Moving and handling

Symud a chario


Moving and handling

Moving and handling is a key part of most workers' working day. It may mean moving office equipment, kitchen equipment, tables, chairs, cupboards and toys within an early years and childcare setting. This may be required in order to reach resources which are kept at the far end of the storeroom or to carry bikes out to the play yard. Bags may be moved and carried from the car into the setting. It can even mean lifting a baby from his or her high chair and rocking him or her to sleep. It may also mean taking part in repetitive tasks such as typing, cleaning and sorting, using manual tools, dealing with animals. These activities last for a long time.

Moving and placing in a different position

Some children and young people are dependent on childcare workers to move. A child who has just started walking may need help to climb a low step. A child with a specific disability may need help to move from the chair or to move positions if they are paralysed. It is essential that the individuals are moved and placed in a safe location. Doing so successfully will also contribute towards the safety of the worker. Developing a basic understanding of anatomy (the body's physical structure) and physiology (the body's regular functions) will minimise the risk of harm to the worker and the individual being moved and placed in a different position.

Early years and childcare workers need to show that they understand the rules regarding moving and handling/placing in a different position, and their aim which is to keep the children and those moving them safe. It is important to be aware of the setting's policies and guidelines on physical interventions. It is important to know about safe methods so that childcare workers do not injure themselves or the child they are assisting. Specific training is required before helping to move people or place them in a different position, or with activities that include moving or carrying; the employer will arrange this. However, there are important principles regarding moving and handling that workers should be aware of at the beginning of their period of employment in order to minimise the risk of injury.

The moving and handling principles and techniques below are based on legislation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

  • assess the situation - what or who needs moving; look to see that there is enough room in the area to move and that there are no dangers
  • a stable position - make sure that your feet are always flat on the floor
  • bend your knees - the knees must be bent when lifting something; the legs are part of the lifting process
  • keep your back straight - this will protect your backbone
  • hold firmly - use both hands; the palm of the hand if possible and hold what is being lifted firmly
  • arms by the side of the body - keep your arms close to the body
  • place the weight close to the centre of gravity - hold what is being lifted close to the body
  • look up - look straight forwards, not downwards when moving something
  • move smoothly - do not make sudden movements; this can make it difficult to keep control over what is being moved
  • turn your feet to the direction of travel - do not spin the body when putting something down

Bad moving and handling/placing in a different position can lead to:

  • backache and musculoskeletal disorders (bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves) which can lead to an inability to work
  • accidents when moving and handling, which can injure the child being moved and the employee
  • an uncomfortable feeling and lack of dignity for the child being moved
  • bruises, cuts and broken bones from accidents
  • mental health issues as a result of an inability to work.

Symud a chario

Mae symud a chario’n rhan allweddol o’r diwrnod gwaith i’r mwyafrif o weithwyr. Gall olygu symud offer swyddfa, offer cegin, byrddau, cadeiriau, cypyrddau a theganau o fewn lleoliad blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant. Efallai y bydd yn ofynnol ymestyn i gyrraedd adnoddau sydd wedi’u cadw ben pella’r stordy neu gario beiciau allan i’r iard chwarae. Gellid symud a chario bagiau o’r car i’r lleoliad. Gall hyd yn oed feddwl codi baban allan o’i sedd uchel a’i siglo i gysgu. Gall hefyd olygu cymryd rhan mewn tasgau ailadroddus megis teipio, glanhau a didoli, defnyddio offer llaw, trin anifeiliaid. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn yn digwydd am gyfnod hir.

Symud a lleoli

Mae rhai plant a phobl ifanc yn dibynnu ar gweithwyr gofal plant pan mae angen eu symud. Efallai bydd angen cymorth ar blentyn sydd newydd ddechrau cerdded i ddringo stepen isel. Efallai bydd plentyn sydd ag anabledd penodol angen cymorth i symud o’r gadair neu newid ei safle os yw wedi’i barlysu. Mae’n hanfodol bod yr unigolion yn cael eu symud a’u lleoli’n ddiogel. Bydd gwneud hyn yn llwyddiannus hefyd yn cyfrannu at ddiogelwch y gweithiwr. Mae datblygu dealltwriaeth sylfaenol am anatomi (strwythur ffisegol y corff) a ffisioleg (swyddogaethau arferol y corff) yn lleihau’r risg o niwed i’r gweithiwr a’r unigolyn sy’n cael ei symud a’i leoli.

Mae angen i weithwyr y blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant ddangos eu bod yn deall y rheolau ynghylch symud a chario/ lleoli, a’u nod o gadw’r plant a’r rhai sy’n eu symud yn ddiogel. Mae’n bwysig bod yn ymwybodol o bolisïau a chanllawiau’r lleoliad ar ymyriadau corfforol. Mae’n bwysig gwybod am ddulliau diogel fel nad ydy gweithwyr gofal plant yn anafu eu hunain neu’r plentyn maen nhw’n ei gynorthwyo. Mae angen hyfforddiant penodol cyn cynorthwyo gyda’r gwaith o symud neu leoli pobl, neu weithgareddau sy’n cynnwys symud neu godi; bydd y cyflogwr yn trefnu hyn. Fodd bynnag, mae yna egwyddorion pwysig am symud a chodi y mae angen bod yn ymwybodol ohonynt ar gychwyn cyfnod cyflogaeth er mwyn lleihau’r risg o anaf.

Mae’r egwyddorion a’r technegau symud a chario isod yn seiliedig ar ddeddfwriaeth HSE (Health and Safety Executive):

  • asesu’r sefyllfa - beth neu bwy sydd angen symud; edrych a oes digon o le yn yr ardal i symud ac a yw’n rhydd o beryglon
  • safle sefydlog - gwneud yn siŵr bod y traed yn wastad ar y llawr
  • plygu pengliniau - rhaid plygu pengliniau wrth godi rhywbeth; mae’r coesau’n cynorthwyo’r codi
  • cadw’r cefn yn syth - bydd hyn yn amddiffyn yr asgwrn cefn
  • gafael yn gadarn - defnyddier y ddwy law; cledr y llaw os yn bosib a gafael yn gadarn yn yr hyn sy’n cael ei godi
  • breichiau yn ymyl y corff - cadw breichiau yn agos at y corff
  • pwysau yn agos at ganol y disgyrchiant - dal yr hyn a gaiff ei godi’n agos at y corff
  • edrych i fyny - edrych yn syth ymlaen, nid i lawr wrth symud rhywbeth
  • symud yn llyfn - peidio gwneud symudiadau sydyn; gall hyn ei gwneud yn anodd i gadw rheolaeth ar yr hyn sy’n cael ei symud
  • troi’r traed i gyfeiriad y symudiad - peidio â throelli’r corff wrth osod rhywbeth i lawr

Gall symud a chario/lleoli gwael arwain at:

  • poen cefn ac anhwylderau cyhyrysgerbydol (esgyrn, cyhyrau, tendonau, tenynnau, nerfau) a all arwain at anallu i weithio
  • damweiniau wrth symud a thrin, a all anafu’r plentyn sy’n cael ei symud a’r gweithiwr cyflogedig
  • teimlad anghysurus a diffyg urddas i’r plentyn sy’n cael ei symud
  • cleisiau, briwiau a thorasgwrn oherwydd damweiniau
  • materion iechyd meddwl yn sgil anallu i weithio.

Moving and handling

Complete the activity below.

Symud a chario

Cwblhewch y gweithgaredd isod.

Key legislation relating to moving and handling

Deddfwriaeth allweddol sy'n ymwneud â symud a chario

Correct posture to lift heavy box

Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

They consider they way people undertake a variety of manual handling activities; moving things from one place to another, stretching to reach things, pulling, pushing, lowering. How workers move children, animals or other living things could also be considered. The risks associated with the manual handling of any item must be considered as the process could cause serious damage to the body. Appropriate action should be taken in order to ensure the health and safety of each individual. The regulations give clear guidelines with regard to how to undertake manual handling operations safely and draws attention to the risks and how to minimise the risk of injury. They also refer to good techniques to use in order to take care of the body.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

These regulations help employers to discover what needs to be done to protect workers. They give workers the right to access equipment such as hammers, knives, ladders, drilling machines, photocopiers, lifting equipment (including lifts), dumper trucks and motor vehicles. If workers use their own equipment, they must comply with Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations legislation. The Regulations are aimed at workplaces covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act. These workplaces may include factories, offshore installations, offices, shops, hospitals, hotels, entertainment venues. Whatever equipment is used, it must be safe and pose no risk to individuals' health and safety. Equipment must also be regularly checked in order to ensure its continuous safety.

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998

These Regulations were created as part of the Health and Safety at Work Act. They are aimed at minimising the risk of harm when lifting equipment used in the workplace or when lifting children in workers' care. Every piece of equipment should be regularly checked by a qualified technician and workers should ensure that they comply with the safety rules regarding lifting equipment. Records should be kept of the checks, and any failures should be reported. If the workplace uses lifting equipment, the process must be carefully planned and operated under the supervision of a qualified individual.

Rheoliadau Gweithrediadau Codi a Chario 1992

Mae’n ystyried y ffordd mae pobl yn ymgymryd ag amrywiaeth o weithgareddau codi a chario; symud pethau o un man i’r llall, ymestyn i nôl pethau, gwthio, tynnu, codi, gostwng. Gellir hefyd ystyried sut mae gweithwyr yn symud plentyn, anifail neu unrhyw beth arall byw. Mae’n rhaid ystyried y risgiau wrth godi a chario unrhyw beth gan fod posibilrwydd o achosi niwed difrifol i’r corff. Mae angen cymryd y camau gweithredu cywir er mwyn sicrhau iechyd a diogelwch pob unigolyn. Mae’r rheoliadau yn rhoi canllawiau clir ar sut i godi a chario’n ddiogel gan dynnu sylw at y risgiau a sut i leihau’r risg o anaf. Yn ogystal, mae’n cynnig cyfeiriadau at dechnegau da i’w defnyddio er mwyn cymryd gofal o’r corff.

Rheoliadau Darparu a Defnyddio Cyfarpar Gwaith 1998

Mae’n gymorth i gyflogwyr ddarganfod beth sydd angen ei wneud er mwyn diogelu gweithwyr. Mae’n rhoi hawl i weithwyr gael mynediad at gyfarpar megis morthwylion, cyllyll, ysgolion, peiriannau drilio, llungopiwyr, offer codi (yn cynnwys lifftiau), tryciau dympio a cherbydau modur. Os yw gweithwyr yn defnyddio offer eu hunain, rhaid iddyn nhw gydymffurfio â Deddfwriaeth PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations). Mae’r Rheoliadau wedi eu hanelu at weithfannau sy’n berthnasol i’r Ddeddf HSW (Health and Safety Executive). Mae’r gweithleoedd yn gallu cynnwys ffatrïoedd, gosodiadau alltraeth, swyddfeydd, siopau, ysbytai, gwestai a lleoliadau adloniant. Pa bynnag gyfarpar sy’n cael ei ddefnyddio, mae’n rhaid iddyn nhw fod yn ddiogel fel nad oes unrhyw risg i iechyd a diogelwch unigolion. Mae hefyd yn orfodol archwilio’r cyfarpar yn gyson er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch parhaus.

Rheoliadau Gweithrediadau Codi a Chyfarpar Codi 1998

Mae'r rhain yn Rheoliadau sydd wedi’u creu fel rhan o’r Ddeddf HSW. Eu pwrpas yw lleihau risgiau o niwed wrth godi cyfarpar a ddefnyddir yn y gweithle neu wrth godi plant sydd yng ngofal gweithwyr. Mae angen i bob cyfarpar gael ei archwilio yn rheolaidd gan dechnegydd cymwysedig ac mae angen i weithwyr sicrhau eu bod yn cydymffurfio â’r rheolau gan godi cyfarpar yn ddiogel. Dylid cadw cofnodion o’r archwiliadau gan adrodd ar unrhyw ddiffygion. Os yw’r gweithle yn ymdrin â chyfarpar codi, mae angen i’r broses fod wedi’i chynllunio’n ofalus a’i gweithredu o dan oruchwyliaeth person cymwys.

Key legislation relating to moving and handling

Drag the statements to the correct legislations.

Deddfwriaeth allweddol sy'n ymwneud â symud a chario

Llusgwch y datganiadau i’r ddeddfwriaeth gywir.