Supporting the well-being of children

Cefnogi llesiant plant

Boy in a therapeutic tunnel

All children are individuals with different needs. Only trained professionals will be able to meet some of these needs but anyone with enough knowledge and dedication will be able to help them with other needs. The role of a childcare worker is to know when and how to refer children for specialist support, and communicate and work with professionals and external agencies.

There is a variety of relationships and support networks available to ensure that children, young people and families receive the best possible support.

Below are a number of examples of relationships and support networks but the list is not exhaustive.

Paediatrician: Specialises in diagnosing children and providing medical care.

Play childcare worker: Advice on using play to help children consider their feelings and experiences.

Health visitor: A qualified nurse who has received additional training. Conducts routine developmental examinations. Offers parental advice on the care and development of their children.

Physiotherapist: Works directly with children and their parents/carers. Focuses on motor skills, movement and balance. May suggest exercises and movements which will help to strengthen a specific part of the body.

Speech therapist: Treats speech impediments and conditions, encouraging the ability to communicate. They work closely with families and offer support to make the setting more comfortable.

Occupational Therapist: Encourage independence and life skills. Assess fine motor skills and suggest specialist tools.

Educational psychologist: Provide medical and learning support for individuals and groups of children. They observe the child within the setting in order to see how they are coping. They offer a support programme.

GP: General childcare worker who treats all family members.

Clinical psychologist: Focuses on emotional, social and intellectual development.

AEN advisory teacher: A specialist teacher who visits children and offers direct teaching and support.

Education welfare officer: Will consider children with irregular attendance. Will consider the welfare of children and young people.

CAFCASS Cymru (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service): Offers support to children and young people ensuring that their voice is heard in court. Through this decisions made consider their welfare first and foremost.

NSPCC - The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children: An organisation which protects children and young people and prevents abuse. A 24 hour service is provided which listens to children and also supports families.

Young Minds: A website offering support to children and young people with mental development. Here support is provided to children with low self-esteem to feel better about themselves. Issues such as bullying, abuse and body image are discussed.

Welsh Government: The WG website offers information and support to educators, children, young people and their families on issues involving education, equality, housing, transport, health, social care etc.

Mae pob plentyn yn unigolyn gydag anghenion gwahanol. Dim ond gweithwyr proffesiynol sydd wedi'u hyfforddi a fydd yn gallu diwallu rhai o'r anghenion hyn, ond gall unrhyw un sydd â digon o wybodaeth ac ymroddiad eu helpu gydag anghenion eraill. Gwaith gweithiwr gofal plant yw gwybod pryd a sut mae cyfeirio plant i gael cymorth arbenigwyr, a chyfathrebu a gweithio gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol ac asiantaethau allanol.

Mae amrywiaeth o gydberthnasau a rhwydweithiau cymorth ar gael sy’n sicrhau’r cymorth a’r gefnogaeth orau posib i blant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd.

Isod ceir nifer o enghreifftiau o gydberthnasau a rhwydweithiau cymorth ond nid yw’r rhestr yn cynnwys pob cydberthynas.

Paediatregydd: Yn arbenigo mewn cynnig diagnosis a gofal meddygol ar gyfer plant.

gweithiwr gofal plant chwarae: Cyngor ynglŷn a defnyddio chwarae er mwyn helpu plant i ystyried eu teimladau a'u profiadau.

Ymwelydd iechyd: Nyrs gymwys sydd wedi cael hyfforddiant ychwanegol. Yn cynnal archwiliadau datblygiadol arferol. Yn cynnig cyngor i rieni am ofal a datblygiad eu plant.

Ffisiotherapydd: Yn gweithio yn uniongyrchol gyda phlant a’u rhieni. Yn canolbwyntio ar sgiliau echddygol, symud a chydbwysedd. Gall awgrymu ymarfer a symudiadau a fydd yn gymorth i gryfhau ardal benodol o’r corff.

therapydd iaith a lleferydd: Yn trin diffygion ac anhwylderau lleferydd, gan annog y gallu i gyfathrebu. Maent yn gweithio’n agos gyda theuluoedd a chynnig cefnogaeth ar sut i wneud y lleoliad yn lle hwylus.

Therapydd Galwedigaethol: Annog annibyniaeth a sgiliau bywyd. Gall asesu sgiliau echddygol mân ac awgrymu offer arbenigol.

Seicolegydd addysgol: Yn darparu cymorth meddygol a dysgu ar gyfer unigolion a grwpiau o blant. Maent yn arsylwi’r plentyn o fewn y lleoliad er mwyn gweld sut mae’n dygymod. Maent yn cynnig rhaglen gefnogaeth.

Meddyg Teulu: Ymarferwr cyffredinol sy'n trin holl aelodau'r teulu.

Seicolegydd clinigol: Yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygiad emosiynol, cymdeithasol a deallusol.

Athro/Athrawes cyngor anghenion addysgol ychwanegol: Athro/athrawes arbenigol sy'n ymweld â phlant ac sy'n cynnig cymorth ac addysgu uniongyrchol.

Swyddog lles addysg: Bydd yn ystyried plant y mae eu presenoldeb yn afreolaidd. Bydd yn ystyried lles plant a phobl ifanc.

Gwasanaeth Cyngor a Chefnogaeth Llys i Blant a’u Teuluoedd - CAFCASS Cymru (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service): Cynnig cymorth a chyngor i blant a phobl ifanc gan sicrhau bod eu llais yn cael eu clywed mewn llys. Trwy hyn bydd penderfyniadau a wneir yn ystyried eu lles yn bennaf.

Cymdeithas Genedlaethol er Atal Creulondeb i Blant (NSPCC - The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children): Sefydliad sydd yn diogelu plant a phobl ifanc ac yn atal camdriniaeth. Cynigir gwasanaeth 24 awr sydd yn gwrando ar blant gan hefyd gynnig cefnogaeth i deuluoedd.

Young Minds: Gwefan sy’n cynnig cefnogaeth i blant a phobl ifanc gyda datblygiad y meddwl. Mae yma gefnogaeth i blant sy’n cael anhawster datblygu hunan-barch gyda chymorth iddynt deimlo’n well am eu hunain. Bydd materion megis bwlio, camdriniaeth a delwedd y corff yn cael eu trafod.

Llywodraeth Cymru: Mae gwefan Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig gwybodaeth a chymorth i addysgwyr, plant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd ar faterion sy’n ymwneud ag addysg, cydraddoldeb, tai, trafnidiaeth, iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol ac yn y blaen.

Suggested response

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Ymateb awgrymedig

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Supporting the well-being of children

Drag the relationships / networks to the correct types of intervention.

Cefnogi llesiant plant

Llusgwch y cydberthnasau / rhwydweithiau i’r math o ymyrraeth cywir.

Relationships / Networks

Cydberthnasau / Rhwydweithiau

Type of intervention

Math o ymyrraeth

Correct answers

Atebion cywir