Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour among individuals that involves a real or perceived power imbalance such as physical strength or access to embarrassing information.

Ystyr bwlio yw ymddygiad diangen, ymosodol gan unigolion sy'n cynnwys anghydbwysedd mewn grym gwrioneddol neu dybiedig fel cryfder corfforol neu fynediad at wybodaeth sy'n codi cywilydd.

School bullying

The behaviour is repeated over time and has the potential to cause serious lasting damage.

Bullying includes actions such as:

  • making threats
  • spreading rumours
  • attacking someone physically or verbally
  • excluding someone from a group on purpose.

It can be face-to-face or online (cyber-bullying).

Bullies can be split into three categories:

  • Victims (those who have been bullied but never bullied themselves)
  • Bullies (those who have bullied but have never been bullied)
  • Bullies/Victims (those who have been bullied and bullied others themselves).

Research has shown that individuals in the third category are six times more likely to suffer serious health problems, smoke regularly or develop a mental health issue in adult life.

This can have a detrimental impact on the capacity of the health services to be able to fully care for each individual in need.

Mae'r ymddygiad yn cael ei ailadrodd dros amser ac mae ganddo'r potensial i achosi niwed difrifol sy'n para am amser hir.

Mae bwlio yn cynnwys gweithredoedd fel:

  • bygythiadau
  • lledaenu sïon
  • ymosod ar rywun yn gorfforol neu'n eiriol
  • cau rhywun allan o grŵp ar bwrpas.

Gall ddigwydd wyneb yn wyneb neu ar-lein (seiberfwlio).

Mae tri chategori o fwlis:

  • Dioddefwyr (rhai sydd wedi cael eu bwlio ond sydd erioed wedi bwlio eraill)
  • Bwlis (rhai sydd wedi cael eu bwlio ond sydd erioed wedi cael eu bwlio)
  • Bwlis/Dioddefwyr (rhai sydd wedi cael eu bwlio ac sydd wedi bwlio eraill).

Mae ymchwil wedi dangos bod unigolion yn y trydydd categori chwe gwaith yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef problemau iechyd difrifol, ysmygu'n rheolaidd neu ddatblygu problem iechyd meddwl pan fyddan nhw'n oedolion.

Gall hyn gael effaith negyddol ar allu'r gwasanaethau iechyd i ofalu'n llawn am bob unigolyn mewn angen.

Study the data and answer the questions.

Astudiwch y data ac atebwch y cwestiynau.

Question 1

Cwestiwn 1

The number of children surveyed to produce this graph was 2154. If around 10% of those surveyed said that they had been bullied in the last school year but not in the last two months, how many children gave this response?

Cynhaliwyd arolwg o 2154 o blant er mwyn llunio'r graff hwn. Os dywedodd tua 10% o'r plant yn yr arolwg eu bod wedi cael eu bwlio yn ystod y flwyddyn ysgol ddiwethaf ond nid yn ystod y ddau fis diwethaf, faint o blant wnaeth roi'r ateb hwn?

Graph showing frequency of pupil bullying Graph showing frequency of pupil bullying
Source: Welsh Government survey into the prevalence of school bullying, https://bit.ly/2UK3w60 Ffynhonnell: Arolwg Llywodraeth Cymru i nifer a mynychder achosion o fwlio mewn ysgolion yng Nghymru, http://bit.ly/2Gz1Bus

Suggested response: Around 215 children of the 2154 surveyed said that they had been bullied in last school year but not in the last two months.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Dywedodd tua 215 o'r 2154 plentyn wnaeth gymryd rhan yn yr arolwg eu bod wedi cael eu bwlio yn ystod y flwyddyn ysgol ddiwethaf ond nid yn ystod y ddau fis diwethaf.

Question 2

Cwestiwn 2

What type of bullying most commonly happens several times a week among the children surveyed?

Pa fath o fwlio sy'n digwydd fel arfer sawl gwaith yr wythnos i’r plant wnaeth gymryd rhan yn yr arolwg?

Graph showing incidence and frequency of different types of bullying Graph showing incidence and frequency of different types of bullying

Suggested response: Called names or teased in a hurtful way.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Cael eu galw'n enwau neu bryfocio mewn ffordd gas.

Question 3

Cwestiwn 3

What percentage of children are unhappy with the way their school deals with bullying?

Pa ganran o blant sy'n anhapus â'r ffordd mae eu hysgol yn ymdrin â bwlio?

Graph showing satisfaction with school support for bulying Graph showing satisfaction with school support for bulying

Suggested response: 26% percent of children are unhappy with the support they receive from school.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Mae 26% o blant yn anhapus â'r cymorth maen nhw'n ei dderbyn gan yr ysgol.

Question 4

Cwestiwn 4

Which reasons for bullying have reduced by the time children reach year ten?

Pa resymau dros fwlio sydd wedi lleihau erbyn yr amser mae'r plentyn yn cyrraedd blwyddyn deg?

The incidence of bullying due to personal traits

Nifer yr achosion o fwlio oherwydd nodweddion personol

Graph showing the incidence of bullying due to personal traits Graph showing the incidence of bullying due to personal traits

Suggested response:

  • Lack of money or not having certain things
  • Learning difficulties
  • Accent
  • Language
  • Disability.

Ymateb awgrymedig:

  • Diffyg arian neu beidio â bod â rhai pethau
  • Anawsterau dysgu
  • Acen
  • Iaith
  • Anabledd.