Growth refers to an increase in physical size (mass and height)

Mae twf yn cyfeirio at gynnydd mewn maint corfforol (màs a thaldra)

Baby weight

Definition of growth: an increase in size, height or mass.

Percentile charts are the tool used to measure human growth. They are used to measure and monitor a child’s growth comparing to the average. Percentile charts look at height, weight, BMI, head circumference. Related to growth are other physical changes such as teeth, hair growth, puberty.

There are two periods of rapid growth and development i.e. immediately after birth and during adolescence. After the age of one a baby’s growth slows. No child grows at a perfectly steady rate and has periods referred to as ‘growth spurts’. There is a significant period of growth at puberty which lasts between 2 and 5 years and is usually between the age of 8 and 13 in girls and 10 and 15 in boys.

Growth is supported by sleep, nutrition and exercise.

Diffiniad o dwf: cynnydd mewn maint, taldra neu fàs.

Siartiau canraddau yw'r adnodd a ddefnyddir i fesur sut mae unigolion yn tyfu. Cânt eu defnyddio i fesur a monitro sut mae plentyn yn tyfu o gymharu â'r cyfartaledd. Mae siartiau canraddau yn edrych ar daldra, pwysau, BMI, cylchedd y pen. Mae newidiadau corfforol eraill yn gysylltiedig â thyfu fel y dannedd, gwallt, oed aeddfedrwydd.

Ceir dau gyfnod o dwf a datblygiad sydyn h.y. yn syth ar ôl geni ac yn ystod llencyndod. Ar ôl blwydd oed bydd baban yn tyfu'n arafach. Nid oes unrhyw blentyn yn tyfu ar raddfa gwbl gyson a cheir cyfnodau o dyfu cyflym. Ceir cyfnod sylweddol o dyfu yn ystod oed aeddfedrwydd sy'n para rhwng dwy a phum mlynedd ac mae fel arfer rhwng 8 a 13 i ferched a 10 a 15 i fechgyn.

Cefnogir twf gan gwsg, maeth ac ymarfer corff.



The Child Development Programme Wales

Rhaglen Datblygu Plant Cymru

The Child Development programme Wales is a programme that records and analyses how children in Wales are growing.

Information from the programme is used to support those in health services and public services understand patterns of growth and plan services.

For further information click on the link below.

Child Measurement Programme Wales

Mae rhaglen Datblygu Plant Cymru yn rhaglen sy'n cofnodi ac yn dadansoddi'r ffordd mae plant yng Nghymru yn tyfu.

Defnyddir gwybodaeth o'r rhaglen i helpu'r rheini mewn gwasanaethau iechyd a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i ddeall patrymau tyfu a chynllunio gwasanaethau.

Am fwy o wybodaeth cliciwch ar y ddolen isod.

Rhaglen Mesur Plant Cymru