There are many services that are available that can help to promote and support growth, development and well-being.

Mae llawer o wasanaethau ar gael a all helpu i hyrwyddo a chynnal twf, datblygiad a llesiant.

How many can you think of? Sawl un y gallwch chi feddwl amdano?

GP’s, hospitals, antenatal/postnatal care, child health clinic, well woman/man clinic, family planning clinic, sexual health clinic, counselling.

Meddygon teulu, ysbytai, gofal cynenedigol/ôl-enedigol, clinig iechyd plant, clinig menywod/dynion iach, clinig cynllunio teulu, clinig iechyd rhywiol, cwnsela.

GP's services/ Health Centre

Gwasanaethau meddyg teulu/canolfan iechyd

GP with a stethoscope

A general practitioner is also known as a GP. They diagnose and treat individuals with illnesses. They also provide advice to individuals to improve health, such as advice on diet, giving up smoking and immunisation. They can prescribe medication, or refer individuals to other professionals if needed.

General Practitioners work in health care settings, such as health centres. They have their own surgeries where individuals can make appointments to see them. They can also see individuals at home if needed.

There are many other healthcare professionals who work within the GP’s service, who help to promote and support development and well-being.

Community Nurses are also a part of the GP’s service. They provide a huge role in providing support to individuals who are unable to leave their homes. They can change dressings, administer medication, take blood pressure and pulse rates and so on.

Nurse practitioners can provide treatment and advice for many problems for which an individual may have seen a doctor in the past. Their main areas of expertise are in the management of common illnesses and long-term conditions.

Health visitors help parents raise a happy and healthy child. They offer support and advice on how to be a parent and how to meet the needs of the child.

Physiotherapists provide treatment for individuals suffering from physical problems arising from injury, disease, illness and ageing. Their aim is to improve an individual's quality of life by using a variety of treatments to alleviate pain and either restore function to the limbs, joints, neck or back, or lessen the effects of a long-term dysfunction.

Dieticians often work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to treat complex conditions such as diabetes, eating disorders and bowel problems. They can also offer healthy eating advice to individuals who want to improve their health or who need to lose weight. They will provide support to individuals suffering from allergies or food intolerance too.

Pharmacies not only safely dispense medications to individuals, but can also offer advice on sexual health and a range of minor illnesses and diseases. They also offer healthy living advice, such as how to quit smoking.

Mae meddyg teulu, neu GP yn Saesneg, hefyd yn cael ei alw yn ymarferydd cyffredinol. Mae meddygon teulu yn rhoi diagnosis ac yn trin unigolion sydd â salwch. Maent hefyd yn rhoi cyngor i unigolion er mwyn gwella iechyd, megis cyngor ar ddeiet, rhoi’r gorau i ysmygu ac imiwneiddio. Gallant hefyd roi meddyginiaeth ar bresgripsiwn, neu gyfeirio unigolion at weithwyr proffesiynol eraill os bydd angen.

Mae meddygon teulu yn gweithio mewn lleoliadau gofal iechyd, fel canolfannau iechyd. Mae ganddynt eu meddygfeydd eu hunain lle y gall unigolion wneud apwyntiadau i'w gweld. Gallant hefyd weld unigolion gartref os bydd angen.

Mae llawer o weithwyr gofal iechyd eraill yn gweithio yn y gwasanaeth meddygon teulu, sy'n helpu i hybu a chefnogi datblygiad a llesiant.

Mae Nyrsys Cymunedol hefyd yn rhan o'r gwasanaeth meddygon teulu. Maent yn chwarae rôl enfawr gan helpu unigolion na allant adael eu cartref eu hunain. Gallant newid rhwymynnau, rhoi meddyginiaeth, cymryd pwysedd gwaed a theimlo curiad calon rhywun ac ati.

Gall ymarferwyr nyrsio roi triniaeth a chyngor ar gyfer llawer o broblemau y byddai unigolyn, o bosibl, wedi gweld meddyg yn eu cylch yn y gorffennol. Eu prif feysydd arbenigedd yw rheoli afiechydon cyffredin a chyflyrau hirdymor.

Mae ymwelwyr iechyd yn helpu rhieni i fagu plentyn hapus ac iach. Maen nhw’n cynnig cefnogaeth a chyngor ar sut i fod yn rhiant da a sut i fodloni anghenion y plentyn.

Mae ffisiotherapyddion yn trin unigolion sy’n dioddef o broblemau corfforol yn sgil anaf, clefyd, afiechyd a heneiddio. Eu nod yw gwella ansawdd bywyd unigolion drwy ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o driniaethau i leddfu poen ac i adfer gweithrediad aelodau’r corff, y cymalau, y gwddf neu’r cefn, neu leihau effeithiau camweithrediad tymor hir.

Mae deietegwyr yn aml yn gweithio fel rhan o dîm amlddisgyblaethol i drin cyflyrau cymhleth fel diabetes, anhwylderau bwyta a phroblemau’n ymwneud â’r coluddyn. Gallan nhw hefyd gynnig cyngor ar fwyta’n iach i unigolion sydd am wella eu hiechyd neu sydd angen colli pwysau. Byddan nhw’n rhoi cymorth i unigolion sy’n dioddef o alergeddau neu anoddefedd bwyd hefyd.

Mae fferyllfeydd yn paratoi meddyginiaethau yn ddiogel ar gyfer unigolion. Gallan nhw hefyd gynnig cyngor ar iechyd rhywiol ac amrywiaeth o fân afiechydon a chlefydau. Maen nhw’n cynnig cyngor ar fyw’n iach hefyd, er enghraifft cyngor ar sut i roi’r gorau i ysmygu.

GP’s services

Press play to watch the animation. Identify the professionals from the GP’s service that could be involved in Gerald’s care and how they could be involved.

Gwasanaethau meddygon teulu

Pwyswch y botwm chwarae i wylio'r animeiddiad. Nodwch y gweithwyr proffesiynol o'r gwasanaeth meddygon teulu a allai fod yn rhan o'r gwaith o ofalu am Gerald a sut y gallent gymryd rhan.

A GP and community nurse could provide support for Gerald. The GP could prescribe medication for his cough, monitor his diabetes and could also provide information to help him to give up smoking. A district nurse could go and change his bandages on his legs and they could also check his blood sugar levels to ensure his diabetes is stable.

Gallai meddyg teulu a nyrs gymunedol helpu Gerald. Gallai'r meddyg teulu roi meddyginiaeth ar bresgripsiwn iddo ar gyfer ei beswch, monitro ei ddiabetes a rhoi gwybodaeth iddo hefyd i'w helpu i roi'r gorau i ysmygu. Gallai nyrs ardal fynd a newid ei rwymynnau ar ei goesau a allai hefyd wirio lefel y siwgr yn ei waed er mwyn sicrhau bod ei ddiabetes yn sefydlog.

Hospital services

Gwasanaethau ysbyty


Hospitals play a big role in promoting, supporting, development and well-being. They provide emergency and ongoing specialised medical treatment and are open 7 days per week, 24 hours per day.

Hospitals have a range of departments and within these departments, there are a range of services available to individuals. This can include: occupational health, physiotherapy, phlebotomy, cardiology, community health and so on.

Within these departments, there will be trained care professionals such as hospital doctors and nurses who will support and advise individuals throughout their care. This can include: diagnosing and treating illness, provide ongoing advice and support and making further referrals to physiotherapy, occupational health, radiography and counselling etc.

An example of a key worker in a hospital is an occupational therapist. They help individuals overcome the effects of disability and helps to prevent further disability. The disability may be physical or psychological. They prepare individual therapy programmes and may advise individuals on specialist aids or equipment that they may need in order to improve their health.

Community healthcare workers work within hospital or community settings under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. There are various roles and specialism that they can follow.

Working alongside nurses, for example, they may sometimes be known as nursing auxiliaries or auxiliary nurses. Community health care workers also work alongside qualified midwives in maternity services.

The types of duties include the following:

  • helping individuals to mobilise
  • supporting individuals to live independent lives
  • assisting with individuals overall comfort
  • monitoring individuals conditions by taking temperatures, pulse, respiration
  • preparing individuals for their therapy
  • assisting therapists in the treatment itself.

Community health care workers may also work alongside some healthcare scientists, for example with audiologists, helping them to investigate and treat disease.

Physiotherapists also work in hospitals. They can help support physical issues resulting from injury, illness, disability or ageing, with the aim to improve movement.

Mae ysbytai yn chwarae rhan fawr yn y gwaith o hyrwyddo, cefnogi, datblygiad a llesiant. Maent yn darparu triniaeth feddygol arbenigol frys a pharhaus ac maent ar agor saith diwrnod yr wythnos, 24 awr y dydd.

Mae gan ysbytai amrywiaeth o adrannau ac yn yr adrannau hynny mae amrywiaeth o wasanaethau ar gael i unigolion. Gall hyn gynnwys: iechyd galwedigaethol, ffisiotherapi, fflebotomi, cardioleg, iechyd cymunedol ac yn y blaen.

Yn yr adrannau hyn, bydd gweithwyr gofal proffesiynol sydd wedi'u hyfforddi, fel meddygon ysbyty a nyrsys a fydd yn helpu'r unigolion drwy gydol eu gofal ac yn rhoi cyngor iddynt. Gall hyn gynnwys: rhoi diagnosis a thrin y salwch, rhoi cyngor a chymorth parhaus a gwneud atgyfeiriadau pellach at adrannau ffisiotherapi, iechyd galwedigaethol, radiograffeg a chwnsela ac ati.

Enghraifft o weithiwr allweddol mewn ysbyty yw therapydd galwedigaethol. Mae therapyddion galwedigaethol yn helpu unigolion i oresgyn effeithiau anabledd ac yn helpu i atal anabledd pellach. Gall yr anabledd fod yn gorfforol neu'n seicolegol. Gallant baratoi rhaglenni therapi unigol a rhoi cyngor i unigolion ar gymhorthion neu gyfarpar arbenigol y gall fod eu hangen ar unigolyn er mwyn gwella ei iechyd.

Mae gweithwyr gofal iechyd cymunedol yn gweithio mewn ysbyty neu leoliadau cymunedol o dan arweiniad gweithiwr gofal iechyd cymwys a phroffesiynol. Mae sawl rôl ac arbenigedd y gallant eu dilyn.

Gan weithio ochr yn ochr â nyrsys, er enghraifft, gallant gael eu galw weithiau yn nyrsys cynorthwyol. Mae gweithwyr gofal iechyd cymunedol hefyd yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â bydwragedd cymwys mewn gwasanaethau mamolaeth.

Mae'r mathau o ddyletswyddau yn cynnwys y canlynol:

  • helpu unigolion i symud
  • helpu unigolion i fyw bywydau annibynnol
  • sicrhau cysur cleifion yn gyffredinol
  • monitro cyflyrau cleifion drwy gymryd eu tymheredd, eu pwls, gwirio eu hanadlu
  • paratoi cleifion ar gyfer therapi
  • cynorthwyo therapyddion wrth roi'r driniaeth.

Gall gweithwyr gofal iechyd cymunedol hefyd weithio ochr yn ochr â rhai gwyddonwyr gofal iechyd, er enghraifft gydag awdiolegwyr, gan eu helpu i ymchwilio i glefydau a'u trin.

Mae ffisiotherapyddion hefyd yn gweithio mewn ysbytai. Gallant helpu gyda phroblemau corfforol sy'n deillio o anafiadau, salwch, anabledd neu heneiddio, gyda'r nod o wella gallu'r unigolyn i symud.

Occupational Therapist

Press play to watch the animation and identify the different tasks an occupational therapist does on a daily basis.

Therapydd Galwedigaethol

Pwyswch y botwm chwarae i wylio'r animeiddiad a nodwch y tasgau gwahanol y mae therapydd galwedigaethol yn ei wneud bob dydd.

Antenatal clinics

Click to watch the video below about antenatal screening in Wales and make notes about the different type of screening you see.

Then answer the questions to check your understanding.

Clinigau cyn-geni

Cliciwch i wylio'r fideo isod ar sgrinio cyn-geni yng Nghymru a gwnewch nodiadau am y mathau gwahanol o sgrinio a welwch.

Yna atebwch y cwestiynau er mwyn cadarnhau eich bod yn deall.

Child Health Clinics

Clinigau Iechyd Plant

Health Visitor

Child health clinics are held within health centres and are run by health visitors. A health visitor is a qualified nurse, who has taken further training to become part of the primary healthcare team.

Their role is to promote health and prevent illness, particularly for children under 5 years and the elderly.

They will visit the mother at home, with the baby for the first 10 days then the mother and child will attend the child health clinic.

They advise new mothers about diet, safety, growth and development of their babies, immunisation programmes, hygiene and common infections in childhood. They also focus on the health needs of the local community and advise individuals with long term illness about how to cope with their condition.

Cynhelir clinigau iechyd plant mewn canolfannau iechyd ac maent yn cael eu rhedeg gan ymwelwyr iechyd. Mae ymwelydd iechyd yn nyrs gymwys, sydd wedi cael hyfforddiant pellach i ddod yn rhan o'r tîm gofal iechyd sylfaenol.

Ei rôl yw hybu iechyd ac atal salwch, yn enwedig i blant o dan 5 oed a phobl oedrannus.

Bydd yn ymweld â'r fam yn ei chartref, gyda'r babi am y 10 diwrnod cyntaf wedyn bydd y fam a'r plentyn yn dod i'r clinig iechyd plant.

Bydd yn rhoi cyngor i famau newydd ar ddeiet, diogelwch, twf a datblygiad eu babanod, rhaglenni imiwneiddio, hylendid a heintiau cyffredin mewn plentyndod. Bydd hefyd yn canolbwyntio ar anghenion iechyd y gymuned leol ac yn rhoi cyngor i unigolion sydd â salwch hirdymor ar sut i ymdopi â'u cyflwr.

Well woman and man’s clinics

Clinigau menywod a dynion iach

Health Visitor

Many GP’s services offer well woman and well man clinics, but the majority are run privately. They are designed to meet the needs of individuals to improve general health but can assess and advise on gender specific health concerns.

A well woman’s clinic would be run by female health professionals, such as doctors and nurses. They offer services that include:

  • Cervical screening
  • Breast disease
  • Gynaecological issues.

Well man clinics offer various services. They are predominantly run privately. Services include:

  • Blood pressure checks
  • Lung function tests
  • Hearing and vision tests
  • Height and weight checks.

Mae llawer o wasanaethau meddygon teulu yn cynnig clinigau menywod a dynion iach, ond caiff y rhan fwyaf ohonynt eu rhedeg yn breifat. Eu nod yw diwallu anghenion unigolion er mwyn gwella iechyd cyffredinol ond gallant asesu a rhoi cyngor ar bryderon iechyd rhyw benodol.

Byddai clinig menyw iach yn cael ei redeg gan weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol benywaidd, fel meddygon a nyrsys. Maent yn cynnwys gwasanaethau sy'n cynnwys:

  • Sgrinio serfigol
  • Clefyd y fron
  • Materion gynaecolegol.

Mae clinigau dynion iach yn cynnig gwasanaethau amrywiol. Cânt eu rhedeg yn breifat yn bennaf. Ymhlith y gwasanaethau hyn mae:

  • Archwiliad pwysedd gwaed
  • Profion gweithrediad yr ysgyfaint
  • Profion y clyw a'r golwg
  • Pwyso a mesur taldra.

Family planning and sexual health clinics

Clinigau cynllunio teulu ac iechyd rhywiol

Family planning and sexual health clinics are free services that are aimed at individuals of different age groups.

They are stand-alone clinics and are also run as part of a GP’s practice and hospital service.

They aim to improve sexual health and to educate individuals about preventing sexually transmitted diseases/ infections, to provide advice about contraception and any other sexual health concern. They are also able to provide testing for sexually transmitted diseases/infections.

Mae clinigau cynllunio teulu ac iechyd rhywiol yn wasanaethau am ddim wedi'u hanelu at unigolion o oedran gwahanol.

Clinigau annibynnol ydynt a chânt eu rhedeg hefyd fel rhan o bractis meddyg teulu a gwasanaeth ysbyty.

Eu nod yw gwella iechyd rhywiol ac addysgu unigolion am atal clefydau/heintiau a drosglwyddir yn rhywiol, rhoi cyngor ar ddulliau atal cenhedlu ac unrhyw bryder arall o ran iechyd rhywiol. Gallant hefyd gynnal profion ar gyfer clefydau/heintiau a drosglwyddir yn rhywiol.

Mobile services- breast screening

Gwasanaethau symudol - sgrinio'r fron

The NHS breast screening programme is aimed at women 50 years and over. The service is offered within hospitals, but is also offered as a mobile service that travels around the country to different sites, this is known as Breast Test Wales.

During the screening, an X-ray test called a mammogram is used to check the breast for signs of cancer. It can spot cancers that are too small to see or feel.

This can help to reduce deaths caused by breast cancer, as early detection is key.

Press play to watch the video.

Mae rhaglen sgrinio'r fron y GIG wedi ei hanelu at fenywod 50 oed a throsodd. Mae'r gwasanaeth yn cael ei gynnig mewn ysbytai, ond hefyd fel gwasanaeth symudol sy'n teithio o amgylch y wlad i safleoedd gwahanol a'r enw ar y gwasanaeth hwn yw Bron Brawf Cymru.

Yn ystod y broses sgrinio, mae prawf pelydr-x o'r enw mamogram yn cael ei ddefnyddio i archwilio'r fron er mwyn gweld a oes arwyddion canser. Gall weld canserau sy'n rhy fach i'w gweld neu eu teimlo.

Gall hyn helpu i leihau marwolaethau sy'n cael eu hachosi gan ganser y fron, oherwydd mae canfod y canser yn gynnar yn allweddol.

Pwyswch y botwm chwarae i wylio'r fideo.



Counselling services are for individuals with emotional and mental health issues. It is a talking therapy with a trained professional that helps individuals try to overcome their emotional and mental health issues.

Counselling can help individuals with grief due to bereavement, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and so on.

Counselling services can be offered as part of a GP’s practice, private clinics, voluntary organisations, such as charities and within educational settings and the workplace.

Mae gwasanaethau cwnsela i unigolion sydd â phroblemau emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl. Mae'n therapi siarad gyda gweithiwr proffesiynol hyfforddedig sy'n helpu unigolion i oresgyn eu problemau emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl.

Gall cwnsela helpu unigolion sy'n galaru oherwydd profedigaeth, gorbryder, iselder, hunanbarch isel ac yn y blaen.

Mae gwasanaethau cwnsela'n gallu cael eu cynnig fel rhan o bractis meddyg teulu, clinigau preifat, sefydliadau gwirfoddol, fel elusennau ac mewn lleoliadau addysgol a'r gweithle.

Others contributing to health promotion

Eraill sy'n cyfrannu at hybu iechyd

School nurses work with children and their parents from the ages of 5 to 19. They offer screening programmes for hearing and vision when a child first starts school, and immunisation programmes at key points in a child’s life. They also offer advice on a range of issues including healthy living and childhood illness and disease. Safeguarding children within the school community is also part of the role, and a school nurse will work closely with families to ensure they have the support they need.

Personal trainers can help improve an individual’s health by tailoring training programmes to meet the needs of the individual. These programmes can be aimed at losing weight, improving general fitness levels or toning the body. They ensure the individual is exercising safely in order to minimise the risk of injury.

School teachers offer pastoral support to students. This can have a positive influence on their mental well-being. Teachers can also encourage healthy lifestyles by promoting healthy eating habits, encouraging students to drink plenty of water and ensuring students take part in physical activities that are enjoyable, in order to foster a life-long love of being physically active.

Holistic therapists use a variety of treatment techniques to help their patients take responsibility for their own well-being and achieve optimal health. These may include acupuncture, homeopathy, massage as well as relationship and spiritual counselling.

Mae nyrsys ysgol yn gweithio gyda phlant rhwng 5 a 19 oed a’u rhieni. Maen nhw’n cynnig rhaglenni sgrinio clyw a golwg pan fydd plentyn yn dechrau yn yr ysgol, a rhaglenni imiwneiddio ar adegau allweddol ym mywyd plentyn. Maen nhw hefyd yn cynnig cyngor ar amrywiaeth o faterion, gan gynnwys byw’n iach ac afiechydon a chlefydau yn ystod plentyndod. Mae diogelu plant yng nghymuned yr ysgol hefyd yn rhan o’r rôl, a bydd nyrs ysgol yn gweithio’n agos gyda theuluoedd er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw’n cael y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnyn nhw.

Gall hyfforddwyr personol helpu i wella iechyd unigolyn drwy deilwra rhaglenni hyfforddiant i fodloni ei anghenion. Gall y rhaglenni hyn gael eu hanelu at golli pwysau, gwella lefelau ffitrwydd cyffredinol neu ffyrfhau’r corff. Maen nhw’n sicrhau bod unigolion yn ymarfer corff yn ddiogel er mwyn lleihau’r risg o anaf.

Mae athrawon ysgol yn cynnig cefnogaeth fugeiliol i fyfyrwyr a gallai hyn gael effaith gadarnhaol ar eu llesiant meddyliol. Gall athrawon annog ffyrdd o fyw iach hefyd drwy hybu arferion bwyta’n iach, annog myfyrwyr i yfed digon o ddŵr a gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw’n cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau corfforol maen nhw’n eu mwynhau, er mwyn meithrin brwdfrydedd oes tuag at weithgarwch corfforol.

Mae therapyddion cyfannol yn defnyddio amrywiaeth o driniaethau i helpu cleifion i fod yn gyfrifol am eu llesiant eu hunain a sicrhau’r iechyd gorau posibl.Gallai’r triniaethau hyn gynnwys aciwbigo, homeopathi a thylino, yn ogystal â chwnsela perthynas a chwnsela ysbrydol.