The range and roles of other workers and professionals in early years and childcare

Amrywiaeth a rolau gweithwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill ym meysydd y blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant

Health visitor

A variety of professionals work with children and families/carers. More than one of these may be seen within the same setting, but others will be based in specialist centres or hospitals.

  • Paediatrician: specialises in diagnosing and providing medical care to children.
  • General practitioner: treats all family members.
  • Playgroup leader: planning play time and early education for children under five years old. They promote play, learning and development in a safe and informal environment.
  • Key worker: will be responsible for receiving the child into their care when the child arrives at the nursery or crèche. Information will need to be collected about the child/children in their care. They may need to be the contact person for the social services if any child protection issue arises.
  • Teachers: schools employ qualified teachers to ensure early play and learning opportunities for the children. The school may also employ assistants. Governing bodies represent the parents/carers and the community and work to support the school to ensure a quality education.
  • Play practitioner: uses play in order to help children to consider their feelings and experiences.
  • Educational psychologist: provides medical and learning support for individuals and groups of children. They observe the child within the setting in order to see how they are coping. They offer a programme of support.
  • Clinical psychologist: focuses on emotional, social and intellectual development
  • Social worker: they work with families/carers and other professionals to keep the children safe and healthy.
  • Speech and language therapist: Offers specific help such as activities and exercises to encourage children to develop their language.
  • Health visitor: Works in the community with children under five years old to support patients and keep an eye on child development. Often works with families/carers when the child is born early, or due to disabilities.
  • Physiotherapist: works in hospitals and provides and suggests exercises to maintain strength and physical movements.
  • Occupational therapist: Works in hospitals to provide appropriate activities and specialist equipment for children/adults with physical difficulties.
  • Additional learning needs co-ordinators (ALNCo): supports and advises parents/carers and care settings.

Mae amrywiaeth o weithwyr proffesiynol yn gweithio gyda phlant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Efallai y gellir gweld mwy nag un ohonynt o fewn un lleoliad tra bydd eraill mewn canolfannau arbenigol neu ysbytai.

  • Paediatregydd: yn arbenigo mewn cynnig diagnosis a gofal meddygol ar gyfer plant.
  • Meddyg teulu: ymarferwr cyffredinol sy'n trin holl aelodau'r teulu.
  • Arweinydd cylch meithrin: cynllunio amser chwarae ac addysg gynnar i blant dan bump. Maent yn hybu chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad mewn amgylchedd diogel ond anffurfiol.
  • Gweithiwr allweddol: bydd yn gyfrifol am dderbyn y plentyn i'w g/ofal pan fydd yn cyrraedd y feithrinfa neu'r crèche. Bydd angen casglu gwybodaeth am y plentyn/plant dan ei g/ofal. Efallai y bydd angen iddo/iddi fod yn berson cyswllt gyda'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol os bydd unrhyw broblem amddiffyn plant yn codi.
  • Athrawon: mae ysgolion yn cyflogi athrawon cymwys i sicrhau cyfleoedd chwarae a dysgu cynnar i'r plant. Gall yr ysgol hefyd gyflogi cynorthwywyr. Mae corff llywodraethol yn cynrychioli'r rhieni/gofalwyr a'r gymuned ac yn gweithio i gefnogi'r ysgol i sicrhau addysg o ansawdd.
  • Ymarferydd chwarae: defnyddio chwarae er mwyn helpu plant i ystyried eu teimladau a'u profiadau.
  • Seicolegydd addysgol: yn darparu cymorth meddygol a dysgu ar gyfer unigolion a grwpiau o blant. Mae’n arsylwi’r plentyn o fewn y lleoliad er mwyn cael gweld sut mae’n dygymod. Mae’n cynnig rhaglen gefnogaeth.
  • Seicolegydd clinigol: yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygiad emosiynol, cymdeithasol a deallusol.
  • Gweithiwr cymdeithasol: mae'r rhain yn gweithio gyda theuluoedd/gofalwyr a phobl broffesiynol eraill i gadw'r plant yn ddiogel ac yn iach.
  • Therapydd iaith a lleferydd: Mae’n cynnig help penodol megis gweithgareddau ac ymarferion i annog plant i ddatblygu iaith.
  • Ymwelydd iechyd: Mae’n gweithio yn y gymuned gyda phlant dan bump oed i gefnogi cleifion ac i gadw golwg ar ddatblygiad plant. Mae’n aml yn gweithio gyda theuluoedd/gofalwyr oherwydd i'r plentyn gael ei eni'n gynnar, neu oherwydd anableddau.
  • Ffisiotherapydd: mae’n gweithio mewn ysbytai ac yn darparu ac yn awgrymu ymarferion i gynnal cryfder a symudiadau corfforol.
  • Therapydd galwedigaethol: Mae’n gweithio mewn ysbytai i ddarparu gweithgareddau priodol ac offer arbenigol ar gyfer plant/oedolion a chanddynt anawsterau corfforol.
  • Cydgysylltwyr anghenion dysgu ychwanegol (CGADA): cefnogi a chynghori rhieni/gofalwyr a lleoliadau gofal.

The range and roles of other workers and professionals in early years and childcare

Write a sentence in the boxes below to define each one of the following roles before checking your answers.

Amrywiaeth a rolau gweithwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill ym meysydd y blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant

Ysgrifennwch frawddeg yn y blychau isod i ddiffinio pob un o’r rolau canlynol cyn gwirio eich atebion.

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