Key legislation that relates to health and safety in the workplace/setting and what this means in practice

Deddfwriaeth allweddol sy’n ymwneud ag iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle/lleoliad a beth mae’n ei olygu yn ymarferol

A man with back pain lifting a box

The two main aspects of legislation relevant to health and safety in a childcare setting is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Children Act 1989.

In order to offer the best possible service to children, carers and visitors, early years providers have a duty to follow the settings health and safety procedures and policies. They are also required to comply with general health and safety policies with regard to the workplace.

Policies and procedures ensure good quality practice, and lead to professional practice by promoting the best possible outcomes for all who are involved in the setting, including children, staff, carers and visitors.

Early years settings/workplaces may include schools, playgroups, day nurseries, before and after school clubs, residential settings for children, area care settings, childminders and nannies who work either from their own homes or at the family's/carers' home.

A list of key legislation for the Early Years:

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - The Health and Safety at Work Act is relevant to every workplace. This act was designed to protect employees in the workplace and applies to settings with 5 or more employees.
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 - The main duty of an employer is to undertake risk assessments. Employers with 5 or more employees need to record any significant findings from the risk assessments.
  • Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 – The Workplace Regulations act includes basic health and safety, as well as matters which include individuals’ welfare, such as toilets, a suitable place to eat, adequate ventilation, heating and lighting and access to drinking water.
  • Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 - Manual Handling: moving items either by lifting, putting something down, carrying, pushing or pulling. Manual handling of children, as well as moving equipment, can lead to injuries. Therefore, the appropriate steps must be followed when doing so. If a member of staff is pregnant, a risk assessment will need to be undertaken before manually handling children or equipment.
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 - The regulations cover workplaces where the Health and Safety at Work Act (Health and Safety Executive) is relevant. This includes factories, offshore installations, offices, shops, hospitals, hotels, entertainment venues etc.
  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 - These regulations are aimed at minimising the risks associated with lifting children and equipment in the work setting.
  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) - The setting must have an accident report book for employees.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Work Regulations 1992 - PPE is equipment that protects members of staff and visitors from dangers. It can include equipment such as gloves, eye protection equipment, hats and protective shoes.
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002 - These determine how chemicals such as cleaning cannisters and products are used and kept and how the disposal of nappies is managed within settings.

Further Reading:

Workplace health, safety and welfare: A short guide for managers

Y ddwy brif agwedd o ddeddfwriaeth sy'n berthnasol i iechyd a diogelwch mewn lleoliad gofal plant yw Deddf Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gwaith 1974 a Deddf Plant 1989.

Er mwyn cynnig y gwasanaeth gofal gorau posib i blant, gofalwyr ac ymwelwyr, mae gan ddarparwyr blynyddoedd cynnar ddyletswydd i ddilyn gweithdrefnau a pholisïau iechyd a diogelwch y lleoliad. Hefyd, mae’n ofynnol i gydymffurfio â pholisïau iechyd a diogelwch cyffredinol sydd yn ymwneud â’r gweithle.

Mae polisïau a gweithdrefnau yn sicrhau arfer o ansawdd, ac yn arwain at arfer broffesiynol drwy hybu’r canlyniadau gorau posib i bawb sydd yn ymwneud â’r lleoliad, yn cynnwys plant, staff, gofalwyr ac ymwelwyr.

Gall lleoliadau/gweithle blynyddoedd cynnar gynnwys ysgolion, cylchoedd meithrin, meithrinfeydd dydd, clybiau cyn ac ar ôl ysgol, lleoliadau preswyl i blant, lleoliadau gofal maes, gwarchodwr plant a nani sy’n gweithio o un ai cartrefi eu hunain neu gartref y teulu/gofalwyr.

Rhestr Deddfwriaethau allweddol ar gyfer y Blynyddoedd Cynnar:

  • Deddf Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gwaith 1974 - Mae'r Ddeddf Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gwaith yn berthnasol i bob gweithle. Lluniwyd y ddeddf yma i warchod gweithwyr cyflogedig yn y gweithle ac mae’n berthnasol i leoliadau sy'n cyflogi pump neu fwy o bobl.
  • Rheoliadau Rheoli Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gwaith 1999 - Prif ddyletswydd cyflogwyr yw cynnal asesiad risgiau. Mae angen i gyflogwyr â phump neu fwy o weithwyr cyflogedig gofnodi canfyddiadau arwyddocaol yr asesiad risgiau.
  • Rheoliadau’r Gweithle (Iechyd, Diogelwch a Llesiant) 1992 – Mae’r ddeddf Rheoliadau’r Gweithle yn cynnwys iechyd a diogelwch sylfaenol, yn ogystal â materion sy’n cynnwys lles unigolion, megis toiledau, ardal addas i fwyta, awyru digonol, gwres a golau, a mynediad i ddŵr yfed.
  • Rheoliadau Gweithrediadau Codi a Chario 1992 – Gweithred Codi a Chario: symud eitemau naill ai drwy godi, rhoi rhywbeth i lawr, cario, gwthio neu dynnu. Gall codi a chario plant, yn ogystal â symud cyfarpar arwain at anafiadau. Felly, mae’n rhaid dilyn y camau priodol ar gyfer gwneud hyn. Os yw aelod o staff yn feichiog, bydd angen cwblhau asesiad risg cyn codi a chario plant neu gyfarpar.
  • Rheoliadau Darparu a Defnyddio Cyfarpar Gwaith 1998 – Mae’r rheoliadau’n cwmpasu gweithleoedd lle mae’r Ddeddf HSW (Health and Safety Executive) yn berthnasol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ffatrïoedd, gosodiadau alltraeth, swyddfeydd, siopau, ysbytai, gwestai, lleoliadau adloniant ac ati.
  • Rheoliadau Gweithrediadau Codi a Chyfarpar Codi 1998 – Mae’r rheoliadau yma ar gyfer lleihau risgiau sy’n ymwneud â chodi plant a chyfarpar yn y lleoliad gwaith.
  • Rheoliadau Adrodd ar Anafiadau, Clefydau neu Ddigwyddiadau Peryglus 2013 (RIDDOR) - Rhaid i'r lleoliad feddu ar lyfr cofnodi damweiniau ar gyfer y gweithwyr cyflogedig.
  • Rheoliadau Cyfarpar Diogelu Personol yn y Gwaith 1992 – Cyfarpar sy’n amddiffyn aelodau staff ac ymwelwyr rhag peryglon yw CDP. Gall gynnwys offer megis menig, cyfarpar diogelu llygaid, hetiau ac esgidiau diogelwch.
  • Rheoliadau Rheoli Sylweddau Peryglus i Iechyd (COSHH) 2002 – Mae'r rhain yn pennu sut mae cemegau megis tuniau a chynhyrchion glanhau yn cael eu defnyddio a'u cadw a sut mae gwaredu clytiau babis yn cael ei reoli yn y lleoliadau.

Darllen Pellach:

Iechyd, diogelwch a lles yn y gweithle: Canllaw byr i reolwyr

Key legislation that relates to health and safety in the workplace/setting

Drag the contents to the correct act

Deddfwriaeth allweddol sy’n ymwneud ag iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle/lleoliad

Llusgwch y cynnwys i’r Ddeddf gywir



Contents of the act

Cynnwys y ddeddf

Correct answers

Atebion cywir

        The responsibilities of employers, the worker and others for health and safety at work

        Cyfrifoldebau cyflogwyr, y gweithiwr ac eraill am iechyd a diogelwch yn y gwaith

        Safety precautions

        According to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers are responsible for ensuring the health, safety and welfare of children, young people, workers and others associated with the workplace. This includes parents/carers, visitors, full time staff, part time staff, occasional staff, temporary staff or anybody who is on work experience. Staff are entitled to work in an environment where health and safety risks are managed on a daily basis. Therefore, employers must comply with this act.

        As well as the employer, staff have a duty to ensure their own health and safety, and the health and safety of anyone else associated with the role or the setting. Workers must cooperate with their employer and colleagues in order to meet legal requirements, and the setting's policies.

        Employers and workers must:

        • undertake a risk assessment of the building, both inside and out, and keep records of such assessments securely
        • decide what could be harmful to everybody in the work setting
        • manage risks by undertaking regular risk assessments
        • provide workplace health and safety policies and follow these policies
        • provide any equipment such as washing facilities, drinking water and toilets
        • ensure that the work setting has insurance cover
        • ensure that accident and incident books are completed following any accidents/incidents at the setting
        • ensure that at least half of the staff members have a current Paediatric First Aid certificate when working with children, or a First Aid at Work certificate
        • ensure that the setting has a (working) telephone in case of emergency
        • ensure that the health and safety information and policies available at the work setting are current. If not, ensure that they are updated
        • ensure that each member of staff has an Enhanced Criminal Disclosure (DBS) provided by the Disclosure and Barring Service.

        Further Reading:

        HSE Guidance: Workers: Are you an employee

        Yn ôl y ddeddf Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gweithle 1974, cyfrifoldeb y cyflogwr yw gofalu am iechyd, diogelwch a lles y plant neu bobl ifanc, y gweithwyr ac eraill sy’n ymwneud â’r gweithle. Hynny yw, rhieni/gofalwyr, ymwelwyr, staff llawn amser, rhan amser, staff achlysurol, dros dro neu unrhyw un ar brofiad gwaith. Mae gan staff yr hawl i weithio mewn amgylchedd lle mae risgiau iechyd a diogelwch yn cael eu rheoli’n ddyddiol. Felly, mae’n rhaid i gyflogwyr gydymffurfio â’r ddeddf hon.

        Yn ogystal â’r cyflogwr, mae gan staff ddyletswydd i ofalu am iechyd a diogelwch eu hunain, ac unrhyw un arall sy’n ymwneud â’r swydd neu'r lleoliad. Mae’n rhaid i weithwyr gydweithredu gyda’r cyflogwr a chyd-weithwyr er mwyn cyfarfod â gofynion cyfreithiol a hefyd polisïau’r lleoliad.

        Mae’n rhaid i gyflogwyr a gweithwyr :

        • ymgymryd ag asesiad risg o’r adeilad, tu mewn a thu allan, a chadw cofnodion ohonynt yn ddiogel
        • penderfynu beth allai fod yn niweidiol i bawb sydd yn y lleoliad gwaith
        • rheoli risg drwy wneud asesiad risg yn gyson
        • darparu a dilyn polisïau iechyd a diogelwch y gweithle
        • darparu unrhyw gyfarpar megis cyfleusterau ymolchi, dŵr yfed a thoiledau
        • sicrhau bod yswiriant yn ei le ar gyfer y lleoliad gwaith
        • sicrhau bod llyfrau damweiniau a digwyddiadau’n cael eu cwblhau yn dilyn damwain/digwyddiad yn y lleoliad
        • sicrhau bod gan o leiaf hanner aelodau’r staff dystysgrif gyfredol Cymorth Cyntaf Pediatrig wrth weithio gyda phlant, neu dystysgrif Cymorth Cyntaf yn y Gwaith
        • sicrhau bod gan y lleoliad ffôn (sy’n gweithio) rhag ofn y bydd argyfwng
        • sicrhau bod gwybodaeth a pholisïau iechyd a diogelwch sydd ar gael yn y lleoliad gwaith yn gyfredol. Os nad ydyw, mae angen sicrhau ei bod yn cael ei diweddaru
        • sicrhau bod pob aelod o staff wedi derbyn Datgeliad Troseddol Manwl (DBS) sydd wedi’i wirio gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd.

        Darllen Pellach:

        HSE Guidance: Workers: Are you an employee

        The responsibilities of employers, the worker and others for health and safety at work

        Use the thought shower to note six employer responsibilities

        Cyfrifoldebau cyflogwyr, y gweithiwr ac eraill am iechyd a diogelwch yn y gwaith

        Defnyddiwch y gawod syniadau i nodi chwech o gyfrifoldebau’r cyflogwr

        The employer must... Mae rhaid i’r cyflogwr...

        Suggested response:

        • Ensure that the work setting has insurance cover.
        • Manage risks by undertaking regular risk assessments.
        • Provide workplace health and safety policies and follow these policies.
        • Undertake a risk assessment of the building, both inside and out, and keep records of such assessments securely.
        • Decide what could be harmful to everybody in the work setting.
        • Ensure that accident and incident books are completed following any accidents/incidents at the setting.

        Ymateb awgrymedig:

        • Sicrhau bod yswiriant yn ei le ar gyfer y lleoliad gwaith.
        • Rheoli risg drwy ymgymryd ag asesiad risg yn gyson.
        • Darparu a dilyn polisïau iechyd a diogelwch y gweithle.
        • Ymgymryd ag asesiad risg o’r adeilad, tu mewn a thu allan, a chadw cofnodion ohonynt yn ddiogel.
        • Penderfynu beth allai fod yn niweidiol i bawb sydd yn y lleoliad gwaith.
        • Sicrhau bod llyfrau damweiniau a digwyddiadau’n cael eu cwblhau yn dilyn damwain/digwyddiad yn y lleoliad.

        The importance of working within the limits of own role and responsibilities and the importance of raising concerns about practices or conditions that are unsafe

        Pwysigrwydd gweithio o fewn terfynau eich rôl a’ch cyfrifoldebau eich hun a chodi pryderon am ymarferion neu amodau gwaith sy’n anniogel

        health and safety

        Childcare workers have a duty to ensure that they comply with all policies and procedures relating to health and safety in the workplace, as well as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. They also have a responsibility to register their setting with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and to comply with the Regulations and National Minimum Standards: Daycare and Play, which include the legal standards with regard to staff ratios, the safety and suitability of the building, risk assessments and trips away from the site.

        Childcare workers are responsible for the following:

        • ensuring that indoor and outdoor risk assessments are held and that records are kept securely
        • ensuring that there is no danger of harm to anybody at the work setting, such as when using toys and work equipment
        • ensuring that a visual risk assessment is held on a daily basis in order to minimise or prevent injuries
        • ensuring that they have read the setting's policies and procedures, and that they know where they are kept. They must also be aware of any updates to these policies and procedures
        • ensuring that equipment such as washing facilities and toilets are clean and that sufficient drinking water is available
        • recording any accidents or incidents in the appropriate book, and keeping it locked up securely
        • ensuring that they have completed a first aid course, and that the certificate is valid
        • ensuring that parents and carers can be contacted, either using a landline, or that a mobile phone is available and in good working order
        • ensuring that an Enhanced Criminal Disclosure has been completed and checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

        Although risk assessments are completed regularly, and that there are health and safety policies and procedures in place, sometimes concerns may be raised, which pose risks with regard to health and safety at the setting. Some examples are listed below.

        • a work setting with no insurance cover, or health and safety policies or procedures
        • new members of staff who have not had any induction training, and who are not aware of the health and safety policies and procedures
        • unqualified staff or staff who do not have a DBS disclosure
        • staff who do not comply with the health and safety policies and procedures
        • unacceptable working conditions such as an unsafe environment, e.g. doors, windows, lighting, temperature, ventilation system, hygiene, suitable flooring and suitable toilets
        • no suitable clothing for the role
        • no breaks provided for staff
        • no first aid box at the setting
        • accident/incident book not completed by the staff.

        The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 act states that the appropriate body must be notified of accidents associated with the workplace.

        Any concerns with regard to working practices or conditions should be discussed immediately with the setting's health and safety officer. If these concerns are not rectified, the office must contact the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

        Further Reading:

        Contact HSE: Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013

        Workplace health, safety and welfare: A short guide for managers

        Mae gan weithwyr y blynyddoedd cynnar ddyletswydd gofal i sicrhau eu bod yn cydymffurfio â’r holl bolisïau a gweithdrefnau sy’n ymwneud ag iechyd a diogelwch yn y gweithle, yn ogystal â Deddf Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gwaith 1974. Yn ogystal, mae ganddynt gyfrifoldeb i gofrestru eu lleoliad gydag AGC (Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru) a chydymffurfio â Rheoliadau a Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol: Gofal Dydd a Chwarae, sydd yn cynnwys safonau cyfreithiol ar gyfer cymhareb staff, diogelwch ac addasrwydd yr adeilad, asesiadau risg, a theithiau o’r safle.

        Mae gan weithwyr y blynyddoedd cynnar gyfrifoldeb i:

        • sicrhau bod asesiadau risg tu mewn a thu allan yn cael eu cynnal a’r cofnodion yn cael eu cadw’n ddiogel
        • sicrhau nad oes dim peryg o niwed i bawb sydd yn y lleoliad gwaith, megis trwy ddefnyddio teganau ac offer gwaith
        • sicrhau bod asesiad risg gweledol yn cael ei gynnal yn ddyddiol er mwyn lleihau neu atal anafiadau
        • sicrhau eu bod wedi darllen polisïau a gweithdrefnau’r lleoliad, a’u bod yn ymwybodol o ble maent yn cael eu cadw. Yn ogystal, mae’n rhaid bod yn ymwybodol o unrhyw ddiweddariad i’r polisïau a’r gweithdrefnau hyn
        • sicrhau bod cyfarpar megis cyfleusterau ymolchi a’r toiledau’n lân a bod digon o ddŵr yfed ar gael
        • cofnodi unrhyw ddamwain neu ddigwyddiad yn y llyfr priodol, a’i gadw‘n ddiogel o dan glo
        • sicrhau bod cwrs cymorth cyntaf wedi’i gwblhau, a bod y dystysgrif yn ddilys
        • sicrhau bod modd cysylltu gyda rhieni a gofalwyr, un ai drwy ffôn sefydlog, neu fod ffôn symudol ar gael ac yn gweithio
        • sicrhau bod Datgeliad Troseddol Manwl wedi’i gynnal a’i wirio drwy’r Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd. (Disclosure and Barring Service - DBS)

        Er bod asesiadau risg yn cael eu cwblhau yn rheolaidd, a bod polisïau a gweithdrefnau iechyd a diogelwch yn eu lle, gall pryderon godi o dro i dro, sy’n achosi risgiau yn ymwneud ag iechyd a diogelwch yn y lleoliad. Rhestrir rhai enghreifftiau isod.

        • lleoliad gwaith heb yswiriant, polisïau na gweithdrefnau iechyd a diogelwch
        • aelodau newydd o staff sydd heb dderbyn hyfforddiant sefydlu, a ddim yn ymwybodol o’r polisïau a’r gweithdrefnau iechyd a diogelwch
        • staff sydd ddim wedi cymhwyso na gyda gwiriad GDG (Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd)
        • staff sydd ddim yn cydymffurfio â’r polisïau a’r gweithdrefnau iechyd a diogelwch
        • amodau gwaith annerbyniol megis amgylchedd sydd heb fod yn ddiogel, e.e. drysau, ffenestri, golau, tymheredd, system awyru (ventilation), glendid, lloriau addas a thoiledau addas)
        • dim dillad addas ar gyfer y swydd
        • staff ddim yn cael egwyl
        • dim bocs cymorth cyntaf yn y lleoliad
        • staff ddim yn cwblhau llyfr damweiniau/digwyddiadau.

        Mae’r ddeddf RIDDOR (Rheoliadau Adrodd ar Anafiadau, Clefydau neu Ddigwyddiadau Peryglus 2013) yn mynnu bod rhaid hysbysu’r corff priodol ynglŷn â damweiniau sy’n gysylltiedig â’r gweithle.

        Os oes unrhyw bryderon ynglŷn ag ymarferion neu amodau gwaith, mae angen cysylltu’n syth gyda swyddog iechyd a diogelwch y lleoliad. Os na fydd y pryderon hyn yn cael eu datrys, mae’n ofynnol i’r swyddog gysylltu â’r Comisiwn Iechyd a Diogelwch (HSE).

        Darllen Pellach:

        Contact HSE: Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013

        Iechyd, diogelwch a lles yn y gweithle: Canllaw byr i reolwyr

        The importance of working within limits and raising concerns

        Drag the words into the correct spaces

        Pwysigrwydd gweithio o fewn terfynau a chodi pryderon

        Llusgwch y geiriau i’r bylchau cywir

        Your Answers

        Childcare workers are responsible for the following:

        • ensuring that indoor and outdoor risk assessments are held and that records are kept securely
        • ensuring that there is no danger of harm to anybody at the work setting, such as when using toys and work equipment
        • ensuring that a visual risk assessment is held on a daily basis in order to minimise or prevent injuries
        • ensuring that they have read the setting's policies and procedures, and that they know where they are kept
        • ensuring that equipment such as washing facilities and toilets are clean and that sufficient drinking water is available
        • recording any accidents or incidents in the appropriate book, and keeping it locked up securely
        • ensuring that they have completed a first aid course, and that the certificate is valid
        • ensuring that parents and carers can be contacted, either using a landline, or that a mobile phone is available and in good working order
        • ensuring that an Enhanced Criminal Disclosure has been completed and checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service.

        Correct answers

        Childcare workers are responsible for the following:

        • ensuring that indoor and outdoor risk assessments are held and that records are kept securely
        • ensuring that there is no danger of harm to anybody at the work setting, such as when using toys and work equipment
        • ensuring that a visual risk assessment is held on a daily basis in order to minimise or prevent injuries
        • ensuring that they have read the setting's policies and procedures, and that they know where they are kept
        • ensuring that equipment such as washing facilities and toilets are clean and that sufficient drinking water is available
        • recording any accidents or incidents in the appropriate book, and keeping it locked up securely
        • ensuring that they have completed a first aid course, and that the certificate is valid
        • ensuring that parents and carers can be contacted, either using a landline, or that a mobile phone is available and in good working order
        • ensuring that an Enhanced Criminal Disclosure has been completed and checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service.

        Eich atebion

        Mae gan weithwyr y blynyddoedd cynnar gyfrifoldeb i:

        • sicrhau bod asesiadau risg tu mewn a thu allan yn cael eu cynnal a’r cofnodion yn cael eu cadw’n ddiogel
        • sicrhau nad oes dim peryg o niwed i bobl sydd yn y lleoliad gwaith, megis trwy ddefnyddio teganau ac offer gwaith
        • sicrhau bod asesiad risg gweledol yn cael ei gynnal yn ddyddiol er mwyn lleihau neu atal anafiadau
        • sicrhau eu bod wedi darllen polisïau a gweithdrefnau’r lleoliad, ac yn ymwybodol o ble maent yn cael eu cadw
        • sicrhau bod cyfarpar megis cyfleusterau ymolchi a’r toiledau’n lân a bod digon o ddŵr yfed ar gael
        • cofnodi unrhyw ddamwain neu ddigwyddiad yn y llyfr priodol a’i gadw’n ddiogel o dan glo
        • sicrhau bod cwrs cymorth cyntaf wedi’i gwblhau a bod y dystysgrif yn ddilys
        • sicrhau bod modd cysylltu gyda rhieni a gofalwyr, un ai drwy ffôn sefydlog, neu fod ffôn symudol ar gael ac yn gweithio
        • sicrhau bod Datgeliad Troseddol Manwl wedi’i gynnal a’i wirio drwy’r Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd.

        Atebion cywir

        Mae gan weithwyr y blynyddoedd cynnar gyfrifoldeb i:

        • sicrhau bod asesiadau risg tu mewn a thu allan yn cael eu cynnal a’r cofnodion yn cael eu cadw’n ddiogel
        • sicrhau nad oes dim peryg o niwed i bobl sydd yn y lleoliad gwaith, megis trwy ddefnyddio teganau ac offer gwaith
        • sicrhau bod asesiad risg gweledol yn cael ei gynnal yn ddyddiol er mwyn lleihau neu atal anafiadau
        • sicrhau eu bod wedi darllen polisïau a gweithdrefnau’r lleoliad, ac yn ymwybodol o ble maent yn cael eu cadw
        • sicrhau bod cyfarpar megis cyfleusterau ymolchi a’r toiledau’n lân a bod digon o ddŵr yfed ar gael
        • cofnodi unrhyw ddamwain neu ddigwyddiad yn y llyfr priodol a’i gadw’n ddiogel o dan glo
        • sicrhau bod cwrs cymorth cyntaf wedi’i gwblhau a bod y dystysgrif yn ddilys
        • sicrhau bod modd cysylltu gyda rhieni a gofalwyr, un ai drwy ffôn sefydlog, neu fod ffôn symudol ar gael ac yn gweithio
        • sicrhau bod Datgeliad Troseddol Manwl wedi’i gynnal a’i wirio drwy’r Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd.