Home environment

Amgylchedd cartref

Drawing of house and family

Housing is a major element in people’s living standards. Access to housing that is weatherproof, warm and gives its occupants a feeling of safety, privacy and personal space will have a positive impact on their health and well-being.

Poor quality housing could lead to poor mental health. Children can feel anxious and it may also lead to social isolation as people feel unable to invite others into their home.

Poor housing conditions may lead to limited life chances for children due to lack of facilities in the area, such as good schools, social spaces and access to good healthcare.

People living in cramped temporary accommodation are affected by:

  • disturbed sleep
  • poor diet
  • accidents
  • infectious disease.

Their education may suffer as they do not have the space and privacy they need to do homework and play.

Children experiencing homelessness or inadequate living conditions during their childhood/adolescent years often spend the rest of their lives struggling to catch up. Research shows that those who experience inadequate living conditions have an increased risk of homelessness in adulthood.

Good quality living accommodation and facilities are classed as places where people have space to move around and have privacy from others. These are important in preventing accidents and illness.

Mae tai yn elfen bwysig o safonau byw pobl. Bydd tai sych a chynnes sy’n cynnig diogelwch, preifatrwydd a gofod personol i’r rhai sy’n byw yno yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar eu hiechyd a’u llesiant.

Gall tai o ansawdd gwael arwain at iechyd meddwl gwael. Gall plant deimlo’n orbryderus a gall hefyd arwain at ynysu cymdeithasol gan nad yw pobl yn teimlo y gallan nhw wahodd eraill i’w cartref.

Gall cyflwr tai gwael olygu bod plant yn cael llai o gyfleoedd mewn bywyd am fod diffyg cyfleusterau yn yr ardal, megis ysgolion da, ardaloedd cymdeithasol a mynediad at ofal iechyd da.

Mae pobl sy'n byw mewn llety cyfyng dros dro yn cael eu heffeithio gan:

  • cwsg aflonydd
  • deiet gwael
  • damweiniau
  • clefydau heintus.

Gall eu haddysg ddioddef gan nad oes ganddyn nhw’r lle na’r preifatrwydd i wneud gwaith cartref a chwarae.

Bydd plant sy’n profi digartrefedd neu amodau byw gwael yn ystod eu blynyddoedd ffurfiannol yn aml yn treulio gweddill eu bywyd yn ceisio dal i fyny. Mae ymchwil yn dangos bod y rheini sy’n dioddef o ganlyniad i amodau byw gwael yn wynebu mwy o risg o fod yn ddigartref eu hunain fel oedolyn.

Mae llety a chyfleusterau o ansawdd da yn cael eu diffinio fel lleoedd lle mae gan bobl le i symud o gwmpas a chael preifatrwydd i ffwrdd o bobl eraill. Mae'r rhain yn bwysig o ran atal damweiniau a salwch.

Hint 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Awgrymiadau 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

Family structure

Strwythur teuluol

Luke has started working in a care home and during his induction he has been told that there are a variety of different types of families that live and visit the care home. Can you list a few different types/sizes of families that Luke may be communicating with at the care home?

Mae Luke wedi dechrau gweithio mewn cartref gofal ac yn ystod ei gyfnod sefydlu dywedwyd wrtho fod amrywiaeth o wahanol fathau o deuluoedd yn byw yn y cartref gofal ac yn ymweld ag ef. A allwch chi restru ychydig o wahanol fathau/meintiau o deuluoedd y gallai Luke fod yn cyfathrebu â nhw yn y cartref gofal?

Different types/sizes of families Gwahanol fathau/meintiau o deuluoedd

Suggested answers:

  • Nuclear family – heterosexual parents and their children who are linked by blood, adoption or law.
  • Extended family – the people who surround the parents and the children, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.
  • Beanpole family – in the past, families often had many children, so a diagram of the family tree would have shown a triangular shape. Modern family trees are longer and thinner. There are fewer people in each generation, but they live longer. Rising divorce rates may also mean that when families visit the care home, some families might not be blood related and are a part of more than one family.
  • Sandwich generation – people live longer and have children later. Children tend to leave home later in life. This means that women in particular are put under extra strain as, according to YOU GOV (2013), 2.4 million women are responsible for dependent children and their elderly parents at the same time.
  • Single parents by choice – adults who choose to have a child without a long-term partner. This can be a direct choice, perhaps adoption, or a result of a relationship break up before the birth of a child or death of a parent.
  • Single parents through relationship breakdown – this could be due to a number of reasons. Some government reports identify that this type of family is more likely to live in poverty/deprivation.
  • Gay families – recent laws mean that same-sex couples have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. This type of family is no longer hidden. It is really important that when Luke is communicating within the care home that he does not make assumptions about different family types.
  • Reconstituted family or blended family/step-families - 10% of families in the UK have two adult parents but children from more than one relationship. In the past, this type of family was usually formed because of a death of a parent.
  • Unmarried couples with children – couples who have children who are not married. There is some evidence to suggest that unmarried couples are more likely to break up than married couples. Whether this is down to other social factors remains unclear.
  • Living apart together (LAT) – this is a new family type. Couples have a household each, although maintain a close relationship, people become financially secure and choose to live in separate homes.

Atebion awgrymedig:

  • Teulu cnewyllol – rhieni heterorywiol a’u plant yw’r rhain, wedi’u cysylltu drwy waed, drwy fabwysiadu neu drwy’r gyfraith.
  • Teulu estynedig – y bobl sy'n amgylchynu'r rhieni a'r plant, megis neiniau a theidiau, modrybedd, ewythrod, cefndryd.
  • Teuluoedd polyn ffa – yn y gorffennol, roedd teuluoedd yn cael llawer o blant, felly byddai diagram o’r goeden deulu wedi dangos siâp triongl. Mae coeden deulu modern yn hirach ac yn deneuach. Mae llai o bobl ym mhob cenhedlaeth, ond maen nhw’n byw’n hirach. Gallai cyfraddau ysgariad cynyddol hefyd olygu, pan fydd teuluoedd yn ymweld â'r cartref gofal, efallai na fydd rhai teuluoedd wedi'u cysylltu trwy waed ac yn rhan o fwy nag un teulu.
  • Y genhedlaeth ‘frechdan’ – mae pobl yn byw’n hirach ac yn cael plant yn ddiweddarach. Mae plant yn tueddu i adael cartref yn ddiweddarach. Mae hyn yn golygu bod menywod yn arbennig yn cael eu rhoi dan straen ychwanegol oherwydd, yn ôl YOU GOV (2013), mae 2.4 miliwn o fenywod yn gyfrifol am blant dibynnol a'u rhieni oedrannus ar yr un pryd.
  • Rhieni sengl trwy ddewis - oedolion sy'n dewis cael plentyn heb bartner tymor hir . Gall hyn fod yn ddewis bwriadol, efallai ar ffurf mabwysiadu, neu gall fod yn ganlyniad tor perthynas cyn i blentyn gael ei eni neu farwolaeth rhiant.
  • Rhieni sengl oherwydd bod perthynas wedi chwalu - gallai hyn fod oherwydd nifer o resymau. Mae rhai adroddiadau gan y llywodraeth yn nodi bod y math hwn o deulu yn fwy tebygol o fyw mewn tlodi/amddifadedd.
  • Teuluoedd hoyw – mae deddfau diweddar yn golygu bod gan barau un rhyw yr un hawliau cyfreithiol a pharau heterorywiol. Nid yw'r math hwn o deulu wedi'i guddio mwyach. Mae'n bwysig iawn pan fydd Luke yn cyfathrebu o fewn y cartref gofal nad yw'n gwneud rhagdybiaethau am wahanol fathau o deuluoedd.
  • Teulu wedi'i ailgyfansoddi neu deulu cymysg/llys-deuluoedd - mae gan 10% o deuluoedd yn y DU ddau riant sy'n oedolion ond plant o fwy nag un berthynas. Yn y gorffennol, ffurfiwyd y math hwn o deulu fel arfer oherwydd marwolaeth rhiant.
  • Parau dibriod â phlant - parau nad ydyn nhw'n briod sydd â phlant. Mae peth tystiolaeth i awgrymu bod parau dibriod yn fwy tebygol o wahanu na pharau priod. Mae p'un ai a yw hyn oherwydd ffactorau cymdeithasol eraill yn parhau i fod yn aneglur.
  • Byw ar wahân gyda'i gilydd (LAT) - math newydd o deulu yw hwn. Mae gan barau aelwyd yr un, er eu bod yn cynnal perthynas agos, mae pobl yn dod yn ddiogel yn ariannol ac yn dewis byw mewn cartrefi ar wahân.

Family structure

Drag the family structure to its correct description.

Strwythur teuluol

Llusgwch y strwythurau teuluol i’r disgrifiadau cywir.

Family structure

Strwythur teuluol



Correct answers

Atebion cywir

        Family structure

        Strwythur teuluol

        QuestionCwestiwn Your ResponseEich Ymateb Suggested ResponseYmateb Awgrymedig

        Suggested Response:

        Ymateb Awgrymedig:

        Look at the image below and identify the potential effects the housing conditions could have on well-being.

        Edrychwch ar y llun isod a nodwch yr effeithiau posibl y gallai'r amodau tai eu cael ar lesiant.

        QuestionCwestiwn Your ResponseEich Ymateb Suggested ResponseYmateb Awgrymedig

        Suggested Response:

        Ymateb Awgrymedig:

        Hint 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Awgrymiadau 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Genetic inherited conditions

        Cyflyrau genetig wedi'u hetifeddu

        DNA Strands

        Just as individuals inherit characteristics, such as eye colour, from their parents, some medical conditions can be passed onto a child from their parent/parents. These are referred to as genetic or inherited conditions.

        A genetic condition arises from the presence of an abnormal gene in an individual’s genetic makeup. This may be inherited from one or both parents, but this may not always be the case (for example, Down’s Syndrome).

        Children with genetic conditions may miss school due to infections or hospitalisation and this will affect their intellectual development.

        Missed opportunities to develop friendships may affect social and emotional development. Where genetic conditions cause digestive problems, physical development may also be affected.

        Genetic disposition to certain medical conditions

        Genes are sets of instructions to the cells that determine growth and development. Individuals inherit 23 pairs (one from each parent) of chromosomes, which contain genes. Health conditions can arise from defective inherited genes.

        There are two different types of genes -

        • Dominant gene – can be passed on from one parent or both. Only one dominant gene from either parent could result in the child developing the genetic condition.
        • Recessive gene – this is when both parents pass on the gene.

        If the defective gene is passed from one parent only, the child becomes a carrier.

        Fel mae unigolion yn etifeddu nodweddion fel lliw’r llygaid oddi wrth eu rhieni, gall rhai cyflyrau meddygol gael eu trosglwyddo o’r rhiant/rhieni i’r plentyn. Cyfeirir at y rhain fel anhwylderau genetig neu etifeddol.

        Mae anhwylder genetig yn deillio o bresenoldeb genyn annormal yng nghyfansoddiad genetig unigolyn. Gall gael ei etifeddu oddi wrth un rhiant neu’r ddau riant ond efallai na fydd hyn yn wir bob amser (er enghraifft, syndrom Down).

        Efallai y bydd plant ag anhwylderau genetig yn colli’r ysgol oherwydd heintiau neu gyfnod yn yr ysbyty, a fydd yn effeithio ar eu datblygiad deallusol.

        Gall cyfleoedd a fethir i wneud ffrindiau effeithio ar ddatblygiad cymdeithasol ac emosiynol. Lle mae cyflyrau genetig yn achosi problemau treulio gellir gweld effaith ar ddatblygiad corfforol hefyd.

        Rhagdueddiad genetig i gyflyrau meddygol penodol

        Mae genynnau yn setiau o gyfarwyddiadau i'r celloedd sy'n pennu twf a datblygiad. Mae unigolion yn etifeddu 23 pâr (un gan bob rhiant) o gromosomau, sy'n cynnwys genynnau. Gall cyflyrau iechyd ddeillio o enynnau etifeddol diffygiol.

        Mae dau fath gwahanol o enynnau -

        • Genyn trechol - gellir ei drosglwyddo gan un rhiant neu'r ddau. Dim ond un genyn trechol gan y naill riant neu'r llall a allai arwain at y plentyn yn datblygu'r cyflwr genetig.
        • Genyn enciliol - dyma pryd mae'r ddau riant yn trosglwyddo'r genyn.

        Os yw'r genyn diffygiol yn cael ei drosglwyddo gan un rhiant yn unig, fe ddaw'r plentyn yn gludwr.

        Hint 6: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Awgrymiadau 6: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Genetic inherited conditions

        Cyflyrau genetig wedi'u hetifeddu

        There are several different genetic inherited conditions and predispositions to certain medical conditions. Research the following and explain what positive and negative impacts these inherited genetic conditions may have on an individual’s growth, health and well-being.

        • Cystic fibrosis
        • Arthritis
        • Asthma
        • Pick a rare genetic condition.

        After completing the research, create an A4 support statement to give to individuals who are living with these inherited conditions. This support statement can then be used by individuals to save them having to explain their condition all the time. The support statement must state how the genetic inherited condition may or already has impacted their growth, health and well-being.

        Mae nifer o wahanol gyflyrau etifeddol genetig a rhagdueddiadau i gyflyrau meddygol penodol. Ymchwiliwch i'r dilynol ac eglurwch pa effeithiau cadarnhaol a negyddol y gallai'r cyflyrau genetig etifeddol hyn eu cael ar dwf, iechyd a llesiant unigolyn.

        • Ffibrosis cystig
        • Arthritis
        • Asthma
        • Dewiswch gyflwr genetig prin.

        Ar ôl cwblhau'r ymchwil, crëwch ddatganiad cymorth A4 i'w roi i unigolion sy'n byw â'r cyflyrau etifeddol hyn. Wedyn, gall unigolion ddefnyddio'r datganiad cymorth hwn i'w harbed rhag gorfod esbonio eu cyflwr trwy'r amser. Rhaid i'r datganiad cymorth nodi sut y gallai'r cyflwr etifeddol genetig effeithio ar eu twf, iechyd a llesiant neu sut mae’r cyflwr wedi effeithio ar eu twf, iechyd a llesiant eisoes.

        Hint 7: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Awgrymiadau 7: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Long-term and life-limiting conditions

        Cyflyrau tymor hir a chyflyrau sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd

        Disabled child playing in park

        Long-term and life-limiting conditions can affect an individual’s well-being, growth and development. These include:

        • congenital conditions – e.g. Down’s syndrome, spina bifida
        • acute deterioration conditions – e.g. sepsis, dementia
        • chronic diseases – e.g. arthritis, asthma
        • physical disabilities - e.g. cerebral palsy
        • conditions prevalent in Wales – e.g. autism spectrum disorders, coronary heart disease, respiratory disease, cancers.

        In some cases, growth may be affected either by the condition or by the medications used to treat the condition.

        This may restrict development opportunities through being unable to partake in physical activities. Pain and frequent visits to the hospital may also affect mental health.

        Minor illnesses, such as tonsillitis, diarrhoea, coughs and colds, cause absences from school that can influence a child’s intellectual and social development.

        More serious illnesses, such as meningitis and measles, although cured, may leave the individual with long-term effects, such as hearing or vision loss. In the case of meningitis, this may also mean loss of limbs.

        Gall cyflyrau tymor hir a'r rhai sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd effeithio ar lesiant, twf a datblygiad unigolyn. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys:

        • cyflyrau cynhenid - e.e. syndrom Down, spina bifida
        • cyflyrau dirywiad acíwt - e.e. sepsis, dementia
        • clefydau cronig - e.e. arthritis, asthma
        • anableddau corfforol - e.e. parlys yr ymennydd
        • cyflyrau sy'n gyffredin yng Nghymru - e.e. anhwylderau sbectrwm awtistiaeth, clefyd coronaidd y galon, clefyd resbiradol, canserau.

        Mewn rhai achosion, gall yr afiechyd neu’r meddyginiaethau sy’n cael eu defnyddio i drin yr afiechyd effeithio ar dwf.

        Gall hyn gyfyngu ar gyfleoedd i ddatblygu oherwydd nad yw’n bosibl cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau corfforol. Gall poen ac ymweliadau rheolaidd â’r ysbyty hefyd effeithio ar iechyd meddwl.

        Mae mân afiechydon fel tonsilitis, dolur rhydd, peswch ac annwyd yn gallu arwain at absenoldeb o’r ysgol a gall hynny ddylanwadu ar ddatblygiad deallusol a chymdeithasol plentyn.

        Gall afiechydon mwy difrifol, megis llid yr ymennydd a'r frech goch, er eu bod wedi'u gwella, adael yr unigolyn ag effeithiau tymor hir, megis colli clyw neu olwg. Yn achos llid yr ymennydd, gall hyn olygu colli aelodau hefyd.

        Hint 8: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Awgrymiadau 8: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Long-term and life-limiting conditions

        Cyflyrau tymor hir a chyflyrau sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd

        Complete this table to provide a useful guide for health professionals, advising them about key long-term and life-limiting conditions. The table does not have to be detailed but it does have to make it clear how the long-term and life-limiting conditions could affect the individual’s health and well-being. This activity could be group work and each group could research one of the conditions and give feedback.

        Long-term/life-limiting condition definitions How it could impact upon the health and well-being of individuals. (Think of PIES – Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social well-being.)
        Congenital conditions – Down’s syndrome Down’s syndrome is…… It could impact upon health and well-being by…
        Congenital conditions – spina bifida
        Chronic diseases – asthma
        Physical disabilities – cerebral palsy
        Conditions that are prevalent in Wales – autism spectrum
        Conditions that are prevalent in Wales – coronary heart disease
        Conditions that are prevalent in Wales – respiratory disease
        Conditions that are prevalent in Wales – pick a type of cancer

        Cwblhewch y tabl hwn i ddarparu canllaw defnyddiol i weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol, gan eu cynghori am gyflyrau tymor hir a chyflyrau sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd. Nid oes rhaid i'r tabl fod yn fanwl ond mae'n rhaid iddo ei wneud yn glir sut y gallai'r cyflyrau tymor hir a'r cyflyrau sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd effeithio ar iechyd a llesiant yr unigolyn. Gall y dasg hon fod yn waith grŵp neu yn waith unigol.

        Diffiniadau cyflyrau tymor hir/cyflyrau sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd Sut y gallai effeithio ar iechyd a llesiant unigolion. (Meddyliwch am Llesiant Corfforol, Deallusol, Emosiynol a Chymdeithasol – PIES yn Saesneg)
        Cyflyrau cynhenid - syndrom Down Syndrom Down yw…… Gallai effeithio ar iechyd a llesiant trwy…
        Cyflyrau cynhenid - spina bifida
        Clefydau cronig - asthma
        Anableddau corfforol - parlys yr ymennydd
        Cyflyrau sy'n gyffredin yng Nghymru – anhwylderau sbectrwm awtistaidd
        Cyflyrau sy’n gyffredin yng Nghymru – clefyd coronaidd y galon
        Cyflyrau sy'n gyffredin yng Nghymru – clefyd resbiradol
        Cyflyrau sy'n gyffredin yng Nghymru – dewiswch fath o ganser

        Hint 9: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Awgrymiadau 9: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

        Which of these could affect development and well-being in a positive manner and which in a negative manner?

        Drag the factors to the correct columns.

        Pa un o'r rhain a allai effeithio ar ddatblygiad a lles mewn modd cadarnhaol a pha un mewn modd negyddol?

        Llusgwch y ffactorau i'r colofnau cywir.

            Hint 10: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

            Awgrymiadau 10: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

            Mental illness, eating disorders, depression and anxiety

            Afiechyd meddwl, anhwylderau bwyta, iselder a gorbryder

            Together for Mental Health is the 10-year strategy for improving the lives of people using mental health services, their carers and their families in Wales, which started in 2012.

            Do some research into mental illnesses in Wales and explain how these could have an impact on growth, health and well-being.

            Gyda'n gilydd ar gyfer Iechyd Meddwl yw'r strategaeth 10 mlynedd ar gyfer gwella bywydau pobl sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl, eu gofalwyr a'u teuluoedd yng Nghymru, a ddechreuodd yn 2012.

            Gwnewch ychydig o ymchwil i afiechydon meddwl yng Nghymru ac esboniwch sut y gallai'r rhain gael effaith ar dwf, iechyd a llesiant.

            Hint 11: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

            Awgrymiadau 11: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi est praesentium earum exercitationem, accusantium molestiae asperiores reiciendis aliquam doloribus, delectus, cumque odio omnis rem, aliquid et. Quisquam eius, incidunt ab.

            Mental illness, eating disorders, depression and anxiety

            Case study

            Afiechyd meddwl, anhwylderau bwyta, iselder a gorbryder

            Astudiaeth achos

            Upset Woman

            Lesley is 37 years old and lives in a small village in Wales. Lesley has been caring for her disabled son who requires frequent attention. Lesley has been living with depression for the last few years, but it is only recently that this has become more of a problem for her. Lesley attempted to commit suicide a few weeks ago. As a result, her partner Susan has given up her full-time employment as she is worried that Lesley may try this again.


            Explain how depression may have impacted Lesley’s health and well-being. Note 3 health and social care services that are available and explain how these could help Lesley manage her depression. You must include a conclusion to consider whether health and social care services would help manage Lesley’s depression.

            Some points to consider:

            • The physical, intellectual, emotional and social impact that depression may have had on Lesley.
            • Lesley’s life stage and what potential life factors, lifestyle choices or life events may have caused her depression.
            • The health and social care services, assessment, coaching and support therapies available to Lesley.
            • Financial support. Family members may give up work to care for her. Her partner, Susan, could receive a carer’s allowance.
            • The support groups available for carers.
            • Any specific training that is available for individuals with depression.
            • The care available in Wales:

            Use the following mark scheme to mark your work and get it peer assessed by fellow learners.

            6-8 MARKS
            • Learner has explained how depression may have impacted her health and well-being.
            • Learner has considered all aspects of PIES.
            • Learner has given 3 examples of health and social care services.
            • Learner has reached a conclusion – by stating whether or not health and social care services would be effective in helping Lesley manage her depression.
            4-6 MARKS
            • Learner has covered most, but not all, aspects of PIES.
            • Learner has given 2 examples of health and social care services.
            • Learner has reached a conclusion but was a little underdeveloped.
            2-4 MARKS
            • Learner has covered ½ aspects of PIES.
            • Learner has given 1 example of health and social care services.
            • No conclusion reached – answer is more like a list.
            1 MARK
            • Learner has only considered 1 aspect of PIES and this is implicit – not mentioned the words physical, intellectual, emotional and social.

            Mae Lesley yn 37 oed ac mae hi’n byw mewn pentref bach yng Nghymru. Mae Lesley wedi bod yn gofalu am ei mab anabl sydd angen llawer o sylw. Mae Lesley wedi bod yn byw ag iselder ers yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf, ond dim ond yn ddiweddar y mae hyn wedi dod yn fwy o broblem iddi. Ceisiodd Lesley gyflawni hunanladdiad ychydig wythnosau yn ôl. O ganlyniad, mae ei phartner Susan wedi rhoi’r gorau i’w chyflogaeth lawn gan ei bod yn poeni y gallai Lesley roi cynnig ar hyn eto.


            Esboniwch sut y gallai iselder fod wedi effeithio ar iechyd a llesiant Lesley. Nodwch 3 gwasanaeth iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol sydd ar gael ac eglurwch sut y gallai'r rhain helpu Lesley i reoli ei hiselder. Rhaid i chi gynnwys casgliad i ystyried a fyddai gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn helpu i reoli iselder Lesley.

            Dyma rai pwyntiau i'w hystyried:

            • Yr effaith gorfforol, ddeallusol, emosiynol a chymdeithasol y gallai iselder fod wedi'i chael ar Lesley.
            • Cyfnod bywyd Lesley a pha ffactorau bywyd, dewisiadau ffordd o fyw neu ddigwyddiadau bywyd posibl a allai fod wedi achosi ei hiselder.
            • Y gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, asesu, hyfforddi a therapïau chymorth sydd ar gael i Lesley.
            • Cymorth ariannol. Gallai aelodau'r teulu roi'r gorau i weithio er mwyn gofalu amdani. Gallai ei phartner, Susan, dderbyn lwfans gofalwr.
            • Y cymorth sydd ar gael i ofalwyr.
            • Unrhyw hyfforddiant penodol sydd ar gael i unigolion ag iselder.
            • Y gofal sydd ar gael yng Nghymru:

            Defnyddiwch y cynllun marcio isod i farcio'ch gwaith ac i gael cyd-ddysgwyr i’w farcio.

            6-8 MARC
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi esbonio sut y gallai iselder fod wedi effeithio ar ei hiechyd a'i llesiant.
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi ystyried pob agwedd ar PIES.
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi rhoi 3 enghraifft o wasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi dod i gasgliad - trwy nodi a fyddai gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn effeithiol wrth helpu Lesley i reoli ei hiselder.
            4-6 MARC
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi ymdrin â'r rhan fwyaf, ond nid pob un, o'r agweddau ar PIES.
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi rhoi 2 enghraifft o wasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi dod i gasgliad ond heb ei ddatblygu'n llawn.
            2-4 MARC
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi ystyried ½ yr agweddau ar PIES.
            • Mae'r dysgwr wedi rhoi 1 enghraifft o wasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.
            • Ni ddaethpwyd i gasgliad - mae'r ateb yn debycach i restr.
            1 MARC
            • Dim ond 1 agwedd ar PIES mae'r dysgwr wedi'i hystyried ac nid yw hyn yn amlwg - heb grybwyll y geiriau corfforol, deallusol, emosiynol a chymdeithasol.

            Mental health statistics

            Ystadegau iechyd meddwl

            Look at the the graph.

            Outline a few patterns/trends about mental health in Wales.

            Edrychwch ar y graff.

            Amlinellwch ychydig o batrymau/tueddiadau ynghylch iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru.