Rights based approaches and positive outcomes for individuals living in their own homes

Dulliau gweithredu seiliedig ar hawliau a chanlyniadau cadarnhaol i unigolion sy'n byw yn eu cartrefi eu hunain

Senior man and woman

Individuals who need to access support services in order to remain in their own homes have the right:

  • to be safe
  • to be well cared for
  • to be helped to stay living as independently for as long as possible and to do the things that give meaning and value to their lives
  • to be treated with dignity and respect
  • to be treated with value and worth and be able to contribute.

Mae gan unigolion sydd angen defnyddio gwasanaethau cymorth er mwyn aros yn eu cartrefi eu hunain yr hawl i'r canlynol:

  • bod yn ddiogel
  • cael gofal da
  • cael eu helpu i barhau i fyw mor annibynnol am gyhyd â phosibl ac i wneud y pethau sy'n rhoi ystyr a gwerth i'w bywydau
  • i gael eu trin ag urddas a pharch
  • i gael eu trin â gwerth a gallu cyfrannu.

What do rights based approaches means in practice?

Beth mae dulliau gweithredu sy'n seiliedig ar hawliau yn ei olygu yn ymarferol?

Elderly woman and carer

Individuals who need care and support will come from many different backgrounds, religions and cultures. It is important that their rights are upheld:

  • to be treated as an individual – This would include ensuring that care and support is specifically tailored to their needs and preferences and is planned with the individual fully involved at every stage
  • to be treated equally and not discriminated against – It is important that an individual’s lifestyle and preferences are respected and supported
  • to be respected – It is important that the individual is seen and considered rather than their illness, disability or limitations.
  • to have privacy – When offering care and support it is vital that the privacy of the individual and their family is upheld. The only time it will be acceptable to divulge information about an individual’s home life is if there are concerns of abuse.
  • to be treated in a dignified way – This is particularly important when delivering personal care. All support should be offered in a way that maintains the dignity of the individual.
  • to be protected from danger and harm – All individuals should be safeguarded against harm and abuse, and any concerns around safeguarding should be reported appropriately.
  • to be supported and cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and protects them – It is important that the individual is involved in all decisions about their care and support and that they are made to feel that they have control over those decisions.
  • to communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language – Support plans need to ensure that communication methods are agreed and adhered to.
  • to access information about themselves – It is important that individuals understand how they can access information about themselves and are supported to do so.

Bydd unigolion sydd angen gofal a chymorth yn dod o lawer o wahanol gefndiroedd, crefyddau a diwylliannau. Mae'n bwysig bod eu hawliau'n cael eu harddel:

  • i gael eu trin fel unigolyn – Byddai hyn yn cynnwys sicrhau bod gofal a chymorth yn cael eu teilwra'n benodol i'w anghenion a'i ddewisiadau a'i fod yn bwriadu cynnwys yr unigolyn yn llawn ar bob cam o'r broses
  • i gael eu trin yn gyfartal a heb wahaniaethu yn eu herbyn – Mae'n bwysig bod ffordd o fyw a dewisiadau unigolyn yn cael eu parchu a'u cefnogi
  • i gael eu parchu – Mae'n bwysig bod yr unigolyn yn cael ei weld a'i ystyried yn hytrach na'i salwch, ei anabledd neu ei gyfyngiadau.
  • cael preifatrwydd – Wrth gynnig gofal a chymorth mae'n hanfodol bod preifatrwydd yr unigolyn a'i deulu yn cael ei gynnal. Yr unig adeg y bydd yn dderbyniol datgelu gwybodaeth am fywyd cartref unigolyn yw os oes pryderon o gamdriniaeth.
  • i gael eu trin mewn ffordd urddasol – Mae hyn yn arbennig o bwysig wrth ddarparu gofal personol. Dylid cynnig pob cymorth mewn ffordd sy'n cynnal urddas yr unigolyn.
  • i gael eu diogelu rhag perygl a niwed – Dylai pob unigolyn gael ei ddiogelu rhag niwed a chamdriniaeth, a dylai unrhyw bryderon ynglŷn â diogelu cael eu hadrodd yn briodol.
  • i gael eu cefnogi a'u gwarchod mewn ffordd sy'n diwallu eu hanghenion, yn ystyried eu dewisiadau ac yn eu diogelu – Mae'n bwysig bod yr unigolyn yn cael ei gynnwys ym mhob penderfyniad am ei ofal a'i gymorth a'i fod yn cael ei wneud i deimlo bod ganddo reolaeth dros y penderfyniadau hynny.
  • i gyfathrebu gan ddefnyddio eu hoff ddulliau o gyfathrebu ac iaith – Mae angen i gynlluniau cymorth sicrhau bod dulliau cyfathrebu'n cael eu cytuno a'u dilyn.
  • i gael gafael ar wybodaeth amdanynt eu hunain – Mae'n bwysig bod unigolion yn deall sut y gallant gael gwybodaeth amdanynt eu hunain a'u bod yn cael eu cefnogi i wneud hynny.

The role of advocacy

Rôl eiriolaeth

Holding hands

There are several types of advocacy:

  • independent mental capacity advocates (IMCAs) – a safeguard for people who lack capacity to make some important decisions. The role of the IMCA is to support and represent the person in the decision-making process. Essentially, they make sure that the Mental Capacity Act 2005 is being followed.
  • self-advocacy – the individual can speak for themselves
  • informal advocacy – parents, friends or family speak on behalf of an individual
  • collective advocacy – a group of individuals with a similar issue join together to have their voices heard
  • peer advocacy – one to one support provided by an advocate who has a similar disability or has had a similar experience as the individual using the service
  • citizen advocacy – a member of the community providing advocacy for the individual
  • independent volunteer advocacy – a volunteer speaking on behalf of the individual
  • formal advocacy – advocates are appointed under various pieces of legislation and can include guardians, financial managers and solicitors
  • independent professional advocacy – a professional such as a solicitor speaking on behalf of the individual

The role of an advocate in health and social care is to support vulnerable individuals who are physically or mentally disabled, have a mental illness, or dementia to ensure that:

  • the individual’s voice, views and experiences are heard and treated with appropriate respect
  • the individual is receiving equal and fair treatment
  • the individual is fully aware of their rights under current legislation and can make informed decisions based on the advice provided.

The advocate can provide practical assistance with:

  • accessing necessary social services
  • registering formal complaints regarding the conduct of health and social care professionals
  • discussing and agreeing the individual’s care on their behalf
  • accompanying patients to medical appointments.

Mae sawl math o eiriolaeth:

  • eiriolwyr galluedd meddyliol annibynnol – diogelu pobl sydd heb y gallu i wneud rhai penderfyniadau pwysig. Rôl yr eiriolwr galluedd meddyliol annibynnol yw cefnogi a chynrychioli’r person yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau. Maent yn sicrhau bod Deddf Galluedd Meddyliol 2005 yn cael ei ddilyn.
  • hunan–eiriolaeth – gall yr unigolyn siarad dros ei hun
  • eiriolaeth anffurfiol – rhieni, ffrindiau neu deulu yn siarad ar ran unigolyn
  • eiriolaeth ar y cyd – grŵp o unigolion gyda mater tebyg yn dod at ei gilydd i leisio eu barn
  • eiriolaeth gan gymheiriaid – cymorth un i un wedi'i ddarparu gan eiriolwr sydd ag anabledd tebyg neu sydd wedi cael profiad tebyg i'r unigolyn sy'n defnyddio'r gwasanaeth
  • eiriolaeth dinasyddion – aelod o'r gymuned yn darparu eiriolaeth i'r unigolyn
  • eiriolaeth gwirfoddolwyr annibynnol – gwirfoddolwr yn siarad ar ran yr unigolyn
  • eiriolaeth ffurfiol – mae eiriolwyr yn cael eu penodi o dan wahanol ddarnau o ddeddfwriaeth a gallant gynnwys gwarcheidwaid, rheolwyr ariannol a chyfreithwyr
  • eiriolaeth broffesiynol annibynnol – gweithiwr proffesiynol megis cyfreithiwr yn siarad ar ran yr unigolyn.

Rôl eiriolwr ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yw cefnogi unigolion agored i niwed sy'n anabl yn gorfforol neu'n feddyliol, sydd ag afiechyd meddwl neu ddementia i sicrhau'r canlynol:

  • bod llais, safbwyntiau a phrofiadau'r unigolyn yn cael eu clywed a'u trin â pharch priodol
  • bod yr unigolyn yn cael triniaeth gyfartal a theg
  • mae'r unigolyn yn gwbl ymwybodol o'i hawliau o dan y ddeddfwriaeth bresennol a gall wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus ar sail y cyngor a ddarperir.

Gall yr eiriolwr roi cymorth ymarferol gyda'r canlynol:

  • cael gafael ar wasanaethau cymdeithasol angenrheidiol
  • cofrestru cwynion ffurfiol am ymddygiad gweithwyr proffesiynol ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol
  • trafod a chytuno ar ofal yr unigolyn ar ei ran
  • mynd gyda chleifion i apwyntiadau meddygol.




Just because someone requires care and support doesn’t mean they are totally dependent, or incapable.

Mentally and physically disabled individuals along with those who have mental health issues may face discrimination.

They can be viewed as:

  • less economically successful
  • not safe to be left alone
  • unable to live a full life.

These views can impact the well-being of the individual, therefore it is important that such views are challenged and modified.

If too much is done for the individual, then they may lose the ability to do things for themselves. This is known as learned helplessness and can have a major psychological impact on the individual.

Not allowing the individual to try to do things themselves can also lead them to feel frustrated at the lack of independence, dignity and privacy they are afforded.

Nid yw'r ffaith bod rhywun angen gofal a chymorth yn golygu ei fod yn gwbl ddibynnol, neu'n analluog.

Gall unigolion ag anabledd meddyliol a chorfforol, ynghyd â'r rhai sydd â phroblemau iechyd meddwl, wynebu gwahaniaethu.

Gellir eu hystyried fel a ganlyn:

  • llai llwyddiannus yn economaidd
  • ddim yn ddiogel i'w adael ar ben ei hun
  • methu byw bywyd llawn.

Gall y safbwyntiau hyn effeithio ar lesiant yr unigolyn, felly mae'n bwysig bod safbwyntiau o'r fath yn cael eu herio a'u haddasu.

Os oes gormod yn cael ei wneud i'r unigolyn, efallai y bydd yn colli'r gallu i wneud pethau dros ei hun. Gelwir hyn yn ddiymadferthedd wedi'i ddysgu a gall gael effaith seicolegol sylweddol ar yr unigolyn.

Gall peidio â gadael i'r unigolyn geisio gwneud pethau ei hun hefyd ei arwain i deimlo'n rhwystredig am y diffyg annibyniaeth, urddas a phreifatrwydd a roddir iddynt.

How to challenge negative perceptions

Sut i herio canfyddiadau negyddol

Dealing with difficult news

Gaining the trust of individuals and their families/carers can be difficult. Often they feel that they have failed if they require care and support, or they may have heard of others that haven’t received the right care and support in their own homes and feel a loss of rights and control over their lives.

In order to challenge these perceptions, trust must be built between all involved.

As soon as the need for care is identified, the individual and their family/carers need to be involved in all the decisions made, putting their needs at the centre of the planning process.

The individuals and their family need to feel empowered to make decisions that will help improve their quality of life, by explaining the support options available and allowing them to help design a care package that fits their needs.

Gall fod yn anodd ennill ymddiriedaeth unigolion a'u teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Yn aml maent yn teimlo eu bod wedi methu os oes angen cymorth gofal arnynt, neu efallai eu bod wedi clywed am eraill nad ydynt wedi cael y gofal a'r cymorth cywir yn eu cartrefi eu hunain ac sy'n teimlo eu bod yn colli hawliau a rheolaeth dros eu bywydau.

Er mwyn herio'r canfyddiadau hyn, rhaid meithrin ymddiriedaeth rhwng pawb sy'n gysylltiedig.

Cyn gynted ag y nodir yr angen am ofal, mae angen cynnwys yr unigolyn a'i deulu/gofalwyr yn yr holl benderfyniadau a wneir, gan roi eu hanghenion yng nghanol y broses gynllunio.

Mae angen i'r unigolion a'u teuluoedd deimlo eu bod wedi'u grymuso i wneud penderfyniadau a fydd yn helpu i wella ansawdd eu bywyd, drwy esbonio'r dewisiadau cymorth sydd ar gael a chaniatáu iddynt helpu i ddylunio pecyn gofal sy'n gweddu i'w hanghenion.

What is meant by the Senses Framework?

Beth yw'r Fframwaith Synhwyrau?

Gardening with granddaughter

The senses framework was designed to ensure that all individuals receive good care. In order to deliver high quality care the individual, their family and their support workers need to experience the following senses:

  • A sense of security – to feel safe and secure, not just physically but also psychologically. To feel free from threat or harm, but not to the point that no risks are allowed. Also, to feel free to complain without fear of paybacks.
  • A sense of belonging – to feel 'part of things', both at home and the wider community, and to be able to maintain relationships and create new ones.
  • A sense of continuity – so that the individual’s life and their history are recognised and valued, and used to plan and provide care that they want and like.
  • A sense of purpose – having things to aim for, the sort of things that make it worth getting out of bed for in the morning and provide a feeling of “I have a contribution to make”.
  • A sense of achievement – to feel happy with their efforts.
  • A sense of significance – It is important that individuals feel that they 'matter', that life has importance, and that other people recognise them and who they are.

Cynlluniwyd y fframwaith synhwyrau i sicrhau bod pob unigolyn yn derbyn gofal da. Er mwyn darparu gofal o ansawdd uchel, mae angen i'r unigolyn, ei deulu a'i weithwyr cymorth brofi'r synhwyrau canlynol:

  • Ymdeimlad o ddiogelwch – teimlo'n ddiogel a sicr, nid dim ond yn gorfforol ond hefyd yn seicolegol. Teimlo'n rhydd rhag bygythiad neu niwed, ond nid i'r pwynt na chaniateir unrhyw risg. Hefyd, i deimlo'n rhydd i gwyno heb ofni dialedd.
  • Ymdeimlad o berthyn – i deimlo eu bod yn 'rhan o bethau', yn y cartref a'r gymuned ehangach, ac i allu cynnal perthnasoedd a chreu rhai newydd.
  • Ymdeimlad o barhad – fel bod bywyd yr unigolyn a'i hanes yn cael ei gydnabod a'i werthfawrogi, a'i ddefnyddio i gynllunio a darparu gofal y maent yn dymuno ei gael ac maent yn ei hoffi.
  • Ymdeimlad o bwrpas – cael pethau i anelu atynt, y math o bethau sy'n ei gwneud hi'n werth codi o'r gwely yn y bore a rhoi teimlad o "mae gen i gyfraniad i'w wneud”.
  • Ymdeimlad o gyflawniad – i deimlo'n hapus gyda'u hymdrechion.
  • Ymdeimlad o arwyddocâd – Mae'n bwysig bod unigolion yn teimlo eu bod o bwys, bod bywyd yn bwysig, a bod pobl eraill yn eu hadnabod nhw ac yn gwybod pwy ydynt.

The rights to a full and valued life

Yr hawl i fyw bywyd llawn a gwerthfawr


Individuals in need of care still have the right to have choice and control over their daily life.

They should be able to control how they spend their day, who they see, what they do and how they spend their money.

They should be allowed to actively participate in their own care and make decisions about the areas of their life that they need support with.

Individuals should be given the opportunity to participate in social, cultural or religious events as part of their community.

They have the right to signify their gender in a way that feels comfortable to them and engage in relationships both platonic and sexual with whom they choose.

They should not be made to feel that choices are being made for them or that they have to conform to the views of those offering care and support.

'Social Care Wales' Code of Professional Practice ensures that those delivering care, respect the rights of the individual within their care.

The principles, such as voice and control and co-production, in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 ensure people have their rights met.

Mae gan unigolion sydd angen gofal yr hawl o hyd i gael dewis a rheolaeth dros eu bywyd bob dydd.

Dylen nhw allu rheoli, sut maen nhw'n treulio'u diwrnod, pwy maen nhw'n ei weld, beth maen nhw'n ei wneud a sut maen nhw'n gwario'u harian.

Dylid caniatáu iddynt gymryd rhan weithredol yn eu gofal eu hunain a gwneud penderfyniadau ynglŷn â'r agweddau ar eu bywyd y mae angen cymorth arnynt.

Dylid rhoi cyfle i unigolion gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau cymdeithasol, diwylliannol neu grefyddol fel rhan o'u cymuned.

Mae ganddynt yr hawl i ddynodi eu rhywedd mewn ffordd sy'n teimlo'n gyfforddus iddynt a chymryd rhan mewn perthnasoedd platonig a rhywiol gydag unrhyw un y dymunant.

Ni ddylid gwneud iddynt deimlo bod dewisiadau'n cael eu gwneud ar eu cyfer na bod yn rhaid iddynt gydymffurfio â safbwyntiau'r rhai sy'n cynnig gofal a chymorth.

Mae Cod Ymarfer Proffesiynol Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn sicrhau bod y rhai sy'n darparu gofal yn parchu hawliau'r unigolyn yn eu gofal.

Mae’r egwyddorion, megis llais a rheolaeth a chyd-gynhyrchu, yn Neddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 yn sicrhau bod hawliau pobl yn cael eu bodloni.

The importance of recognising the valued role that individuals and carers have held and can continue to hold

Pwysigrwydd cydnabod rolau gwerthfawr unigolion a gofalwyr

Care for an old lady

Individuals and their carers are fundamental to development of an appropriate care package.

It is important that everyone works together to ensure that support is delivered with the individual’s best interest at heart.

Those that are in a caring role are a major partner in providing support to the individual and informing health and social services of the needs and personal preferences of the individual.

Sharing information, decision making and planning can ease the burden on carers and family members whilst ensuring that their role is still valued and that they are viewed as a equal partner in the delivery of support.

Mae unigolion a'u gofalwyr yn hanfodol i ddatblygu pecyn gofal priodol.

Mae'n bwysig bod pawb yn cydweithio i sicrhau bod cymorth yn cael ei ddarparu gyda'r budd gorau i'r unigolyn wrth ei wraidd.

Mae'r rhai sydd mewn rôl gofalu yn bartner pwysig yn y gwaith o ddarparu cymorth i'r unigolyn a hysbysu gwasanaethau iechyd a chymdeithasol am anghenion a dewisiadau personol yr unigolyn.

Gall rhannu gwybodaeth, gwneud penderfyniadau a chynllunio ysgafnhau'r baich ar ofalwyr ac aelodau teulu gan sicrhau bod eu rôl yn dal i gael ei gwerthfawrogi a'u bod yn cael eu hystyried yn bartner cyfartal wrth ddarparu cymorth.

Individuals contribution to their communities

Cyfraniad unigolion i'w cymunedau

Senior people dancing

Community participation engenders feelings of belonging, it can also ensure that the individual’s needs are recognised and supported from within the community.

A sense of mattering to others is important to mental well-being, as is emotional connection, allowing the individual to feel like they share a history of similar experiences with others in their community.

The community can provide interdependence and mutual support, thus positively promoting community development. It lessens the feelings of isolation and loneliness and increases life satisfaction.

Individuals can contribute to their community if they are allowed to:

  • do things that have a purpose and are meaningful for them
  • do things that most members of the community would be doing, in ordinary places, not specialised facilities
  • meet local people, develop friendships and connections and build a sense of belonging.

They should be involved in the planning of services and support for others with similar issues and can be instrumental in educating the general public about individuals who need support to live independently and dispelling myths and misconceptions.

Mae cyfranogiad cymunedol yn ennyn teimladau o berthyn, a gall hefyd sicrhau bod anghenion yr unigolyn yn cael eu cydnabod a'u cefnogi o fewn y gymuned.

Mae synnwyr o fod o bwys i eraill yn bwysig i lesiant meddyliol, fel y mae cysylltiad emosiynol, sy'n galluogi'r unigolyn i deimlo ei fod yn rhannu hanes o brofiadau tebyg gydag eraill yn ei gymuned.

Gall y gymuned ddarparu cyd-ddibyniaeth a chyd-gymorth, gan hyrwyddo datblygiad cymunedol mewn modd cadarnhaol. Mae'n lleihau teimladau o arwahanrwydd ac unigrwydd ac yn cynyddu boddhad bywyd.

Gall unigolion gyfrannu at eu cymuned os caniateir iddynt wneud y canlynol:

  • gwneud pethau sydd â phwrpas ac sy'n ystyrlon iddynt
  • gwneud pethau y byddai'r rhan fwyaf o aelodau'r gymuned yn eu gwneud, mewn mannau cyffredin, nid cyfleusterau arbenigol
  • cwrdd â phobl leol, datblygu cyfeillgarwch a chysylltiadau a meithrin ymdeimlad o berthyn.

Dylent fod yn rhan o'r gwaith o gynllunio gwasanaethau a chymorth i eraill â materion tebyg a gallant fod yn allweddol i addysgu'r cyhoedd am unigolion sydd angen cymorth i fyw'n annibynnol a chwalu mythau a chamsyniadau.

Risks and everyday life

Risgiau a bywyd bob dydd

Care home walk

There is no avoiding risk as it is everywhere in everyday life. It’s important for individuals to be able to take risk in order for them to live as normal a day life as possible.

Not taking risks leads to institutionalised living and behaviours. Individual’s need to learn and develop new skills by taking risks and build confidence and new skills and abilities. This might lead to new opportunities being taken by them.

Nid oes modd osgoi risgiau gan eu bod ym mhobman ym mywyd bob dydd. Mae'n bwysig bod unigolion yn gallu cymryd risg er mwyn iddynt fyw bywyd bob dydd mor normal â phosibl.

Mae peidio â chymryd risgiau yn arwain at fyw sefydliadol ac ymddygiad sefydliadol. Angen yr unigolyn i ddysgu a datblygu sgiliau newydd trwy gymryd risgiau a magu hyder a sgiliau a galluoedd newydd. Gallai hyn arwain at gyfleoedd newydd yn cael eu cymryd ganddynt.

What are the links between positive risk taking and well-being

Beth yw'r cysylltiadau rhwng cymryd risgiau cadarnhaol a llesiant

Travel fun

Positive risk taking allows the individuals to make informed choices about risk and to have safety measures put in place to allow the individual to take those risks.

Allowing positive risk taking can benefit the individual’s well-being through:

  • building their confidence
  • developing new skills
  • promoting learning from making mistakes
  • engendering satisfaction in succeeding
  • building self-esteem
  • giving the individual power to make choice in all areas of their lives.

Mae cymryd risgiau cadarnhaol yn galluogi'r unigolion i wneud dewisiadau gwybodus am risg a sicrhau bod mesurau diogelwch ar waith i alluogi'r unigolyn i gymryd y risgiau hynny.

Gall caniatáu cymryd risgiau cadarnhaol fod o fudd i lesiant yr unigolyn drwy'r canlynol:

  • meithrin eu hyder
  • datblygu sgiliau newydd
  • hyrwyddo dysgu o gamgymeriadau
  • meithrin boddhad wrth lwyddo
  • meithrin hunan-barch
  • rhoi'r pŵer i'r unigolyn wneud dewis ym mhob agwedd ar eu bywydau.

How can you find out about individual’s daily lives, history and culture and build relationships

Sut y gallwch ddarganfod am fywydau bob dydd, hanes a diwylliant yr unigolyn a meithrin perthnasoedd

Friends catching up

Building trust with all those involved in the lives of the individuals you care for forms the basis of a successful relationships.

Having open and honest conversations, and taking time to listen to both the individual and others involved in their care are important in order to fully understand the individual and their preferences.

By recognising and respecting diversity, and empowering the individual and their family to be in control of all decisions will build a trusting relationship. This then would encourage individuals to share information with you about their daily lives, culture and history.

Mae meithrin ymddiriedaeth gyda phawb sy'n ymwneud â bywydau'r unigolion yr ydych yn gofalu amdanynt yn ffurfio'r sail ar gyfer perthnasoedd llwyddiannus.

Mae cael sgyrsiau agored a gonest, a chymryd amser i wrando ar yr unigolyn ac eraill sy'n ymwneud â'u gofal, yn bwysig er mwyn deall yr unigolyn a'i ddymuniadau'n llawn.

Bydd cydnabod a pharchu amrywiaeth, a grymuso'r unigolyn a'i deulu i reoli pob penderfyniad yn meithrin perthynas ymddiriedus. Byddai hyn wedyn yn annog unigolion i rannu gwybodaeth gyda chi am eu bywyd bob dydd, eu diwylliant a'u hanes.

Building positive and supportive relationships with families/carers

Meithrin perthnasoedd cadarnhaol a chefnogol â theuluoedd/gofalwyr

Care worker with patient and family

Relationships can be formal or informal. Formal relationships are those that are formed by the care staff/agencies/professionals and are bound by specific rules and boundaries. Informal relationships are those that are formed from family and friends etc.

Demonstrating professional behaviour and acting in the best interests of the individual whilst working to the regulations, policies and boundaries you’re controlled will build positive and supportive relationships.

If the individual’s family are actively involved in their care, then with the individual’s permission, they should be kept informed of any changes related to the individual, and involved with reviews. By showing respect and empathy towards the needs of the individual and their family will help to build a positive professional relationship.

Mae perthynas yn gallu bod yn ffurfiol neu’n anffurfiol. Perthnasoedd ffurfiol yw'r rhai a ffurfir gan y staff gofal/asiantaethau/gweithwyr proffesiynol ac maent wedi'u rhwymo gan reolau a ffiniau penodol a'r rhai anffurfiol a ffurfir o deulu/cyfeillion ac ati.

Bydd dangos ymddygiad proffesiynol a gweithredu er budd yr unigolyn tra'n gweithio yn ôl y rheoliadau, y polisïau a'r ffiniau a reolir gennych yn meithrin perthnasoedd cadarnhaol a chefnogol.

Os yw teulu'r unigolyn yn ymwneud yn weithredol â'u gofal, yna gyda chaniatâd yr unigolyn, dylid eu hysbysu o unrhyw newidiadau sy'n ymwneud â'r unigolyn, a'u cynnwys mewn adolygiadau. Trwy ddangos parch ac empathi tuag at anghenion yr unigolyn a'i deulu bydd yn helpu i feithrin perthynas broffesiynol gadarnhaol.

Supporting individuals to identify sources of support

Cefnogi unigolion i nodi ffynonellau cymorth


Support for individuals to live at home can come from many different sources. They should be made aware of all the services that are available by providing them with:

  • information leaflets (in easy read format if needed)
  • clear explanations of the support available and its benefits
  • the different types of support available including support groups and voluntary services
  • contact details of relevant agencies that offer support
  • transport to meet with various agencies
  • appointments for their GP so that a referral could be made
  • support at any appointments or meetings.

Gall cymorth i unigolion fyw gartref ddod o lawer o wahanol ffynonellau. Dylid sicrhau eu bod yn ymwybodol o'r holl wasanaethau sydd ar gael drwy eu darparu â'r canlynol:

  • taflenni gwybodaeth (mewn fformat hawdd ei ddarllen os oes angen)
  • esboniadau clir o'r cymorth sydd ar gael a'i fanteision
  • y gwahanol fathau o gymorth sydd ar gael gan gynnwys grwpiau cymorth a gwasanaethau gwirfoddol
  • manylion cyswllt asiantaethau perthnasol sy'n cynnig cymorth
  • cludiant i gyfarfod ag asiantaethau amrywiol
  • apwyntiadau ar gyfer eu meddyg teulu fel y gellid gwneud atgyfeiriad
  • cymorth mewn unrhyw apwyntiadau neu gyfarfodydd.

Conflicts between views and choices of individuals and families/carers

Gwrthdaro rhwng safbwyntiau a dewisiadau unigolion a theuluoedd/gofalwyr

Secure records

Working with and getting to know a diverse range of people, for example, individuals accessing services, their friends and family, colleagues and other professionals, enables health and social care workers to develop their knowledge and understanding of different ways of thinking and living and the reasons for different beliefs, values and behaviours.

As a consequence, tolerance of and respect for others develop, both of which are important when meeting individual needs and preferences. Having their differences acknowledged and understood helps individuals to develop a sense of belonging, increasing their self-esteem and improving their well-being.

If there is conflict, it is important to be able to consider all aspects of an individual’s views and choices. It is important to take time to discuss these with each party and try to reach an agreement if possible.

Helping families and carers understand what the individual is experiencing may help them accept the decisions the individual is making.

It may be necessary to involve a manager or an advocate if a resolution does not seem possible.

Mae gweithio gydag amrywiaeth eang o bobl, a dod i'w hadnabod, er enghraifft, unigolion sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau, eu ffrindiau a'u teulu, cydweithwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill, yn galluogi gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol i ddatblygu eu gwybodaeth a'u dealltwriaeth o wahanol ffyrdd o feddwl a byw a'r rhesymau dros wahanol gredoau, gwerthoedd ac ymddygiadau.

O ganlyniad, mae goddefgarwch a pharch at eraill yn datblygu, ac mae'r ddau yn bwysig wrth ddiwallu anghenion a dewisiadau unigol. Mae cael eu gwahaniaethau wedi'u cydnabod a'u deall yn helpu unigolion i ddatblygu ymdeimlad o berthyn, gan gynyddu eu hunan-barch a gwella eu llesiant.

Os oes gwrthdaro, mae'n bwysig gallu ystyried pob agwedd ar safbwyntiau a dewisiadau unigolyn. Mae'n bwysig cymryd amser i drafod y rhain gyda phob parti a cheisio dod i gytundeb os oes modd.

Gall helpu teuluoedd a gofalwyr i ddeall yr hyn y mae'r unigolyn yn ei brofi eu helpu i dderbyn y penderfyniadau y mae'r unigolyn yn ei gwneud.

Efallai y bydd angen cynnwys rheolwr neu eiriolwr os nad yw datrysiad yn ymddangos yn bosibl.

What are the complexities of information sharing protocols when working with individuals and their families/carers

Beth yw cymhlethdodau protocolau rhannu gwybodaeth wrth weithio gydag unigolion a'u teuluoedd/gofalwyr

Senior man and woman

In relation to the sharing of information between individuals, families/carers and professionals, it is important to remember that:

  • It is a legal requirement that consent is established before any sharing of information takes place
  • Establishing consent is one way health and social care workers can demonstrate they respect the individual and the individual’s personal privacy and dignity
  • The process of establishing consent is a part of the process of developing trust between the health and social care worker and the individual.

Consent can be given in a number of ways; verbally, in writing or through actions. For example, the individual might also indicate consent perhaps by raising an arm to indicate approval, and thereby imply consent. Informed consent is given when the individual understands what they are consenting to.

All organisations should have procedures in place that set out clearly the processes and the principles for sharing information and for gaining consent to doing this. The arrangement should cover how information will be shared within their own organisation and with others who may be involved in supporting the individual.

O ran rhannu gwybodaeth rhwng unigolion, teuluoedd/gofalwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol, mae'n bwysig cofio'r canlynol:

  • Mae'n ofyniad cyfreithiol bod cydsyniad yn cael ei sefydlu cyn i unrhyw rannu gwybodaeth ddigwydd
  • Mae sefydlu cydsyniad yn un ffordd y gall gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ddangos eu bod yn parchu'r unigolyn a phreifatrwydd ac urddas personol yr unigolyn
  • Mae'r broses o sefydlu cydsyniad yn rhan o'r broses o ddatblygu ymddiriedaeth rhwng y gweithiwr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a'r unigolyn.

Gellir rhoi cydsyniad mewn nifer o ffyrdd; ar lafar, yn ysgrifenedig neu drwy weithredoedd. Er enghraifft, gallai'r unigolyn hefyd ddangos cydsyniad efallai drwy godi braich i ddangos cymeradwyaeth, a thrwy hynny awgrymu cydsyniad. Rhoddir cydsyniad gwybodus pan fydd yr unigolyn yn deall yr hyn y mae'n cydsynio ag ef.

Dylai pob sefydliad fod â gweithdrefnau ar waith sy'n nodi'n glir y prosesau a'r egwyddorion ar gyfer rhannu gwybodaeth a chael cydsyniad i wneud hyn. Dylai'r trefniant gynnwys sut y bydd gwybodaeth yn cael ei rhannu yn eu sefydliad eu hunain a chydag eraill a allai fod â rhan yn y gwaith o gefnogi'r unigolyn.