There are many forms of exploitation that children, young individuals and vulnerable adults can fall victim to.

Mae yna sawl math o ecsbloetio y gall plant, unigolion ifanc ac oedolion agored i niwed ddioddef ohono.


These include:

Sexual exploitation – when an individual is deceived, persuaded or forced into performing sexual acts.

Labour exploitation – when an individual is forced to work for little or no pay, often under threat of punishment.

Domestic servitude – when an individual who works for a household has their freedom restricted and is forced to work for little or no pay.

Forced marriage – when an individual is forced to marry someone against their will.

Child sexual exploitation CSE

CSE happens when an individual under 18 is coerced into sexual activities by one or more individuals by deliberately targeting their youth and inexperience in order to exercise power over them.

This often starts with grooming – either face-to-face or online. Children can be befriended and showered with gifts such as clothes, mobile phones, etc. and are persuaded to engage in sexual activities to continue receiving gifts.

Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys:

Ecsbloetio rhywiol – pan fydd unigolyn yn cael ei dwyllo, ei berswadio neu ei orfodi i gyflawni gweithredoedd rhywiol.

Ecsbloetio gweithwyr – pan fydd unigolyn yn cael ei orfodi i weithio am gyflog bach iawn neu ddim cyflog, yn aml dan fygythiad o gosb.

Caethwasanaeth domestig – pan fydd rhyddid unigolyn sy'n gweithio ar yr aelwyd yn cael ei gyfyngu ac mae'n cael ei orfodi i weithio am gyflog bach iawn neu ddim cyflog.

Priodas dan orfod – pan fydd unigolyn yn cael ei orfodi i briodi rhywun yn erbyn ei ewyllys.

Ecsbloetio plant yn rhywiol

Mae ecsbloetio neu gamfanteisio'n rhywiol ar blant yn digwydd pan fydd unigolyn dan 18 oed yn cael ei orfodi i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau rhywiol gan un neu ragor o unigolion sy'n ei dargedu'n fwriadol oherwydd ei oedran ifanc a'i ddiffyg profiad er mwyn arfer grym drosto.

Mae hyn yn aml yn dechrau gyda 'rhwydo' – un ai wyneb yn wyneb neu ar-lein. Gall pobl ddod yn ffrindiau gyda'r plant a rhoi llawer o anrhegion iddyn nhw fel dillad, ffonau symudol, ac ati, a'u perswadio i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau rhywiol er mwyn parhau i dderbyn anrhegion.

Study the data and answer the questions.

Astudiwch y data ac atebwch y cwestiynau.

Question 1

Cwestiwn 1

Which type of exploitation is most common in adults? Is this the same for children (minors)?

Beth yw'r math mwyaf cyffredin o ecsbloetio ymhlith oedolion? A yw hwn yr un peth i blant (plant dan oed)?

Table showing most common form of exploitation in adults Table showing most common form of exploitation in adults
Source: National Crime AgencyFfynhonnell: Asiantaeth Troseddu Cenedlaethol

Suggested response: Labour exploitation was most common for both adults and children.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Ecsbloetio llafur oedd y math mwyaf cyffredin i oedolion a phlant.

Question 2

Cwestiwn 2

Is there a difference in the type of exploitation for male and female minors?

A oes gwahaniaeth yn y math o ecsbloetio sy’n fwyaf cyffredin ymhlith bechgyn a merched dan oed?

Table showing most common form of exploitation in adults Table showing most common form of exploitation in adults
Source: National Crime AgencyFfynhonnell: Asiantaeth Troseddu Cenedlaethol (NCA)

Suggested response: Sexual exploitation is most common for girls, whilst boys are more likely to be subjected to labour exploitation.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Mae ecsbloetio’n rhywiol yn fwy cyffredin ymhlith merched, ond mae bechgyn yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef oherwydd ecsbloetio gweithwyr.

Question 3

Cwestiwn 3

What does this graph tell you about sexual offences against children in Wales?

Beth mae'r graff hwn yn ei ddweud wrthoch chi am droseddau rhyw yn erbyn plant yng Nghymru?

Graph showing recorded sexual offences against children under 16 Graph showing recorded sexual offences against children under 16
Source: NSPCC How safe are our children? (2018)Ffynhonnell: NSPCC How safe are our children? (2018)

Suggested response: Between 2013 and 2017, the rate of sexual abuse against children increased significantly.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Rhwng 2013 a 2017, roedd cynnydd sylweddol yng nghyfradd camdriniaeth rhywiol yn erbyn plant.

Question 4

Cwestiwn 4

What does this line graph show in relation to figures for England and Wales?

Beth mae'r graff llinell hwn yn ei ddangos o ran ffigyrau ar gyfer Cymru a Lloegr?

Graph showing recorded grooming offences (rate per 10,000 children under 16) Graph showing recorded grooming offences (rate per 10,000 children under 16)
Source: NSPCC How safe are our children? (2018)Ffynhonnell: NSPCC How safe are our children? (2018)

Suggested response: Between 2010 and 2015, the number of recorded grooming cases on children under 16 was higher in Wales than in England. However, since then, the number of recorded cases has been higher in England. Worryingly, the number of cases have risen steadily in both countries since 2015.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Rhwng 2010 a 2015, roedd nifer yr achosion a gofnodwyd o rwydo plant dan 16 oed yn uwch yng Nghymru nag yn Lloegr. Fodd bynnag, ers hynny, mae nifer yr achosion a gofnodwyd wedi bod yn uwch yn Lloegr. Rhywbeth sy'n achosi pryder yw'r ffaith bod nifer yr achosion wedi codi'n raddol yn y ddwy wlad ers 2015.