How legislative frameworks and statutory guidance that relate to play influence practice in childcare settings

Sut mae fframweithiau deddfwriaethol a chanllawiau statudol sy’n gysylltiedig â chwarae yn dylanwadu ar ymarfer mewn lleoliadau gofal plant

Completing paperwork

Play is important and contributes to children's holistic learning, growth and development. It benefits their health, their happiness and their well-being and provides a basis for meeting their needs and complying with their rights. Legislative frameworks and statutory guidance are in place in order to ensure that children are given opportunities to adopt play as part of their daily routine as they have the right to play and need to play. These have a significant influence on practice in childcare settings and all members of staff need to comply with them and follow the guidelines they are given. There is a statutory duty on practitioners to ensure that children are given every possible opportunity to play within a variety of environments, both indoors and outdoors.

Foundation Phase Framework (Revised 2015):

The Framework moves away from the formal education contained in the National Curriculum and places an emphasis on learning through play. Children learn by experiencing actions for themselves and taking part in practical play opportunities. It gives them an opportunity to use their imagination, their experiences and to develop creative abilities. The Framework includes seven core aims based on the rights identified in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The fourth aim is to ensure that all children and young people have access to a range of play, leisure, sporting and cultural activities. The Foundation Phase Framework has had a significant influence on practice within childcare settings. Practitioners ensure that children are given a greater number of opportunities for free play, learning to make difficult decisions in unfamiliar situations. As a result, children develop to be more independent and learn from their previous experiences. More attention is given to the outdoor area where children can experiment and explore within the natural environment.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

The UNCRC contains 54 articles, 42 of which include rights for children and young adults up to 18 years old. The articles list the rights of children and young people and some of them refer directly to play. Children have the right to voice an opinion on decisions that affect their lives.

Article 12

Children have the right to say what they think should happen, when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account.

Article 15

Children have the right to meet together and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

Article 31

All children have a right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of activities.

Childcare settings comply with the articles within the convention by ensuring that children are given every possible opportunity to take part in a variety of activities that will contribute to their holistic learning, growth and development. They are given the opportunity to make choices and to voice their opinions on subjects that are relevant to them. They are given the opportunity to choose who they would like to play with in order to create play environments where they are happy and comfortable.

Wales: a play-friendly country

This provides guidance to local authorities with regard to assessing and ensuring that sufficient play opportunities are available to children in their areas. It encourages organisations, children and their families and communities to work together in order to ensure that this happens. As well as providing play opportunities within their areas, it promotes good practice by encouraging other authorities to work together so that every child in Wales is able to take advantage of play opportunities. Some schools provide play spaces for children at the weekend and during the holidays. Occasionally, the community uses the school for fun activities that appeal to children, young people and adults. The Government is encouraging local authorities to hold discussions with schools to encourage them to offer their facilities to the public on a regular basis at weekends and during the holidays.

Play Wales

Play Wales undertakes regular research into a variety of play themes and offers current guidelines on different areas such as:

  • playing and socialising
  • the right to play
  • play work
  • the play work principles
  • play that includes risk
  • sufficient play opportunities
  • play spaces.

They work alongside the Welsh Government to create play policies with the aim of raising awareness of the benefits of play. Early years settings use the guidelines as they are aware of the importance of offering regular opportunities for children to play. As children take part in different types of play within a challenging environment, they will develop an ability to take control and to take risks as part of their play. This, in turn, will help them to develop confidently and independently.

National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years

The standards have been created to help workers meet the regulations that are relevant to their setting. Standard 7 focuses on 'Opportunities to play and learn'. It draws attention to the importance of ensuring that children take part in different types of play in order to develop in a holistic manner. The standard states that children need to be given opportunities to play both indoors and outdoors and that an environment should be created that develops children's confidence and self-esteem. As a result of the standards, practitioners are aware that they need to take the time to observe children on a regular basis in order to be able to plan play, learning and development opportunities for each individual child. Practitioners provide rich play opportunities for children and they are given a combination of indoor and outdoor play experiences. Children learn that the purpose of resources may change within different environments e.g. a child may play with the blocks indoors and build a tall tower. Outdoors, the wind may blow the tower over.

'Children and Young People: Rights to Action' (2004)

They are committed to comply with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and consider the opinion of children and young people on specific matters in order to ensure that they are given every possible opportunity in life. They have helped to establish the 'Funky Dragon, which is an assembly for children and young people. They established a play policy by including people from various areas of play, childcare, psychology and sports, and have offered recommendations on how to increase play provision.

It gives children opportunities to take part in the decision making process, both on a local and national level. Practitioners within early years settings ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their potential. Children can achieve this through play, and practitioners should offer play opportunities that are appropriate for the child's ability. Practitioners are aware that the Foundation Phase Framework gives children the opportunity to succeed and fail, and to learn from their mistakes.

Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010

Chapter 2 of the legislation focuses on 'Play and Participation'. It places a duty on local authorities to ensure that there are sufficient play opportunities for children and young people of all ages, including individuals with disabilities. The information must be published so that everybody can benefit from the provisions. It gives children the right to participate and to make decisions. It draws attention to the use made of play spaces in schools after school hours. This influences practice in some schools as they offer after school clubs and holiday clubs.

Mae chwarae yn bwysig ac yn cyfrannu tuag at ddysgu, twf a datblygiad cyfannol plant. Mae’n fuddiol tuag at eu hiechyd, eu hapusrwydd a’u chwlles ac yn sylfaen i gwrdd â’u hanghenion ac i gydymffurfio â’u hawliau. Mae fframweithiau deddfwriaethol a chanllawiau statudol wedi’u rhoi mewn lle er mwyn sicrhau bod plant yn derbyn cyfleoedd i fabwysiadu chwarae fel rhan o’u trefn ddyddiol gan fod ganddynt yr hawl a’r angen i chwarae. Mae’r rhain yn dylanwadu’n enfawr ar ymarfer mewn lleoliadau gofal plant ac mae angen i’r holl staff gydymffurfio â hwy gan ddilyn y canllawiau a roddir iddynt. Mae’n ddyletswydd statudol ar ymarferwyr i sicrhau bod plant yn cael pob cyfle posib i chwarae a hynny mewn amgylcheddau amrywiol, y tu mewn a thu allan.

Fframwaith y Cyfnod Sylfaen (Diwygiedig 2015):

Mae’r Fframwaith yn symud i ffwrdd oddi wrth addysg ffurfiol y Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol ac yn rhoi pwyslais ar ddysgu trwy chwarae. Mae plant yn dysgu trwy brofi gweithredoedd eu hunain gan gymryd rhan mewn chwarae ymarferol. Mae’n rhoi cyfle iddynt ddefnyddio eu dychymyg a’u profiadau gan ddatblygu i fod yn greadigol. Mae’r saith nod craidd o fewn y Fframwaith hwn yn seiliedig ar hawliau Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn. Mae’r pedwerydd nod yn “anelu at sicrhau bod pob plentyn a pherson ifanc yn cael manteisio ar amrediad o weithgareddau chwarae, gweithgareddau hamdden, chwaraeon a gweithgareddau diwylliannol”. Mae Fframwaith y Cyfnod Sylfaen wedi dylanwadu yn enfawr ar ymarfer mewn lleoliadau gofal plant. Mae ymarferwyr yn sicrhau bod plant yn cael llawer mwy o gyfle i chwarae’n rhydd gan ddysgu i wneud penderfyniadau anodd mewn sefyllfaoedd anghyfarwydd. Yn sgil hyn mae’r plant yn datblygu’n fwy annibynnol ac yn dysgu oddi wrth eu profiadau blaenorol. Gwelir fod mwy o sylw yn cael ei roi i’r ardal allanol lle caiff blant arbrofi ac archwilio o fewn amgylchedd naturiol.

Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn

Mae CCUHP yn cynnwys 54 erthygl, mae 42 yn hawliau i blant a phobl ifanc hyd at 18 oed. Mae’r erthyglau yn rhestri’r hawliau sydd gan blant a phobl ifanc ac mae rhai ohonynt yn cyfeirio’n uniongyrchol at chwarae. Mae gan blant yr hawl i ddweud eu barn ar benderfyniadau sy’n effeithio ar eu bywydau.

Erthygl 12

Mae gan blant yr hawl i ddweud eu barn ynghylch yr hyn a ddylai ddigwydd pan fo oedolion yn gwneud penderfyniadau sy’n effeithio arnyn nhw, ac i’w barn gael ei


Erthygl 15

Mae gan blant yr hawl i gydgyfarfod ac ymuno gyda grwpiau a sefydliadau, onid yw hyn yn cadw pobl eraill rhag mwynhau eu hawliau.

Erthygl 31

Mae gan blant yr hawl i ymlacio a chwarae ac ymuno mewn ystod eang o weithgareddau.

Mae lleoliadau gofal plant yn cydymffurfio ag erthyglau o fewn y confensiwn drwy sicrhau fod plant yn cael pob cyfle posib i gymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau a fydd yn cyfrannu tuag at eu dysgu, twf a datblygiad cyfannol. Maent yn cael gwneud dewisiadau a dweud eu barn am safbwyntiau sydd yn berthnasol iddynt. Maent yn cael y cyfle i ddewis pwy maent am chwarae gyda fel eu bod yn medru creu amgylcheddau chwarae lle maent yn hapus a chyffyrddus.

Cymru: gwlad lle mae cyfle i chwarae

Mae’n rhoi canllawiau i Awdurdodau lleol i asesu a sicrhau bod cyfleoedd chwarae digonol ar gael i blant o fewn eu hardaloedd. Mae’n annog sefydliadau, plant a’u teuluoedd a chymunedau i weithio gyda’i gilydd er mwyn sicrhau cyflawni hyn. Yn ogystal â datblygu cyfleodd chwarae o fewn ardaloedd eu hunain maent yn annog arferion da trwy gael awdurdodau eraill i gyd weithio fel bod pob plentyn yng Nghymru yn medru manteisio ar gyfleoedd chwarae. Mae rhai ysgolion yn darparu gofod chwarae i blant yn ystod y penwythnos a chyfnodau gwyliau. Gwelir weithiau bod y gymuned yn defnyddio’r ysgol ar gyfer cynnal gweithgareddau hwyl sydd yn denu plant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion. Mae’r Llywodraeth yn annog awdurdodau lleol i drafod gyda’r ysgolion fel eu bod yn agor eu cyfleusterau ar gyfer y cyhoedd yn rheolaidd yn ystod penwythnosau a chyfnod gwyliau.

Chwarae Cymru

Maent yn gwneud ymchwil cyson i amrywiaeth o themâu chwarae ac yn cynnig canllawiau cyfredol ar feysydd gwahanol megis:

  • chwarae a chymdeithasu
  • yr hawl i chwarae
  • gwaith chwarae
  • egwyddorion gwaith chwarae
  • chwarae â risg
  • digonolrwydd chwarae
  • mannau chwarae.

Maent wedi gweithio ochr yn ochr â Llywodraeth Cymru i greu polisi chwarae gyda’r nod i godi ymwybyddiaeth o fuddiannau chwarae. Mae lleoliadau blynyddoedd cynnar yn defnyddio’r canllawiau gan eu bod yn ymwybodol o bwysigrwydd cynnig cyfleodd rheolaidd i blant chwarae. Wrth i blant ymgymryd â gwahanol fathau o chwarae mewn amgylchedd heriol byddant yn datblygu i reoli a chymryd risgiau yn eu chwarae. Bydd hyn yn ei dro yn eu cynorthwyo i ddatblygu’n hyderus ac yn annibynnol.

Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed

Mae’r safonau wedi’u creu er mwyn cynorthwyo gweithwyr i gwrdd â’r rheoliadau sydd yn berthnasol ar gyfer eu lleoliadau. Mae Safon 7 yn canolbwyntio ar ‘Cyfleoedd i chwarae a dysgu’. Mae’n tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd sicrhau bod plant yn ymgymryd â gwahanol fathau o chwarae a hynny er mwyn datblygu’n gyfannol. Mae’r safon yn nodi bod angen i blant dderbyn cyfleoedd i chwarae dan do ac yn yr awyr agored a bod angen creu amgylchedd sydd yn meithrin hyder a hunanwerth plant. Yn sgil y safonau mae ymarferwyr yn ymwybodol bod angen iddynt gymryd amser i arsylwi ar blant yn rheolaidd er mwyn fedru cynllunio ar gyfer chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad pob plentyn unigol. Mae ymarferwyr yn darparu cyfleodd chwarae cyfoethog i blant ac maent yn derbyn cyfuniad o brofiadau chwarae dan do ac yn yr awyr agored. Mae plant yn dysgu bod pwrpas adnoddau yn gallu newid mewn amgylcheddau gwahanol e.e. efallai bydd y plentyn yn chwarae gyda’r blociau yn yr ardal fewnol ac yn codi tŵr uchel. Pan fydd allan yn yr awyr agored efallai bydd y gwynt yn chwythu’r tŵr i lawr.

‘Plant a Phobl Ifanc: Gweithredu'r Hawliau’ (2004)

Mae ganddynt ymrwymiad i gydymffurfio â Chonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn ac mae’n ystyried barn plant a phobl ifanc am faterion penodol fel eu bod yn cael pob cyfle mewn bywyd. Maent wedi helpu i sefydlu'r ‘Ddraig Ffynci’ sef cynulliad i blant a phobl Ifanc. Gwnaethant sefydlu polisi chwarae trwy gynnwys pobl o feysydd chwarae, gofal plant, seicoleg a chwaraeon gan gynnig argymhellion ar sut i gynyddu darpariaethau chwarae.

Mae’n rhoi cyfleodd i blant i gymryd rhan yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau, a hyn ar lefel lleol a chenedlaethol. Mae ymarferwyr o fewn lleoliad blynyddoedd cynnar yn sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael cyfle i gyrraedd potensial eu hun. Wrth chwarae mae plant yn medru cyflawni hyn ac mae gan yr ymarferwr rôl i gynnig gweithgareddau chwarae sydd o fewn gallu’r plant. Mae ymarferwyr yn ymwybodol bod Fframwaith y Cyfnod Sylfaen yn rhoi cyfle i blant i lwyddo a methu, a dysgu oddi wrth eu camgymeriadau.

Mesur Plant a Theuluoedd (Cymru) 2010

Mae pennod 2 o’r ddeddfwriaeth yn canolbwyntio ar ‘Cyfleoedd Chwarae a Chymryd Rhan’. Mae’n rhoi dyletswydd ar awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod digon o gyfleoedd chwarae ar gael i blant a phobl ifanc o bob oedran yn cynnwys unigolion ag anableddau. Bydd yn ofynnol i’r wybodaeth gael ei gyhoeddi fel bod pawb yn elwa o’r darpariaethau. Mae’n rhoi’r hawl i blant i gymryd rhan a gwneud penderfyniadau. Mae’n tynnu sylw at y defnydd sydd yn cael ei wneud o fannau chwarae o fewn ysgolion wedi oriau ysgol. Mae hyn yn dylanwadu ar ymarfer mewn rhai ysgolion wrth iddynt gynnal clybiau ar ôl ysgol a chlybiau gwyliau.

How to develop rich play environments of a high quality in order to maximise the potential for holistic learning, growth and development

Sut i ddatblygu amgylcheddau chwarae cyfoethog o safon er mwyn manteisio i’r eithaf ar y potensial ar gyfer dysgu, twf a datblygiad cyfannol

A young girl playing in a cardboard spaceship

“Play is a child’s first claim on the community. Play is nature’s training for life. No community can infringe that right without doing deep and enduring harm to the minds and bodies of its citizens"

David Lloyd George

If the environment is rich and of a high quality with regard to offering children opportunities to play, it will contribute to their holistic learning, growth and development. The way the environment is planned will affect child development.

Each child needs a rich environment to motivate them, and each child deserves such an environment. It is essential that practitioners understand how to develop play environments that offer a wide variety of experiences to children. In order to ensure a suitable play environment, consideration needs to be given to space and equipment, hygiene and safety, as well as staffing levels, and the ability and knowledge of the staff to support each child in every aspect of their development. Early Years practitioners need to ensure a wide variety of activities. They need to arrange opportunities and equipment for play and learning that will help a child fully develop. This could include indoor and outdoor opportunities, but they should always be safe, clean and comfortable.

Opportunities must be given for children to socialise, solve problems, develop their creativity, be inventive, make choices and take part in challenging activities.

Socialisation: Babies are born without the ability to socialise and there is a duty on practitioners to ensure that they are given opportunities to develop the process. By creating situations for children where they can practise and take part in play activities, they will be able to watch others, play with others and learn from others. When playing with others, they will learn skills that will stay with them throughout their life. They will be able to take part in role play and learn how to behave in a suitable way in different situations. By learning to share, take turns, think of others, set boundaries and interact, they will learn how to socialise successfully. Through play, they will also learn how to lose, which is a social skill they will require as they get older.

Problem solving: They need opportunities to solve problems within a safe environment. Practitioners can take advantage of play activities that offer children these specific opportunities. Children need to learn how to identify problems and how they can be solved. They need to be able to interact with other children and learn how problems can be solved easier with help, support and opinions from other children. Practitioners should not solve problems on behalf of children as they will not be able to take full advantage of the opportunities to learn through play. By playing together, children will be able to assess different situations and agree on the best way to solve the problem. After solving the problem and revisiting the situation whilst playing, they will be able to analyse whether their actions have led to better outcomes in their play. As a result, children will learn about their strengths and weaknesses and how working together can be fun.

Creativity: By preparing a stimulating environment for children to play, they will be able to develop their creativity without knowing that they are doing so. Creativity does not mean that children need to create something specific. They need to have opportunities to develop their curiosity through play. They will be able to develop creatively by taking part in daily activities such as music, design, art, role play, movement and dance. By offering them opportunities to imitate situations, they will develop to use their imagination, have fun and enjoy challenges that will contribute to their holistic development.

Resourcefulness: It is essential that children are given opportunities that will allow them to immerse themselves fully in their activities and discover different ways of mastering a specific task. Practitioners need to take an interest in children's play and watch what children are doing during the play process. By immersing themselves in rich play environments, children can adapt to difficult situations by being creative. Providing such opportunities can enable children to connect their play to real life. If a child does something specific whilst playing e.g. creates a rocket out of recycled materials, the child will be using their imagination, and making the most of the materials available. In such situations, practitioners need to take an interest in the process, rather than the final product.

Challenge: Children need a play environment full of challenges and risks in order to reach their full potential. It is important that practitioners do not undermine the ability of children and children need opportunities to control risks for themselves in order to discover what they can do safely, without assistance. An activity without challenges will not enthuse the child and will not allow the child to explore and discover new things. Children learn by doing, revisiting the situation and making changes to what they have already learnt. By offering challenging play opportunities, where practitioners do not intervene too much, children will be able to see for themselves the functions of specific resources.

Choices: It is important that children can choose what they want to play and how they want to play. Enforcing a child to take part in an activity is no fun, as it will not develop their ability to become independent. Providing rich, high quality environments for children will allow them to make their own choices. This will contribute to their confidence and self-esteem. Not every child plays in the same way and they do not all like playing with the same resources. Practitioners need to be able to offer a variety of resources and activities for children to enable them to choose active and physical play, quiet game play, board games, performing, building and creating whatever they choose. Offering children choices gives them the opportunity to follow their interests and to take part in different types of play at the same time. They also need to be able to choose where to play; indoors or outdoors.

Skills Development How to develop rich, high quality environments
Socialisation Opportunities to watch others, play with others, swim, climb, role play, board games, team games, ball games, parachute games, plan play, garden, share books, listening games, circle time, take turns, share, choose play opportunities, take part.
Problem solving Follow instructions, create, build a den, mathematical games, play with water and sand, cause and effect experiments, learn about speed, spatial awareness, measure and cut.
Creativity Arts and crafts activities, clay, create puppets, use the camera, cook, mud kitchen, create a musical instrument, play an instrument, dance, sing, perform, write, dress up, individual play, imitate characters.
Resourcefulness Opportunities to adapt a situation, role play, organise activities/games, offer ideas, experiment, explore, use experiences, make up rules, use the imagination.
Challenge Build a den, cook, climb, obstacle course, look after pets, skip, develop confidence, throw and catch a ball, bean bag, free play, share ideas, use previous learning.
Choices A variety of resources and activities so that children have to make choices and choose what to play. Too many choices should not be provided. Dressing up, games, what to eat, books, music, friends, discussing choices.

“Yr hawl i chwarae yw hawl cyntaf plentyn ar y gymuned. Chwarae yw hyfforddiant natur ar gyfer bywyd. Does dim un gymuned yn gallu gwrthod yr hawl hwnnw heb wneud niwed dwfn a pharhaus i feddyliau a chyrff ei dinasyddion”

David Lloyd George

Os yw’r amgylchedd yn gyfoethog a safonedig o ran cynnig cyfleodd i blant chwarae bydd yn cyfrannu tuag at eu dysgu, twf a datblygiad cyfannol. Bydd y ffordd mae’r amgylchedd wedi ei gynllunio yn cael effaith ar ddatblygiad plant.

Mae angen amgylchedd cyfoethog ar bob plentyn i'w ysgogi, ac mae pob plentyn yn haeddu amgylchedd o'r fath. Mae’n hanfodol bod yr ymarferwyr yn deall sut i ddatblygu amgylcheddau chwarae sydd yn rhoi profiadau helaeth i blant. Er mwyn cael amgylchedd addas i chwarae ynddo, mae angen ystyried gofod a chyfarpar, hylendid a diogelwch, yn ogystal â lefelau staffio, a'r gallu a'r wybodaeth sydd gan y staff i gefnogi pob plentyn ym mhob agwedd ar ei ddatblygiad. Mae angen i ymarferwyr y Blynyddoedd Cynnar sicrhau amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau. Mae angen iddynt drefnu cyfleoedd a chyfarpar ar gyfer chwarae a dysgu a fydd yn gymorth i blentyn ddatblygu'n llawn. Gall hyn fod dan do ac yn yr awyr agored, ond dylai bob tro fod yn ddiogel, yn lân ac yn gyfforddus.

Mae angen sicrhau bod cyfleodd i blant gymdeithasu, datrys problemau, datblygu eu creadigrwydd, bod yn ddyfeisgar, gwneud dewisiadau a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau heriol.

Cymdeithasoli: Mae babanod yn cael eu geni heb yr allu i gymdeithasoli ac mae gan ymarferwyr ddyletswydd i sicrhau eu bod yn cael cyfleodd i ddatblygu’r broses. Wrth greu sefyllfaoedd i blant lle allant ymarfer a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau chwarae byddant yn medru gwylio eraill, chwarae gydag eraill a dysgu wrth eraill. Wrth chwarae gydag eraill byddant yn dysgu sgiliau a fydd yn aros gyda hwy am oes. Gallant gymryd rhan mewn chwarae rôl a dysgu sut mae ymddwyn yn addas mewn gwahanol sefyllfaoedd. Drwy ddysgu rhannu, cymryd tro, meddwl am eraill, gosod ffiniau a rhyngweithio byddant yn dysgu sut i gymdeithasoli’n llwyddiannus. Drwy chwarae byddant hefyd yn dysgu sut mae colli, sydd yn sgil cymdeithasoli sydd angen arnynt wrth dyfu’n hŷn.

Datrys problemau: Mae angen cyfleoedd arnynt i ddatrys problemau a hyn mewn amgylchedd diogel. Gall yr ymarferwr fanteisio ar weithgareddau chwarae sy’n rhoi’r cyfleodd penodol yma i blant. Mae angen bod plant yn dysgu sut i adnabod problemau a sut y gellid eu datrys. Mae angen iddynt fedru rhyngweithio gyda phlant eraill a dysgu sut y gall problemau cael eu datrys yn haws wrth gael cymorth, chefnogaeth a barn plant eraill. Ni ddylai ymarferwyr ddatrys problemau dros blant gan na fyddant yn medru manteisio i’r eithaf ar gyfleodd i ddysgu trwy chwarae. Wrth chwarae gyda’i gilydd bydd plant yn medru asesu gwahanol sefyllfaoedd a dod i gytundeb o’r ffordd orau i ddatrys y broblem. Yn dilyn datrys y broblem ac ail ymweld â’r sefyllfa yn eu chwarae gallant ddadansoddi a yw’r hyn maent wedi’u gwneud yn caniatáu gwell canlyniadau i’w chwarae. Trwy hyn bydd plant yn dysgu am eu cryfderau a’u gwendidau a sut mae cydweithio yn medru bod yn llawer o hwyl.

Creadigrwydd: Trwy baratoi amgylchedd ysgogol i blant chwarae gallant ddatblygu eu creadigrwydd heb iddynt fod yn ymwybodol eu bod yn gwneud. Nid yw creadigrwydd yn golygu fod angen i blentyn greu rhywbeth penodol. Mae angen iddynt gael cyfleodd i feithrin eu chwilfrydedd trwy chwarae. Gallant ddatblygu yn greadigol trwy gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau dyddiol megis cerddoriaeth, dylino, celf, chwarae rôl, symud a dawns. Trwy roi cyfleodd iddynt ddynwared sefyllfaoedd byddant yn datblygu i ddefnyddio eu dychymyg, cael hwyl a mwynhau heriau a fydd yn cyfrannu tuag at eu datblygiad cyfannol.

Dyfeisgarwch: Mae’n hanfodol bod plant yn cael profiadau a fydd yn eu caniatáu i ymgolli yn llwyr yn yr hyn maent yn gwneud gan ddarganfod ffyrdd gwahanol o feistroli rhywbeth penodol. Mae angen i ymarferwyr gymryd diddordeb mewn chwarae plant gan wylio'r hyn mae’r plant yn ei wneud yn ystod y broses chwarae. Trwy ymgolli eu hunain mewn amgylcheddau chwarae cyfoethog gall blant addasu sefyllfaoedd anodd, a hynny trwy fod yn greadigol. Mae rhoi cyfleoedd o’r fath yn galluogi plant i gysylltu eu chwarae â bywyd go iawn. Os yw plentyn yn gwneud rhywbeth penodol wrth chwarae e.e. creu roced allan o ddeunydd ailgylchu, bydd y plentyn yn defnyddio ei ddychymyg gan wneud y gorau o’r deunyddiau sydd ganddo. Mewn sefyllfa o’r fath, mae angen i ymarferwyr gymryd diddordeb yn y broses yn hytrach na’r cynnyrch terfynol.

Her: Mae plant amgen amgylchedd chwarae sydd yn llawn her a risg fel eu bod yn medru cyrraedd eu llawn botensial. Mae’n bwysig nad yw’r ymarferwr yn tanseilio gallu plant ac mae angen cyfleoedd ar blant i reoli risgiau eu hunain er mwyn darganfod beth maent yn gallu gwneud yn ddiogel, heb gymorth. Nid yw gweithgaredd heb heriau yn ymestyn brwdfrydedd plentyn ac ni fyddant yn caniatáu’r plentyn i archwilio a darganfod pethau o’r newydd. Mae plant yn dysgu drwy wneud, ail ymweld â’r sefyllfa a gwneud newidiadau i’r hyn maent eisoes wedi’u dysgu. Wrth gynnig cyfleodd chwarae heriol, ble na fydd yr ymarferwr yn ymyrryd yn ormodol, bydd plant yn medru gweld dros eu hunain beth yw swyddogaethau adnoddau penodol.

Dewisiadau: Mae’n bwysig bod plant yn cael dewis yr hyn maent eisiau chwarae a sut maent eisiau chwarae. Nid yw gorfodi plentyn i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgaredd yn llawer o hwyl gan na fydd yn datblygu’r gallu i fod yn annibynnol. Bydd rhoi amgylcheddau cyfoethog o safon i blant yn caniatáu iddynt wneud dewisiadau eu hunain. Bydd hyn yn cyfrannu tuag at eu hyder a’u hunan werth . Nid yw pob plentyn yn chwarae'r un peth ac nid ydynt yn hoffi chwarae gyda’r un adnoddau. Mae angen bod ymarferwyr yn cynnig adnoddau a gweithgareddau amrywiol i blant fel eu bod yn medru dewis chwarae yn egnïol a chorfforol, chwarae gemau tawel, gemau bwrdd, perfformio, adeiladu a chreu a beth bynnag maent yn dymuno. Mae cynnig dewisiadau i blant yn rhoi cyfleodd iddynt ddilyn eu diddordebau a chymryd rhan mewn gwahanol fathau o chwarae ar yr un pryd. Mae hefyd angen iddynt gael dewis ble ydynt am chwarae; yn yr ardal tu fewn neu’r ardal allanol.

Datblygu Sgiliau Sut i ddatblygu amgylcheddau chwarae cyfoethog o safon
Cymdeithasoli Cyfleodd i wylio eraill, chwarae gydag eraill, nofio, dringo, chwarae rôl, gemau bwrdd, gemau tîm, gemau pêl, gemau parasiwt, cynllunio chwarae, garddio, rhannu llyfrau, gemau gwrando, amser cylch, cymryd tro, rhannu, dewis chwarae, cymryd rhan.
Datrys problemau Dilyn cyfarwyddiadau, creu, adeiladu ffau (den), gemau mathemateg, chwarae â dŵr a thywod, arbrofion achos ac effaith, dysgu am gyflymder, ymwybyddiaeth ofodol, mesur a thorri.
Creadigrwydd Gweithgareddau celf a chrefft, clai, creu pypedau, defnyddio’r camera, coginio, cegin fwd, creu offeryn cerdd, chwarae offeryn, dawnsio, canu, perfformio, ysgrifennu, gwisgo i fyny, chwarae unigol, dynwared cymeriadau.
Dyfeisgarwch Cyfle i addasu sefyllfa, chwarae rôl, trefnu gweithgaredd/gêm, cynnig syniadau, arbrofi, archwilio, defnyddio profiadau, gwneud rheolau i fyny, defnyddio’r dychymyg.
Her Adeiladu ffau (den), coginio, dringo, cwrs rhwystrau, gofalu ar ôl anifail anwes, sgipio, meithrin hyder, taflu a dal pêl, bag ffa, chwarae rhydd, rhannu syniadau, defnyddio dysgu blaenorol.
Dewisiadau Amryw o adnoddau a gweithgareddau fel bod plant yn gorfod gwneud dewisiadau a dewis beth i chwarae. Rhaid gofalu nad oes gormod o ddewisiadau. Gwisgo i fyny, gemau, beth i gael i’w fwyta, llyfrau, cerddoriaeth, ffrindiau, siarad am ddewisiadau.

Planning and promoting the use of different types of play to apply the principles of a rich, high quality play environment for holistic learning, growth and development, in line with your role and responsibilities

Cynllunio a hybu'r defnydd o wahanol fathau o chwarae i ddilyn egwyddorion amgylchedd chwarae cyfoethog o safon ar gyfer dysgu, twf a datblygiad cyfannol, yn unol â’ch rôl a’ch cyfrifoldebau

young children having a PE lesson in the schoolyard

Children learn when they feel safe, are stimulated, challenged, and when they can engage with others. Play provides all of these opportunities and therefore, practitioners will need to understand the value of play, and how to plan, organise and promote play activities in order to support and extend the skills of children. When playing, children can explore their environment, practise their skills, explore their emotions, express their feelings, and link their home with their care setting. Play will support all aspects of child development. Often, children will have difficulty learning if they have not had sufficient opportunities to play. Practitioners will need to provide for different types of play as children need to use and develop their skills. They will need to understand the benefits and how to plan and promote various types of play.

In order to plan effectively, it is essential that practitioners consider who will be playing. The stages of development need to be understood, and the activities planned must be appropriate for children's age and stage of development. Children must be given opportunities to take part in different types of play and in order to do so, children's abilities and the skills that they already possess should be considered. Play opportunities need to be planned to ensure that children are challenged, but that the activity is not too difficult for them. Well planned activities and resources help the child to make sense of the world around them. If tasks are too difficult, and the child cannot succeed or achieve anything, their failure will affect their confidence. But if the activity is too easy, children will get bored and will behave badly as a result.

It is important that children are given the opportunities to play both indoors and outdoors. The environment needs to be prepared so that children are given a variety of opportunities to take part in different types of play that extends their ability to explore, research and take risks within safe spaces. When planning, consideration should be given to whether the resources and materials provided are sufficient for children to be able to take part in the different types of play. The resources will need to be appropriate for their stage of development, and there will need to be a sufficient number of resources, so that children do not feel frustrated by the lack of equipment or choice. Consideration should also be given to children's likes and interests.

It is important that children use different types of play within a rich, high quality play environment. Practitioners need to work in a way that offers these opportunities to children as part of their daily routine. They need to work in a way that ensures that there are enough resources and facilities available for children to be able to take part in a variety of types of play. Some types of play overlap and this will provide opportunities for children to extend a variety of different skills by combining different types of play. Practitioners can plan by preparing specific areas within their settings; this will ensure that children have a variety of experiences when playing.

Practitioners should ensure that every child, whatever their needs, has the opportunity to take advantage of different types of play in order to have a positive effect on their learning, growth and development. Practitioners need to respect children's play as it is a natural action for children; this will enable them to trust the practitioners.

Creative play enables the child to experiment and to express themselves using a variety of materials. Creative play gives children an opportunity to discover the different properties of materials, and it is the process of creating something that is important to the child rather than the result. The adult needs to provide a variety of materials and opportunities to play e.g. music, dancing, collage, painting, drawing, modelling rubbish, wood work, sand and water in order to enable the child to develop and practice these skills. By doing so, you will contribute towards encouraging children to experiment and explore the world around them. If a practitioner has prepared a variety of resources, children will be able to develop physical, social, intellectual and emotional skills.

Physical play is when children play by exercising their bodies and using their large muscles. They will develop fine motor skills, gross motor skills and coordination. Physical play is important not only in order to promote and maintain children's health, but also as it connects to each aspect of children's development. Practitioners need to ensure that there is a variety of large equipment available to children so that they can make the most of physical play activities. Large equipment may include: climbing frames, swing, slide, play tunnels, trampoline, ropes and stools, ride-on toys e.g. bikes and trikes. Large equipment can be adapted so that children with special needs can use them e.g. grippers can be placed on climbing frames. Practitioners should provide equipment and activities to children that enable them to learn through their senses. For example, they can learn about pace by playing on the obstacle course. They can also learn about spatial awareness; height; weight and the surrounding environment. Therefore, physical play both indoors and outdoors is equally important.

Imaginative play is when children think of their own games and situations, express their feelings and emotions and what they see around them by speaking to toys and other objects. Imaginative play helps children to develop their language and communication skills, and is also connected to every other aspect of child development e.g. physical, intellectual, emotional and social. Practitioners can contribute to this type of play by providing suitable resources that will stimulate imaginative play. Soft toys, the home corner, dolls, dressing up clothes and small world toys can be used for imaginative play. The equipment for imaginative play does not need to be expensive equipment bought from a shop, children will be happy imagining that cardboard boxes are boats and so forth. A good range and variety of equipment is needed to extend the play, but offering too many materials at once can overwhelm children. However, the materials need to be changed regularly so that the play does not become too repetitive.

Environmental play is when children use the natural environment as part of their play. In order to enable this, practitioners will need to ensure that the environment is clean and hazard-free and that children are able to explore safely. When playing with natural materials, they will engage with nature and will extend their knowledge and understanding of the world. This will raise children's awareness of the environment and they will develop an understanding of the need to respect the natural environment. Although it is important for practitioners to provide a safe environment, children also need to access a variety of play opportunities that include an element of risk. This allows children to decide for themselves the level of risk they want to take when playing. If the area that enables environmental play is risk-free, children are likely to go and look for risks or use equipment in an unsafe manner in order to create an element of risk. It is important for practitioners to measure the element of risk against the benefits.

Play in a structured environment is when a child takes part in tasks or activities for a reason and in order to reach a specific goal. For example, they may play a word lotto game with the aim of learning how to recognise specific words, or thread beads in order to increase their ability to master the use of fine motor skills. It is an effective way for children to learn new things. Structured play is usually led by adults which encourages and helps the child to reach the set goal. Practitioners should ensure that children have fun when they undertake structured play. Practitioners are required to plan structured play opportunities, and will need to consider the interests of children and their ability with regard to accomplishing specific tasks, with the aim of extending their understanding.

Structured play is when a child plays without any specific objective or aim to the play. The play will be an activity initiated by the child themselves. It encourages children to make choices, decisions, to develop creatively and independently. It promotes all children's skills and encourages them to solve problems as they play with other children. Practitioners can contribute by not intervening when children play. They need to make their own decisions and experiment through play. By doing so, they will develop to understand the concept of Cause and Effect e.g. if they add another block to the tower, it may fall or if they cut a hole in the blanket to hold the rope, it may not be waterproof. Unstructured play is not based on a specific strategy and the adults will not offer any guidance. This type of play is important for children as they are given freedom and are able to control their play.

Unstructured play and self-directed play have the same features. Self-directed play gives children the opportunity to control their play and to decide when, how and with what they want to play. The child will initiate the play and will make personal decisions. Practitioners should contribute by encouraging them to play at their own pace and to follow their interests and motivation. The play may happen spontaneously and children will naturally learn from the environment. It is important that practitioners encourage this type of play as the child can become too dependent on structured activities planned by the adult. Self-directed play encourages children to organise their own play, it is a good way to learn to develop ideas and to see how their decisions can affect their play. Practitioners should only intervene when there are signs that the play and the environment are dangerous and unsafe.

Adult facilitated play. This type of play focuses on the play process rather than the outcomes. Practitioners should contribute by concentrating on children's interests when planning and preparing resources and activities for them. A variety of materials is required that will encourage children to explore and experiment when playing. It is essential that materials and resources are open-ended in order to promote children's imagination. Practitioners can contribute by directing, stimulating and encouraging the children to learn through play. Children should be observed in order to discover how they express their feelings when playing. By doing so, you will be showing children that you recognise their feelings and that it is acceptable to show feelings when playing.

Further reading:

Play types

Use of school grounds for playing out of teaching hours

Creating accessible play spaces

Resources for playing – providing loose parts to support children’s play

Bydd plant yn dysgu pan fyddant yn teimlo'n ddiogel, yn cael eu hysgogi, eu herio, a phan fyddant yn gallu ymwneud ag eraill. Mae chwarae yn darparu'r holl gyfleoedd hyn ac felly, fel ymarferwyr, bydd angen deall pa mor werthfawr yw chwarae, a sut i gynllunio, trefnu a hybu gweithgareddau chwarae fel y gellid cefnogi ac ymestyn sgiliau plant. Wrth chwarae, gall plant archwilio eu hamgylchedd, ymarfer eu sgiliau, archwilio eu hemosiynau, mynegi eu teimladau, a chysylltu eu cartref â'u lleoliad gofal. Bydd chwarae yn helpu pob agwedd ar ddatblygiad y plentyn. Yn aml, bydd plant yn ei chael hi'n anodd dysgu os nad ydynt wedi cael cyfle i chwarae. Bydd angen i’r ymarferwr ddarparu ar gyfer gwahanol fathau o chwarae gan fod angen i blant ddefnyddio a datblygu sgiliau. Mae angen deall y manteision a sut i gynllunio a hybu amrywiol fathau o chwarae.

Er mwyn cynllunio'n effeithiol, mae’n hanfodol bod ymarferwyr yn ystyried pwy fydd yn chwarae. Mae angen deall y cyfnodau datblygiad, a bod y gweithgareddau a gynllunnir yn briodol i oed a chyfnod datblygiad y plant. Rhaid rhoi cyfleodd i blant ymgymryd â’r mathau gwahanol o chwarae ac er mwyn cyflawni hyn mae angen ystyried yr hyn mae'r plant yn gallu'i wneud, a pha sgiliau sydd ganddynt eisoes. Mae angen cynllunio cyfleoedd chwarae fel bod y plant yn cael eu hymestyn, heb fod y gweithgaredd yn rhy anodd iddynt. Mae gweithgaredd ac adnoddau sydd wedi'i gynllunio'n dda yn helpu'r plentyn i wneud synnwyr o'r byd o'i gwmpas. Os bydd tasgau yn rhy anodd ac nad yw'r plant yn gallu llwyddo na chyflawni dim, bydd eu methiant yn effeithio ar eu hyder. Ond, os bydd y gweithgaredd yn rhy hawdd, bydd y plant yn diflasu ac yn ymddwyn yn wael o ganlyniad.

Mae'n bwysig i blant gael cyfle i chwarae tu mewn a thu allan. Mae angen paratoi'r amgylchedd fel bod plant yn cael amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd i gymryd rhan mewn gwahanol fathau o chwarae sydd yn ymestyn eu gallu i archwilio, ymchwilio a chymryd risg mewn mannau diogel. Wrth gynllunio, mae angen ystyried a yw’r adnoddau a'r deunyddiau a ddarperir yn ddigonol i blant fedru ymgymryd â’r wahanol fathau o chwarae. Bydd angen i'r adnoddau fod yn briodol i'w cyfnod datblygiad, a bydd angen digon ohonynt fel nad ydynt yn teimlo'n rhwystredig gyda'r diffyg offer neu ddewis. Bydd angen hefyd ystyried hoffterau a diddordebau'r plant.

Mae’n bwysig bod plant yn defnyddio gwahanol fathau o chwarae mewn amgylchedd chwarae cyfoethog o safon. Mae angen i ymarferwyr weithio mewn ffordd sy’n cynnig y cyfleoedd hyn i blant o fewn eu trefn ddyddiol. Mae angen iddynt weithio mewn ffordd sy’n sicrhau bod digon o adnoddau a chyfleusterau ar gael i blant i fedru cymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o fathau o chwarae. Gwelir fod rhai mathau o chwarae yn gorgyffwrdd a bydd hyn yn rhoi cyfleoedd i blant i ymestyn amrywiaeth o sgiliau gwahanol drwy gyfuno’r mathau o chwarae. Gall ymarferwyr gynllunio drwy baratoi ardaloedd penodedig o fewn eu lleoliadau; bydd hyn yn sicrhau bod plant yn derbyn amrywiaeth o brofiadau wrth chwarae.

Mae gan ymarferwyr rôl i sicrhau bod bob plentyn, beth bynnag eu hanghenion, yn cael cyfle i fanteisio ar fathau gwahanol o chwarae er mwyn cael effaith bositif ar eu dysgu, twf a datblygiad. Mae angen i ymarferwyr barchu chwarae plant gan ei fod yn weithred naturiol i blant; bydd hyn yn eu galluogi i ymddiried yn yr ymarferwyr.

Mae chwarae creadigol yn galluogi i'r plentyn arbrofi a mynegi'i hun gan ddefnyddio defnyddiau amrywiol. Mae chwarae creadigol yn rhoi'r cyfle i blant ddarganfod priodweddau gwahanol ddefnyddiau, a'r broses o greu rhywbeth sy'n bwysig i'r plentyn yn hytrach na'r canlyniad. Mae angen i'r oedolyn ddarparu amrywiaeth o ddefnyddiau a chyfleoedd i chwarae e.e. cerddoriaeth, dawnsio, collage, peintio, llunio, modelu sbwriel, gwaith pren, tywod a dŵr i alluogi i'r plentyn ddatblygu'r sgiliau hyn a'u hymarfer. Trwy hyn byddwch yn cyfrannu tuag at annog plant i arbrofi ac archwilio’r byd o’u cwmpas. Os fydd yr ymarferwr wedi paratoi amrywiaeth o adnoddau caiff blant ddatblygu sgiliau yn gorfforol, yn gymdeithasol, yn ddeallusol ac yn emosiynol.

Chwarae corfforol yw pan fydd plant yn chwarae wrth ymarfer eu cyrff a defnyddio eu cyhyrau mawr. Byddant yn datblygu sgiliau echddygol manwl, sgiliau echddygol bras a chydweithrediad. Mae chwarae corfforol yn bwysig nid yn unig er mwyn hybu a chynnal iechyd plentyn, ond mae hefyd yn cysylltu â phob agwedd ar ddatblygiad plentyn. Mae angen i ymarferwyr sicrhau bod amrywiaeth o offer mawr ar gael i blant fel eu bod yn medru gwneud y mwyaf o’r chwarae corfforol. Gall offer mawr gynnwys: fframiau dringo, siglen, llithren, twneli chwarae, trampolîn, rhaffau ac ystolion, reidio ar deganau e.e. beiciau a beiciau tair olwyn. Gellir addasu offer mawr fel bod plant sydd ag anghenion arbennig yn gallu eu defnyddio e.e. gellir rhoi crafangau ('grippers') ar fframiau dringo. Dylai’r ymarferwr darparu offer a gweithgareddau i blant a fydd yn eu galluogi i ddysgu drwy ei synhwyrau. Er enghraifft, gallant ddysgu am gyflymder drwy chwarae yn y cwrs rhwystrau. Gallant hefyd ddysgu am ymwybyddiaeth ofodol; uchder; pwysau a'r amgylchedd o'u cwmpas. Felly, mae chwarae corfforol tu mewn a thu allan yr un mor bwysig.

Chwarae dychmygol yw pan fydd plant yn meddwl am eu gemau a'u sefyllfaoedd eu hunain, yn cyfleu eu teimladau a'u hemosiynau a'r hyn a welant o'u cwmpas drwy siarad â theganau a gwrthrychau eraill. Mae chwarae dychmygol yn gymorth i blant ddatblygu eu sgiliau iaith a chyfathrebu, ac mae hefyd yn cysylltu â phob agwedd arall ar ddatblygiad plant e.e. corfforol, deallusol, emosiynol a chymdeithasol. Rôl yr ymarferwr wrth gyfrannu at y math hwn o chwarae yw darparu adnoddau addas a fydd yn ysgogi chwarae dychmygol. Gellir defnyddio teganau meddal, cornel gartref, dolis, dillad gwisgo fyny, a theganau byd bach ar gyfer chwarae dychmygol. Nid oes raid i'r offer ar gyfer chwarae dychmygol fod yn offer drud o siop, bydd plant yn hapus yn dychmygu bod bocsys cardfwrdd yn gychod ac ati. Mae angen ystod ac amrywiaeth dda o offer i ymestyn y chwarae, ond gall rhoi gormod o ddefnyddiau ar unwaith lethu plant. Er hynny, mae angen newid y defnyddiau yn rheolaidd fel nad yw'r chwarae yn rhy ailadroddus.

Chwarae Amgylcheddol yw pan fydd plant yn defnyddio’r amgylchedd naturiol wrth chwarae. Er mwyn caniatáu hyn i ddigwydd bydd angen i’r ymarferwr sicrhau bod yr amgylchedd yn lan a heb beryglon fel bod plant yn medru archwilio yn ddiogel. Wrth chwarae â deunyddiau naturiol byddant yn ymgysylltu â natur gan ymestyn eu gwybodaeth a’u dealltwriaeth o’r byd. Bydd hyn yn codi ymwybyddiaeth blant am yr amgylchedd a byddant yn datblygu i ddeall bod angen parchu’r amgylchedd naturiol. Er ei fod yn bwysig bod ymarferwyr yn darparu amgylchedd diogel mae angen i blant gael mynediad at amrywiaeth o chwarae sydd ag elfen o risg. Mae hyn yn caniatáu plant i benderfynu dros eu hunain faint o risg maent am gymryd wrth chwarae. Os fydd yr ardal sy’n caniatáu chwarae amgylcheddol yn rhydd o unrhyw risg bydd plant yn debygol o fynd i chwilio am risgiau neu ddefnyddio offer mewn ffordd anniogel er mwyn creu elfen o risg. Yr hyn sydd yn bwysig i ymarferwyr i wneud yw mesur yr elfen o risg yn erbyn y buddiannau.

Chwarae mewn amgylchedd strwythuredig yw pan fydd plentyn yn cymryd rhan mewn tasgau neu weithgareddau am reswm ac er mwyn cyflawni gôl benodol. Er enghraifft, efallai bydd yn chwarae gem loto geiriau gyda’r nod i ddysgu adnabod geiriau penodol, neu’n edafu gleiniau er mwyn cynyddu ei allu i feistroli’r defnydd o sgiliau echddygol manwl. Mae’n ffordd effeithiol i blant ddysgu pethau newydd. Rhan amlaf mae chwarae strwythuredig yn cael eu harwain gan oedolion sy’n annog a chynorthwyo’r plentyn i gyrraedd y gôl a osodwyd. Rôl yr ymarferwr yw sicrhau bod y plant yn cael hwyl wrth ymgymryd mewn chwarae strwythuredig. Bydd yn ofynnol bod ymarferwyr yn cynllunio ar gyfer chwarae strwythuredig, gan ystyried diddordebau’r plant a’u gallu o ran cyflawni tasgau penodol, gyda‘r nod i ymestyn eu dealltwriaeth.

Chwarae anstrwythuredig yw pan fydd plentyn yn chwarae heb fod unrhyw amcan neu nod penodol i’r dysgu. Bydd y chwarae yn weithgaredd a fydd y plentyn yn dechrau eu hunain. Mae’n annog plant i wneud dewisiadau, penderfyniadau, i ddatblygu’n greadigol ac yn annibynnol. Mae’n hyrwyddo holl sgiliau plant ac yn eu hannog i ddatrys problemau wrth chwarae gyda phlant eraill. Gall yr ymarferwr gyfrannu wrth beidio ag ymyrryd wrth i blant chwarae. Mae angen iddynt wneud penderfyniadau dros eu hunain ac arbrofi trwy chwarae. Wrth wneud hyn byddant yn datblygu i ddeall y cysyniad ‘Achos ac Effaith’ (Cause and Effect) e.e os ydynt yn ychwanegu un bloc arall i’r tŵr efallai bydd yn cwympo neu os ydynt yn torri twll yn y cynfas i ddal y rhaff, ni fydd yn ddiddos. Nid oes unrhyw strategaeth y tu ôl i chwarae anstrwythuredig ac ni fydd oedolion yn cynnig unrhyw arweiniad. Mae’r chwarae o’r math hwn yn bwysig i blant gan eu bod yn cael rhyddid ac yn medru rheoli eu chwarae.

Mae chwarae anstrwythuredig a chwarae hunangyfeiriedig yn rhannu’r un nodweddion. Trwy chwarae’n hunangyfeiriedig bydd plant yn cael cyfle i reoli eu chwarae a phenderfynu pryd, sut a gyda beth maent eisiau chwarae. Bydd y plentyn yn cychwyn y chwarae ac yn gwneud penderfyniadau personol. Dylai ymarferwyr gyfrannu trwy eu hannog i chwarae ar gyflymdra a lefel eu hunain gan ddilyn eu diddordebau a’u cymhelliad. Efallai bydd y chwarae yn digwydd yn ddigymell a gwelir y plentyn yn dysgu yn naturiol yn yr amgylchedd. Mae’n bwysig bod ymarferwyr yn annog y math hwn o chwarae gan y gall plentyn ddibynnu yn ormodol ar weithgareddau strwythuredig sydd wedi’u cynllunio gan yr oedolyn. Mae chwarae hunangyfeiriedig yn annog plant i drefnu’r chwarae o ran eu hunain, mae’n ffordd dda i ddysgu i ddatblygu syniadau a gweld sut mae eu penderfyniadau yn medru cael effaith ar eu chwarae. Yr unig bryd y dylai’r ymarferwr ymyrryd yw pan fydd arwyddion bod y chwarae a’r amgylchedd yn beryglus ac yn anniogel.

Chwarae a hwylusir gan oedolyn. Mae’r chwarae o’r fath yma yn canolbwyntio ar y broses o chwarae yn hytrach na’r canlyniadau. Dylai’r ymarferwr gyfrannu trwy ganolbwyntio ar ddiddordebau’r plant wrth gynllunio a pharatoi adnoddau a gweithgareddau ar eu cyfer. Mae angen amrywiaeth o ddefnyddiau a fydd yn annog plant i archwilio ac arbrofi wrth chwarae. Mae’n hanfodol bod defnyddiau ac adnoddau yn ben agored er mwyn hyrwyddo dychymyg plant. Fel ymarferwr, gallwch gyfrannu trwy gyfeirio, symbylu ac ysgogi plant i ddysgu trwy chwarae. Mae angen arsylwi’r plant gan ddarganfod sut maent yn mynegi teimladau wrth chwarae. Trwy wneud hyn byddwch yn dangos i’r plant eich bod yn cydnabod eu teimladau ac ei fod yn iawn i arddangos teimladau wrth chwarae.

Darllen pellach:

Mathau chwarae

Defnyddio tiroedd ysgol ar gyfer chwarae’r tu allan i oriau addysgu

Creu mannau chwarae hygyrch

Adnoddau ar gyfer chwarae – darparu rhannau rhydd i gefnogi chwarae plant

Creating a child-led play space

Creu gofod chwarae a arweinir gan blant

Two boys playing pirates in a cardboard ship

As practitioners ensure that children are given opportunities to immerse themselves in different types of play, they should also be encouraged to create their own play spaces. Practitioners should promote the process of creating a child-led play space that facilitates:

  • free choice play
  • expression of feelings
  • experimentation and risk taking
  • creativity.

In order for children to accomplish this, they need sufficient opportunities to enable them to lead the play themselves. Decisions are required with regard to which materials to prepare and set out for children. Resources that enable them to follow their interests and use their own ideas when playing will be required. As a result, they will experience the feeling and satisfaction that they are creating the space, leading the play and controlling events.

Practitioners should take a step back and avoid intervening in children's play. Practitioners need to observe the play in order to see what children are doing and what their interests are in order to provide purposefully for them. It is essential that practitioners model good practice as children will also observe the adults. They will take note of adults' vocabulary, communication methods, behaviour and actions, so it is important to ensure that practitioners maintain consistently good practice that conveys positive messages.

As children immerse themselves in free choice play, they will learn and develop an understanding of the world around them and will also benefit in terms of their health and well-being. They will discover natural resources, such as twigs, bark, grass and mud and will move them to locations of their choice and will use them for chosen purposes. They need to be encouraged to create an imaginative space that will enrich free choice play and develop an element of 'ownership' over the play space. When providing natural resources, scrap material such as old tyres, pipes, containers, building material such as wood, hammer, nails, as well as some toys or other objects, practitioners will be encouraging children to improve their play space.

If practitioners have ensured that there are sufficient resources available to children, they will be able to pick and choose the type of play. Real resources need to be set out for children, as well as toys. Children will then be able to create a space where they can imitate situations using role play, that will provide life skills experiences where they can express feelings.

Practitioners are responsible for ensuring that there are quite, shaded areas available to children so that they are able to choose which type of play to undertake. They may want to choose active play in the garden, rock the baby to sleep in a quiet and comfortable space, or role play doctors and nurses in a hospital. Providing books about different subjects will give children ideas and encourage them to use their imagination to create similar spaces and situations. Whatever they choose, children will need the opportunity to express their feelings through play. Practitioners need to listen to children so that their opinions, feelings and thoughts are heard. This will contribute towards a successful play provision.

Children do not always use resources for the intended purpose. They enjoy experimenting and risk taking with resources. Children sometimes see potential in resources that are not obvious to adults.

Children like to have fun and practitioners should ensure that this happens. Children need opportunities to play with an element of risk where they can reason in order to solve problems. They also need to experience the thrill of thinking 'what will happen if I do this?'. They should be encouraged to make the most of the space and the environment and by being praised, they will develop to do this naturally, and will feel adventurous when playing.

Children do not need expensive resources. They have fun playing with recycled materials, crates and tyres, or whatever else is available to them within the environment. A toy that only serves one purpose does not contribute much towards extending children's creativity. Multi-purpose resources are required so that children can use their imagination and interact with other children to share their ideas.

It is not always beneficial for practitioners to create play spaces for children. Although a safe environment with a variety of resources that are within reach of children should be prepared, they need to be encouraged to use their imagination and mind to create their own play spaces. This will provide an element of excitement for children and they will show more respect for the play environment.

If children take part in different types of play, they will be offered all of the experiences above naturally. They will develop ownership over their play by discussing, devising and evaluating their own play spaces. Practitioners can contribute by creating a safe play environment, being careful not to eliminate all risks and considering the risks against the benefits. Practitioners should offer children support to create the play space by providing a variety of appropriate guidance and resources so that they can make the most of the location. The best resources to allow children to create a play space are resources that they can move easily and that will fire their imagination in order to promote children's holistic learning, growth and development.

Further reading:

Creating accessible play spaces

Resources for playing – providing loose parts to support children’s play

Wrth i’r ymarferwr sicrhau fod plant yn cael cyfleodd i ymgolli yn y mathau gwahanol o chwarae mae angen hefyd eu hannog i greu gofod chwarae ei hunain. Rôl a chyfrifoldeb ymarferwyr yw hybu’r broses o greu gofod chwarae a arweinir gan blant sy’n hwyluso:

  • chwarae dewis rhydd
  • mynegi teimladau
  • arbrofi a mentro
  • creadigrwydd.

Er mwyn i blant gyflawni hyn mae angen sicrhau bod digon o gyfleoedd ar gael i’w caniatáu i arwain eu chwarae eu hunain. Mae angen penderfynu pa ddeunyddiau i baratoi a’u gosod allan ar gyfer y plant. Bydd angen adnoddau a fydd yn eu galluogi i ddilyn eu diddordebau a defnyddio syniadau eu hunain wrth chwarae. Trwy hyn byddant yn cael y teimlad a’r boddhad mai nhw sydd yn creu’r gofod, yn arwain y chwarae ac yn rheoli'r hyn sy’n digwydd.

Mae cyfrifoldeb gan yr ymarferwr i gamu nôl a pheidio ymyrryd yn chwarae’r plant. Mae angen i ymarferwyr arsylwi ar y chwarae i fedru gweld yr hyn mae’r plant yn gwneud a beth yw eu diddordebau fel eu bod yn medru darparu yn bwrpasol ar eu cyfer. Mae’n hanfodol bod ymarferwyr yn modelu ymarfer da gan fod plant hefyd yn sylwi ar oedolion. Byddant yn cymryd sylw o’r eirfa, y dulliau cyfathrebu, yr ymddygiad a gweithredoedd oedolion felly mae’n bwysig bod ymarferwyr yn cynnal ymarfer da cyson sy’n cyfleu negeseuon positif.

Wrth i blant ymgolli mewn chwarae dewis rhydd byddant yn dysgu a datblygu dealltwriaeth o’r byd o’u hamgylch ac hefyd yn elwa o ran eu hiechyd a lles. Byddant yn darganfod adnoddau naturiol, megis brigau, rhisgl, porfa a mwd gan eu symud i fannau o’u dewis a’u defnyddio at unrhyw bwrpas y dymunant. Mae angen eu hybu i greu gofod llawn dychymyg a fydd yn cyfoethogi chwarae dewis rhydd gan ddatblygu'r elfen o ‘berchen’ ar y gofod ble maent yn chwarae. Wrth ddarparu adnoddau naturiol, deunydd sgrap megis hen deiars, pibellau, cynwysyddion (containers), deunydd adeiladu megis pren, morthwyl, hoelion, yn ogystal ag ambell degan neu wrthrych bydd yr ymarferwr yn hybu plant i gyfoethogi eu gofod chwarae.

Os bydd ymarferwyr wedi sicrhau bod yr adnoddau sydd ar gael i blant yn ddigonol byddant yn medru dethol a dewis pa fath o chwarae fydd yn digwydd. Mae angen gosod adnoddau go iawn allan i blant yn ogystal â theganau. Bydd y plant wedyn yn gallu creu gofod lle gallant ddynwared sefyllfaoedd wrth chwarae rôl fydd yn rhoi profiadau sgiliau bywyd lle gallant fynegi teimladau.

Mae gan ymarferwyr gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau bod mannau tawel, cysgodol ar gael i blant fel eu bod yn medru dewis pa fath o chwarae maent am ymgymryd ag ef. Efallai byddant am chwarae’n egnïol yn yr ardd, magu’r baban i gysgu mewn gofod tawel a chysurus, neu chwarae rôl nyrs neu feddyg mewn ysbyty. Bydd darparu llyfrau am destunau gwahanol yn rhoi syniadau i blant a gallant ddefnyddio eu dychymyg i greu gofod a sefyllfaoedd tebyg. Beth bynnag yw’r dewis, mae angen rhoi cyfle i blant fynegi teimladau drwy chwarae. Mae angen i’r ymarferwyr wrando ar blant fel bod eu barn, eu teimladau a’u meddyliau yn cael eu clywed. Bydd hyn yn cyfrannu tuag at ddarpariaeth chwarae lwyddiannus.

Nid yw plant bob amser yn defnyddio adnodd i’r pwrpas gwreiddiol. Maent yn mwynhau arbrofi a mentro gydag adnoddau. Mae plant weithiau yn medru gweld potensial mewn adnoddau sydd heb fod yn amlwg i oedolion.

Mae plant yn hoffi cael hwyl ac mae gan ymarferwyr gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd. Mae angen cyfleoedd ar blant i chwarae gydag elfen o risg lle gallant resymu er mwyn datrys problemau. Mae angen iddynt hefyd gael y teimlad o gyffro wrth feddwl ‘beth fydd yn digwydd os gwnaf hyn?’. Dylid eu hannog i wneud y mwyaf o’r gofod a’r amgylchedd ac wrth dderbyn canmoliaeth byddant yn datblygu i wneud hyn yn naturiol, gan deimlo’n anturus wrth chwarae.

Nid oes angen prynu adnoddau costus i blant. Maent yn cael hwyl wrth chwarae â deunyddiau ailgylchu, cretiau a teiars, neu beth bynnag arall sydd ar gael iddynt yn yr amgylchedd. Nid yw tegan sydd ond ag un pwrpas yn cyfrannu llawer tuag at ymestyn creadigrwydd plant. Mae angen adnoddau sydd â llawer o bosibiliadau fel eu bod yn medru defnyddio eu dychymyg a rhyngweithio gyda phlant eraill gan rannu syniadau.

Nid yw bob amser yn fuddiol bod ymarferwyr yn creu gofod chwarae i blant. Er bod rhaid paratoi amgylchedd diogel lle mae amrywiaeth o adnoddau o fewn cyrraedd plant, mae angen eu hannog i ddefnyddio eu dychymyg a meddwl am greu gofod chwarae eu hunain. Bydd hyn yn rhoi elfen o gyffro i’r plant a byddant yn parchu’r amgylchedd chwarae yn well.

Os yw plant yn ymgymryd mewn gwahanol fathau o chwarae byddant yn derbyn yr holl brofiadau uchod yn naturiol. Byddant yn datblygu perchnogaeth dros eu chwarae drwy drin a thrafod, dyfeisio a gwerthuso eu gofod chwarae eu hunain. Gall ymarferwyr gyfrannu trwy greu amgylchedd chwarae diogel gan ofalu peidio a dileu pob risg gan bwyso a mesur y risgiau yn erbyn y buddiannau. Dylai ymarferwyr gynnig cymorth i blant er mwyn iddynt greu’r gofod chwarae trwy ddarparu amrywiaeth o adnoddau ac arweiniad priodol fel eu bod yn gwneud y mwyaf o’r lleoliad. Yr adnoddau gorau er mwyn galluogi plant i greu gofod chwarae yw rhai y mae modd eu symud yn hawdd a rhai sydd yn sbarduno’r dychymyg er mwyn hybu dysgu, twf a datblygiad cyfannol plant.

Darllen pellach:

Creu mannau chwarae hygyrch

Adnoddau ar gyfer chwarae – darparu rhannau rhydd i gefnogi chwarae plant