Read the following and identify whether the example illustrates a good or weak evaluation. Put them in rank order. Examine how you might improve the answer by identifying any weaknesses it may illustrate. Then click on the text to see if you agree with the comments.

‘Islamic teachings on the role of men and women do not promote inequalities.’
Evaluate this view.

Now rank each of the two sets of three answers that follow, as to their quality of evaluation. Make your own comments on the answers provided and how the evaluation aspect could be improved. Compare rankings and comments that others in the class have made and assess if there are any significant differences between you.

Question 1

'The teachings on divorce in Islam contradict the importance placed on family life'.
Evaluate this view.

  • Extract 1
  • Extract 2
  • Extract 3
Question 2

'Islam would not work if the importance of family life was not recognised'.
Evaluate this statement.

  • Extract 1
  • Extract 2
  • Extract 3