Conflicts and dilemmas

Gwrthdaro a chyfyng gyngor rhwng dyletswydd gofal â hawliau plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr

Boy on bike

According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, every child has rights. Childcare workers need to work in ways that respect and protect the rights of children, young people and their parents/carers. This includes the rights of children and young people to make their own choices and to take risks.

There may be times when childcare workers will not agree with the choices or the decisions that children, young people and their parents/carers make as they are unsafe. This may mean a conflict between childcare workers' duty of care comes and respecting the rights of the child. For example, a young person may choose to eat unhealthy foods, or smoke outside the setting. A young child may want to climb a high tree in the outdoor area. The decision to allow children to make choices may cause conflict or dilemma to childcare workers. Taking part in activities which include an element of risk may promote child development. Therefore, by assessing risk, and helping children to assess risks for themselves, childcare workers can ensure that they support children's rights. When children are in an environment that is too safe, they may not be able to evaluate risks and make decisions for themselves.

Childcare workers have a duty to understand the rights of children, young people and their parents/carers and to work in ways that ensure a balanced method in order to ensure that children and young people are safe without interfering in their lives or going against their rights. Including parents/carers in decisions and supporting their rights helps to develop and maintain a relationship that shows trust and respect.

In some cases, the duty of care may conflict with children's rights as a result of their individual needs. For example, childcare workers may limit a child's play opportunities due to concerns that the child may injure themselves, but, in a safe environment, the child can be encouraged to explore the environment and attempt new things. This is important to promote child development and to promote their rights.

Further reading

Yn ôl Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn, mae gan bob plentyn hawliau. Mae angen i gweithwyr gofal plant weithio mewn ffyrdd sy'n parchu ac amddiffyn hawliau plant, pobl ifanc a’u rhieni/gofalwyr. Mae hyn yn cynnwys hawliau plant a phobl ifanc i wneud dewisiadau eu hunain ac i gymryd risgiau.

Efallai y bydd adegau pan na fydd gweithwyr gofal plant yn cytuno â’r dewisiadau neu'r penderfyniadau y mae plant, pobl ifanc a’u rhieni/gofalwyr yn eu gwneud oherwydd eu bod yn anniogel. Gall hyn olygu bod dyletswydd gofal gweithwyr gofal plant yn gwrthdaro â pharchu hawliau plentyn. Er enghraifft, efallai bydd person ifanc yn penderfynu bwyta bwydydd afiach, neu ysmygu y tu allan i’r lleoliad. Efallai bod plentyn ifanc eisiau dringo coeden uchel yn yr ardal tu allan. Gall y penderfyniad i ganiatáu i blant wneud dewisiadau achosi gwrthdaro neu gyfyng-gyngor i gweithwyr gofal plant. Gall cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau sydd ag elfen o risg hyrwyddo datblygiad plant. Felly, drwy asesu risg, a chefnogi plant i asesu risg dros eu hunain, gall gweithwyr gofal plant sicrhau eu bod yn cefnogi hawliau plant. Pan fydd plant mewn amgylchedd sy'n rhy ddiogel, efallai na fyddant yn gallu gwerthuso risgiau a gwneud penderfyniadau dros eu hunain.

Mae’n ddyletswydd ar gweithwyr gofal plant i ddeall hawliau plant, pobl ifanc a’u rhieni/gofalwyr ac i weithio mewn ffordd sy’n sicrhau dull cytbwys er mwyn sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn ddiogel heb ymyrryd yn eu bywydau neu dorri ar eu hawliau. Bydd cynnwys rhieni/gofalwyr mewn penderfyniadau a chefnogi eu hawliau yn helpu i ddatblygu a chynnal perthynas sy’n dangos ymddiriedaeth a pharch.

Mewn rhai achosion, gall dyletswydd gofal wrthdaro â hawliau plant oherwydd eu hanghenion unigol. Er enghraifft, efallai y bydd gweithwyr gofal plant yn cyfyngu ar gyfleoedd chwarae plentyn oherwydd pryderon y gallai anafu ei hun, ond, mewn amgylchedd diogel, gellir annog y plentyn i archwilio’r amgylchedd a thrio pethau newydd. Mae hyn yn bwysig er mwyn hybu datblygiad y plentyn, ac er mwyn hyrwyddo ei hawliau.

Darllen pellach

Conflicts and dilemmas

Choose the pictures that show a balance between the duty of care and children's rights.

Gwrthdaro a chyfyng gyngor rhwng dyletswydd gofal â hawliau plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr

Dewiswch y lluniau sy’n dangos cydbwysedd rhwng dyletswydd gofal a hawliau plant.

Girl cutting paper
Children hammering nail
Bike ramp
Children cycling
Toddler climbing stairway
Playing on tree
Baby sleeping
Playing basketball
Child holding scissors
Climbing instructor