr gofal ei wneud yn ôl y gyfraith i ddarparu gwasanaeth yng Nghymru.
  • Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru - gwybodaeth gyfoes am newidiadau i ddeddfwriaeth a pholisi yng Nghymru.
  • Estyn - astudiaethau achos o arfer ddiddorol ac arloesol a nodwyd yn ystod ei arolygiadau.
  • https://www.estyn.llyw.cymru/arfer-effeithiol

  • Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru - mae’n casglu tystiolaeth am yr hyn sy'n gweithio'n dda ac yn rhannu arfer da gyda'r gweithlu

Darllen pellach



Learning opportunities and using information to support and apply best practice in new situations

What learning opportunities or information are available to support continuing professional development? Identify as many opportunities as possible on the diagram.

Cyfleoedd dysgu a defnyddio gwybodaeth i gefnogi ymarfer gorau a’i gymhwyso mewn sefyllfaoedd newydd

Pa gyfleoedd dysgu neu wybodaeth sydd ar gael er mwyn cefnogi datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus? Nodwch cymaint o gyfleoedd â phosibl ar y diagram.

Learning opportunities and information Cyfleoedd dysgu a gwybodaeth

Suggested answers

  • courses
  • training
  • qualifications
  • E-learning
  • reading
  • shadowing
  • professional discussion
  • visits
  • training materials
  • attending workshops or conferences
  • watching a demonstration
  • attending professional forums or networking groups
  • mentoring and supervision
  • group interaction and team meetings
  • practical experiences
  • Foundation Phase Excellence Network
  • National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years.

Atebion awgrymedig

  • cyrsiau
  • hyfforddiant
  • cymwysterau
  • E-ddysgu
  • darllen
  • cysgodi
  • trafodaeth broffesiynol
  • ymweliadau
  • deunyddiau hyfforddi
  • mynychu gweithdai neu gynadleddau
  • gwylio arddangosfa
  • mynychu fforymau proffesiynol neu grwpiau rhwydweithio
  • mentora a goruchwyliaeth
  • rhyngweithio mewn grŵp a chyfarfodydd tîm
  • profiadau ymarferol
  • Rhwydwaith Rhagoriaeth y Cyfnod Sylfaen
  • Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed.