Legislation, national policies and Codes of Conduct and Professional Practice

Deddfwriaeth, polisïau cenedlaethol a Chodau Ymddygiad ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol

A parent/carer yelling aggressively at a cowering child

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (UNCRC)

The UNCRC contains 54 articles of which 42 relate to the rights of children and young people up to the age of 18. The remainder relate to how governments and adults should work together to ensure that children and young people can exercise their rights. The rights on the list set out what children and young people need in order to be safe. They focus on giving rights to them to survive and develop, and also to entitle them to make choices or express an opinion on decisions affecting their lives.


Children Act 1989 and 2004

The Act states clearly that anyone who looks after children must put the welfare of the child first. Therefore if an early years childcare worker is concerned about a child, they must voice this concern, making sure that they do not come to any hasty conclusions. Under this Act every child is entitled to be protected from abuse of any kind.

All-Wales Child Protection Policy and Procedures 2008

The policy sets out the way ahead for making referrals and plans for protecting individual children. Every individual and agency working with children and families/carers has a responsibility to ensure that they are kept safe from harm. It emphasises the importance of good communication between agencies in order to identify vulnerable children and help keep them safe.


Working Together under the Children Act 2004

The Act contains guidelines setting out how all agencies and professionals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. They draw attention to Local Safeguarding Children Boards and everyone else who has contact with children and families/carers. The Act is relevant for various sectors – statutory, voluntary or independent.


Data Protection Act 1998

The Data Protection Act protects personal information and entitles individuals to see the information kept about them. Data being stored about a person should not be shared with others without the consent of that individual. Neither can this information be kept for a longer period of time than is necessary. The Act protects the rights of individuals and prevents information from being shared unlawfully.

The UK Data Protection Act 2018 / General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

These pieces of legislation work alongside each other. They came into force in May 2018 and modernised the laws protecting the personal information of individuals. More consideration is given to the rights of individuals as well as more control over their information. The individual is entitled to:

  • know how the data is used
  • access to personal data
  • update incorrect data
  • request erasure
  • prevent or restrict the processing of their data.



Human Rights Act 1998

The Act introduces human rights in a series of articles. Human rights are the basic rights that every person in the world has and they are based on values such as respect, dignity, fairness, equality and independence. This Act gives rights for a child to be protected from harm. It gives the right to have an education, for freedom of expression, for freedom of thought and protection of property.


Mental Health Act revision 2007

A revision to the Mental Health Act 1983 where the circumstances where a person suffering from a mental disorder may be detained for treatment, with or without their consent is discussed. The principal aim of the Act is to look after individuals experiencing serious mental health problems and prevent them from harming themselves or other people around them.


Mental Capacity Act 2005

The Act considers people who are incapable of making decisions for themselves. It also gives peace of mind to individuals who wish to prepare for the time when they will no longer be capable of making decisions.

Professional staff working in care homes must give regard to the 'Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice' by law as they will need to act on behalf of or in connection with an individual who is unable to make decisions affecting their lives. The Act deals with the protection of vulnerable adults.


Equality Act 2010

The new Equality Act came into force on 1 October 2010 and contains a number of amendments to the 1976 Racial Equality Act. The amendments include the statutory duty placed on public bodies to promote racial equality, good relations between different ethnic groups and to demonstrate effective ways of promoting anti-discrimination. It brings together over 116 different pieces of legislation protecting the rights of individuals and promoting equal opportunities for all.


Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

This Act sets out that a responsible person, e.g. a person responsible for the day-to-day management of a school, may not make a decision allowing someone else to undertake a controlled activity in relation to vulnerable children or young people. It is required that a check is made on anyone appointed within educational and care institutions.

Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014

The purpose of the Act is to improve the well-being of individuals who need care and support as well as offering support to carers. The needs of the individuals have to be assessed in respect of the care and support they need looking at which preventative services are available in their localities.


The Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015

This Act leads to the protection and support of survivors and ultimately the prevention of abuse. Its aim is to improve the response of the public sector to violence against women, domestic violence and sexual violence. It also aims to improve the support available for people affected by this type of abuse and violence.


The Code of Professional Practice for Social Care

The Code of Practice contains a series of rules of conduct for those working in social care in Wales. Workers must adhere to these standards. It raises awareness of the standards which should be adopted in order to implement good practice in social care. The Code contains a variety of legislation, policies and procedures that social care workers must adhere to.


The NHS Wales Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers in Wales

This code for the National Health Service (NHS) sets the standards workers should follow to provide high quality health care. Workers have a duty to ensure that their conduct does not fall below the requirements within the standards.


Code of Practice for NHS Wales Employers

This Code of Practice is for NHS Wales Employers. It describes the standards expected of social care employers to ensure that everyone working within the social care sector is safe, supported appropriately and has the skills to be able to carry out the work in question. Employers will need to ensure that people understand the requirements of their roles and responsibilities and are suitable to work within the social care sector. Employers have a duty to ensure that workers comply with the NHS Wales Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers in Wales. Employers are also required to provide opportunities so that workers can extend their learning enabling them to undertake their jobs effectively.


Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn 1989 (CCUHP)

Mae CCUHP yn cynnwys 54 erthygl gyda 42 ohonynt yn hawliau i blant a phobl ifanc hyd at 18 oed. Mae’r gweddill yn ymwneud â sut y dylai llywodraethau ac oedolion gydweithio er mwyn sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn cael defnyddio’u hawliau. Mae’r hawliau ar y rhestr yn nodi beth sydd ei angen ar blant a phobl ifanc er mwyn bod yn ddiogel. Maent yn canolbwyntio ar roi hawliau iddynt er mwyn goroesi a datblygu, a hefyd yn rhoi’r hawl iddynt wneud dewisiadau a lleisio barn ar benderfyniadau sy’n effeithio ar eu bywydau.


Deddf Plant 1989 a 2004

Mae’r ddeddf yn datgan yn glir bod rhaid i unrhyw un sy'n edych ar ôl plant roi lles y plentyn o flaen popeth arall. Felly os ydy gweithiwr gofal plant blynyddoedd cynnar yn bryderus ynglŷn â phlentyn, rhaid iddynt leisio'r pryder hwn, gan wneud yn siŵr nad ydynt yn llunio unrhyw gasgliadau byrbwyll. Mae hawl gan bob plentyn o dan y Ddeddf yma i gael eu gwarchod rhag camdriniaeth o bob math.

Polisi a Gweithdrefnau Amddiffyn Plant Gymru Gyfan 2008

Mae’r polisi yn amlinellu’r ffordd ymlaen ar gyfer gwneud atgyfeiriadau a chynlluniau i amddiffyn plant unigol. Mae cyfrifoldeb gan bob unigolyn ac asiantaeth sy’n gweithio gyda phlant a theuluoedd/gofalwyr i sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu diogelu rhag niwed. Mae’n pwysleisio pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu da rhwng asiantaethau er mwyn adnabod plant sy’n agored i niwed a helpu i’w cadw’n ddiogel.


Gweithio gyda’n Gilydd dan Ddeddf Plant 2004

Mae’r ddeddf yn cynnwys canllawiau sy’n nodi sut dylai’r holl asiantaethau a gweithwyr proffesiynol gydweithio i ddiogelu a hyrwyddo lles plant a’u hamddiffyn rhag niwed. Maent yn tynnu sylw at Fyrddau Lleol Diogelu Plant a phawb arall sydd mewn cysylltiad â phlant a theuluoedd/gofalwyr. Mae’r ddeddf yn berthnasol ar gyfer sectorau gwahanol, boed yn statudol, yn wirfoddol neu’n annibynnol.


Deddf Diogelu Data 1998

Mae’r ddeddf Diogelu Data yn diogelu gwybodaeth bersonol ac yn rhoi hawl i unigolion cael gweld y wybodaeth a gedwir amdanynt. Ni ddylid rhannu’r data sy’n cael eu storio am berson ag eraill heb dderbyn caniatâd y person penodol. Nid oes hawl ychwaith i gadw’r wybodaeth hon am fwy amser nag sydd angen. Mae’r ddeddf yn amddiffyn hawliau unigolion ac yn atal gwybodaeth gael ei rannu yn anghyfreithiol.

Deddf Diogelu Data 2018 y Deyrnas Unedig (DU) / Rheoliad Gwarchod Data Cyffredinol (RhGDC)

Mae’r deddfwriaethau yma yn gweithio ochr yn ochr. Daethant i rym ym mis Mai 2018 gan foderneiddio’r cyfreithiau sy’n amddiffyn gwybodaeth bersonol unigolion. Rhoddir mwy o ystyriaeth i hawliau’r unigolion yn ogystal â rhoi mwy o reolaeth iddynt dros eu gwybodaeth. Rhoddir hawl i unigolyn gael:

  • gwybod sut mae’r data yn cael ei ddefnyddio
  • mynediad at ddata personol
  • data anghywir wedi ei ddiweddaru
  • dileu data
  • atal neu gyfyngu prosesu eu data.



Deddf Hawliau Dynol 1998

Mae’r ddeddf yn cyflwyno hawliau dynol mewn cyfres o erthyglau. Hawliau dynol yw’r hawliau sylfaenol sydd gan bob person yn y byd ac maent wedi’u seilio ar werthoedd megis parch, urddas, tegwch, cydraddoldeb ac annibyniaeth. Mae’r ddeddf yma yn rhoi hawliau i blentyn gael ei amddiffyn rhag niwed. Mae’n rhoi hawl i gael addysg, i leisio barn, i gael rhyddid meddwl ac i amddiffyn eiddo.


Diwygiad i Ddeddf Iechyd Meddwl 2007

Diwygiad o’r Ddeddf Iechyd Meddwl 1983 lle mae’n trafod amgylchiadau ble caiff unigolion sy’n dioddef o anhwylder meddwl gael eu cadw am driniaeth, a hynny gyda neu heb ganiatâd. Prif nod y ddeddf yw gofalu ar ôl unigolion sy’n dioddef iechyd meddwl difrifol gan eu hatal rhag gwneud niwed i’w hunain a phobl eraill o’u hamgylch.


Deddf Galluoedd Meddyliol 2005

Mae’r ddeddf yn ystyried pobl nad ydynt yn medru gwneud penderfyniadau drostynt eu hunain. Mae hefyd yn rhoi tawelwch meddwl i unigolion sydd am baratoi at y cyfnod pan na fyddant â’r gallu i wneud penderfyniadau.

Rhaid i staff proffesiynol sydd yn gweithio mewn cartrefi gofal dalu sylw i ‘Gôd Ymarfer y Ddeddf Galluoedd Meddyliol’ yn ôl y gyfraith gan y bydd angen iddynt weithredu ar ran, neu mewn perthynas ag, unigolyn sy’n methu gwneud penderfyniadau fydd yn effeithio ar eu bywydau. Mae’r Ddeddf yn ymdrin ag amddiffyn oedolion sy’n agored i niwed.


Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010

Daeth Deddf Cydraddoldeb newydd i rym ar 1 Hydref 2010 ac mae’n cynnwys nifer o newidiadau i’r Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb Hiliol 1976. Mae’r newidiadau yn cynnwys y ddyletswydd statudol sydd ar gyrff cyhoeddus i hybu cydraddoldeb hiliol, perthnasoedd da rhwng gwahanol grwpiau ethnig ac i ddangos dulliau effeithiol o hybu gwrth-wahaniaethu. Mae’n dod â dros 116 o ddarnau gwahanol o ddeddfwriaeth at ei gilydd sydd yn diogelu hawliau unigolion ac yn hyrwyddo cyfle cyfartal i bawb.


Deddf Diogelu Grwpiau Hyglwyf 2006

Mae’r ddeddf yma yn nodi na all berson cyfrifol, e.e. person sy’n gyfrifol am reoli ysgol o ddydd i ddydd, wneud penderfyniad ynglŷn â chaniatáu i rywun arall ymgymryd â gweithgarwch rheoledig mewn perthynas â phlant neu bobl ifanc sy’n agored i niwed. Mae’n ofynnol bod gwiriad yn cael ei wneud ar unrhyw berson sy'n cael ei benodi o fewn sefydliadau addysg a gofal.

Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014

Pwrpas y ddeddf yw i wella lles unigolion sydd angen gofal a chymorth yn ogystal â chynnig cefnogaeth i ofalwyr. Mae angen asesu anghenion yr unigolion ynglŷn â’r gofal a’r cymorth sydd angen gan edrych ar ba wasanaethau ataliol sydd ar gael yn eu hardaloedd hwy.


Deddf Trais yn erbyn Menywod, Cam-drin Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol (Cymru) 2015

Mae’r ddeddf yma’n arwain at ddiogelu a chefnogi goroeswyr ac, yn y pen draw, at atal camdriniaeth. Ei nod yw gwella ymateb y sector cyhoeddus i drais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol. Mae hefyd am wella’r cymorth sydd ar gael i bobl yr effeithir arnynt gan gamdriniaeth a thrais o’r fath.


Côd Ymarfer Proffesiynol ar gyfer Gofal Cymdeithasol

Mae’r côd ymarfer yn cynnwys cyfres o reolau ymddygiad ar gyfer rhai sy'n gweithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Mae’n rhaid i weithwyr ddilyn y safonau hyn. Mae’n codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r safonau y dylir eu mabwysiadu os am weithredu arfer da ym maes gofal cymdeithasol. Mae’r côd yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o ddeddfwriaeth, polisïau a gweithdrefnau y mae’n rhaid i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol eu dilyn.


Côd Ymddygiad i Weithwyr Cynnal Gofal Iechyd yng Nghymru

Mae’r côd hwn ar gyfer y ‘Gwasanaeth Iechyd Genedlaethol’ (GIG) yn gosod safonau y dylai gweithwyr ymgymryd â hwy er mwyn darparu gofal iechyd o ansawdd uchel. Mae dyletswydd gan weithwyr i sicrhau nad yw eu hymddygiad yn syrthio yn is na’r gofynion o fewn y safonau.


Côd Ymarfer ar gyfer Cyflogwyr GIG Cymru

Mae’r Côd Ymarfer hwn ar gyfer Cyflogwyr Gwasanaeth Iechyd Genedlaethol Cymru. Mae’n disgrifio’r safonau sy’n ddisgwyliedig gan gyflogwyr gofal cymdeithasol er mwyn sicrhau fod pawb sy’n gweithio o fewn y sector gofal cymdeithasol yn ddiogel, yn cael eu cefnogi’n briodol ac yn fedrus o ran eu gallu i gyflawni’r gwaith penodol. Bydd angen i’r cyflogwyr sicrhau bod pobl yn deall gofynion eu rolau a’u cyfrifoldebau a’u bod yn addas i weithio o fewn y sector gofal cymdeithasol. Bydd gan y cyflogwyr ddyletswydd i sicrhau bod y gweithwyr yn cydymffurfio â’r Côd Ymddygiad i Weithwyr Cynnal Gofal Iechyd yng Nghymru. Bydd hefyd yn ofynnol i gyflogwyr ddarparu cyfleoedd fel bod gweithwyr yn medru ehangu eu dysgu gan eu galluogi i ymgymryd â’u swydd yn effeithiol.


Legislation, national policies and Codes of Conduct and Professional Practice

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Deddfwriaeth, polisïau cenedlaethol a Chodau Ymddygiad ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol

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