Participating in enjoyable and meaningful activities

Cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ystyrlon sy’n llawn mwynhad

Happy children

Children are more likely to develop if they are having fun. In addition to their educational development children should also be given experiences which contribute to their well-being. Enjoyable and meaningful activities allow them to learn about themselves and the world around them. They will develop the skills which are needed to grow with confidence and develop resilience to deal with any problems or difficulties they face.

The child's intellectual development will grow as they discover knowledge, learning and interacting in their environment. The childcare worker's role is to provide opportunities to develop skills to solve problems, improve their memory and improve their concentration. Singing songs and nursery rhymes at home and at school will be fun and will promote the child's ability to remember and develop new vocabulary.

By giving the children a choice they will become more independent and gain confidence in making their own decisions. Children can develop to think for themselves and this can be reinforced by asking questions so that they master the ability to solve problems. Questions can be asked whilst out for a walk or when visiting interesting places. This will make them more curious and will give them the opportunity to react to different situations and experiences.

In order to develop a healthy body children must stay active and participate in physical exercise or sport. This will allow the child to develop gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination. Periods of activity need to occur on a daily basis in order to grow and develop physically. Children who embrace this in childhood are more likely to continue to be active as adults. Healthy eating and personal hygiene is also required. Physical activity can assist children if they feel under pressure by also contributing to:

  • self-esteem
  • strong bones, limbs and muscles
  • better posture and balance
  • a healthy heart
  • a healthy weight
  • learning new skills whilst having fun
  • improved concentration at school
  • interaction with friends.

Experiences during early childhood affect brain function and how children deal with different situations. By interacting, children will mature on an emotional level displaying their own feelings by considering the feelings of others. Activities which include imaginative play help children express and deal with their feelings. By thinking out loud they will consider their feelings and experiences. By participating in role play they will communicate verbally and non-verbally and develop their imagination. This will improve their language skills and allow them to see the value of teamwork, sharing and showing empathy. By offering different activities to children they can be encouraged to try new things which are beyond their normal range of ability. Following this they will grow in confidence to undertake various tasks.

Mae plant yn fwy tebygol o ddatblygu os byddant yn cael hwyl. Yn ogystal â datblygu o ran eu haddysg mae’n hanfodol bod plant yn derbyn profiadau a fydd yn cyfrannu tuag at eu lles. Bydd gweithgareddau ystyrlon sydd yn llawn mwynhad yn caniatáu iddynt ddysgu am eu hunain a’r byd o’u hamgylch. Byddant yn datblygu sgiliau sydd eu hangen i dyfu’n hyderus gan ddatblygu gwytnwch i fedru wynebu problemau ac anawsterau a ddaw ar eu traws.

Bydd datblygiad deallusol y plentyn yn tyfu wrth iddynt ddarganfod gwybodaeth, dysgu a rhyngweithio yn yr amgylchedd. Rôl yr ymarferwr yw darparu cyfleodd i ddatblygu sgiliau i allu datrys problemau gwella eu sgiliau cof a gwella eu cyfnod canolbwyntio. Bydd canu caneuon a rhigymau yn y cartref ac yn yr ysgol yn llawn hwyl ac yn hyrwyddo gallu’r plentyn i gofio a datblygu geirfa newydd.

Trwy gynnig dewisiadau i blant byddant yn datblygu’n fwy annibynnol gan ddod yn hyderus i wneud penderfyniadau dros eu hunain. Gall blant ddatblygu i feddwl dros eu hunain a gellir atgyfnerthu hyn drwy ofyn cwestiynau fel eu bod yn meistroli’r gallu i ddatrys problemau. Gallir holi cwestiynau wrth fynd am dro neu wrth ymweld â mannau diddorol. Bydd hyn yn ymestyn eu chwilfrydedd ac yn rhoi cyfle iddynt ymateb i wahanol sefyllfaoedd a phrofiadau.

Er mwyn datblygu’n gorfforol iach mae’n rhaid cadw’n fywiog a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ymarfer corff neu chwaraeon. Bydd hyn yn caniatáu i’r plentyn ddatblygu sgiliau echddygol bras a manwl, cydbwysedd a chydsymud. Mae angen i gyfnodau bywiogrwydd ddigwydd yn ddyddiol er mwyn tyfu a datblygu’n gorfforol. Bydd plant sydd yn ymgymryd â hyn yn ystod cyfnod plentyndod yn fwy tebygol o barhau i fod yn fywiog pan yn oedolyn. Hefyd mae angen bwyta’n iach a gofalu am y corff o ran glendid corfforol. Gall gweithgareddau corfforol fod yn gymorth i blant os ydynt yn teimlo dan bwysau gan hefyd gyfrannu at y canlynol:

  • hunan-barch
  • esgyrn, cymalau a chyhyrau cryf
  • gwell ymddaliad a chydbwysedd
  • calon gref
  • pwysau iach
  • dysgu sgiliau newydd wrth gael hwyl
  • canolbwyntio’n well yn yr ysgol
  • rhyngweithio gyda ffrindiau.

Mae’r profiadau y caiff plant yn ystod y blynyddoedd cynnar yn effeithio ar sut mae’r ymennydd yn gweithio a sut maent yn medru delio gydag amgylchiadau gwahanol. Drwy ryngweithio bydd plant yn aeddfedu yn emosiynol gan arddangos teimladau eu hunain gan ystyried teimladau eraill. Gall gweithgareddau sy’n cynnwys chwarae dychmygol gynorthwyo plant i fynegi a delio gyda’u teimladau. Trwy feddwl yn uchel byddant yn ystyried eu teimladau a’u profiadau. Wrth chwarae rôl byddant yn defnyddio iaith lafar a di eiriol wrth gyfathrebu gan ymestyn eu dychymyg. Bydd hyn yn cryfhau eu sgiliau iaith a chaniatáu iddynt weld gwerth gweithio mewn tîm, rhannu a dangos empathi. Trwy gynnig gweithgareddau gwahanol i blant gellir eu hannog i dreialu pethau newydd sydd tu hwnt i’w gallu arferol. Yn dilyn hyn bydd eu hyder yn datblygu i fedru rhoi cynnig ar dasgau amrywiol.

Participating in enjoyable and meaningful activities

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Cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ystyrlon sy’n llawn mwynhad

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