Actions, behaviours or situations that may lead to, or increase the risk of harm or abuse

Gweithredoedd, ymddygiadau neu sefyllfaoedd a fyddai’n gallu arwain at gam-drin neu niwed, neu gynyddu’r risg o hynny

Poverty and childhood

Some actions, behaviours or situations may lead to, or increase the risk of children or young people being victims of abuse.

Adverse childhood experiences

People who have suffered adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) often try to bring up their own children in homes where adverse experiences are more common. Children brought up in environments where violence, assaults and abuse are commonplace are more likely to develop such characteristics themselves. This type of behaviour is considered normal, which means they are more likely to commit violent crimes or be victims of such acts in adulthood. There is a strong correlation between adverse childhood experiences and being open to harm. This can involve substance misuse, teenage pregnancies, mental illness and physical health problems. This means that the children of parents/carers who have been affected by ACEs are at an increased risk of subjecting their own children to adverse experiences.

Asylum seeking

A child or young person seeking asylum is one who has left their country and is trying to protect themselves from serious human right violations in another country. Children and young people seeking asylum on their own may be at risk of harm or being exploited. Children or young people seeking asylum may have experienced violence or may have been sex workers. This may make them more vulnerable to abuse, harm or exploitation in the future.

Domestic abuse

According to 'Safeguarding Children and Young People affected by Domestic Violence, All-Wales Practice Guidance', 2011, children and young people living in homes where domestic abuse occurs are more likely to suffer abuse or harm. Around half of children in such families/carers have been hit or badly beaten themselves. Sexual and emotional abuse are also more likely to occur within these families/carers. Children living with domestic violence are also at risk of physical harm, by accident or because they have tried to intervene.

Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation are treatments intended to change the genitals of girls, or cause injury to them, for non-medical reasons. The practice is illegal in the United Kingdom. Children and young people may be more vulnerable to this type of abuse if their families/carers come from a community that practises female genital mutilation, e.g. Somalia, Sudan and other countries in Africa. If parents/carers say that they or a relative are talking a girl out of the country for a long period of time, or if a girl mentions a long holiday where the practice is commonplace, it might be a sign that female genital mutilation is going to take place. Any girl whose mother or sister has been a victim of female genital mutilation may be at risk.

Forced marriage

Forced marriage is when pressure is placed on one of the individuals getting married, or both, as they have not agreed to the marriage. The pressure placed on people to marry against their will may be physical pressure (including threats, physical violence and sexual violence) or emotional and psychological pressure. Financial abuse (taking away earnings or refusing to give money) may also be a factor.

Looked after children

Looked after children and young people are at risk of harm. The majority of children in care have to be placed there because they have been neglected or abused. These experiences may mean that the children and young people have complex emotional and mental health needs, that increase their risk of being abused. Looked after children and young people are more likely to go missing and this increases the risk of physical abuse, developing inappropriate relationships and sexual exploitation.


When young people are homeless, they may not have money, food or somewhere safe to stay. They may experience conflict with other young people and are at risk of developing inappropriate sexual relationships, sexual exploitation or sexual assault. Young people experiencing homelessness may be at risk from a variety of factors that may increase the risk of abuse, e.g. mental illness and alcohol and drug abuse.

Human trafficking/modern slavery

Trafficking children and modern slavery are forms of abuse. There are two main types of human trafficking, sex trafficking and labour trafficking. Children are particularly at risk of human trafficking. Traffickers and slave masters deceive individuals and force them into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. Children and young people who are victims of human trafficking and modern slavery may not understand that they are being abused. A child or young person being exploited may believe they are in a relationship with the abuser and are unaware that they are being abused.

Learning disability

Parents/carers with learning disabilities are more likely to have children with learning disabilities. Looking after a disabled child causes stress to parents/carers which may lead to neglecting the needs of other children within the family. Some disabled children may not understand that what is happening to them is abuse and that it is wrong, or they may not be able to ask for help. If a child is being abused by someone who is looking after them or on whom they depend to meet their needs, it may be difficult for them to speak or protect themselves.

Mental ill-health

Children and young people experiencing mental ill-health may be at risk of abuse and harm. Children and young people may also be at increased risk of neglect or abuse by a parent/carer who suffers mental ill-health, e.g. suicidal or self-harming behaviour, psychopathy or anxiety. When parents/carers themselves are ill, they may find it difficult to care for their children and give them the love, care and support they need. This may lead to children being forced to undertake additional responsibilities such as caring for other family members.


There is a strong link between living in poverty and children and young people being victims of abuse or neglect. Children living in poverty are more accident prone. Living in poverty may cause stress and anxiety leading to mental and physical illness for children, young people and their parents/carers. This may increase the risk of abuse for children and young people.


Children and young people may be at risk of radicalisation if they have been rejected by their peers, social groups or family/carers or if there is conflict with peers or family/carers over religious beliefs or their lifestyle. A change in behaviour or appearance due to new influences may be a sign that a child or young person is being radicalised. A child or young person who reads materials relating to extremism may also be a sign that they are being radicalised. Children or young people who have suffered or witnessed racist or religious hate crimes may also be at risk of radicalisation.

Sexual exploitation

Some children and young people face an increased risk of sexual exploitation. This is often due to a lack of a positive relationship with an adult, emotional neglect, or low self-esteem. Young people may be lonely and at risk of harm when their relationship with a caring and responsible adult becomes weaker or breaks down. Sexual exploitation involves the exchange of sex for some form of payment that can include money, mobile phones, drugs, alcohol, a place to stay or affection. Some vulnerable children and young people may not recognise that they are being exploited. Vulnerable children or young people may include those who have been victims of abuse or neglect, or who have a family history of domestic abuse, substance misuse or mental health problems.

Substance misuse

Substance misuse by parents/carers may put children at risk of harm from needles and syringes. When parents/carers take drugs in the home, children may be present, and witnessing such behaviour may confuse or frighten them. Parents/carers may allow their homes to be used by other drug users and dealers, putting their children at risk. Children and young people who misuse substances face an increased risk of teenage pregnancy, victimisation and sexual exploitation.

Further reading:

Gall rhai gweithredoedd, ymddygiadau neu sefyllfaoedd arwain at blant neu bobl ifanc i fod yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef camdriniaeth.

Profiadau andwyol mewn plentyndod

Mae pobl sydd wedi dioddef profiadau andwyol yn ystod plentyndod (ACEs) yn aml yn ceisio magu eu plant eu hunain mewn cartrefi lle mae profiadau andwyol yn fwy cyffredin. Mae plant sy’n cael eu magu mewn amgylcheddau lle mae trais, ymosodiadau a cham-drin yn gyffredin yn fwy tebygol o ddatblygu nodweddion o’r fath eu hunain. Caiff y math hwn o ymddygiad ei ystyried yn normal, sy’n golygu eu bod yn fwy tebygol o gyflawni troseddau treisgar neu ddioddef gweithredoedd o’r fath pan yn oedolion. Mae cysylltiad cryf rhwng profiadau andwyol mewn plentyndod a bod yn agored i niwed. Gall hyn gynnwys defnyddio sylweddau, beichiogi yn yr arddegau, salwch meddwl a phroblemau iechyd corfforol. Mae hyn yn golygu bod plant y rheini sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio gan ACEs mewn perygl cynyddol o gyflwyno eu plant eu hunain i brofiadau andwyol.

Ceisio lloches

Plentyn neu berson ifanc sy’n ceisio lloches yw un sydd wedi gadael ei wlad ac yn ceisio cael ei amddiffyn rhag troseddau hawliau dynol difrifol mewn gwlad arall. Gall plant a phobl ifanc sy’n ceisio lloches ar eu pennau eu hunain fod mewn perygl o niwed neu gael eu hecsbloetio. Efallai bod plant neu bobl ifanc sy'n ceisio lloches wedi profi trais neu efallai eu bod wedi bod yn weithwyr rhyw. Gall hyn eu gwneud yn fwy agored i gamdriniaeth, niwed neu gael eu hecsbloetio yn y dyfodol.

Cam-drin domestig

Yn ôl ‘Diogelu Plant a Phobl Ifanc y mae Cam-drin Domestig yn effeithio arnynt, Cyfarwyddyd Ymarfer Cymru Gyfan’, 2011, mae plant a phobl ifanc sy’n byw mewn cartrefi lle mae cam-drin domestig yn digwydd yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef camdriniaeth neu niwed. Mae tua hanner y plant mewn teuluoedd/gofalwyr o’r fath wedi cael eu taro neu eu curo’n ddrwg eu hunain. Mae cam-drin rhywiol ac emosiynol hefyd yn fwy tebygol o ddigwydd yn y teuluoedd/gofalwyr hyn. Mae plant sy'n byw gyda cham-drin domestig hefyd mewn perygl o anaf corfforol, naill ai trwy ddamwain neu oherwydd eu bod yn ceisio ymyrryd.

Anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod

Anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod yw triniaethau sydd â’r bwriad o newid organau cenhedlu merched, neu achosi anaf iddynt, am resymau anfeddygol. Mae’r arfer yn anghyfreithlon yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Gall plant a phobl ifanc fod yn fwy agored i’r math hwn o gamdriniaeth os daw eu teulu/gofalwyr o gymuned sy’n ymarfer anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod, e.e. Somalia, Sudan a gwledydd eraill yn Affrica. Os yw rhieni/gofalwyr yn dweud y byddant hwy neu berthynas yn mynd â merch allan o'r wlad am gyfnod hir, neu os yw merch yn siarad am wyliau hir i wlad lle mae'r arfer yn gyffredin, gallai fod yn arwydd bod anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod am ddigwydd. Gall unrhyw ferch sydd â mam neu chwaer sydd wedi dioddef o anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod fod mewn perygl.

Priodasau gorfodol

Priodas orfodol yw pan fydd pwysau’n cael ei roi ar un o’r bobl sy’n priodi, neu’r ddau ohonynt, gan nad ydynt yn cytuno i’r briodas. Gall y pwysau sy’n cael ei roi ar bobl i briodi yn erbyn eu hewyllys fod yn bwysau corfforol (gan gynnwys bygythiadau, trais corfforol a thrais rhywiol) neu emosiynol a seicolegol. Gall camdriniaeth ariannol (cymryd cyflog neu beidio â rhoi arian) fod yn ffactor hefyd.

Plant sy'n derbyn gofal

Mae plant a phobl ifanc sy’n derbyn gofal mewn perygl o niwed. Mae mwyafrif y plant sydd mewn gofal yn gorfod gwneud hynny oherwydd iddynt gael eu hesgeuluso neu eu cam-drin. Gall y profiadau hyn olygu bod y plant a phobl ifanc ag anghenion emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl cymhleth, sy’n cynyddu’u risg o gamdriniaeth. Mae plant a phobl ifanc sy'n derbyn gofal yn fwy tebygol o fynd ar goll ac mae hyn yn cynyddu'r risg o gam-drin corfforol, meithrin perthynas amhriodol a manteisio rhywiol.


Pan fydd pobl ifanc yn ddigartref, efallai nad oes ganddynt arian, bwyd a rhywle diogel i aros. Gallant brofi gwrthdaro â phobl ifanc eraill a bod mewn perygl o feithrin perthynas amhriodol rhywiol, manteisio rhywiol neu ymosodiad rhyw. Gall pobl ifanc sy'n profi digartrefedd fod mewn perygl o amrywiaeth o ffactorau sy'n cynyddu'r risg o gamdriniaeth, e.e. salwch meddwl a chamddefnyddio alcohol neu gyffuriau.

Masnachu mewn pobl/caethwasiaeth fodern

Mae masnachu plant a chaethwasiaeth fodern yn gamdriniaeth. Mae dau brif fath o fasnachu mewn pobl, sef masnachu rhyw a masnachu llafur. Mae plant yn arbennig, mewn perygl o’r fasnach mewn pobl. Mae masnachwyr a goruchwylwyr caethweision yn twyllo unigolion ac yn eu gorfodi i fyw bywyd o gamdriniaeth, caethwasanaeth a thriniaeth annynol. Efallai na fydd plant a phobl ifanc sy’n dioddef o fasnachu mewn pobl a chaethwasiaeth fodern yn deall eu bod yn cael eu cam-drin. Gall plentyn neu berson ifanc sy'n cael ei hecsbloetio gredu ei fod mewn perthynas â'u camdriniwr ac yn anymwybodol ei fod yn cael ei gam-drin.

Anabledd dysgu

Mae rhieni/gofalwyr ag anableddau dysgu yn fwy tebygol o gael plant sydd ag anableddau dysgu. Mae gofalu am blentyn anabl yn achosi straen ar rieni/gofalwyr a all arwain at esgeuluso anghenion plant eraill o fewn y teulu/gofalwyr. Efallai na fydd rhai plant anabl yn deall bod yr hyn sy'n digwydd iddyn nhw’n gamdriniaeth a'i fod yn anghywir, neu efallai na fyddant yn gallu gofyn am help. Os yw plentyn yn cael ei gam-drin gan rywun sy'n edrych ar ei ôl neu yn dibynnu arno i ddiwallu ei anghenion, gall fod yn anodd iddo siarad neu amddiffyn ei hun.

Salwch meddwl

Gall plant a phobl ifanc sydd â salwch iechyd meddwl fod mewn perygl o gamdriniaeth a niwed. Gall plant a phobl ifanc hefyd fod mewn mwy o berygl o esgeulustod neu gamdriniaeth gan riant/gofalwr sy’n dioddef salwch iechyd meddwl, e.e. ymddygiad hunanladdol neu hunan-niweidiol, seicopathi neu bryder. Pan fydd rhieni/gofalwyr yn sâl eu hunain, efallai y byddant yn ei chael hi'n anodd gofalu am eu plant a rhoi'r cariad, gofal a'r cymorth sydd ei angen arnyn nhw. Gall hyn arwain at blant sy’n gorfod ymgymryd â chyfrifoldebau ychwanegol, fel gofalu am aelodau eraill o'r teulu/gofalwyr.


Mae cysylltiad cryf rhwng byw mewn tlodi a phlant a phobl ifanc sy’n dioddef camdriniaeth neu esgeuluso. Mae plant sy’n byw mewn tlodi yn fwy tebygol o gael damwain. Gall byw mewn tlodi achosi straen a phryder sy’n gallu arwain at salwch meddwl a chorfforol i blant, pobl ifanc a’u rhieni/gofalwyr. Gall hyn gynyddu’r risg o gamdriniaeth i blant a phobl ifanc.


Gall plant a phobl ifanc fod mewn perygl o gael eu radicaleiddio os ydynt wedi cael eu gwrthod gan eu cyfoedion, grwpiau cymdeithasol neu deulu/gofalwyr neu os oes gwrthdaro â’u cyfoedion neu deulu/gofalwyr dros gredoau crefyddol neu eu ffordd o fyw. Gall newid mewn ymddygiad neu ymddangosiad oherwydd dylanwadau newydd fod yn arwydd bod plentyn neu berson ifanc yn cael ei radicaleiddio. Gall blentyn neu berson ifanc sy'n darllen deunyddiau sy'n ymwneud ag eithafiaeth hefyd fod yn arwydd eu bod yn cael ei radicaleiddio. Gall plant neu bobl ifanc sydd wedi dioddef neu weld troseddau casineb hiliol neu grefyddol hefyd fod mewn perygl o gael eu radicaleiddio.

Manteisio rhywiol

Mae rhai plant a phobl ifanc mewn mwy o berygl o ddioddef manteisio rhywiol. Mae hyn yn aml oherwydd diffyg perthynas gadarnhaol ag oedolyn, esgeulustod emosiynol, neu hunan-barch isel. Gall pobl ifanc fod yn unig ac mewn perygl o niwed pan fydd eu perthynas ag oedolion gofalgar a chyfrifol yn gwanhau neu’n chwalu. Mae manteisio rhywiol yn cynnwys cyfnewid rhyw fath o daliad a all gynnwys arian, ffonau symudol, cyffuriau, alcohol, lle i aros neu anwyldeb. Ni all rhai plant a phobl ifanc bregus gydnabod eu bod yn cael eu hecsbloetio. Gall plant neu bobl ifanc bregus gynnwys rhai sydd wedi dioddef camdriniaeth neu esgeulustod, neu sydd â hanes teuluol o gamdriniaeth ddomestig, camddefnyddio sylweddau neu broblemau iechyd meddwl.

Camddefnyddio sylweddau

Gall camddefnyddio sylweddau gan rieni/gofalwyr roi plant mewn perygl o gael eu niweidio gan nodwyddau a chwistrellwyr. Pan mae rhieni/gofalwyr’n cymryd cyffuriau yn y cartref, gall plant fod yn bresennol, a gall gweld ymddygiad o'r fath ddrysu a chodi ofn arnyn nhw. Gall rhieni/gofalwyr ganiatáu i'w cartrefi gael eu defnyddio gan ddefnyddwyr a gwerthwyr cyffuriau eraill, gan roi eu plant mewn perygl. Mae plant a phobl ifanc sy'n camddefnyddio sylweddau mewn mwy o berygl o feichiogrwydd yn yr arddegau, erledigaeth a manteisio rhywiol.

Darllen pellach:

Actions, behaviours or situations that may lead to, or increase the risk of harm or abuse

Complete the table by writing the correct heading for each situation.

Gweithredoedd, ymddygiadau neu sefyllfaoedd a fyddai’n gallu arwain at gam-drin neu niwed, neu gynyddu’r risg o hynny

Cwblhewch y tabl trwy ysgrifennu’r pennawd cywir ar gyfer pob sefyllfa.

Actions, behaviours or situations How actions, behaviours or situations may lead to children or young people being at greater risk of abuse.

Adverse childhood experiences

People who have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) often try to raise their own children in homes where adverse experiences are more common. Children brought up in environments where violence, assaults and abuse are commonplace are more likely to develop such characteristics themselves as the behaviour is regarded as normal. This means that they are more likely to commit violent crimes or be victims of such acts in adulthood.

Asylum seeking

Children and young people seeking asylum are at risk of harm or exploitation. Children or young people seeking asylum may have experienced violence or may have been sex workers. This may put them at risk of abuse, harm or exploitation in the future.

Domestic abuse

Children and young people living in homes where domestic violence occurs are at risk of abuse or harm. Around half of children in such families/carers have been hit or badly beaten themselves. Sexual and emotional abuse are also more likely to occur within these families/carers. Children living with domestic abuse are also at risk of physical injury during an incident, either by accident or because they have tried to intervene.

Female genital mutilation

Children and young people may be at risk of this type of abuse if their family/carers comes from a community that practises female genital mutilation, e.g. Somalia, Sudan and other countries in Africa. If parents/carers say that they or a relative are talking a girl out of the country for a long period of time, or if a girl mentions a long holiday where the practice is commonplace, it might be a sign that female genital mutilation is going to take place. Any girl whose mother or sister has been a victim of female genital mutilation may be at risk.

Forced marriages

The pressure placed on people to marry against their will may be physical pressure (including threats, physical violence and sexual violence) or emotional and psychological pressure. Financial abuse (taking away earnings or refusing to give money) may also be a factor.

Looked after children

Looked after children are at risk of harm because they have suffered neglect or abuse in the past. These experiences mean that the children and young people have complex emotional and mental health needs, that increase their risk of being abused. Looked after children and young people are more likely to go missing and this increases the risk of physical abuse, developing inappropriate relationships and sexual exploitation.


When young people are homeless, they may not have money, food or somewhere safe to stay. They may experience conflict with other young people and are at risk of developing inappropriate sexual relationships or being the victim of sexual assault. Young people experiencing homelessness may be vulnerable to a variety of factors that increase the risk of abuse, e.g. mental illness and alcohol and drug abuse.

Human trafficking/modern slavery

Traffickers and slave masters deceive children and young people and force them against their will into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. Children and young people who are victims of human trafficking and modern slavery may not understand that they are being abused. A child or young person being exploited may believe they are in a relationship with the abuser and are unaware they are being abused.

Learning disability

Looking after a disabled child causes stress to parents/carers which may lead to neglecting the needs of other children within the family. Some disabled children may not understand that what is happening to them is abuse and that it is wrong, or they may not be able to ask for help. If a child is being abused by someone who is looking after them or on whom they depend to meet their needs, it may be difficult for them to speak or protect themselves.

Mental ill-health

Children and young people experiencing mental ill-health may be at risk of abuse and harm. Children and young people may also be at increased risk of neglect or abuse by a parent/carer who suffers mental ill-health, e.g. suicidal or self-harming behaviour, psychopathy or anxiety. When parents/carers themselves are ill, they may find it difficult to care for their children and give them the love, care and support they need. This may lead to children being forced to undertake additional responsibilities such as caring for other family members.


There is a strong link between living in poverty and children and young people being victims of abuse or neglect. Children living in poverty are more accident prone. Living in poverty may cause stress and anxiety leading to mental and physical illness for children, young people and their parents/carers. This may increase the risk of abuse for children and young people.


Children and young people may be at risk of radicalisation if they have been rejected by their peers, social groups or family/carers or if there is conflict with peers or family/carers over religious beliefs or their lifestyle. A change in behaviour or appearance due to new influences may be a sign that a child or young person is being radicalised. A child or young person who reads materials relating to extremism may also be a sign that their are being radicalised. Children or young people who have suffered or witnessed racist or religious hate crimes may also be at risk of radicalisation.

Sexual exploitation

Some children and young people face an increased risk of sexual exploitation because of a lack of a positive relationship with an adult, emotional neglect, or low self-esteem. Young people may be lonely and at risk of harm when their relationship with a caring and responsible adult becomes weaker or breaks down. Sexual exploitation involves the exchange of sex for some form of payment that can include money, mobile phones, drugs, alcohol, a place to stay or affection Some vulnerable children and young people may not recognise that they are being exploited. Vulnerable children or young people may include those who have been victims of abuse or neglect, or who have a family history of domestic abuse, substance misuse or mental health problems.

Substance misuse

Substance misuse by parents/carers may put children at risk of harm from needles and syringes. When parents/carers take drugs in the home, children may be present, and witnessing such behaviour may confuse or frighten them. Parents/carers may allow their homes to be used by other drug users and dealers, putting their children at risk. Children and young people who misuse substances face an increased risk of teenage pregnancy, victimisation and sexual exploitation.
Gweithredoedd, ymddygiadau neu sefyllfaoedd. Sut gall gweithredoedd, ymddygiad neu sefyllfaoedd arwain at blant neu bobl ifanc i fod mewn mwy o berygl o gamdriniaeth.

Profiadau andwyol mewn plentyndod

Mae pobl sydd wedi cael profiadau andwyol yn ystod plentyndod (ACEs) yn aml yn ceisio magu eu plant eu hunain mewn cartrefi lle mae profiadau andwyol yn fwy cyffredin. Mae plant sy’n cael eu magu mewn amgylcheddau lle mae trais, ymosodiadau a cham-drin yn gyffredin yn fwy tebygol o ddatblygu nodweddion o’r fath eu hunain gan fod yr ymddygiad hwn yn cael ei ystyried yn normal. Mae hyn yn golygu eu bod yn fwy tebygol o gyflawni troseddau treisgar neu ddioddef gweithredoedd o’r fath pan maent yn oedolion.

Ceisio lloches

Gall plant a phobl ifanc sy’n ceisio lloches fod mewn perygl o niwed neu gael eu hecsbloetio. Efallai bod plant neu bobl ifanc sy'n ceisio lloches wedi profi trais neu efallai eu bod wedi bod yn weithwyr rhyw. Gall hyn eu rhoi mewn perygl o gamdriniaeth, niwed neu gael eu hecsbloetio yn y dyfodol.

Cam-drin domestig

Mae plant a phobl ifanc sy’n byw mewn cartrefi lle mae cam-drin domestig yn digwydd mewn perygl o gael eu cam-drin neu ddioddef niwed. Mae tua hanner y plant mewn teuluoedd/gofalwyr o’r fath wedi cael eu taro neu eu curo’n ddrwg eu hunain. Mae cam-drin rhywiol ac emosiynol hefyd yn fwy tebygol o ddigwydd yn y teuluoedd/gofalwyr hyn. Mae plant sy'n byw gyda cham-drin domestig hefyd mewn perygl o anaf corfforol yn ystod digwyddiad, naill ai trwy ddamwain neu oherwydd eu bod yn ceisio ymyrryd.

Anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod

Gall plant a phobl ifanc fod mewn perygl o’r math hwn o gamdriniaeth os daw eu teulu/gofalwyr o gymuned sy’n ymarfer anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod, e.e. Somalia, Sudan a gwledydd eraill yn Affrica. Os yw rhieni/gofalwyr yn dweud y byddant hwy neu berthynas yn mynd â merch allan o'r wlad am gyfnod hir, neu os yw merch yn siarad am wyliau hir i wlad lle mae'r arfer yn gyffredin, gallai fod yn arwydd bod anffurfio organau cenhedlu benywod am ddigwydd. Gall unrhyw ferch sydd â mam neu chwaer sydd wedi dioddef o anffurfio organau cenhedlu menywod fod mewn perygl.

Priodasau dan orfod

Gall y pwysau sydd ar bobl i briodi yn erbyn eu hewyllys fod yn gorfforol (gan gynnwys bygythiadau, trais corfforol a thrais rhywiol) neu emosiynol a seicolegol. Gall camdriniaeth ariannol (cymryd cyflog neu beidio â rhoi arian) fod yn ffactor hefyd.

Plant sy'n derbyn gofal

Mae plant a phobl ifanc sy’n derbyn gofal mewn perygl o niwed gan eu bod wedi cael eu hesgeuluso neu eu cam-drin yn y gorffennol. Gall y profiadau hyn olygu bod y plant a phobl ifanc ag anghenion emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl cymhleth, sy’n cynyddu’u risg o gael eu cam-drin. Mae plant a phobl ifanc sy'n derbyn gofal yn fwy tebygol o fynd ar goll ac mae hyn yn cynyddu'r risg o gam-drin corfforol, meithrin perthynas amhriodol a manteisio rhywiol.


Pan fydd pobl ifanc yn ddigartref, efallai nad oes ganddynt arian, bwyd a rhywle diogel i aros. Gallant brofi gwrthdaro â phobl ifanc eraill a bod mewn perygl o feithrin perthynas amhriodol rywiol neu ddioddef ymosodiad rhyw. Gall pobl ifanc sy'n profi digartrefedd fod yn agored i amrywiaeth o ffactorau sy'n cynyddu'r risg o gamdriniaeth, e.e. salwch meddwl, a chamddefnyddio alcohol neu gyffuriau.

Masnachu mewn pobl/caethwasiaeth fodern

Mae masnachwyr a goruchwylwyr caethweision yn twyllo plant a phobl ifanc ac yn eu gorfodi yn erbyn eu hewyllys, i fyw bywyd o gamdriniaeth, caethwasanaeth a thriniaeth annynol. Efallai na fydd plant a phobl ifanc sy’n dioddef o fasnachu mewn pobl a chaethwasiaeth fodern yn deall eu bod yn cael eu cam-drin. Gall plentyn neu berson ifanc sy'n cael ei ecsbloetio gredu ei fod mewn perthynas â'u camdriniwr ac yn anymwybodol ei fod yn cael ei gam-drin.

Anabledd dysgu

Mae gofalu am blentyn anabl yn rhoi straen ar rieni/gofalwyr a all arwain at esgeuluso anghenion plant eraill o fewn y teulu/gofalwyr. Efallai na fydd rhai plant anabl yn deall bod yr hyn sy'n digwydd iddyn nhw’n gamdriniaeth a'i fod yn anghywir, neu efallai na fyddant yn gallu gofyn am help. Os yw plentyn yn cael ei gam-drin gan rywun sy'n edrych ar ei ôl neu y mae'n dibynnu arno i ddiwallu ei anghenion, gall fod yn anodd iddo siarad neu amddiffyn ei hun.

Salwch meddwl

Gall plant a phobl ifanc sydd â salwch iechyd meddwl fod mewn perygl o gamdriniaeth a niwed. Gall plant a phobl ifanc hefyd fod mewn mwy o berygl o esgeulustod neu gamdriniaeth gan riant/gofalwr sy’n dioddef salwch meddwl, e.e. ymddygiad hunanladdol neu hunan-niweidiol, seicopathi neu bryder. Pan fydd rhieni/gofalwyr yn sâl, efallai y byddant yn ei chael hi'n anodd gofalu am eu plant a rhoi'r cariad, gofal a'r cymorth sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw. Gall hyn arwain at blant sy’n gorfod ymgymryd â chyfrifoldebau ychwanegol, fel gofalu am aelodau eraill o'r teulu/gofalwyr.


Mae cysylltiad cryf rhwng byw mewn tlodi a phlant a phobl ifanc sy’n dioddef camdriniaeth neu esgeuluso. Mae plant sy’n byw mewn tlodi yn fwy tebygol o gael damwain. Gall byw mewn tlodi achosi straen a phryder sy’n gallu arwain at salwch meddwl a chorfforol i blant, pobl ifanc a’u rhieni/gofalwyr. Gall hyn gynyddu’r risg o gamdriniaeth i blant a phobl ifanc.


Gall plant a phobl ifanc fod mewn perygl o gael eu radicaleiddio os ydynt wedi cael eu gwrthod gan eu cyfoedion, grwpiau cymdeithasol neu deulu/gofalwyr neu os oes gwrthdaro â’u cyfoedion neu deulu/gofalwyr dros gredoau crefyddol neu eu ffordd o fyw. Gall newid mewn ymddygiad neu ymddangosiad oherwydd dylanwadau newydd fod yn arwydd bod plentyn neu berson ifanc yn cael ei radicaleiddio. Gall plentyn neu berson ifanc sy'n darllen deunyddiau sy'n ymwneud ag eithafiaeth hefyd fod yn arwydd ei fod yn cael ei radicaleiddio. Gall plant neu bobl ifanc sydd wedi dioddef neu weld troseddau casineb hiliol neu grefyddol hefyd fod mewn perygl o gael eu radicaleiddio.

Manteisio rhywiol

Mae rhai plant a phobl ifanc mewn mwy o berygl o ddioddef manteisio rhywiol oherwydd diffyg perthynas gadarnhaol ag oedolyn, esgeulustod emosiynol, neu hunan-barch isel. Gall pobl ifanc fod yn unig ac yn agored i niwed pan fydd eu perthynas ag oedolion gofalgar a chyfrifol yn gwanhau neu’n chwalu. Mae manteisio’n rhywiol yn cynnwys cyfnewid rhyw fath o daliad a all gynnwys arian, ffonau symudo, cyffuriau, alcohol, lle i aros neu anwyldeb. Ni all rhai plant a phobl ifanc bregus gydnabod eu bod yn cael eu hecsbloetio. Gall plant neu bobl ifanc fregus gynnwys rhai sydd wedi dioddef o gamdriniaeth neu esgeulustod, neu sydd â hanes teuluol o gamdriniaeth ddomestig, camddefnyddio sylweddau neu broblemau iechyd meddwl.

Camddefnyddio sylweddau

Gall camddefnyddio sylweddau gan rieni/gofalwyr roi plant mewn perygl o gael eu niweidio gan nodwyddau a chwistrellwyr. Pan mae rhieni/gofalwyr’n cymryd cyffuriau yn y cartref, gall plant fod yn bresennol, a gall gweld ymddygiad o'r fath ddrysu a chodi ofn arnyn nhw. Gall rhieni/gofalwyr ganiatáu i'w cartrefi gael eu defnyddio gan ddefnyddwyr a gwerthwyr cyffuriau eraill, gan roi eu plant mewn perygl. Mae plant a phobl ifanc sy'n camddefnyddio sylweddau mewn mwy o berygl o feichiogrwydd yn yr arddegau, erledigaeth a manteisio rhywiol.