Respecting diversity and recognising cultural, religious and ethnic differences when working in partnership.

Parchu amrywiaeth a chydnabod gwahaniaethau diwylliannol, crefyddol ac ethnig wrth weithio mewn partneriaeth.

Couple visiting the doctor

The relationship between carers, families, workers and professionals needs to be a constructive and cooperative relationship. This can be developed by ensuring that diversity is respected and acknowledging cultural, religious and ethnic differences. This will be of benefit to the children and young people and the parents/carers will feel happy and confident to cooperate, and happy to leave their child in our care. In order to establish a good relationship with the home and to further maintain that relationship, parents/carers must be listened to and their views and wishes respected, as well as their right to confidentiality.

The aim is for the home and the care setting to share the caring responsibility for the child - contributing to children's emotional and developmental needs and identifying any concerns or successes/progress carefully and sharing them with the parents/carers. For example, if a child is unhappy having their nappy changed or getting dressed, this will need to be known in advance, or if specific items are used as the child is allergic to other items, this will need to be known in advance. This information is relayed by ensuring that the communication/working relationship between the care team and the parents/carers is good. It is important to share information with the care setting. There is no point in only one person knowing specific details. What would happen if that person was at home ill and the nappy needed changing - can a baby tell us that a specific cream affects their skin?

The parent/carer is the child's first educator and the most important person in their life and parents/carers' wishes, traditions, culture and beliefs must be respected, even if they are different to our own. Childcare workers and other professionals share the care of children with the parents/carers. Therefore, they need to know and understand the parents/carers' wishes for their child. This may mean a special diet or special arrangements for storing food, religious holidays or types of clothing. Knowledge of other cultures may be required in order to avoid insulting parents/carers and children or making other people feel uncomfortable. It is important to be positive and cooperative when dealing with parents/carers in order to help the children. Therefore, it is important to respect their beliefs, even if those beliefs are different to the worker's beliefs.

Other workers and other professionals' wishes and choices must also be considered. In order to develop a professional attitude when working with children, we must be willing to respect the viewpoints of others, for the benefit of families/carers.

Specific characteristics need to be adopted such as:

  • Self-awareness
    Workers need to identify their strengths and weaknesses which will contribute towards success when working in partnership.
  • Empathy
    A need to see things from others' perspective, respecting differences within the partnership. Showing empathy will enable us to consider the feelings of others with regard to cultural differences, religion and ethnicity.
  • Interpersonal skills
    A need to adopt skills that will enable workers to work confidently with everybody, communicating and responding in a professional manner. Opinions and beliefs should not affect the ability to work in a professional manner.
  • Reflection
    A need to reflect on successes and failures and consider how differences within families and professionals contribute to this.
  • Interest
    An interest must be shown, whatever the personal opinions and beliefs. Attending training and researching diversity and differences can lead to positive outcomes for all.
  • Flexibility and working openly
    A willingness to listen to the viewpoints of others and to be prepared to change practice in order to ensure better outcomes for families/carers. Some parents/carers may not speak the same language as the care staff; this will need to be considered in order to offer successful support. When communicating well with parents/carers, advice may be sought about their culture and practices at home which will be of assistance when ensuring that the best possible care is given to the children. Support may be offered by other professionals who can support their linguistic needs. Policies and procedures change regularly and new initiatives are introduced. The ability to adapt to changes is essential.
  • Reliability
    Families/carers and professionals need to be able to depend on the workers. Awareness must be shown of differences as well as a willingness to consider these differences when working to support families/carers. When holding meetings, punctuality and good time-keeping are required, and parents/carers' background and commitments with regard to their ability to attend meetings should be considered.

Mae angen i'r berthynas rhwng gofalwyr, teuluoedd/gofalwyr, gweithwyr a phobl broffesiynol fod yn berthynas adeiladol a chydweithredol. Gellir meithrin hyn drwy sicrhau parchu amrywiaeth a chydnabod gwahaniaethau diwylliannol, crefyddol ac ethnig. Bydd hyn o fudd i'r plant a phobl ifanc a bydd y rhieni/gofalwyr yn teimlo'n hapus ac yn hyderus i gydweithio, ac yn hapus i adael eu plentyn yn ein gofal. Er mwyn sefydlu perthynas dda â'r cartref a chynnal y berthynas honno wedyn, rhaid gwrando ar rieni/gofalwyr a pharchu eu safbwyntiau a'u dymuniadau, yn ogystal â'u hawl i gyfrinachedd.

Y nod yw rhannu'r gofal am y plentyn rhwng y cartref a'r lleoliad gofal - mae angen cyfrannu at anghenion emosiynol ac anghenion datblygiad y plant, gan nodi unrhyw bryderon neu lwyddiannau/cynnydd yn ofalus a rhannu hynny gyda'r rhieni/gofalwyr. Er enghraifft, os nad yw plentyn yn hapus wrth gael newid ei glwt neu wrth wisgo, bydd angen cael gwybod am hynny ymlaen llaw, neu os defnyddir nwyddau arbennig oherwydd bod gan y plentyn alergedd i bethau eraill, bydd angen cael gwybod hynny ymlaen llaw. Mae'r wybodaeth hon yn cael ei throsglwyddo drwy sicrhau bod y cyfathrebu/y berthynas weithio rhwng y tîm gofal a'r rhieni/gofalwyr yn dda. Mae'n bwysig rhannu gwybodaeth gyda'r lleoliad gofal. Nid oes pwynt i un person yn unig wybod manylion penodol. Rhaid ystyried beth a fyddai'n digwydd petai'r person hwnnw gartref yn sâl a bod angen newid clwt - a all babi ddweud bod eli arbennig yn effeithio ar ei groen?

Y rhiant/gofalwr yw addysgwr cyntaf y plentyn a'r person pwysicaf yn ei fywyd a rhaid parchu dymuniadau, traddodiadau, diwylliant a chredoau'r rhieni/gofalwyr, hyd yn oed os yw'r rheini'n wahanol i'n rhai ni. Mae gweithiwr gofal plant a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill yn rhannu gofal plant gyda'r rhieni/gofalwyr. Felly, mae angen iddynt wybod a deall beth y mae'r rhieni/gofalwyr yn ei ddymuno ar gyfer eu plentyn. Gallai hyn olygu diet arbennig a threfniadau arbennig ar gyfer storio bwyd, gwyliau crefyddol neu fathau o ddillad. Efallai y bydd angen cael gwybod am ddiwylliannau eraill er mwyn osgoi pechu yn erbyn rhieni/gofalwyr a phlant neu wneud i bobl eraill deimlo'n annifyr. Mae'n bwysig bod yn gadarnhaol ac yn gydweithredol wrth ymwneud â rhieni/gofalwyr er mwyn helpu'r plant. Felly, mae'n bwysig parchu eu credoau, hyd yn oed os ydynt yn wahanol i gredoau’r gweithiwr.

Rhaid ystyried hefyd ddymuniadau a dewisiadau gweithwyr eraill a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill. Os am feithrin agwedd broffesiynol wrth weithio gyda phlant, mae’n rhaid bod yn barod i barchu safbwyntiau eraill a hynny er budd teuluoedd.

Mae angen mabwysiadu nodweddion penodol megis:

  • Hunanymwybyddiaeth
    Angen i weithiwyr adnabod eu cryfderau a’u gwendidau a fydd yn cyfrannu at lwyddiant wrth weithio mewn partneriaeth.
  • Empathi
    Angen gweld pethau o bersbectif eraill gan barchu gwahaniaethau o fewn y bartneriaeth. Bydd arddangos empathi yn ein galluogi i ystyried teimladau eraill o ran gwahaniaethau diwylliant, crefydd ac ethnigrwydd.
  • Sgiliau rhyngbersonol
    Angen mabwysiadau sgiliau a fydd yn galluogi gweithwyr i weithio’n hyderus â phawb gan gyfathrebu ac ymateb yn broffesiynol. Ni ddylid gadael i farn a chredoau amharu ar y gallu i weithio’n broffesiynol.
  • Adfyfyrio
    Angen myfyrio ar lwyddiannau a methiannau ac ystyried sut mae gwahaniaethau o fewn teuluoedd a gweithwyr proffesiynol yn cyfrannu tuag at hyn.
  • Diddordeb
    Rhaid dangos diddordeb, beth bynnag fo barn a chredoau personol. Wrth fynychu hyfforddiant a gwneud ymchwil am amrywiaeth a gwahaniaethau gellir sicrhau canlyniadau positif i bawb.
  • Hyblygrwydd a gweithio’n agored
    Mae angen parodrwydd i wrando ar safbwyntiau eraill a bod yn barod i newid arfer os yw’n golygu canlyniadau gwell i deuluoedd/gofalwyr. Efallai na fydd rhai o'r rhieni/gofalwyr yn siarad yr un iaith â'r staff gofal; bydd angen ystyried hyn os am gynnig cymorth sy’n llwyddiannus. Wrth gyfathrebu'n dda â'r rhieni/gofalwyr, mae’n bosibl gofyn am gyngor am eu diwylliant a'u harferion gartref a fydd o gymorth wrth roi'r gofal gorau posibl i'r plant. Gellir cynnig cymorth gan weithwyr proffesiynol eraill a all eu cefnogi gyda materion iaith. Mae polisïau a gweithdrefnau’n newid yn gyson ac mae mentrau newydd yn cael eu cyflwyno. Mae medru addasu i newidiadau yn hanfodol.
  • Dibynadwyedd
    Mae angen i deuluoedd/gofalwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol fedru dibynnu ar y gweithwyr. Mae angen dangos ymwybyddiaeth o wahaniaethau a pharodrwydd i ystyried y rhain wrth weithio i gefnogi teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Wrth gynnal cyfarfodydd, mae angen bod yn brydlon a chadw at amseroedd gan ystyried cefndir ac ymrwymiadau rhieni/gofalwyr i fedru mynychu’r cyfarfodydd.

Respecting diversity and recognising cultural, religious and ethnic differences when working in partnership

Drag the work skills to the correct characteristic.

Parchu amrywiaeth a chydnabod gwahaniaethau diwylliannol, crefyddol ac ethnig wrth weithio mewn partneriaeth

Llusgwch y sgiliau gwaith i’r nodwedd cywir.

Work skills

Sgiliau gwaith



Correct answers

Atebion cywir