Additional support for more able and talented children

Cymorth ychwanegol i blant mwy abl a thalentog


More able and talented pupils include those who perform well across the curriculum and achieve above the expected level for their age. These children will have special talents and abilities in academic and creative areas, sports and socially.

Due to their special talents, they will need opportunities to expand their learning further as they have a high level of motivation and thrive on receiving challenging learning experiences.

Settings and schools must meet all pupils' needs, including the more able and talented pupils, by planning activities suitable for individuals or groups of children or young people.

It is good practice for all settings/schools to have a clear policy for more able and talented pupils which is revised regularly, but such a policy is not mandatory.

The children will need extra support and this can be ensured by:

  • providing experiences with a wide range of learning opportunities outside the curriculum
  • providing differential activities
  • providing exploratory experiences and tasks with unlimited results
  • providing rich investigative activities
  • providing access to classes outside school which aim to develop their abilities and talents
  • providing opportunities to work independently setting their own tasks and targets
  • encouraging learners to reflect on their work in order to monitor their understanding
  • monitoring their progress carefully
  • appointing a 'more able and talented' coordinator to monitor the provision across the school
  • providing staff training
  • providing mentoring sessions for children
  • ensuring continuity and sequence in pupils' education when moving from primary to secondary
  • providing opportunities for children to work with more able and talented children in other schools
  • communicating effectively with children's parents/carers
  • improving parents'/carers' understanding so that they are confident in their ability to support their more able and talented child's education
  • providing encouragement and praise as is provided to all other children.

Mae disgyblion mwy abl a thalentog yn cynnwys y rhai sy’n perfformio’n well ar draws y cwricwlwm ac yn cyrraedd uwchlaw’r lefel ddisgwyliedig o ran eu hoedran. Bydd gan y plant hyn ddoniau arbennig a galluoedd mewn meysydd academaidd, creadigol, byd chwaraeon ac yn gymdeithasol.

Oherwydd eu doniau arbennig bydd angen cynnig cyfleoedd iddynt ymestyn eu dysgu ymhellach gan fod ganddynt lefel uchel o gymhelliant ac yn ffynnu ar dderbyn profiadau dysgu heriol.

Rhaid i leoliadau ac ysgolion gyfarfod ag anghenion pob dysgwr, gan gynnwys y disgyblion mwy abl a thalentog, gan gynllunio gweithgareddau addas ar gyfer unigolion neu grwpiau o blant neu bobl ifanc.

Mae’n arfer da bod gan bob lleoliad/ysgol bolisi clir ar gyfer disgyblion mwy abl a thalentog sy’n cael ei adolygu yn rheolaidd, ond nid yw’n orfodol fod polisi yn bodoli.

Bydd y plant hyn angen cymorth ychwanegol a gellir sicrhau fod hyn yn digwydd drwy:

  • gynnig profiadau gydag ehangder o gyfleoedd dysgu, tu hwnt i’r cwricwlwm
  • gynnig gweithgareddau gwahaniaethol
  • gynnig profiadau a thasgau archwiliadol ble nad yw’r canlyniadau yn gyfyngedig
  • gynnig gweithgareddau ymchwiliol cyfoethog
  • roi mynediad i ddosbarthiadau tu allan i’r ysgol sy’n anelu at ddatblygu eu galluoedd a’u talentau
  • gynnig cyfle i weithio’n annibynnol gan osod tasgau a thargedau eu hunain
  • annog dysgwyr i fyfyrio ar eu gwaith er mwyn gallu monitro eu deallusrwydd,
  • monitro eu cynnydd yn ofalus
  • benodi cydlynydd ‘mwy abl a thalentog’ i fonitro’r ddarpariaeth ar draws yr ysgol,
  • gynnig hyfforddiant i staff
  • gynnig sesiynau mentora i’r plant
  • sicrhau bod parhad a dilyniant yn addysg disgyblion wrth symud o’r cynradd i’r uwchradd
  • gynnig cyfleoedd i blant gydweithio gyda phlant mwy abl a thalentog o fewn ysgolion eraill
  • gyfathrebu’n effeithiol gyda rhieni/gofalwyr y plant
  • wella dealltwriaeth rhieni/gofalwyr fel eu bod yn hyderus yn eu gallu i gefnogi addysg eu plentyn mwy abl neu dalentog
  • gynnig anogaeth a chanmoliaeth yn yr un modd ag a gynigir i bob plentyn arall.

Suggested response

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Ymateb awgrymedig

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Additional support for more able and talented children.

Providing additional support for more able and talented children. Note down your ideas on the diagram.

Cymorth ychwanegol i blant mwy abl a thalentog

Cynnig cymorth ychwanegol i blant mwy abl a thalentog. Nodwch eich syniadau ar y diagram.

How to provide additional support for
more able and talented children
Sut y gellir cynnig cymorth ychwanegol
i blant mwy abl a thalentog

Suggested answers

  • providing experiences with a wide range of learning opportunities outside the curriculum
  • providing differential activities
  • providing exploratory experiences and tasks with limited results
  • rich investigative activities
  • access to classes outside school which aim to develop their abilities and talents
  • opportunities to work independently setting their own tasks and targets
  • encouraging learners to reflect on their work in order to monitor their understanding
  • monitoring their progress carefully
  • appointing a 'more able and talented' coordinator to monitor the provision across the school
  • providing staff training
  • providing mentoring sessions for children
  • ensuring continuity and sequence in pupils' education when moving from primary to secondary
  • providing opportunities for children to work with more able and talented children in other schools
  • communicating effectively with children's parents/carers
  • improving parents'/carers' understanding so that they are confident in their ability to support their more able and talented children's education
  • providing encouragement and praise as is provided to all other children.

Atebion awgrymedig

  • cynnig profiadau gydag ehangder o gyfleoedd dysgu tu hwnt i’r cwricwlwm
  • cynnig gweithgareddau gwahaniaethol
  • cynnig profiadau a thasgau archwiliadol ble nad yw’r canlyniadau yn gyfyngedig
  • gweithgareddau ymchwiliol cyfoethog
  • mynediad i ddosbarthiadau tu allan i’r ysgol sy’n anelu at ddatblygu eu galluoedd a’u talentau
  • cyfle i weithio’n annibynnol gan osod tasgau a thargedau eu hunain
  • annog dysgwyr i fyfyrio ar eu gwaith er mwyn gallu monitro eu deallusrwydd
  • monitro eu cynnydd yn ofalus
  • penodi cydlynydd ‘mwy abl a thalentog’ i fonitro’r ddarpariaeth ar draws yr ysgol
  • cynnig hyfforddiant i staff
  • cynnig sesiynau mentora i’r plant
  • sicrhau bod parhad a dilyniant yn addysg disgyblion wrth symud o’r cynradd i’r uwchradd
  • cynnig cyfleoedd i blant gydweithio gyda phlant mwy abl a thalentog o fewn ysgolion eraill
  • cyfathrebu’n effeithiol gyda rhieni/gofalwyr y plant
  • gwella dealltwriaeth rhieni/gofalwyr fel eu bod yn hyderus yn eu gallu i gefnogi addysg eu plentyn mwy abl neu dalentog
  • cynnig anogaeth a chanmoliaeth yn yr un modd ag a gynigir i bob plentyn arall.