Learning from reviews and reports into serious failures to protect individuals from harm, abuse or neglect

Dysgu o adolygiadau ac adroddiadau ar fethiannau difrifol i ddiogelu unigolion rhag niwed, cam-drin neu esgeulustod


In Wales, when a child dies or is seriously harmed as a result of abuse or neglect, a child practice review is held. The purpose of the review is to identify what has been learned for future practice. It also identifies ways in which professionals and agencies can improve how their work together to protect children. Child practice reviews encourage agencies, staff and families/carers to think about what happened in order to learn from it and develop more skilled and confident practice in the long term.

Child practice reviews usually identify the importance of communicating and sharing information between professionals and agencies as a way of improving practice in future. Another way of improving practice found commonly in reviews is keeping clear and accurate records, and a timeline of events. Reviews usually identify the importance of assessing the circumstances of the child and their family/carers in order to recognise the children in need. Reviews often identify that professionals must be able to recognise the different types of abuse and understand their impacts on children and young people. They often identify the need for professionals to take the necessary steps to protect children.

Further reading:



Yng Nghymru, pan fydd plentyn yn marw neu'n cael ei niweidio'n ddifrifol o ganlyniad i gamdriniaeth neu esgeulustod, bydd adolygiad arfer plant yn cael ei gynnal. Pwrpas yr adolygiad yw nodi beth sydd wedi’i ddysgu ar gyfer arfer y dyfodol. Mae hefyd yn nodi ffyrdd y gall gweithwyr proffesiynol ac asiantaethau wella'r ffordd y maent yn cydweithio i ddiogelu plant. Mae adolygiadau ymarfer plant yn annog asiantaethau, staff a theuluoedd/gofalwyr i feddwl am beth ddigwyddodd er mwyn dysgu oddi wrtho a datblygu arfer mwy medrus a hyderus yn y tymor hir.

Mae adolygiadau arfer plant fel arfer yn nodi pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu a rhannu gwybodaeth rhwng gweithwyr proffesiynol ac asiantaethau fel ffordd o wella arfer yn y dyfodol. Ffordd arall o wella arfer sy’n gyffredin mewn adolygiadau yw cadw cofnodion clir a chywir, ac amserlen o ddigwyddiadau. Mae adolygiadau fel arfer yn nodi pwysigrwydd asesu amgylchiadau’r plentyn a’i deulu/gofalwyr er mwyn adnabod y plant sydd mewn angen. Mae adolygiadau yn aml yn nodi bod rhaid i weithwyr proffesiynol allu adnabod gwahanol fathau o gam-drin a deall eu heffeithiau ar blant a phobl ifanc. Maent yn aml yn nodi’r angen i weithwyr proffesiynol gymryd y camau angenrheidiol er mwyn diogelu plant.

Darllen pellach:



Highlight six actions in the text that a child practice review might identify for improvement

Amlygwch chwe cham yn y testun y gallai adolygiad ymarfer plant ei nodi er mwyn gwella

To ensure improvement, child practice reviews usually identify the importance of communicating and sharing information between professionals and agencies. Another way of improving practice found commonly in reviews is keeping clear and accurate records, and a timeline of events. Reviews usually identify the importance of assessing the circumstances of the child and their family/carers in order to recognise the children in need. Reviews often identify that professionals must be able to recognise the different types of abuse and understand their impacts on children and young people. They often identify the need for professionals to take the necessary steps to protect children.

Er mwyn gwella mae adolygiadau arfer plant fel arfer yn nodi pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu a rhannu gwybodaeth rhwng gweithwyr proffesiynol ac asiantaethau. Ffordd arall o wella arfer sy’n gyffredin mewn adolygiadau yw cadw cofnodion clir a chywir, ac amserlen o ddigwyddiadau. Mae adolygiadau fel arfer yn nodi pwysigrwydd asesu amgylchiadau’r plentyn a’i deulu/gofalwyr er mwyn adnabod y plant sydd mewn angen. Mae adolygiadau yn aml yn nodi bod rhaid i weithwyr proffesiynol allu adnabod gwahanol fathau o gam-drin a deall eu heffeithiau ar blant a phobl ifanc. Maent yn aml yn nodi’r angen i weithwyr proffesiynol gymryd y camau angenrheidiol er mwyn diogelu plant.

To ensure improvement, child practice reviews usually identify the importance of communicating and sharing information between professionals and agencies. Another way of improving practice found commonly in reviews is keeping clear and accurate records, and a timeline of events. Reviews usually identify the importance of assessing the circumstances of the child and their family/carers in order to recognise the children in need. Reviews often identify that professionals must be able to recognise the different types of abuse and understand their impacts on children and young people. They often identify the need for professionals to take the necessary steps to protect children.

Er mwyn gwella mae adolygiadau arfer plant fel arfer yn nodi pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu a rhannu gwybodaeth rhwng gweithwyr proffesiynol ac asiantaethau. Ffordd arall o wella arfer sy’n gyffredin mewn adolygiadau yw cadw cofnodion clir a chywir, ac amserlen o ddigwyddiadau. Mae adolygiadau fel arfer yn nodi pwysigrwydd asesu amgylchiadau’r plentyn a’i deulu/gofalwyr er mwyn adnabod y plant sydd mewn angen. Mae adolygiadau yn aml yn nodi bod rhaid i weithwyr proffesiynol allu adnabod gwahanol fathau o gam-drin a deall eu heffeithiau ar blant a phobl ifanc. Maent yn aml yn nodi’r angen i weithwyr proffesiynol gymryd y camau angenrheidiol er mwyn diogelu plant