Culture and religion

Diwylliant a chrefydd

Race discrimination


Culture is a term used to describe the way of life of a group of people. It refers to how they are expected to behave, what they tend to believe, and how they think.

Cultures are part of everyday society. There are different types of cultures in all societies, including:

  • Material cultures – refers to physical things that people create and attach emotional meaning.
  • Non-material cultures – ideals people share, e.g. rules, traditions, languages and history.
  • Collectivist cultures – tend to emphasise belonging to the group as more important than personal freedom.
  • Individualist cultures – tend to focus on individual freedom/personal gain.


There are 18 ethnic groups recommended for use by the government in Wales/England when they ask for someone’s ethnicity;


  • White British
  • White Irish
  • White Gypsy/Traveller
  • White other.

Mixed ethnic groups

  • Mixed White/Asian
  • Mixed White/Black African
  • Mixed White/Black Caribbean
  • Mixed other.


  • Indian
  • Pakistani
  • Bangladeshi
  • Chinese
  • Asian other.


  • Black African
  • Black Caribbean
  • Black other.

Other ethnic groups

  • Arab
  • Any other.

Facts and figures:

  • according to the 2011 Census, the total population of England and Wales was 56.1 million, and 86.0% of the population was White
  • people from Asian ethnic groups made up the second largest percentage of the population (7.5%), followed by Black ethnic groups (3.3%), Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups (2.2%) and Other ethnic groups (1.0%)
  • among the specific ethnic groups, people from the White British ethnic group made up the largest percentage of the population (80.5%), followed by Other White (4.4%) and Indian (2.5%)
  • from 2001 to 2011, the percentage of the population of England and Wales that was White British decreased from 87.4% to 80.5%, while the Other White group saw the largest increase in their share of the population, from 2.6% to 4.4% the percentage of the population from a Black African background doubled from 0.9% in 2001 to 1.8% in 2011.

Racial diversity

This is to do with racially-embedded differences in society. Also, this concept can be linked to multi-culturalism, which means when ethnic/racial groups live side-by-side in society.

As over 14% of the population in England and Wales are a different ethnic group to the white population, it is important that their diversity is celebrated. For example, within a care home, celebrations of a range of racial/ethnic-diverse festivals should be respected.


Defining religion is not a straightforward task. There are two main definitions –

  • Inclusive definitions – this is what the practices does for its followers. This type of religion avoids referring to the supernatural or worldly powers.
  • Exclusive definitions – refers to practices that lean towards power or beings that are not in this world.

How many different types of religions can you think of?


Mae Diwylliant yn derm a ddefnyddir i ddisgrifio ffordd o fyw grŵp o bobl. Mae’n cyfeirio at sut mae disgwyl iddyn nhw ymddwyn, beth maen nhw’n tueddu i’w gredu, a sut maen nhw’n meddwl.

Mae Diwylliannau'n rhan o gymdeithas pob dydd. Mae yna wahanol fathau o ddiwylliannau ym mhob cymdeithas, gan gynnwys:

  • Diwylliant materol - mae'n cyfeirio at y pethau corfforol y mae pobl yn eu creu ac yn rhoi ystyr emosiynol iddyn nhw.
  • Diwylliant anfaterol - delfrydau mae pobl yn eu rhannu, e.e. rheolau, traddodiadau, ieithoedd/hanes.
  • Diwylliannau casgliadol - maent yn tueddu i bwysleisio bod perthyn i'r grŵp yn bwysicach na rhyddid personol.
  • Diwylliannau unigolyddol - maent yn tueddu i ganolbwyntio ar ryddid personol/cynnydd unigolyn.


Argymhellir 18 o grwpiau ethnig i'w defnyddio gan y llywodraeth yng Nghymru/Lloegr pan ydynt yn gofyn am ethnigrwydd rhywun;


  • Gwyn Prydeinig
  • Gwyn Gwyddelig
  • Sipsiwn/Teithwyr Gwyn
  • Gwyn arall.

Grwpiau ethnig cymysg

  • Gwyn/Asiaidd cymysg
  • Gwyn/Du Affricanaidd cymysg
  • Gwyn/Du Caribïaidd cymysg
  • Cymysg arall.


  • Indiaidd
  • Pacistanaidd
  • Bangladeshaidd
  • Tsieineaidd
  • Asiaidd arall.


  • Du Affricanaidd
  • Du Caribïaidd
  • Du arall.

Grwpiau ethnig eraill

  • Arabaidd
  • Unrhyw un arall.

Ffeithiau a ffigurau:

  • yn ôl Cyfrifiad 2011, cyfanswm poblogaeth Cymru a Lloegr oedd 56.1 miliwn, ac roedd 86.0% o'r boblogaeth yn wyn
  • pobl o grwpiau ethnig Asiaidd oedd yr ail ganran fwyaf o'r boblogaeth (7.5%), a ddilynwyd gan grwpiau ethnig Du (3.3%), grwpiau ethnig cymysg/grwpiau aml-ethnig (2.2%) a grwpiau ethnig eraill (1.0%)
  • ymhlith y grwpiau ethnig penodol, pobl o grŵp ethnig Gwyn Prydeinig oedd y ganran fwyaf o'r boblogaeth (80.5%), a ddilynwyd gan Gwyn Arall (4.4%) ac Indiaidd (2.5%)
  • rhwng 2001 a 2011, gostyngodd y ganran o boblogaeth Cymru a Lloegr a oedd yn Wyn Prydeinig o 87.4% i 80.5%, tra profodd y grŵp Gwyn Arall y cynnydd mwyaf yn eu cyfran o'r boblogaeth, o 2.6% i 4.4%
  • fe ddyblodd canran y boblogaeth o gefndir Du Affricanaidd o 0.9% yn 2001 i 1.8% yn 2011.

Amrywiaeth hiliol

Mae hyn yn ymwneud â gwahaniaethau yn ymwneud â hil mewn cymdeithas. Hefyd, gellir cysylltu'r cysyniad hwn ag aml-ddiwylliannaeth, sy'n golygu sefyllfa pan fydd grwpiau ethnig/hiliol yn byw ochr yn ochr mewn cymdeithas.

Gan fod dros 14% o boblogaeth Cymru a Lloegr yn grŵp ethnig gwahanol i'r boblogaeth wen, mae'n bwysig bod eu hamrywiaeth yn cael ei dathlu. Er enghraifft, mewn cartref gofal, dylid parchu dathliadau ystod o wyliau hiliol/ethnig-amrywiol.


Nid tasg syml yw diffinio crefydd. Mae dau brif ddiffiniad –

  • Diffiniadau cynhwysol - dyma'r hyn mae'r arferion yn ei wneud dros ei ddilynwyr. Mae'r math hwn o grefydd yn osgoi cyfeirio at y pwerau goruwchnaturiol neu fydol.
  • Diffiniadau anghynhwysol - yn cyfeirio at arferion sy'n pwyso tuag at bŵer neu fodau nad ydynt yn y byd hwn.

Faint o wahanol fathau o grefyddau allwch chi feddwl amdanynt?

Hint 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Culture and religion

Diwylliant a chrefydd.

Religion in England and Wales 2011

A snapshot of religious affiliations throughout England and Wales in 2011:

Despite falling numbers, Christianity remained the largest religion with 59.3% of the population identifying themselves as Christian. Muslims made up the second largest religious group with 4.8% of the population. Between 2001 and 2011 there has been a decrease in the proportion of people who identify as Christian and an increase in those reporting to have no religion.

1. What was the biggest religion in England/Wales in 2011?

2. What was the differences between the number of Christians and Muslims in 2011?

Crefydd yng Nghymru a Lloegr 2011

Ciplun ar gysylltiadau crefyddol ledled Cymru a Lloegr yn 2011:

Er gwaethaf y ffaith bod niferoedd yn gostwng, Cristnogaeth oedd y grefydd fwyaf o hyd â 59.3% o'r boblogaeth yn uniaethu fel Cristnogion. Mwslimiaid oedd yr ail grŵp crefyddol mwyaf â 4.8% o'r boblogaeth. Rhwng 2001 a 2011 bu gostyngiad yng nghyfran y bobl sy'n uniaethu fel Cristnogion a chynnydd yn y rhai hynny sy'n datgan nad oes ganddynt grefydd.

1. Beth oedd y grefydd fwyaf yng Nghymru/Lloegr yn 2011?

2. Beth oedd y gwahaniaeth rhwng nifer y Cristnogion a Mwslimiaid yn 2011?

Hint 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Culture and religion

Diwylliant a chrefydd

Explain the positive and negative impact culture and religion can have on individuals’ health and well-being.

Factors/lifestyle choices that can affect individuals Positive impact on health and well-being Negative impact on health and well-being
Influence of others –
  • positive role models/social involvement.
Diet –
  • some religions forbid the consumption of certain foods
  • some cultures eat a restricted diet.
Fasting –
  • some religions have periods of fasting.
Medical intervention –
  • some religions believe in healing through prayer and do not believe in blood transfusions.

Esboniwch yr effaith gadarnhaol a negyddol y gall diwylliant a chrefydd ei chael ar iechyd a llesiant unigolion.

Ffactorau/dewisiadau ffordd o fyw a all effeithio ar unigolion Effaith gadarnhaol ar iechyd a llesiant Effaith negyddol ar iechyd a llesiant
Dylanwad pobl eraill –
  • modelau rôl cadarnhaol/ cysylltiad cymdeithasol.
Deiet –
  • mae rhai crefyddau yn gwahardd bwyta rhai bwydydd
  • mae rhai diwylliannau'n bwyta deiet cyfyngedig.
Ymprydio –
  • mae rhai crefyddau yn credu mewn iachau trwy weddi ac nid ydynt yn credu mewn trallwysiadau gwaed.
Ymyriad meddygol –
  • mae rhai crefyddau yn credu mewn iachau trwy weddi ac nid ydynt yn credu mewn trallwysiadau gwaed.
Factors/lifestyle choices that can affect individuals Positive impact on health and well-being Negative impact on health and well-being
Influence of others –
  • positive role models/social involvement.
  • Involvement in community-based voluntary activities, e.g. food banks.
  • Feeling a sense of achievement – improved social well-being/ emotional well-being due to being respected.
  • Peer pressure – might be influenced to do activities that they do not want to do, leading to stress.
Diet –
  • some religions forbid the consumption of certain foods
  • some cultures eat a restricted diet.
  • High fibre and low fat diets, which would lead to a lower risk of high cholesterol/heart disease so would increase life expectancy.
  • Reduced risk of cancers if alcohol/drugs are restricted – again increasing life expectancy.
  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as lack of iron due to not being able to eat meat due to their religious views.
Fasting –
  • some religions have periods of fasting.
  • Weight loss, reduced cholesterol levels, which could lead to better physical/emotional health and well-being.
  • Heartburn, constipation, malnourishment, dehydration. Individuals who have diabetes may make the condition worse.
Medical intervention –
  • some religions believe in healing through prayer and do not believe in blood transfusions.
  • Could feel more supported by religion and feel valued because they respected their religion/ culture.
  • Deterioration of health and possible death.
Ffactorau/dewisiadau ffordd o fyw a all effeithio ar unigolion Effaith gadarnhaol ar iechyd a llesiant Effaith negyddol ar iechyd a llesiant
Dylanwad pobl eraill –
  • modelau rôl cadarnhaol/ cysylltiad cymdeithasol.
  • Cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau gwirfoddol yn y gymuned, e.e. banciau bwyd.
  • Cael ymdeimlad o gyflawniad - gwell llesiant cymdeithasol/llesiant emosiynol oherwydd maent yn cael eu parchu.
  • Pwysau gan gyfoedion - gallent gael eu dylanwadu i wneud gweithgareddau nad ydynt am eu gwneud - gan arwain at straen.
Deiet –
  • mae rhai crefyddau yn gwahardd bwyta rhai bwydydd
  • mae rhai diwylliannau'n bwyta deiet cyfyngedig.
  • Deietau ffibr uchel a braster isel, a fyddai'n arwain at risg is o golesterol uchel/clefyd y galon ac felly byddai'n cynyddu disgwyliad oes.
  • Llai o risg o ganserau os yw alcohol/ cyffuriau wedi'u cyfyngu - unwaith eto'n cynyddu disgwyliad oes.
  • Diffygion maethol, megis diffyg haearn oherwydd nad ydynt yn gallu bwyta cig oherwydd eu barn grefyddol.
Ymprydio –
  • mae gan rai crefyddau gyfnodau o ymprydio.
  • Colli pwysau, lefelau gostyngedig o golesterol a dadwenwyno, a allai arwain at well iechyd a llesiant corfforol/ emosiynol.
  • Diffyg traul (heartburn), rhwymedd, diffyg maeth, dadhydradiad. Gall unigolion sydd â diabetes wneud y cyflwr yn waeth.
Ymyriad meddygol –
  • mae rhai crefyddau yn credu mewn iachau trwy weddi ac nid ydynt yn credu mewn trallwysiadau gwaed.
  • Gallent deimlo eu bod yn cael mwy o gefnogaeth gan grefydd a theimlo y'u gwerthfawrogir oherwydd eu bod yn parchu eu crefydd/diwylliant
  • Dirywiad i iechyd a marwolaeth yn bosibl.

Culture and religion

Cyfarwyddiadau cyflwyno gweithgareddau.

Dylan and Gethin are a married couple who live in a small village in Wales that has a strong feeling of community. Unfortunately, due to Gethin getting promoted, Dylan and Gethin will be moving to a large city in a different country.

Consider the possible effects the move could have on Dylan’s well-being.

Mae Dylan a Gethin yn bâr priod sy'n byw mewn pentref bach yng Nghymru sydd ag ymdeimlad cryf o gymuned. Yn anffodus, oherwydd bod Gethin yn cael dyrchafiad swydd, bydd Dylan a Gethin yn symud i ddinas fawr mewn gwlad wahanol.

Ystyriwch yr effeithiau posibl y gallai symud eu cael ar lesiant Dylan.

Suggested answers:

Dylan may:

  • become socially isolated
  • feel down and depressed
  • feel insecure
  • feel less contented
  • become stressed and anxious and blame Gethin for this.

Atebion awgrymedig:

Gallai Dylan:

  • ddod yn ynysig yn gymdeithasol
  • teimlo'n isel ac yn ddigalon
  • teimlo'n llai sicr
  • teimlo'n llai bodlon
  • dod dan straen ac yn orbryderus a beio Gethin am hyn.

Culture and religion

Diwylliant a chrefydd


Pick a key world religion and prepare a resource pack outlining how this religion could have a positive or negative impact on health and well-being.

You need to consider:

  1. dietary considerations/restrictions
  2. fasting
  3. medical intervention
  4. values/beliefs over drugs, smoking and sex.

Dewiswch grefydd allweddol y byd a pharatowch becyn adnoddau yn amlinellu sut y gallai'r grefydd hon gael effaith gadarnhaol neu negyddol ar iechyd a llesiant.

Mae angen i chi ystyried:

  1. ystyriaethau/cyfyngiadau deietegol
  2. ymprydio
  3. ymyriad meddygol
  4. gwerthoedd/credoau ynghylch cyffuriau, ysmygu a rhyw.

Hint 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Culture and religion

Diwylliant a chrefydd

Comforting man with depression


Sometimes, coming from a different cultural or religious background can have a negative effect on an individual’s health and well-being. Racial discrimination means treating people who are culturally different unfairly.

Discrimination could lead to:

  • labelling
  • stigma, which leads to social exclusion
  • referrals and access to services
  • inequalities.


Prejudice is a strongly held attitude towards a particular group which will often persist, even when shown to be unjustified or unfounded.

Can you think of any real life examples of prejudice which have happened in society and the impact this may have had on individuals’ health and well-being?


Weithiau, gall dod o gefndir diwylliannol neu grefyddol gwahanol gael effaith negyddol ar iechyd a llesiant unigolyn. Mae gwahaniaethu ar sail hil yn golygu trin pobl sy'n ddiwylliannol wahanol yn annheg.

Gallai gwahaniaethu arwain at:

  • labelu
  • stigma, sy'n arwain at allgau cymdeithasol
  • atgyfeiriadau a mynediad at wasanaethau
  • anghydraddoldebau.


Mae rhagfarn yn agwedd gref tuag at grŵp penodol a fydd yn parhau yn aml, hyd yn oed pan ddangosir ei fod yn anghyfiawn neu'n ddi-sail.

A allwch chi feddwl am unrhyw enghreifftiau bywyd go iawn o ragfarn sydd wedi digwydd mewn cymdeithas a’r effaith y gallai hyn fod wedi’i chael ar iechyd a llesiant unigolion?

Hint 6: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 6: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Culture and religion

Diwylliant a chrefydd

Hint 7: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 7: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Culture and religion

Diwylliant a chrefydd

1. Why is it important to know about different cultures and religions when working in the health and social care sector?

1. Pam ei fod yn bwysig gwybod am wahanol ddiwylliannau a chrefyddau wrth weithio yn y sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol?

Hint 8: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 8: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.



Environmental pollution

Pollution is a substance that contaminates something, such as air or water, and may make it unsafe. Pollutants are taken into the body via the nose and mouth or through the skin. Pollution can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma, and other diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. The effects of pollution can be greater for individuals living through different life stages, such as infants, older people and individuals who are ill. There are various types of pollution. These include air pollution, noise pollution and water pollution.

  • Air pollution occurs when gases, dust particles, fumes or odour are introduced into the atmosphere in a way that makes it harmful to humans, animals and plants. Air pollution is harmful to the respiratory system and affects the nerves and muscles used for breathing.
  • Noise pollution is generally an unwanted sound, or a sound which produces unpleasant effects and discomfort on the ears. It may cause stress, anxiety and lack of sleep.
  • Water pollution is the contamination of water, very often by human activities, such as dumping waste etc. Water pollution can cause illness if the polluted water is ingested. This may take the form of diarrhoea, vomiting and a general feeling of being unwell.

People who live in cities and busy towns are more likely to be affected by pollution. Depending on the type and severity of the pollution, it can have a detrimental effect on well-being and can cause illness, allergies, stress and worry etc.

Mae llygredd yn golygu sylwedd sy'n halogi rhywbeth, megis aer neu ddŵr, ac a allai ei wneud yn anniogel. Mae llygryddion yn mynd i mewn i'r corff trwy'r trwyn a'r geg neu trwy'r croen. Gall llygredd achosi problemau resbiradol, megis asthma, a chlefydau eraill, megis canser a chlefyd y galon. Gall effeithiau llygredd fod yn fwy i unigolion sy'n byw trwy wahanol gyfnodau bywyd, megis babanod, pobl hŷn ac unigolion sy'n sâl. Mae mathau amrywiol o lygredd. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys llygredd aer, llygredd sŵn a llygredd dŵr.

  • Mae llygredd aer yn digwydd pan gyflwynir nwyon, gronynnau llwch, mygdarthau neu aroglau i'r atmosffer mewn ffordd sy'n ei wneud yn niweidiol i fodau dynol, anifeiliaid a phlanhigion. Mae llygredd aer yn niweidiol i'r system resbiradol ac mae'n effeithio ar y nerfau a'r cyhyrau a ddefnyddir i anadlu.
  • Yn gyffredinol, mae llygredd sŵn yn golygu sain ddiangen, neu sain sy'n cynhyrchu effeithiau annymunol ac anghysur ar y clustiau. Gall achosi straen, gorbryder a diffyg cwsg.
  • Llygredd dŵr yw halogi dŵr, yn aml iawn gan weithgareddau dynol, megis dadlwytho gwastraff ac ati. Gall llygredd dŵr achosi salwch os yw'r dŵr llygredig yn cael ei lyncu. Gall hyn fod ar ffurf dolur rhydd, chwydu a theimlad cyffredinol o fod yn sâl.

Mae pobl sy'n byw mewn dinasoedd a threfi prysur yn fwy tebygol o gael eu heffeithio gan lygredd. Yn dibynnu ar fath a difrifoldeb y llygredd, gall gael effaith niweidiol ar lesiant a gall achosi salwch, alergeddau, straen a phryder ac ati.

Hint 9: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 9: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Health conditions caused by pollution

Drag the health conditions to the correct columns.

Cyflyrau iechyd a achosir gan lygredd

Llusgwch y cyflyrau iechyd i'r colofnau cywir.

        Hint 10: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Awgrymiadau 10: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.



        Mike is 47 years old. He lives with his wife, who has lung cancer, son and grandson, in a very small flat in Wales. They live next to a very busy road and the council have announced that they are about to start a new housing development opposite their flat. The housing developers have warned that it will cause some problems with their water supply. Mike has just found some damp within his house and is extremely worried about the impact that pollution will have on his health and well-being.

        Explain how pollution may impact Mike’s family’s health and well-being.

        Mae Mike yn 47 blwydd oed. Mae'n byw gyda'i wraig, sydd â chanser yr ysgyfaint, ei fab a'i ŵyr, mewn fflat bach iawn yng Nghymru. Maent yn byw wrth ymyl ffordd brysur iawn ac mae'r cyngor wedi cyhoeddi eu bod ar fin cychwyn datblygiad tai newydd gyferbyn â'u fflat. Mae'r datblygwyr tai wedi rhybuddio y bydd yn achosi rhai problemau â'u cyflenwad dŵr. Mae Mike newydd darganfod rhywfaint o leithder yn ei dŷ ac mae'n poeni'n fawr am yr effaith y bydd llygredd yn ei chael ar ei iechyd a llesiant.

        Esboniwch sut y gallai llygredd effeithio ar iechyd a llesiant teulu Mike.

        Suggested answers:

        • Poor air pollution, such as damp, can cause health problems, such as asthma or other respiratory problems.
        • Noise pollution from the new housing estate can cause stress, lack of sleep and could make it hard for his grandson to study, which would impact his intellectual development.
        • Due to living in a small flat, they may not have a garden, so lack of outdoor space could lead to cardiovascular problems. The noise from the new housing estate could also prevent them from leaving their house. On the other hand, they may leave their house to get away from the noise, which would have a positive impact on their health and well-being.
        • More likely to have poor sanitation/vermin which leads to an increased risk of infection.
        • This could cause stress among the family due to noise. This could lead to harm cardiovascular state.
        • Air pollution after the new houses have been built there may be more outdoor traffic which will be more gasses from cars etc. which can lead to further respiratory problems.
        • Mike’s wife – what impact will this air and noise pollution have on her lung cancer?
        • Poor personal hygiene as there may be a lack of running hot water due to housing development. This could lead to problems, such as social isolation, loss of friends, reduce chance of new friends, unemployment. Family could be embarrassed over home so low self-esteem. Grandson could be bullied because of damp and small flat.
        • If their personal hygiene is poor this could lead to contraction/spread of disease and bad body odour.

        Atebion awgrymedig:

        • Gall llygredd aer gwael, megis lleithder, achosi problemau iechyd, fel asthma neu broblemau resbiradol eraill.
        • Gall llygredd sŵn o’r stad o dai newydd achosi straen, diffyg cwsg a gallai ei wneud yn anodd i’w ŵyr astudio, a fyddai’n effeithio ar ei ddatblygiad deallusol.
        • Oherwydd eu bod yn byw mewn fflat bach, efallai nad oes ganddynt ardd, felly gallai diffyg lle awyr agored arwain at broblemau cardiofasgwlar. Gallai sŵn o'r stad o dai newydd eu hatal rhag gadael eu tŷ hefyd. Ar y llaw arall, gallent adael eu tŷ i ddianc rhag y sŵn, a fyddai’n cael effaith gadarnhaol ar eu hiechyd a’u llesiant.
        • Yn fwy tebygol o brofi iechydaeth gwael/fermin sy’n arwain at fwy o risg o haint.
        • Gallai hyn achosi straen ymhlith y teulu oherwydd sŵn. Gallai hyn arwain at niweidio cyflwr cardiofasgwlar.
        • Efallai y bydd llygredd aer ar ôl i'r tai newydd gael eu hadeiladu ac efallai y bydd mwy o draffig a fydd yn golygu mwy o nwyon o geir ac ati a all arwain at broblemau resbiradol pellach.
        • Gwraig Mike - pa effaith fydd y llygredd aer a llygredd sŵn hyn yn ei chael ar ei chanser yr ysgyfaint?
        • Hylendid personol gwael oherwydd y gallai fod diffyg dŵr poeth oherwydd y datblygiad tai. Gallai hyn arwain at broblemau, megis ynysu cymdeithasol, colli ffrindiau, lleihau'r siawns o wneud ffrindiau newydd, diweithdra. Gallai'r teulu fod â chywilydd oherwydd y cartref gan achosi hunan-barch isel. Gallai'r ŵyr gael ei fwlio oherwydd bod y fflat yn llaith ac yn fach.
        • Os yw eu hylendid personol yn wael, gall hyn arwain at gael/lledaenu clefyd ac arogl corff gwael.


        Drag the words to the correct spaces.


        Llusgwch y geiriau i'r bylchau cywir.

        Your Answers

        Air and noise pollution are more likely to occur in busy, built up areas, such as cities.

        All types of pollution can affect development.

        Air pollution puts people at risk from heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases, such as emphysema.

        Water pollution can cause sickness, diarrhoea, vomiting , damage to body organs and, in severe cases, death.

        Noise pollution can cause stress, anxiety and may affect sleep , therefore it can cause a person to become tired and irritable.

        Correct answers

        Air and noise pollution are more likely to occur in busy, built up areas, such as cities.

        All types of pollution can affect development.

        Air pollution puts people at risk from heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases, such as emphysema.

        Water pollution can cause sickness, diarrhoea, vomiting , damage to body organs and in severe cases, death.

        Noise pollution can cause stress, anxiety and may affect sleep, therefore it can cause a person to become tired and irritable.

        Eich ateb

        Mae llygredd aer a sŵn yn fwy tebygol o ddigwydd mewn ardaloedd prysur, adeiledig, megis dinasoedd.

        Gall pob math o lygredd effeithio ar ddatblygiad.

        Mae llygredd aer yn rhoi pobl mewn perygl o glefyd y galon, canser yr ysgyfaint, a chlefydau resbiradol , megis emffysema.

        Gall llygredd dŵr … achosi salwch, dolur rhydd, chwydu , niwed i organau’r corff a, mewn achosion difrifol, marwolaeth.

        Gall llygredd sŵn achosi straen, gorbryder a gallai effeithio ar gwsg , felly gall beri i berson fynd yn flinedig ac yn bigog.

        Atebion cywir

        Mae llygredd aer a sŵn yn fwy tebygol o ddigwydd mewn ardaloedd prysur, adeiledig, megis dinasoedd.

        Gall pob math o lygredd effeithio ar ddatblygiad.

        Mae llygredd aer yn rhoi pobl mewn perygl o glefyd y galon, canser yr ysgyfaint, a chlefydau resbiradol , megis emffysema.

        Gall llygredd dŵr … achosi salwch, dolur rhydd, chwydu, niwed i organau’r corff ac mewn achosion difrifol, marwolaeth.

        Gall llygredd sŵn achosi straen, gorbryder a gallai effeithio ar gwsg, felly gall beri i berson fynd yn flinedig ac yn bigog.

        Hint 12: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Awgrymiadau 12: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.